
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

浙江新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语九年级全测试卷(二十)(Units 11-12)(含小段音频)


    Something caught my eyes when I was walking down the street. Two silver coins were shining in a melting snow bank, so I dug through the snow looking for more. Of course, I just ended up with really cold hands. I slipped the two coins into my pocket and went home, colder but richer. I began to think about how to spend the money.

    Two days later, Mary and her little sister were searching the snow banks. "Finders are keepers" was my first thought. I didn't want to hand them out even though Susy was already crying." I dropped them right here," she said between tears. Her hands were cold and red for digging in the snow. "Maybe they slid down the street with the melting snow. Let's dig over here. "Mary's voice sounded confident.

    "They'll never know" was my second thought, and I walked past them. "Phil, have you seen two silver coins?" asked Mary. Susy looked up from digging. Her eyes were hopeful.

    "Tell a lie" was my third thought. As a matter of fact, I hesitated," I dug two coins out of that snow bank just a few days ago. I wondered who might have lost them." Susy hugged me with a big smile, "Oh, thank you, thank you."

(1)、The underlined word "they" in the 2nd paragraph refers to       .
A、Susy and Mary B、Mary and Phil C、snow banks D、two coins
(2)、Which of the following is the RIGHT order of the things that happened?

a. Phil found two silver coins in the snow.

b. Susy dropped two silver coins.

c. Phil dug through the snow.

d. Susy kept digging in the snow for her lost coins.

A、a-b-c-d B、a-c-d-b C、b-a-c-d D、b-c-d-a
(3)、What might Phil do with the two coins in the end?
A、He would give them back to Susy. B、He would give them away. C、He might keep them for himself. D、He might give them to his parents.
These years, Chinese began to win the international prizes in different areas. It's very important to all of us. Let's first introduce three of them.
Mo Yan, the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012
Mo Yan, a well-known Chinese writer, is also the first Chinese writer who got this prize in history. When he was young, he was a little shy because he thought he wasn't good-looking. His mother encouraged him to face the fact bravely.
When he was interviewed, he said he was only a normal person who could tell a lot of stories. He especially thanked his mother. He thought his mother had a strong influence on him.
Tu Youyou, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015
Tu Youyou is a Chinese medical scientist. She is the best known for finding artemisinin(青蒿素) and dihydroartemisinin(二氢青蒿素),used to treat malaria(疟疾), which saved a lot of lives. She is the first Chinese woman to win Nobel Prize in natural science.
Tu Youyou was born on December 30th, 1930 in Ningbo, Zhejiang. After high school, she went to study medicine in Peking University. She was very interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine and kept on studying all the time.
Cao Wenxuan, the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2016
Cao Wemxuan is a Chinese children's fiction writer. He is good at writing children's stories.
He was born in 1954 in a small village in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. Cao spent his childhood in poverty, but he worked hard. He thought the poor life in the village gave him a lot. Recently, Cao's books are very popular around the world and have found a large number of readers in Britain, France, Germany and Italy.

    Zhao Yishen, the 33-year-old artist, is carving a woodblock (雕刻木板) carefully, with a chisel in his right hand. To carve the woodblocks, he has to hold this position for six hours. He has been carving woodblocks since 2012. “It feels good and looks beautiful when a Chinese character slowly appears on the woodblock under your chisel," says Zhao.

    Zhao is now the only full-time carver working at a workshop that creates woodblock-printed books in Beijing. As a teenager he loved to read ancient Chinese books in the library, and the curiosity of how the books were made led him to get a job at an ancient books woodblock printing studio in Yangzhou in 2011 after graduating as a law major from university.

    Block printing was listed as a UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009. Zhao started to learn the skill from Chen Yishi, one of the skill's masters, in 2012.

    "The first step is to learn how to sharpen your chisel, "says Zhao. “After using it for a while, you need to sharpen it again." After that, the woodblock must be put at a certain angle that is deep enough to show up the characters and also to make sure the cuts are deep enough-but not too deep. Then Zhao puts the paper, face down, onto the wood after brushing oil on the paper. This helps to transfer the characters onto the block. Once the carving is finished, the woodblock is brushed with ink and paper pressed onto it. It is ready to print.

    In Zhao's mind, the inked woodblock is a work of art. After a year of learning from Chen, Zhao found a job at Zhuyu Shanfang in 2013. His carved woodblocks have been used for several books over the past six years. "I just learned the basic skills, but to master it, I still need years of practice,” says Zhao. “A good craftsman can carve an entire book with every single character aligned in order."


It was the final(决赛) of the national high school basketball game. For the first time in their history,a team from a small town faced last year's best team. The players thought they couldn't win and wanted to give up. Seeing this,the coach told them a story. 

Peter was a woodcutter. He was afraid he would fall ill and die. His wife told him that as long as his hands and feet were warm,he wasn't dead. 

One day,Peter went out to cut down trees. It was snowy and cold. After finishing his work,he noticed that his hands and feet were completely frozen. He thought he was dead,so he stopped working and lay down on the ground. 

After Peter had been lying for a while, some wolves came over. They ate all the food in Peter's food bag. The wolves then noticed Peter lying quietly on the ground. They were getting closer to Peter. Peter thought, "If I weren't dead,I would kill you all. " When the wolves saw Peter doing nothing,they ate him. 

As the coach finished the story,the players talked about how silly Peter was. At the same time,they realized what their coach wanted them to understand:the opposing(竞争的) team was like the wolves,and they were like the woodcutter. They should fight till the end,whether they were "alive" or "dead". 

