
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版(深圳·广州)2018-2019学年初中英语七年级下册Module 3 Unit 6第5课时Writing


    My name is Alex. I had an interesting and scary experience last Saturday. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, I was walking down the Main Street. I stopped in front of a jewelry store to look at some rings in the window. I really liked one of the rings. While I was standing there, two men came out of the store. They ran across the street, got into a car, and drove away quickly. Then I saw something on the ground. It was a black bag. I thought maybe they dropped the bag while they were driving away in the car.

    I went to pick up the bag and opened it. There was a diamond watch in the bag. I took the bag with the watch into the jewelry store and showed it to the store manager. The manager looked scared by what had happened but he was very happy to see the watch. He said the two men were thieves, and that the police were looking for them. He also said the watch was very expensive. To thank me, he gave me fifty dollars. I was happy that I helped him. However, the thieves stole many pieces of jewelry. They took ten rings, three watches, four necklaces, and ten pairs of earrings. I hoped the police would catch them soon.

(1)、What was Alex looking at in the store window?
A、Rings. B、Watches. C、Clothes. D、Shoes.
(2)、Who came out of the store?
A、The manager. B、Two men. C、The police. D、Alex.
(3)、What did Alex see on the ground?
A、Ten rings. B、Three watches. C、A black bag. D、Four necklaces.
(4)、What did Alex do with the watch?
A、He took it home. B、He took it to the store. C、He took it to the police. D、He gave it back to the two men.
(5)、Which of the following is NOT true?
A、Alex is telling an experience of his own now. B、Alex is talking to a police officer now. C、The manager was too scared to stop the two men. D、Alex didn't know the two men were thieves until he went to the manager.

    Stephen Hawking was born in England in 1942. He is one of the most well-known scientists on space and time in the world. Hawking is researching how the universe began and how it ends. He is called the King of the Universe.

    When he studied math and science at Oxford University, he became seriously ill, which made him unable to speak or breathe without the help of machines. Till now, he can't move or feed himself and he is helped to dress, eat and wash by a nurse. However, he has a wheelchair with a special computer, with which he can communicate with others.

    In spite of all these difficulties, he refused to give up his hope of living and went on to study at Cambridge University after graduating from Oxford University. In 1965, he got a Doctor's Degree of philosophy(哲学). Because of his serious illness, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams or to write. So he started to think in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he is respected by people in the world. Then in 1988, he wrote his first important book, A Brief History of Time. It has been sold more than 5.5 million copies in 33 different languages. He was once invited to China to give lectures. His self-confidence and humorous conversations impressed us deeply.

    From Hawking's unusual experiences , we learn that nobody should lose hope, no matter how bad the situation is .As he once said, “Life is not fair, you just have to do the best you can in your own situation.”


    Daisy is an American high school student, and she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. It's important to start early if you want to become a doctor. Why? In the USA, you will need to take some science classes in college or university before you attend medical schools. Besides schoolwork, medical schools, medical admissions. (录取)will also look at your extra﹣curricular (课外的) activities.

    To attend medical schools, Daisy decides to do as follows. First, she will visit the school library weekly and read articles about medicine. Then, she will meet with some doctors from her friends' families. Daisy is going to ask them some questions about their work, so she will get some useful information. Daisy also plans to volunteer at a hospital for a week. If you would like to help others, you will be welcome to medical schools Daisy is sure about this.

    The good news is that Daisy is 16 years old, so she can do the training to become a Certified Nurse (执业护士助理). She is going to finish doing this in three weeks during the summer. When you become a CNA, you can make good money. But to Daisy, it just helps her improve herself and makes her a better student before going to the medical school.

    As a high school student, Daisy knows what is the most important now: study hard and do well in science, including biology, physics and math. These lessons always have to do with medicine.

  By starting early and taking some of these steps, Daisy is sure that she will become a doctor!

