
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    We've probably all met someone who likes to show off how many places he or she has been to. It's annoying but it's true that to some people, traveling is all about the number of destinations one has set foot on. Last year's travel trend was "experiential travel". This is where tourists look for ways to get to know local culture and communicate with local people so they feel less like outsiders but more like locals. So what about now? Can thoughtful tourists get even more out of their traveling experience?

    Transformative travel

It usually goes through three stages—you go to a place that has a very different background than where you come from, you learn wisdom from the new culture and the people you meet, and finally you return home and apply the knowledge to your own life and the lives of those around you. This last stage is how the transformation is completed and what separates transformative travel from experiential travel.

    Eco-friendly and sustainable(可持续的) travel will be one of this year's top trends. One way to plan a low-impact trip is to travel a shorter distance, which can reduce your carbon footprint.

    Another way to involve sustainability in your travel plans is to choose a destination that will benefit the most from your trip. For example, places like Nepal will enjoy promotion of its local economy from the money it will make through tourism

    Disappearing destinations.

    Destinations at risk of disappearing are also welcoming an increasing number of tourists.Another top destination is the Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁) in Australia. Due to pollution and global warming, it's predicted that the reef will be seriously damage in just a few decades. Travelers are longing to see the coral(珊瑚) before it's gone or completely changed.

A. Go green

B. Self-service travel

C. It is much like“experiential travel”, but takes it a step further.

D. But fortunately, the old "been there, seen that" mode is changing.

E. Nowadays people have many kinds of ways to get to their destinations.

F. The Antarctic has become a popular destination since it's under threat of climate change.

G. One trans-Pacific flight equals a year's worth of driving, so consider planning a closer adventure.


    Communicating with elderly parents is an important part of making sure they're doing okay.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    It's important to set aside time every week to call up or drop by and see how your parents are doing.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Also listen for the things they're not telling you, such as health problems or money worries.

    Your parents might be slower and less active than before.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}It's important to respect this. Don't think that your elderly parents can't take care of their needs unless there are clear signs that this is the case. Remember, your elderly parents always care about being treated as someone who matters.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Also you must keep your words simple and often ask your elderly parents whether they've really understood. If you realize your parents need to make a major change, like moving to a nursing home, talk about such future issues early in small steps. Ask them about their plans for the future and what they hope. When you get a feel for what they prefer, you can slowly mention the topic of starting to make such changes.

    Accepting the generation gap (代沟) is also important.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}For most people, making changes to their lifestyles, their opinions and their beliefs gets much harder as they age. Your views might differ a lot, but it's best to agree to disagree.

A. Bring happiness into your parents' life.

B. Be clear when you explain anything to your parents.

C. However, they're still able to make their own decisions.

D. Know their daily happenings and ask them what they're doing.

E. Though life is busy, remember to stay in touch with your parents.

F. Your parents have been doing things a certain way for a long time.

G. Be prepared to find suitable advisers that your parents might need.


How to Make Plans

    Most people get seared when talking about planning or writing plans.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} And you need to plan for success as planning redly works and inspires you to go straight ahead. However, how to create effective plans is still a problem. Don't worry, and just follow the steps below.

    Step 1{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    What plans have you had in the past? Probably, in some of your plans, you haven't ended up where you thought you were going to end up, Get a good understanding of what you have done and what you haven't done in the past. It is a primary foundation for your new plan. If having no plan, just take actions and make plans right now.

    Step 2 Think about the What - Ifs

    When you are building your plans, you should consider where you are going and make clear the What - Its, Because not everything just goes smoothly as you believe.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Step 3 Document the plans

    When starting to make plans, you should try to write them down. It is of key importance for the future.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In addition, make sure you have the plans fully written out with all the key elements concerned, including details.

    Step 4 Update the plans

    According to your written plans and actual situation, you should check out the plans you have completed and haven't completed.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Make sure all the assumptions are there and work out the details. After hanging on for some days, planning will be getting simpler and easier.

A. Review historical plans

B. Make new plans immediately

C. Actually, people are more likely to succeed in a planned way

D. And you need to continue what you haven't done and update it

E. Not all people can memorize every word they said and thought well

F. And what you should do next is to check your plan monthly or quarterly

G. For your benefits, you need to make Plan A and Plan B in case of changes and contingencies(偶发事件).


    Humor plays an important role in relationships. In new relationships, humor can be an effective tool not just for attracting the other person but also for overcoming any awkwardness or embarrassment.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Sharing the pleasure of humor creates a sense of connection between two people. When you laugh with one another, you create a positive tie between you. This tie acts as a strong buffer(缓冲) against stress, disagreements, disappointments, and bad patches in a relationship. And laughter really is infectious.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} But don't worry if you're not naturally a lighthearted, humorous person—you can learn to access your playful side and develop your sense of fun.

    Like any tool, humor can be used in negative as well as positive ways. Humor can only help you overcome relationship problems when both partners can understand the joke.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} If your partner or friend isn't likely to appreciate the joke, don't say or do it. Humor in relationships should be equally fun and enjoyable for both people.

Don't use humor to cover up other emotions.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} That's when it is used as a cover for avoiding, rather than coping with, painful emotions. You can be funny about the truth, but covering up the truth isn't funny. When you use humor and playfulness as a cover for other emotions, you create confusion and mistrust in your relationships.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} The important thing is to find enjoyable activities that help you embrace your playful nature with other people. As humor and play become an unseparated part of your life, you'll begin to find daily opportunities for using your new-found skills to help build and maintain your relationships.

A. Humor can help you and your loved one.

B. There are times when humor is not healthy.

C. It's important to be sensitive to the other person.

D. It's never too late to develop your humorous side.

E. The more you joke, play, and laugh—the easier it becomes.

F. Just hearing someone laugh can make you smile and join in on the fun.

G. In longer-term relationships, humor can keep things exciting and fresh.


    When you got sick, did your parents and doctors make you drink a "terrible soup"? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, but it can really make you feel better in several days. The "soup" is actually a kind of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).

    In recent years, TCM has become more popular around the world. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. China has 10 TCM centers abroad, such as in France and the United States. Doctors give TCM treatment to local people there. They also teach TCM knowledge to local people. Now, there are over 100,000 TCM clinics, with about 300,000 TCM workers around the world.

    TCM came from China thousands of years ago. It is based on the Chinese philosophy(哲学)of yin and yang. Humans should follow the natural rules to keep healthy. Old Greece and Egypt created western medicine. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.Western doctors check people's height, weight, blood pressure and body temperature.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}."Bringing together western medicine and TCM can use collective knowledge, rather than create competition between them. It can develop the great effects of both of them," said Bernhard Schwartlander, a World Health Organization representative in China.

    On Dec 6, a government document reported that 86 countries and regions are now developing TCM together with China. In 2015, Chinese scientist Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.Today, with more and people paying attention to TCM, it will definitely have a bright future.

A. Let's see some facts and figure

B. It is difficult to compare which one is better

C. It might be a bad drinking experience for you

D. There are many women of great achievements in history

E. Then the idea took shape in Europe in the 19th century

F. It's because she made an important drug using traditional Chinese medicine

G. Many people believe western medicine is more effective than traditional Chinese medicine


Why Is Sorting Important When Recycling?

    We all agree that we should recycle more at home, in the office or when out and about. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Consequently, they can be collected and taken to the right place for recycling. This is what the process of sorting allows us to do.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}And the effective sorting needs to happen first, in our own home and second, in sorting plants to which waste is collected. When you put a plastic bottle in the right recycling bag or bin, you are helping sort recyclables so that the right material can be fed into the right recycling process. If sorting does not happen, a lot of recyclable materials can end up in landfills. It will lead to valuable resources lost from our economy.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}For instance, in Brussels consumers put plastic packaging, cans and beverage cartons in blue bags designed for recyclable packaging; paper in yellow bags for recycling; and glass needs to be taken to specific collection bins. Somewhat differently, in Vienna (Austria), citizens can expect their paper, metal, glass and plastic to be separately collected in different weeks of the year.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Once recyclable materials are collected from your home, they are further sorted in specialized facilities which ensure the quality of the recycling process. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Traditionally, sorting has been done either manually with workers sorting what can be recycled and picking out the materials to be discarded or mechanically. Today, however, new sorting technologies are being developed in order to speed up the process of sorting but to also cause better results. Exciting technologies using magnets or optical systems are being used to effectively sort materials so more of it can be recycled.

A. For effective recycling we need effective sorting.

B. Packaging at work is the first step towards recycling.

C. This is where different sorting techniques come into play.

D. So citizens need to be aware of their local collection system

E. Collection systems can be very different from country to country.

F. The rest was landfilled or burned even though they could have been recycled or reused.

G. But for materials to be recycled, they first need to find their way to the right waste stream.

