
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    When trying to make a successful career, which is better: being a generalist or a specialist? Inother words, should you generalize and know a little about a lot of things?

    Natasha Olinger, a human resource expert, talks about the benefits of both. She said Generally speaking, the common wisdom is that it's always better to specialize and then you can demand a higher salary.

    To explain her idea, linger uses a fairly commons situation-choosing a restaurant

    If you go to a restaurant that only serves sushi, you can expect high quality products, and you also should expect to pay more. If you go to a place that serves sushi, tacos and pizza, the quality of the sushi may not be so great, but the prices will probably be lower. However, she adds that all is not perfect in the world of the specialist. If there is a drop in economy, a generalist may get more job offers.

Olinger suggests thinking about the size and type of business you would like to work for.

    Also, companies that are just getting started often need people who are able to perform many different tasks. For example, your job description may be that of a graphic designer, but you may also have to do some writing. Larger companies can be just the opposite. They often need specialists-experts in a given field. But perhaps the best solution is a mix of generalization and specialization. The top of the T would be the generalized part. The upright stem of the T would be the deeper understanding of a person's general knowledge-their expertise

A. Or should we combine these two with each other?

B. Some career planners call this a "t-shaped" career.

C. Say you want to eat a favorite Japanese meal: sushi.

D Olinger says the world of work is not all that different.

E. Small businesses often need people who can do many things.

F. Olinger also warns that the world of work is more complex than this.

G Or should you specialize and have a deep understanding of only one area.


    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Sometimes they try to get out of a class to escape a teacher they don't like. Here is some advice to solve this problem.

    Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this teacher?” Even if you don't worship (崇拜) his or her personality or lectures, dig deep until you find a subject in which he or she is very knowledgeable. Focus on that part of the teacher's personality, and use him or her as a toolfor learning. Not only will you gain more knowledge in that subject, but acloser relationship with your teacher may help you understand one another better.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Talk to students who are doing well in the class and ask them for tips, tools, and a plan of action to get along with the teacher better.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    If you still can't get along, make an appointment with the school guidance counselor (辅导员). He or she will offer many tips and suggestions for you to get out of difficult teacher relationships.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}That means they can help you and your teachers get rid of the bad impression on eachother.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Your parents can meet with your teacher and try to work it out.

    Teachers are there for more than just homework, and they know about more than just their subject matter. They canhelp you learn how to function as an adult and a lifelong learner.

    Undoubtedly, these will be a fewteachers along the way who you will always remember and who might change your life forever.

A. If your relationship problems can't be solved in school, then it's time to tell your parents or guardians.

B. If you're too shy to talk to another student, study his or her actions and behavior in the classroom and try to follow that lead.

C. Students don't always get along well with their teachers.

D. There must be something good in every teacher for you to learn from.

E. Students find it easy to get along well with their teachers.

F. Sometimes a guidance counselor can act as a mediator between you and the teacher.

G. Guidance counselors have the right to blame teachers.


    Successful students are highly motivated(激励) by an inner drive to study well.They have a specific career goal in mind.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} So they form their own good study habits, plan ahead and stick to their study timetable on their own initiative.

    If you want to be a successful student, motivate yourself and know that it is only you who are responsible for your study.There are some great ways to improve your motivation.

    You should write down your educational goals, which makes them become clear. Imagine your success. Experience the feeling of reaching your particular goal.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Seek advice and learn from the good students in your class.

    Successful students tend to study hard.They pay attention to class as well as taking notes.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Outside class they find a quiet place to study, because they know that academic life comes before their social life.

    Set your goals. After setting goals it is important to write them down for many reasons. Goals that aren't written are only wishes. It helps you make a commitment(承诺) to yourself.


    No one wants to regret not doing something they could have done.

    Successful students manage their time well by setting up a weekly timetable. They make the best use of their study time. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Most of the suggestions mentioned above can improve your motivation.

A.Give yourself rewards.Each time you complete a lesson, do something special for yourself.

B.It gives you a way to see your progress.

C.They make study time productive and not necessarily long.

D.You will be proud of yourself when you achieve success.

E.They know that they are responsible for their success or failure.

F.When you set your goals,make sure that your goals are specific and realistic.

G.They arrive at the classroom early and sit in the front.


How to Build a Student's Self-Confidence

    Educating students means more than giving them academic knowledge. Simply knowing a correct response doesn't give a student the confidence to raise his hand to answer a question. Students perform best in constructive learning environments{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Provide leadership opportunities for students. Cultivate (培养) important characteristics, including responsibility and independence by assigning students to take different classroom roles. Suitable jobs include hall monitors, audio-visual assistants and classroom helpers.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Set achievable goals for each student.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Engage in ongoing dialogue regarding your expectations and their individual progress. Reward students for meeting challenges, while persuading struggling students back on track.

    Give constructive feedback to help reduce weaknesses and strengthen strengths. Teach students that self-confidence isn't built from being harmed by praise. Remain honest with each student to encourage them to speak out their problems, instead of avoiding or denying their existence. Make corrections without damaging your students' confidence.

    Encourage students to set high standards for themselves.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Reinforce(强化) this message with age-appropriate examples and literature. Provide consistent encouragement to students to show your commitment to their success.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Realize that conquering difficult tasks builds mental toughness and fosters persistence. Relay this message to your students by asking each one to write a goal that focuses on improving a weak area. Help your students develop relevant attack plans.

A. Push students to improve their weaknesses.

B. Self-confidence games can help students of all ages.

C. Reassure students that they are capable of achieving greatness.

D. You can ease students' insecurities with various activities that build confidence.

E. They are especially useful in helping young children build success for their future.

F. Realize that overcoming self-doubt to achieve objectives helps build students' confidence.

G. Mastering some duties can help build confidence and erase fear of trying new experiences.


    Let's Go Skiing

    Skiing can be a good sport. Here is a list of advice for a new skier. It can also be used by would-be instructors to help you give a beginner the best possible skiing experience.

    The biggest complaint of the complete beginner is cold feet. This is because the boots you are using don't fit. Boots should allow you to shake your toes.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}But, boots should not allow you to turn your foot side-to-side within the boot. If you can turn your foot inside the boot, you won't have a chance to control your skis.

Try several pairs of boots —not every boot marked the same size is actually the same size (even if they are the same brand and model). This extra effort will be annoying, but worth it.

    Probably fitting ski boots are warm. Do NOT wear very thick socks, or more than one pair of socks inside your boots.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Besides, socks can help here. Bring two pairs of socks for your first outing, a thin pair, and a medium-thick pair. Then choose the socks based on how the boots seem to be fitting. You may even find you wear a thin sock on one foot and a thicker sock on the other because the boots won't match exactly.

    Do NOT wear jeans or sweatpants. You will be falling down in snow and even if it is cold enough to be dry snow, some of it will stick to you and melt. If you get wet, it's over. There's no chance to stay warm. I suggest thick ski pants for beginners. The ski pants will also help keep you warm on the lift. Similarly, your jacket should also be waterproof. It doesn't matter how heavy it is.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Keeping warm isn't so hard. Make sure you read the parts on boots, socks and clothes above.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Remember to start out warm. When you go out into the cold, you should be a little too warm, not quite sweating but close. If your body is warm but your neck, nose or ears are cold, it is always because you left them uncovered.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}If you are sweating a tiny bit, that's fine. If you are sweating a lot, you are too hot. Your sweat will make parts of you very cold, even while other parts are still too hot. To deal with this, don't be afraid of opening your coat, or removing your hat or gloves, for just a minute, or for the day.

A. Keeping warm can be difficult.

B. Getting too hot can be a problem too.

C. Wear heavy boots and socks together.

D. All the clothes you wear must be waterproof.

E. If you can't shake your toes, then your feet will be cold.

F. If you didn't rent your boots in advance, finding a good fit will be a problem.

G. Apart from this, you have to wear the right amount of clothing and keep moving.


    Successful people not only have healthy morning habits, but also know how to finish off their day right. And they all have particular habits.

    Read a book. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} They all know the importance of educating themselves every single day in order to achieve better results in their professional and personal lives. Reading will make you more likely to succeed.

    Organize the following day. Having a well-written plan can really benefit the tasks you have set for the day. It is really difficult to remember all the things you need to do. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Successful people know the importance of a well-planned day. So before you go to bed, write down your 3 most important goals for tomorrow.

    Spend time with family. Life is not all about work. We all need to enjoy ourselves and spend quality time with the people we love. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Going for a walk, playing a game with your kids or just enjoying a movie night, can all be really great exercises to strengthen your close relationships.

    Get a workout. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} I am sure you have heard this many times, but exercise can really benefit your body, mind, and build your self-confidence to help you keep a healthy lifestyle.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you like getting things done in the evening, this could be the best time of your day to work on some art. By creating something artistic, you might even discover some hidden talents.

A. Create your art at night.

B. It is useful for improving your thinking.

C. Many successful people read every day.

D. We must create something meaningful.

E. So why not write them all down in a journal?

F. Successful people know how to make time for their family.

G. After a tiring day, it is important for you to go out and get your body moving.


A. Don't accuse your employer.

B. Staying calm will only help your case.

C. Take advantage of how much men colleagues earn.

D. It's never a good idea to go into a salary negotiation blindly.

E. You are often paid less salary than your workmates in similar positions.

F. But women face unique challenges when it comes to requesting more money.

G. They allow you to search for compensation info based on industry and geographic region.

    Asking for a raise can be a discouraging prospect for any employee. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you're a female employee seeking a raise, it matters to approach that conversation strategically. Here are a few tips for pulling it off successfully.

    Do your research.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} So if you're making a case for a pay increase, you'll need to gather some data on what others in similar positions are earning. To that end, do some research on sites like Salary. com. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Remember to collect the average earnings for all workers in your position and make your case for why you deserve to be paid similarly.

    Don't get emotional.

    Women are often accused of getting emotional on the job. In fact, it's that so-called sensitive nature that causes some people to claim they're uncomfortable working with and promoting female employees. That's why it's extremely important to keep you cool during a salary negotiation. Be specific and present hard evidence of your value to the company. Try to focus on your positive contributions, rather than the negative feelings. And although the discussion might get heated, be sure not to yell or, worse yet, cry while it's going down. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}


    Given many news stories about how men out-earn women, you may tend to draw on some of that data as a reason for getting a raise. But be very careful about using that argument, because unless you have definitive proof that your male colleagues - with the same exact titles, experience, and responsibilities—are making more money than you, you're better off avoiding that angle.

