
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Dogs are our best friends. That's especially true after a disaster, such as an earthquake. When buildings fall down, search and rescue dogs help find trapped people. Dogs' amazing noses can pick up the smell of survivors. Now scientists have developed an electronic tool that does the same thing. It's taking smell detection(探测) to a whole new level.

    The new invention is a sort of electronic nose, which can detect extremely low levels of many compounds(化合物) from people's skin. This isn't the first time engineers have developed such an object. Earlier models, however, have been bulky and expensive. They could not detect low levels of target compounds either. The new one is inexpensive and small enough to fit inside hand-held equipment.

    The electronic nose can detect extremely slight smell of more than one compound at the same time. "Being able to do this, in such a small object, is the significant discovery," says Sotiris E. Pratsinis, Professor of Process Engineering&Materials Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. His team tested it in special spaces. They were like the small spaces where people might be trapped. Chemicals given off by the volunteers built up inside. The electronic equipment detected those compounds at unbelievably low levels.

The results were good news for the research team. But they may be not for our four-legged friends, who could soon be out of a job. "Ideally, this technology could replace search and rescue dogs," Pratsinis says.

    Stephen Taylor, an electrical engineer, agrees that the new technology has some benefits over dogs. Still, he thinks it may be too soon to have our trusty friends retire. He suspects, "I foresee that such an object could add to the fine work done by the dogs." Taylor also pointed out some potential limitations of the new invention. "E-noses are useful, but can be very likely to be affected by unstable readings and interruption," he says.

(1)、Why does the author talk about dogs at the beginning?
A、To catch the readers' attention. B、To introduce the topic about e-noses. C、To show what search and rescue dogs do. D、To add background information for discussion.
(2)、Which of the following best explains "bulky" underlined in paragraph 2?
A、Complex B、Fragile C、Handy D、Large
(3)、What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A、What e-noses' working principle is. B、How e-noses are made. C、What differences between dogs and e-noses are. D、How powerful e-noses are.
(4)、What does Stephen Taylor mean?
A、Dogs and e-noses could work together. B、Search and rescue dogs will retire soon. C、E-noses are more reliable than noses of dogs. D、Dogs are better at finding out trapped people.

    Too Good To Go, an app operating in the UK, allows users to order leftover food at a discount from restaurants, according to the website. The goal is to help cut food waste.

    Users simply log in, pick a restaurant, pay through the app and then pick up their food at a set time—usually around closing or after peak meal times. Orders through the app cost between 2 British pounds ($2.60) to 3.80 British pounds (about $5). Users aren't able to pick the food items, but they get an idea of the type of food that will be available, according to Business Green.

    Users also have the option to give meals to people in need by donating 1 British pound or more through the app. More than l, l00 meals have been donated so far.

    To ensure the entire experience is super eco-friendly. Too Good To Go provides recyclable takeout packaging to participating restaurants.

    Restaurants using the app make extra money by selling food what would otherwisehave been throw away. And Too Good To Go itself makes money by taking a fee from participating restaurants on each sale.

    Founded in Denmark last year. Too Good To Go launched this year in the UK and is expanding to other countries. The app is available in Brighton, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds, and will be in London later this month.

    “Food waste just seems like one of the dumbest(愚蠢) problems we have in this world,” co-founder James Crummie told Business Green. “The restaurant industry is wasting about 600,000 tonnes of food each year, and in the UK alone there are one million people on emergency food parcels from food banks. Why do we have these two massive social issues that are completely connected, yet there is not much going on to address them?”

    Too Good To Go has already helped cut a significant amount of waste. So far, the app has saved 600 meals from landfills in the UK, reports Business Green.



    “Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the concept that image is everything, but an appealing image isn't enough when there's no substance behind it.

    First of all, one should consider how important image is in selling products and services. Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection. But if the product or service doesn't live up to it, customers will be very dissatisfied. The recent scandal (丑闻) about the Arthur Andersen accounting firm showed that behind that image, it had unfair business practices under the table. Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions. Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to its downfall.

    Similarly, personal consultants(顾问) can build up a very positive public image for politicians and movie stars in the view of the general commons. But once again, history is filled with examples of both that fell from grace (体面) like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune. With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind it, failure is close.

    To conclude, it's clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the “selling” of a person. But image is only half of the equation(等式). What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself — the person or product must live up to that image or there's little chance for long-term success.


                                                              Student Sports

    Are you tired of spending all your free time studying, going online, or playing video games? If the only muscles (肌肉) you use are for typing on a keyboard or moving a mouse, then it's time to visit the Student Recreation Center!

    Our Student Sports program runs both competitive leagues (联赛) for serious players and “just-for-fun” leagues for everybody else in a variety of team and individual (个人的) sports. In the competitive league, each team will compete three times per week for a 10-week period. The team with the most victories will win a prize at the end of the tenth week. In “just-for-fun” leagues, teams play only on weekends, and there are no prizes given. Both types of leagues offer volleyball, soccer, softball, tennis, golf, basketball, and more than a dozen other sports. It's a great chance to go out with your friends, make new friends, and get some exercise at the same time.

    The spring season is coming soon, and it's easy to get started. Stop by the Student Sports desk in the Student Recreation Center or go online to www.studnetrec.OurUniv.edu/studentsports. Whether you come down to visit the center or register (登记) online, you will have to fill out a simple form. On this form you will be asked for your name, phone number, email address, your ability level (beginner, middle, or advanced), and the times you are free to play.

    So why don't you pick up your phone and send one more text: Tell your friends that the last day to sign up for the spring season is March 1! But don't wait until the last minute — if you sign up for early registration before February 21, you'll get free tickets to our famous Beach Volleyball Picnic coming up on March 15!

    Here at the Student Recreation Center, we truly believe that getting fit is fun. We hope you'll be joining us for another great season of Student Sports!


    A new high tech mirror, designed specifically for cancer patients, will only become reflective when a user smiles into it. The plug-in device, which exactly looks like a tablet, comes equipped with a mirror, a built-in camera, and a smart material triggered(触发)by some software. Facial recognition technology captures the face and instructs the surface of the mirror to change when a smile is detected. It can hang on a wall or sit on a table, much like a conventional mirror. Unlike a regular mirror, however, the price is currently standing at a surprising $2000—$3000.

    After witnessing a close family member struggle through cancer treatments, Turkish industrial designer Berk Ilhan decided to focus his work primarily on products that would cultivate joy and benefit cancer patients directly.

    “She told me in the first days after her diagnosis, it was difficult for her to look in the mirror and acknowledge she had cancer.” he said.“ Our facial expressions affect how we feel. If we flex(绷紧)our facial muscles to smile, our brains think that something good happened and as a result, we feel happiness.”

    After earning his master's degree at the School of Visual Arts in New York, Ilhan spent several weeks visiting cancer hospitals in Turkey, speaking to both patients and doctors. He spent two years designing and developing the mirror. The idea behind it is that smiling, even when forced, can make us feel better, according to research known as the facial feedback hypothesis. Laughter is linked to improved immune system function, and some researchers claim it can even increase our lifespans.

Ilhan is currently producing the mirror in limited quantities at the previously mentioned price. The product, however, will soon be launching a campaign in which Ilhan hopes to raise enough funds to bring the price down to $500.He also intends to donate the mirror to hospitals when it is financially possible to do so.


    When we are young we are taught that it's wrong to lie and we should always tell the truth. Unfortunately, most children lie even if they're told not to. Research carried out at the Institute of Child Study at Toronto University has shown that this might not be such a bad thing. Apparently (显然地), children who tell lies when they're two years old have a good chance of becoming successful adults (成年人).

    According to the research, at the age of two, 20 percent of children lie. At the age of three, 50 percent lie, and at four almost 90 percent lie. By the age of 12 almost every child tells lies.

    Lying needs much brain work. And the better the lie is, the more work the brain has to do. By training the brain early, researchers believe children will be able to think more clearly when they are adults.

    Recent research, carried out by the Science Museum in London, has shown some interesting facts about the way we lie as adults. According to the research, the average British man tells three lies every day, that's over 1,000 lies a year. However, the average woman apparently only lies twice a day.

    Most people think women are better liars (说谎者) than men although in fact they tell fewer lies. Popular women's lies include 'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine', 'I don't know where it is, I haven't touched it', and 'It wasn't that expensive'.

    Some people say you can lie as long as it's a white lie. A white lie is a lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings. One of the most common lies for both men and women is 'It's just what I've always wanted', said after opening a present from their partner.

