
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    About one hundred years ago many educated people learned and spoke French when they met people from other countries. Today most people speak English when they meet foreigners.  There are more people who speak English as a second language than people who speak English as a first language. Why is this?

     One of them is that English has become the language of business. Another important reason is that popular American culture (like movies, music, and McDonald's)has quickly spread throughout the world.

    Is it good that English has spread to all parts of the world so quickly?  It's important to have a language that the people of the earth have in common. Our world has become very global and we need to communicate with one another. On the other hand, English is a fairly complicated language to learn and it brings its culture with it. Do we really need that?

    Scientists have already tried to create an artificial language that isn't too difficult and doesn't include any one group's culture. It is called Esperanto.  Maybe the popularity of English won't last that long either. Who knows? There are more people in the world who speak Chinese than any other language. Maybe someday Chinese will be the new international language.

A. People like English.

B. But it hasn't become popular.

C. It has brought its language with it.

D. There is no doubt about the question.

E. This is why English was widely spoken.

F. It has become the new international language.

G. There are many reasons why English has become so popular.


Questions you should ask yourself when you fail

    The more new things we try the more failure we are likely to have.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Experiencing failure can be a learning experience and an opportunity for a fresh start. A good way to begin this process is by asking yourself some tough questions.

⑴What can I learn from this?

    Take responsibility for what went wrong. OK, so it was not all your fault—but some of it was. Successful people don't make excuses or blame others. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} So you should look at the experience objectively(客观地).

⑵Do I need to acquire or improve some skills?

    Did the problem reveal some lack of skill on your part? How could you learn or improve those skills? Perhaps there are books or courses or people you could turn to. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

⑶Who can I learn from?

    Is there someone to whom you can turn for advice? Did a boss, colleague or friend see what happened? {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Most people do not ask for help because they believe it to be a sign of weakness rather than strength. It's not. It shows that you are ready to learn and change.

⑷What will I do next?

    Now draw up an action plan. Will you try something similar or something different? Revisit your goals. Failure doesn't mean you have to give up; maybe you just need to change it in another way. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. You can now reset your sights on your destination and plan a new course.

B. Make them step stones to future success.

C. They take responsibility for the failure.

D. In fact the only way to avoid failure is to do nothing new.

E. The important thing is how we deal with failure.

F. Make a self-development plan to acquire the skills and experience you need.

G. If they are constructive and supportive then ask them for some feedback (反馈) and guidance.


    Today we eat on the go, at our desks and even in front of computers. We eat takeout, delivered and packaged meals, {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    “Over the past three decades, people have started eating out more than ever before and purchasing more prepared foods at the grocery store, which tend to contain more fat, salt and sugar than their home-made foods,” noted US healthy living website SparkPeople.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It encourages us to value the time we spend preparing, sharing and consuming food, as a recent USA Today article put it. It all started in 1986 with the efforts of Slow Food's founding father, Italian activist Carlo Petrini, who wanted to bring back food varieties and flavors that had gone dark in the face of industrialization. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Now, his idea is almost the mainstream.

    Starting at the table, the movement promotes an unhurried way of life founded on the idea that everyone has a right to cooking pleasure, and that everyone must also take responsibility to “protect the heritage (遗产) of food, tradition and culture that make this celebration of the senses possible”, wrote The Phnom Penh Post.

    “{#blank#}4{#/blank#} It means turning down the speed at which we eat and increasing the amount of time we spend dining together with other people,” Althea Zanecosky, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, told The Huffington Post.“ {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Dinner table conversations keep families together,” noted the Belgian non-profit organization Greenfudge.

A. It is a way to bring back the social togetherness of yesterday.

B. It seems that we have adapted our foods to our fast-paced lives.

C. So, the Slow Food Movement has occurred against this fast-food trend.

D. Slow Food doesn't necessarily mean food that takes a long time to cook.

E. It is based on the idea that we should spend as much time as possible on cooking.

F. It's not only the food itself but also the time we spend dining together that matters.

G. At that time, he asked people to follow a more sustainable (可持续的) living model.


    How much do you know about Chicago, Illinois, in the United States? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} And it is! Chicago is actually the third most populous city in the US, right after New York City and Los Angeles, according to the US 2010 Census. “The Windy City” is Chicago's most famous nickname (绰号). {#blank#}2{#/blank#} The city lies right next to Lake Michigan and heavy gusts (一阵风) of wind blow through the city.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} In fact, TripAdvisor says that the Art Institute of Chicago is the No 1 place to visit in the city. It is not only a school, but also a world-class art museum.

    If you don't feel like visiting a museum, your best choice is to go to Millennium Park. This is one of my personal favorites. This park holds the famous Cloud Gate, and it looks kind of like a big reflective (反光的) bean. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you enjoy heights, go visit the famous Willis Tower! You can go up to the top of it and step out onto a glass box. You'll be standing over the city, but don't worry – it's completely safe. Doesn't Chicago sound like a fun city?

A. Many people enjoy taking photos in its reflection.

B. You might think it's a big city.

C. Chicago is very well known for its art and culture.

D. Chicago also offers other fun things to do.

E. The famous Cloud Gate is a new landmark in Chicago.

F. It is for good reason.

G. Forget the fact that Chicago is home to nearly 200 art galleries.



    Your school days should be some of the best and happiest days of your life. How can you gain the most from them, and ensure that you do not waste this wonderful chance to learn?

    Be positive about school! Don't say things which are difficult or boring. Be interested in school life and your school subjects. Join in lots of activities. Be quick to put your hand up. Go round the school with a big smile.

    Expect to work. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. If you are not working, you are not learning, you are wasting your time at school. Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.

    Keep fit. If you do not eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class. If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. Play some sports to keep your body strong.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Do not say you will do things tomorrow. If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front. You cannot finish a race if you rest all the time.

    Don't be too disappointed if things sometimes go bad. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Friends are not always perfect, and they sometimes say and do unpleasant things. Don't let small problems seem very big and important.


A. Everyone fails some tests, loses some matches and has bad days

B. Ways to have a happy school life

C. Do today's work today

D. Follow my advice, and have a happy school life

E. Because it means that you are enjoying school and learning more

F. School is not a holiday camp

G. You are making your time of little use unless you are learning hard



    Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university. Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences, or easily one of the worst.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Follow these five tips to avoid the common mistakes that make good roommate relationships worse.

    Talk things out.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}If something happens, sit down with your roommates and have a face-to-face conversation. Complaining about your roommates behind their backs creates nothing but awkward situations and general unhappiness.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Some roommates become the best of friends, and some don't. Don't put pressure on yourself or your roommate to reach this level, especially when you first meet. Remember, you are trying to make a new friend, not scare your roommate away. And if your roommate doesn't end up being your best friend, there is no need to worry about it.

    Clean up after yourself. Or at least, keep your mess on your side.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}But being considerate with where you put your own stuff will help you avoid the arguments.

    Ask before you take. This applies to food, clothes, supplies and anything else that you don't own.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Even if you both agree to share everything you should still ask.

A. Don't expect to be best friends.

B. Communication is of vital importance.

C. You don't need to keep the room clean and organized all the time.

D. Rooms can be really easy for a mess to pile up.

E. If you want to have a good relationship with your roommate, it all starts with you.

F. Not all roommates can become your best friends.

G. Show your roommate that you have respect for his or her belongings.


Are you interested in losing your body fat to look slimmer(苗条)? This article concentrates on losing fat, not weight or muscle. You will naturally look slimmer, and be and feel more healthy and attractive. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}


⒈ Doproperexercise.

These are exercises that get your heart rate as high as possible and burn fat. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Doing at least one hour of cardio(有氧运动)every day along with one hour of strength training a few days per week is the best habit. This will make you lose fat faster, combined with muscle exercise and a healthy, low-fat diet.

⒉ {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

Eating whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to not take in too much fat. This means eating foods that are in their natural state such as fruit and vegetables. Buy raw foods and cook meat yourself, with plant oil. Protein(蛋白质)helps gain muscles. You can find protein in foods like milk, fish, beef and eggs. Get filled with low calories foods such as vegetables. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

⒊ Watch what you drink.

Don't drink soda, alcohol and fruit juice all the time, since these drinks contain a lot of "empty calories" which will only lead you to put on unnecessary weight. Green tea is good, healthy choice. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Drink one full glass of water every morning when you wake up—it is said to make you lose weight faster.

A. Build muscles.

B. Eat healthily and diet.

C. These exercises include running, jogging, swimming, etc.

D. Read on if you are interested in getting all of these advantages!

E. This will make you eat less fattening food, thus making you slimmer.

F. Before going on a diet, you should consult with your doctor to avoid side effects.

G. Drink two cups of water with each meal to fill you up, avoiding eating too much.

