
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版(深圳·广州)2018-2019学年初中英语七年级下册Module 2 Unit 3第3课时Grammar


    "Oh, my son!" a lady cried.  Her child fell into the river. The water carried him away quickly. A man came and said, "Can you give me the clothes or shoes of your son?"

    The lady gave him a pair of shoes. The man turned to his dog. He first pointed to the shoes, and then to where the child had sunk(下沉).

    The dog jumped into the river. Soon people saw him swim back with something in his mouth. When people pulled the child and the dog from the water, everyone was happy. The lady ran to her son. The child was alive(活着的)! The lady said to the dog's owner, "Oh, sir. Thanks for saving my son. I'd love to give you anything to buy the dog!"

    "Madam, I am very glad that my dog helped you.  But I would not give him to others for anything in the world," said the man.

    It seemed that the dog knew they were talking about him. He lay down beside his owner's feet and seemed to say, "Nothing can separate(使分离) me from my owner. "

(1)、Why did the man ask the lady for the shoes?
A、Because he wanted to take them to his own child. B、Because he wanted to tell his dog to save the child. C、Because his dog wanted to wear them. D、Because he wanted to buy them.
(2)、What does the underlined word "him" refer to(指的是) ?
A、The child. B、The man. C、The dog. D、The child's father.
(3)、Why was everyone happy?
A、Because the man jumped into the river and saved the child. B、Because the lady jumped into the river and saved the child. C、Because the dog died in the river at last. D、Because the dog saved the child successfully.
(4)、What did the lady want to do after she saw her child was alive?
A、To go home quickly. B、To give the dog some food. C、To jump into the river. D、To buy the dog.

 "Listen carefully to what I say," the time traveler said, "I shall tell you something that you will not agree."  

 "Why will we not agree?" I asked.

 "Because the science and mathematics you know are not correct,"  he said. "You believe there are only three dimensions(三维空间)-length, breadth(宽) and thickness." 

 "There is nothing to argue with that, " the youngest member of our little group said.

 "Exactly!"  the time traveler answered, "But there is also a fourth dimension - time."   

 "We all know about time, " another member of the group said. "Time passed."

 "I do not agree,"  the time traveler said, "Length, breadth and thickness do not pass. They stay in the same place in space.  We move about them. I can prove that time is the same. It does not pass. We move in time the same way that we move in breadth, length and thickness."

 None of us believed the time traveler, and we argued with him for many hours.

 "If we could travel back in time,"  the scientist said, "We could do things to change the future." 

 "If we could travel forward in time," the doctor(博士) said, "we could do things that change our present." 

 The time traveler smiled, "It is clear," he said, "that there is only one way I can show you that I am right. We must do an experiment. Please wait here." 

 He left the room and soon returned, carrying what looked like a clock.

 "This is a model of a time machine. It took me two years to make it," the time traveler said. "I want all of you to understand that when I start the machine, it will immediately travel in time and disappear from the present." 

 He turned to the youngest of all. "Give me your hand," he said.

 The young man put out his hand. The time traveler took it and placed it on the machine. Immediately, there was a sudden wind, and the little machine disappeared.

 I was certain this was not a trick, but the doctor was not so sure.

 "Are you asking us to believe," he said, "that the machine is now in a different time?" 

 "Certainly! In my laboratory, a full-size machine is almost complete. As soon as it is complete, I shall send myself on a journey through time. Would you like to see my machine?"

 "Are you serious about this?" the doctor asked.

 "I have never been more serious about anything," the time traveler said, "Come." 

We followed him to his laboratory. There, we saw the actual machine, not quite complete, but large enough for a man to sit in.


    In the state of Qin (秦国), there was a man called Shang Yang (商鞅). He was a statesman (政治家) and worked out many reforms(改革) for the state, like paying more attention to farming and giving rewards (报酬) to soldiers who were successful when at war.

    But these reforms were not easily carried out (执行) at first. Most people didn't trust Shang

    Yang. In order to solve this problem, Shang Yang came up wiIh an idea. He put a thin wooden pole at the south gate of the Qin capital. Many people came to see him and the pole.

    Then, in front of the crowd, Shang Yang said loudly, "The man who takes this pole to the north gate will get 10 gold pieces."

    It was a sample job and the reward was so large. However, some time passed and no one stepped forward. They all thought Shang Yang was making a joke.

    Hearing no answer, Shang Yang stepped forward and said, "The reward now goes to 50 gold pieces."

    This reward was unbelievably large. Finally, a man from the crowd came forward. He put the pole on his shoulders and walked to the north gate. True to his word, Shang Yang gave the man 50 gold pieces.

    After that, the people of Qin were all talking about what Shang Yang did about the pole. They believed he was a man of his word. So when Shang Yang began carrying out his reforms, the people followed him.

    Under these great reforms, Qin grew stronger and stronger. Al last, Qin made all the seven states into one empire (帝国).

