
试题 试卷


题型:阅读还原 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    In China, safety education is becoming more and more important now. The last Monday in March is for students to learn it at school.   What are the accidents at school? Take a look.

    Stampedes(踩踏), earthquakes and fires are the main accidents at school.

    A stampede always happens in crowed places. When students around you begin to push, If you fall down in the crowd, move to one side and protect your head with you your hands around.

    When earthquakes happen, It'll protect you from falling things. If you are outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees, and power lines.

    When there is a fire, It's better to put something wet over your mouth and nose. In this way, you won't breathe in smoke. Many people die in a fire, not because of the fire but smoke. That's very dangerous! So when you want to get out, you should make yourself close to the floor. Then you can breathe some fresh air.

A. just stand there and try to hold onto something.

B. leave the classroom quickly.

C. It helps students learn more about what they should do to keep themselves safe.

D. It makes them cough and they can't breathe.

E. you can get under a desk quickly and hold on.

阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。

    A study shows that one million lives might be saved each year if people wash their hands with soap(肥皂) often. It also says that hand-washing with soap could be among the best ways to reduce diseases. Doctors say many diseases can be prevented from spreading by hand-washing. These include the common cold, influenza(流行感冒), hepatitis(肝炎), infectious diarrhea(腹泻) and so on.

    Doctors say you are easy to catch a cold by touching your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed. Another reason to catch a disease is to eat food prepared by someone whose hands were not clean.

    They also say that hand-washing is especially important before and after preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet, after touching money and sneezing or coughing. The most helpful way is to wash them together while using soap and warm water. You do not have to use special soap. Be sure to wash all areas of the hands for about ten to fifteen seconds.

Title : Basic Knowledge of hand-washing

Diseases are

under {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

People can{#blank#}2{#/blank#} many diseases from spreading by hand-washing such as the common cold, influenza and so on.

The{#blank#}3{#/blank#} of

becoming sick.

●Touch your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed.

●Eat food prepared by{#blank#}4{#/blank#} hands.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}to do hand-washing.

●Before and after preparing food.

●Before eating and after using the toilet.

●After touching money and sneezing or coughing.

How to do


●Wash them together while using soap and warm water.

●Wash all areas of the hands for about 10-15 seconds.


    The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten thousand Ii Great Wall" in Chinese. In fact, it' s more than 6,000 kilometers long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the world.

    The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms. It was during the Qin Dynasty that the kingdom of Qin united the different parts into one empire. To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shihuang had all the walls joined up. Thus, the Great Wall came into being.

    The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the towers as a warning when the enemy came.

    It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done by hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.

    Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world. Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying: "He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."

回答下面5个问题, 每题答案不超过7个词。


    Why do people play sports? You might say “ to get exercise” and you'd be right. To have fun?  That's true , too. According to report, people who play sports get a lot more than just fit.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}You may think sports will take up all your study time. But research shows that students who play sports do better than those who don't. Exercise improves learning, and memory, which can help students become more active in the classroom.

    It's clear that people who play sports learn teamwork and goal setting skills.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}While working with teammates to win games and achieve goals, you're learning how to be successful. Those skills make you good at work and in family life.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} In addition to being fit and keeping a healthy weight, people who play sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, people who exercise are less likely to have cancer or some other illness. Playing sports improves self- confidence{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Why? It builds confidence when you can practice, improve, and achieve your goal. Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help people stay and make new friends.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Playing sports can make you have less stress and help you feel a little happier. A person's mood improves during exercise. Friends help improve your mood. And being on a team creates close relations between friends. It's good to know your teammates will be on your side —- both on and off the field!

A. Exercise cuts the pressure.

B. Sports are good for people's health.

C. Sports teach people useful life skills.

D. People who play sports do better in school.

E. People who play sports feel better about themselves.

