
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



Mr. Brown is a history teacher in America. He thinks China is a great country with lots of ancient and beautiful cities. He wishes to visit such a city which has a rich culture and long history, and he wants to visit some famous persons in history. Also he may taste some local traditional food.

Miss Shute comes from Canada. She is a young artist who enjoys something creative and exciting so she expects to visit such a Chinese city where there are millions of young people who like modern things. What's more, she may describe the city's building with her painting brush.

Mr. White is a successful businessman from Australia. He's ever been to many countries in the world, but he thinks China is one of the most amazing countries, so this time he wants to go to such a city which is one of the most developed cities in China and has all kinds of business chances.

Mr. Miller is a TV reporter from UK. After a busy month, she'd like to go to such a Chinese city where she may enjoy swimming eating good food and buying her favorite clothes. At the same time, she hopes the cities are always warm and full of sunshine. She doesn't mind the coast. She only wants to have fun.

Mr. Green is a famous pianist. He often tours around the world and gives his concerts. This year he plans to have a concert in the Chinese city where there are lots of music lovers and he may taste different food from all over the world and me all kinds of friends. At the same time, he wants to do some shopping there.

A. Shanghai is an international city. Here you can get many chances to make money because there are so many stores companies and factories. Also is a fantasy city that has so much to see.

B. Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake. It's a great city to travel and shop. There you can taste all kinds of good food. The good news is that it's not so expensive to travel around the city.

C. Guangzhou is an international city. Many musicians like the city because there are so many fans of theirs. It's also a travel city that attracts lots of tourists from all over the world. Here you may taste Chinese food, Indian food French food and even Italian food.

D. Why not consider visiting Sanya. It's a big city where you can enjoy all kinds of water sports. What's more the weather is never too hot or too cold there all year round. However, it is kind of expensive to live and shop there.

E. Wuhan is a large and lively city with a large population. The Han River runs through the city. And it's a great place to go shopping and eat good food. However, it's too hot in summer and a little cold in winter.

F. Shenzhen became the first of the five special economic zones in august 1980 and was one of the fastest-growing cities in China. It's a city full of chances and challenges. Many college students look forward to working and living there after their graduation.

G. Xi'an is a great city that was built about 3,500 years ago. There are many historical sites like Terra Cotta Warriors (兵马俑)and the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda(大雁塔). There you can eat lots of special food like Biangbiang noodles and Rougamo(肉夹馍).


    Yexiao or night snacks is the fourth meal of the day in China. It is usually from8:00p.m. to 2:00a.m. It is different in the north and the south of China.

    In the north of China, barbecue(烧烤) is the most popular night snack, especially in summer, while in the south there are many choices for ye xiao. Spicy crayfish(小龙虾)in Zhejiang and tasty desserts(甜点)in Xiamen have a lot of fans.

    Taiwan's night market is very famous. It is a place for both eating and shopping. Parents take their children to eat at street stalls. Young people shop around. Old people just sit around and chat.

    Why do people have ye xiao?

    Some say that in southern China we have longer days, so we don't want to go to bed early but to have more meals.

    But ye xiao is not just about food. People eat with friends, chat and hang out. All these things make ye xiao a way of life.

Night snacks—a{#blank#}1{#/blank#}of life


In China, ye xiao is the{#blank#}3{#/blank#}meal of the day.

It usually lasts for about six{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. It's not the {#blank#}5{#/blank#}in different places


In the north, barbecue is{#blank#}6{#/blank#}in summer.

In the south, people have many choices.

Spicy crayfish in Zhejiang and tasty desserts in Xiamen have{#blank#}7{#/blank#} fans.

In Taiwan, night market is famous. Young people enjoy {#blank#}8{#/blank#} and shopping.

Old people have a good time{#blank#}9{#/blank#}with each other


People in southern China would like to have more meals{#blank#}10{#/blank#}they have longer days

