
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研(新标准)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级下册Module 6 Around town单元检测卷(含听力音频)


    Bill from Australia is in New York now. He will have a meeting with some people from England in the Peterson Building on 34th Street. But he doesn't know where it is. Now he is asking two men the way to the Peterson Building.

    "Excuse me, can you tell me where the Peterson Building on 34th Street is?"

    "Sure," answers one of the men. "You can get there in five minutes. Go along this road and turn left at the third crossing, and then you can find it. "

    But the other man says, "There is a better way; take a No. 3 bus. It can take you to the Peters Building." "Not Peters, but Peterson." says Bill.

    Then the two men say, "Oh, we're sorry we don't know."

    "Thank you all the same. I think I'll take a taxi," Bill says. He knows that if he wants to know how to get to a place next time, he'd better ask a policeman.

(1)、Where is Bill now?
A、In New York. B、In the Peterson Building. C、In Australia. D、In England.
(2)、What does the underlined word "crossing" mean in Chinese?
A、拐角处 B、尽头  C、人行道 D、十字路口
(3)、Who does Bill ask the way?
A、A policeman. B、A bus driver. C、Two men. D、Two teachers.
(4)、How will Bill get to the Peterson Building?
A、By car. B、By bus. C、By underground. D、By taxi.
Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

    Lost Underground is a story about four school children who went on a trip to some caves. These caves were very large and people could go into them only with a guide. However, four children decided to explore on their own. They went in the caves with a group, but left the group and walked down the tunnel. They thought it would be fun to explore the cave alone.

    Soon they came to a hole in the wall. They climbed through the hole into another part of the cave. Then they decided to turn back, but they could not remember the way. They were lost in the caves. When the guide led the other children out of the caves, he counted them. He discovered that there were four children missing. He had to go back into the caves to try to find the missing children.

    The children who were lost moved deeper into the caves. The deeper they went, the more lost they became. They were frightened. They started shouting for help, but the guide didn't hear them. How dangerous!

    Soon they came to an underground river. They guessed that the river must flow out of the caves. The water was very cold and deep, but the children kept on swimming. For a long time, they swam in darkness, then they saw a light ahead of them. The river was flowing out of the caves into a big river and the children were able to leave the caves. They climbed out of the river onto the riverbank. They saw the bus with the other children in the distance.


    I had great experiences in Wuzhen. It left me a great impression (印象) during my recent four-day stay there.

    Free Wi-Fi in public areas is now available (可得到的) there. Such service (服务) is common in cities, but I didn't imagine there was such service in a small town like Wuzhen, When I arrived at Wuzhen that evening, I was very surprised! I couldn't to do two things: connect to Wi-Fi and go around the town. Where there's the Internet, there is a way.

    I found a bicycle station along the street. A notice guided me on how to get a bike using my smart phone. It offered me a two-hour free ride and I enjoyed it a lot. The locals have enjoyed the free bike service since last year.

    Later, locals told me hundreds of such bicycles became available at the beginning of last year. Hundreds of new-energy vehicles (交通工具) can fee used if you pay a little money. Again, you need a smart phone to make use of the service.

    I rode across streets and roads, past many places. I found the Internet was used everywhere in the town.

    I've interviewed many officials in other areas of China. And I often wanted to remain connected with them through WeChat. However, many of them would just excuse themselves, saying they don't use the social media as they have too many things to do every day. But most of the Wuzhen's officials said, "Nowadays, many things are completed with the Internet, and we're sure that Internet will become more and more important. We can reach further by using it."

