
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研(新标准)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级下册Module 9 Life history 模块过关检测题(含听力音频)


    Walt Disney, the great film­maker was born in Chicago in 1901. His greatest wish was to be a famous 1. When he was young, he went to a 2office in a city named Kansas. There he had some 3. He took some pictures of himself and wanted to get a job. But he had 4 luck. They looked at the pictures and said, "Sorry, young man. We don't think there is 5 interesting in your pictures. "

    But he didn't lose 6. He went on to draw pictures. His family was 7. One day a mouse came into his room and played on the floor. He stopped 8 and watched it. The mouse came to him and sat on his desk, so he gave the mouse a piece of bread. Then the mouse came nearer and was given more bread. 9 this way after some days the mouse became his good friend.

    Disney went to the west of the USA after a few years. He tried to get work as an artist, but he was still 10. One day he remembered the cute mouse. He picked up his pencil and began to draw. He drew some different pictures of the mouse. He called it Mickey Mouse. Now most people know and love him all over the world.

A、artist B、scientist C、inventor D、actor
A、book B、newspaper C、post D、photo
A、friends B、workers C、officers D、actors
A、every B、no C、any D、some
A、something B、nothing C、anything D、everything
A、head B、mind C、idea D、heart
A、rich B、happy C、poor D、sad
A、draw B、drawing C、to draw D、drew
A、For B、With C、In D、On
A、unsuccessful B、unimportant C、unkind D、unhappy
It snowed again. My seventh Christmas was round the corner. I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb, “There is no Father Christmas.”
I ran to my grandmother's house, for she always told the truth. Grandma was at home. I told 1 everything. "No Father Christmas?" she was a little 2. “Don't believe it. Put on your coat, and let's go.”
“Go? Where, Grandma?” I asked.
“Kerby's Store.”
As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars and said, "Take the 3 and buy something for someone who needs it. I'll wait for in the car.”Then she turned and walked out of the Kerby's.
For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, wondering 4 to buy, and who to buy it for.
I thought of 5 I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors … I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decker, a 6 with bad and messy hair. He sat right behind me 7 Mrs. Pollack's class.
Bobbie 8 went to any party during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, 9 we all knew that he didn't have a cough, and he didn't have a coat. I decided to buy Bobbie a red warm coat 10 he would like.
That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, and 11 “To Bobbie, From Father Christmas” on it. Grandma told me Father Christmas never let people know that he 12 them. Then she drove me over to Bobbie's house, telling that I was helping Father Christmas 13 the presents.
Grandma parked the car along the street, and we hid behind the trees near Bobbie's house. Then Grandma said to me, “All right, Father Christmas, get going.”
I took a deep breath, rushed to his front door, put the present down. 14 the door, rang the doorbell and flew back to the safety of the 15 and Grandma. We waited breathlessly in the dark for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobbie.
That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive and well, and we were on his team.

    I really only meant it as a joke. I wasn't trying to steal anything honestly.
   My friend Matthew started bringing his new cell phone to class last week. He was walking around bragging (吹嘘) about it to everyone. He was saying, "My cell phone can download the newest 1 off the Internet."Then he 2everyone by downloading a game and starting to play it. The pictures and sound were really 3.4 class, he would use his cell phone to watch TV. The rest of us didn't have a phone like  5, so we had to crowd(拥挤) around him. I was just trying to see the screen, 6 there were so many other kids that I could not see it clearly. I was getting really jealous.
   But then yesterday, he forgot his cell phone at the end of class. He left it right on his desk. 7 noticed it was there except me. I decided to teach him a lesson. I took his phone quietly off the desk, and put it in my own bag. My 8 was to give it back to him the next day. I 9  wanted to see his reaction (反应). Maybe he would stop being such a show-off.
   But this morning he rushed into class, screaming and yelling (吼叫). He was very 10  and almost mad. He started accusing (指责) different people of  11 his phone, but I had it in my  12  the whole time. He even started fighting with another classmate 13  Matthew was sure that person had taken it. The teacher sent them to the headmaster's office. They  14   got in a lot of trouble. Now I don't know what to 15 ! If I tell him that I took the cell phone, he'll think I stole it. If I don't tell him, then I really did steal it. How did I get into such a trouble?

完形填空Choose the best answer and complete the passage.

    The first day of university our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a 1_ hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled(有皱纹的), little old lady with a smile. She 2_ a minute and said, “Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a big one.

    We became immediate friends. Every day for the next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I always loved listening to this ‘time machine'3 she shared her wisdom and experience with me. Over the course of this year Rose became a campus role model and she 4_ made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she loved the attention from the other students.

    At the end of the term we invited Rose to speak at our football club. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the platform. As she began to deliver he prepared speech, she dropped her cards on the floor. A little upset she simply said, “I'm sorry I'm so nervous. I 5 beer for Lent(大裔节)and this wine is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order …” As we laughed, she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; wo grow old because we stop playing. There is a huge6 between growing older and growing up. Anybody can grow older, but it does take talents and abilities to grow up…”

    One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. However, these words have been passed along in loving memory of ROSE.


    At the age of 16, Einstein failed in several exams because he often played with some bad kids. One weekend morning, Einstein carried a fishing net and prepared to go fishing with those 1, his father stopped him and said to him calmly," Einstein, you were spending too much time 2 , so you failed in the exams. I'm 3 about your future with your mother."

    "What are you worrying about? Jack and Robert also 4, but they went fishing as usual."

    "My boy, you can't think so," Looking at Einstein, his father said lovingly, "There is a 5 in our hometown. I hope you can listen to it carefully."

    "There were two cats playing on the roof. 6, they fell into the chimney(烟囱).When they climbed out of the chimney, one cat's face was dirty 7 the other's face was clean. Seeing the dirty—faced cat, the clean—faced one thought its own face was also dirty, so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its 8. The dirty—faced cat saw the clean—faced one, thinking its own face was clean as well, so it walked happily in the street."

    "Einstein, 9 can be your mirror(镜子). Only you are your own mirror. Some of the kids are not strict with themselves. If you take them to be your mirror, even a 10 person may become stupid." Hearing this, Einstein was ashamed and lay down his fishing rod and returned to his small room. Since then, Einstein's face turned red. He put down his fishing net and returned to his small room.

    After that, Einstein often took himself as a mirror to be 11 with himself and kept telling himself." I am special, so I needn't be as common as others." This was why Einstein 12 in his career.

    1,000 people have 1,000 kinds of wishes in life. Different wishes will produce different 13 about life. You can learn from other people, but you can 14 follow others completely.

    You must see yourself clearly, and know what you want to get. Your future doesn't 15 how others act, but on what you are going to act.

