
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难




    According to a sales report from askci.com on 2018's Double Eleven, the national shopping day, women's down garments(羽绒服)were among the top 10 hit products. It seems the strong warmth provided by down garments has been nationally approved. Especially during a fiercely cold winter, when you tremble in the wind, who cares about being stylish?As living standards rise, more expensive garments filled with goose down instead of duck down, have appeared in the market. Goose or duck?

    First, the down from mature geese is larger and thicker, which makes garments filled with goose down much warmer. Second, goose down is more flexible than that of ducks. The last difference is key for people sensitive to smells: Compared to duck down, goose down has no strange smell.These are the advantages that account for the higher prices of garments made with goose down. However, duck down is still a good choice if you live in place where winter is windy, yet not that cold.

    Although most down garments can make people look big and fat, you could choose longer ones for a slimming look. For colors, metallic colors are more stylish and pair more easily with other street-style outfits.

A. How to be stylish?

B. All you need is warmth.

C. Where to choose your down garment?

D. Not everyone prefers wearing down garments.

E. They have been popular for many years in China.

F. What's the difference between the down from these two creatures?

G. Ducks do not eat clean diet, which could give their feathers a strong smell.


Healthy eating begins with learning how to eat smart—it's not just what you eat, but how you eat. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, as well as defend against bad mood. Moreover, learning the habits of healthy eating can increase your energy, sharpen your memory and stabilize(稳定)your mind.

    Healthy eating is about more than the food on your plate.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Healthy eating habits can be learned and it is important to slow down and think about the food as nourishment rather than just something to gulp down between meetings or on the way to your school.

    Eat with others whenever possible.

Eating with other people has a lot of benefit—particularly for children—and allows you to follow healthy eating habits.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Take time to chew your food and enjoy mealtimes.

    Chew your food slowly and taste every bite. We always tend to rush through our meals, forgetting to taste and feel the food in our mouth. Reconnect with the joy of eating.


    Ask yourself if you are really hungry, or have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty instead of hungry. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly.

    Eat breakfast and smaller meals throughout the day.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}And eating small, healthy meals throughout the day(rather than the standard three large meals)keeps your energy up and your metabolism(新陈代谢)going.

A. It is also about how you think about the food.

B. Eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.

C. Listen to your body.

D. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full.

E. A healthy breakfast can start your metabolism,

F. It is about where you eat your food.

G. Drink more water when you are hungry.


    As a senior year student, you may have so many pressures coming from so many directions that you can't figure out what to do first.


    When you have many things to do and a lot of demands on your time, you can lose sight of what's important. One of the best ways to see the big picture - what you want out of life - is to lay out your goals.

    Pressure Points and How to Deal With Them

    Confused or overwhelmed - talk to someone you trust.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} They may help you find solutions to your problems and worries.

    Being too hard on yourself - ease up, take a break and do something you enjoy. Daydream, read a book, go out with friends — anything that helps you relax.

    Problems, problems, problems — recognize your limits. It's too stressful to try to deal with all your problems at once.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Goal-Setting Tips

    It's important to remember that goals belong to you — not to your parents, your teachers, or your friends. After you've set your goals, identify the skills you have to achieve those goals.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Try the library, your guidance adviser and teachers, and other people who could help you.

    Goals exist to serve you. If your goal is something you no longer want, change it. Identify the barriers to getting your goals.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Don't get depressed by a big, long-term goal — see what steps you can take to achieve it and set those steps down as short-term, “do-able” goals.

A. Too much to do

B. Balancing goals in life

C. Consider ways to overcome them

D. Discuss your concerns with a friend, parent or teacher

E. Choose what's most urgent and set aside the rest until later

F. As long as you know what skill is important and what isn't

G. If you're not sure what skills you'll need, do some research


How to calm your teens

    A major source of teen stress is school exams, and test anxiety is not uncommon. When you recognize your teen is under stress, how can parents help your teen stay calm before an exam?

    Be involved. Parents need to be involved in their teen's work. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}What they look for is your presence - to talk, to cry, or simply to sit with them quietly. Communicate openly with your teen. Encourage your teen to express his worries and fears, but don't let them focus on those fears.

    Help them get organized. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Together, you and your teen can work out a time-table in which she can study for what she knows will be on the test.

    Provide a calm setting. Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect his privacy.

    Give them a nutritious diet. It's important for your teen to eat a healthy, balanced diet during exam times to focus and do her best. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If this happens, encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches. A healthy diet, rather than junk food, is best for reducing stress.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Persuade your teenager to get some sleep and/or do something active when she needs a real break from studying. Making time for relaxation, fun, and exercise are all important in reducing stress. Help your teen balance her time so that she will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.

    Show a positive attitude. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Your panic, anxiety and blame contribute to your teen's pressure. Make your teen feel accepted and valued for her efforts. Most importantly, reassure your teen that things will be all right, no matter what the results are.

A. Encourage your teen to relax.

B. The best thing is simply to listen.

C. They will only make the situation worse.

D. A parent's attitude will dictate their teen's emotions.

E. Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite.

F. Your teen may also make negative comments about themselves

G. Help your teen think about what she has to study and plan accordingly.


    In life, everyone wants to have friends who he or she can trust forever. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} It is scary because in most cases you have to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there.

    However, once the strangeness becomes a thought of the past, it becomes much easier to talk to potential new friends. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Get over the shyness of meeting new people and be yourself. Start out with a simple conversation like "Hello, I like your coat" or a discussion about the weather. Those icebreakers will give you the time to feel comfortable and help you open the floor for future conversations.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}It can be attending a book club or maybe just enjoying a cup of coffee. Making new friendships means learning about someone and sharing stories about each other's life. Think of your new friendship as a plant. In order to grow, you have to water it and provide it with sunlight. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you want to make new friends, you have to be willing to make the effort. Keep in mind that some people are more outing than others and it's okay to be reserved(矜持). But it's necessary to make use of opportunities to develop your newly-found friendship.

    One thing to be cautious about, when you meet new people, is to be always genuine(真诚的).{#blank#}5{#/blank#}If you don't like fishing or running, then don't pretend that you do just so someone will be friends with you. Find people that share common interests and goals and build your friendship. Then you'll find it's much easier to keep friendships.

A. Friendships are quite similar.

B. Friendships are great support systems.

C. In most cases, you are your biggest road block.

D. Be true to yourself and don't be someone that you are not.

E. However, making new friends is much easier said than done.

F. Building new friendships means spending quality time together.

G. Then find a common ground and build your friendship around that.


    Much of the work in today's world is accomplished(完成) in teams. Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talented individuals. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Companies spend millions hiring top business people. Is their money well spent?

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}They focused on football, basketball and baseball. The results are mixed. For football and basketball, adding talented players to a team proves a good method, but only up to the point where 70% of the players are top talent; above that level, the team's performance begins to decline. Interestingly, this trend isn't evident in baseball, where additional individual talent keeps improving the team's performance.

    To explain this phenomenon, the researchers explored the degree to which a good performance by a team requires its members to coordinate(协调) their actions. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}In baseball, the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates. They conclude that when task interdependence is high, team performance will suffer when there is too much talent, while individual talent will have positive effects on team performance when task interdependence is lower. If a basketball star is, for example, trying to gain a high personal point total, he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate, affecting the team's performance. Young children learning to play team sports are often told, "There is no I in TEAM." {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Another possibility is that when there is a lot of talent on a team, some players may make less effort. Just as in a game of tug-of-war(拔河比赛), whenever a person is added, everyone else pulls the rope with less force.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} An A-team may require a balance——not just A players, but a few generous B players as well.

A. It's not a simple matter to determine the nature of talent.

B. Sports team owners spend millions of dollars attracting top talent.

C. The group interaction and its effect drew the researchers' attention.

D. Stars apparently do not follow this basic principle of sportsmanship.

E. Several recent studies examined the role of talent in the sports world.

F. Building up a dream team is more complex than simply hiring the best talent.

G. This task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball.


    Being content with what you do and your life can be troublesome these days. However, you can start being satisfied with what you have with some steps.

    There are times when some friends simply get too busy and with the passage of time visits and meet-up become less frequent. If there is anything that can help you be more content with your life, social media is certainly not the answer. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} That is simply so much better than letting your time just fly by in front of electronic devices.

    Finishing reading a book is also a good idea. We all know reading excites the mind. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}It can also improve your focus, concentration and communication skills. The reason we did not ask you to start reading a book is that finishing reading a book is far more satisfying than simply reading halfway through it. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    If you are stuck in a 9-to-5 job, then you need to seriously reconsider your physical activity. As time flies by, we all get older. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}So, exercise or join a sports club if you can. Exercising will not only improve your overall ability but also make you look good and know your true strength.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}However, simply giving your change to a homeless person wouldn't cut it. You need to find a cause that you deeply care about and then commit to it wholeheartedly. This will give you an opportunity to see how your small acts of kindness can bring out the best in you and the society.

A. Being selfless brings you more satisfaction.

B. You'd better start reading an interesting book.

C. Instead, you need to connect with an old friend.

D. So, pick up a nice book now and make it into a habit.

E. It is a great way to channel your energy in the right direction.

F. It works well in reducing stress and increasing your knowledge.

G. What you do with your body today can help you stay healthy in the future.

