
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

浙江外研版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下册Module 1 单元测试卷(一)(含听力音频)


    We were going to play against a team from a country school. They didn't come until the game time arrived. They looked1than we had thought. They were wearing dirty blue jeans(牛仔裤)and looked like farm boys. We even thought that they had never seen a basketball before.

    We all sat down. We felt we didn't 2any practice against a team like that.

    It was already so late that no3could be given to them for a warm-up(热身,准备活动). The game began.

    One of our boys 4the ball and he shot a long pass to our forward. From out of nowhere a boy in a dirty T-shirt5the pass and with a beautiful form(姿势)he shot and got two points.

    They6us. Then they got another7of points in a minute.

    Soon it was all over. The country team8us. We certainly learned that even though a team is good, there is usually another9a little better. But the important lesson learned was: One can't tell a man, or a team, by the10.

A、stronger B、younger C、worse D、less
A、get B、try C、use D、need
A、basket B、space C、ball D、time
A、got B、played C、missed D、carried
A、caught B、changed C、started D、stopped
A、surprised B、kept C、broke D、hit
A、half B、pair C、group D、double
A、won B、saved C、beat D、joined
A、just B、already C、about D、almost
A、T-shirts B、clothes C、places D、points

    My mother only had one eye. And because of this, I n ever wished her to show up in my school, being afraid that my classmates would   1 I had an ugly mother.

    One day during elementary school, I was terribly ill. My mother came.

  “Your mom only has one eye?!” asked some of my classmates. I was so 2.

    I wished my mother would just 3 from this world. “If you make me teased(嘲笑), why don't you just die?” I shouted at her, taking no notice of the sad look on her face. My mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying 4.

    At that time, I felt 5 to say what I always wanted to say, and I didn't think I had hurt her feelings very much. That nigh t I saw my mom 6 in her room, so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might 7 me. Even so, I hated her tears from one eye. I made a   8: I must study hard and leave my mother.

    Years later my dream came true. I was quite successful and lived 9. I never thought of going back to see my “ugly” mother   10 one day I got a letter, which said, “My son… I'm sorry I only have one eye. When you were little, you got into a(n) 11 and lost your eye. As a mom, I couldn't 12 watching you live with only one eye. 13 I gave you mine. I was never  14 with you and I never regretted(后悔) what I did be cause I 15 you……”

    I cried out aloud. Only then did I realize how beautiful my mother was!

通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own 1.

    I learned this lesson from an experience many years ago. I took the head 2 job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

    It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the 3 team at the end of the spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn't even practice to 4 the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win.5 to my disappointment, we were beaten. I couldn't believe I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to know that my team 6 not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending on me. I knew I had to change my 7 about the ability and potential(潜力).

    I started doing anything I could to help them build a little pride. Most important, I began to treat them as winners. Instead of feeling discouraged, the members were in high spirits. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their 8, we met every day and practiced passing and kicking the football on the school football field.

    Six months 9 suffering our defeat on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to improve. Finally, we faced the number 10 team in the state. I felt that it would be a victory for us 11 we lost the game. But that wasn't what happened. My boys 12 the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the most exciting events of my life. All of us jumped up and down with excitement, most of them even cried.

    From the experience I learn a lot about 13 the attitude of the leader can affect the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and encouraged them. I helped them to see themselves 14, and they built themselves into winners.

    Winners are made, not 15.


    Rachel lived in a small town in America. She always wanted to help others when she was young. At the age of 5, she learned about an organization named Locks of Love. It uses hair donations to make wigs(假发) for children who have 1 their hair because of cancer or other illnesses. Rachel then asked her mother to cut her long hair and send 2 to the organization.

    At 8, she learned that other children had no clean 3 in Africa, and she was shocked. When her school began 4 money to build wells(井) there, she asked her parents to stop holding her birthday party. Also, she asked her friends each to donate $9 to the project in Africa 5 giving her birthday presents.

    One year later, it was her 6 birthday on June 12. She made a birthday page on the Internet with a goal of $ 300.However, Rachel was able to raise only $ 200.This made her a little sad.

    Unluckily, Rachel was badly hurt in an accident 7 eight days. That was a terrible shock to her friends. They wanted to find some ways of showing 8 to her. They began donating on Rachel's birthday page. Donations 9 her $ 300 goal quickly and kept rising.

    When it was clear that she would 10 come back to herself(苏醒), her parents donated her organs(器官) to other children. They also donated her hair a final time to Locks of Love.

    More money was being raised. The total donations soon reached $ 100, 000, and then $ 300, 000. So far, more than $ 850, 000 has been raised from all over the world, including donations from the Africans who are moved(感动) by the little American girl.

