
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:容易



    Snorkelling in Silfra

The clear water at this UNESCO world heritage(遗产) site in Thingvellir National Park will leave you speechless. It is one of the highest rated dive sites in the world. During this journey, you will snorkel within a crack between the Eurasian and American continents. You'll experience truly amazing views of the colorful underwater landscape, marine life(海洋生物), and geological formations. Silfra's water is fresh and drinkable at around 2℃ - 4℃ all year round. Visibility can reach more than 100 meters, and swimming often feels more like flying.

    This trip is for anyone who knows how to swim and is up for a unique adventure. We offer transportation with a pick-up in Reykjavik, and provide you with a dry suit. The total length of the tour is approximately five hours, and includes in-water snorkelling lasting around 30 minutes. We'll guide you through the main Silfra Big Crack, Silfra Hall, Silfra Cathedral and Silfra Lagoon.


    All necessary snorkeling equipment;

    Hot drinks and food;

    Silfra entrance fee of 1,000 ISK.

    Availability: All year at 09:00 and 15:00. Pick-up in one hour before.


    Participants need to complete the Silfra medical statement before the tour.

    Divers must:

    Be at least 18 years old (young people under 18 years old need a signature from their legal guardian), and the maximum age is 65 years old;

    Be able to communicate in English.

    Be physically fit;

    Not be pregnant;

    Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

    Sign a medical form.

(1)、What will be offered to you if you take this trip?
A、Cold drinks. B、Two dry suits. C、Round-trip air tickets. D、Equipment for snorkeling.
(2)、When is the earliest pick-up time every day?
A、07:00. B、08:00. C、09:00. D、14:00.
(3)、To participate in the trip, one must ____.
A、be over 18 years old. B、be under 66 years old. C、have the support of parents. D、have a high level of ability in English.

    Humans have launched themselves into the outer space. They've landed on the moon. They've built habitable space stations that orbit the Earth. The next giant leap for mankind is to reach another planet – specifically, Mars.

    The problem is that it's no easy task. The planet is 586 times further away from the Earth than the moon, and it'll take around 180 to 220 days to reach Mars, depending on where each planet is in its orbit. Such long periods in space have suggested many potential health problems, including hormonal changes, skin conditions, and muscle and bone deterioration (损耗).

    Here's where some furry friends come in. A wide range of animals have been in space, from fruit flies and spiders to cats, and dogs. Such experiments began as far back as the late 1940s in first tests to see if living things could withstand the extreme g-force (重力) of a rocket launch.

    Mice continue to play a very important part in space experiments, mainly because the animals make excellent test subjects. They're small, which makes them inexpensive and easy to care for. In addition, their size and short life span make it possible to do the equivalent of several human years of tests in a much shorter time. Finally, because mice are mammals, they share many common characteristics with humans in terms of genetics, biology and behavior.

    Astromice have hit the headlines recently, as a team of scientists led by Betty Nusgens, professor of biology at the University of Liege in Belgium, found that the mice suffered a 15 percent thinning of their skin after 91 days aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

    This experiment was part of a wider NASA mission (任务) called the Mice Drawer System (MDS). The Italian Space Agency developed the facility, which allows six mice to be housed, monitored, and automatically fed and watered aboard the ISS, among which three survived during the mission.

    The mice have participated in 20 separate experiments, to study such effects as osteoporosis (骨质疏松症), anemia (贫血) and heart health.

    Results for the 20 experiments are coming in gradually. But it's clear that mice continue to play an important role in the ongoing quest to conquer the final frontier.


    Speaking in public meetings is necessary for many students and employees. As well, it is a difficult task for them, especially for non-native speakers. A great many researchers have made efforts to help foreign language learners to improve the approaches.

    Charles LeBeau is a public speaking professor and consultant. Currently, he teaches at two universities and at the Toshiba International Training Center. He has also written books on the subject. English language learners around the world use his book Speaking of Speech.

    In Speaking of Speech Mr. LeBeau says a simple approach helps the learners. So, the professor divides public speaking into three parts: the physical message, the visual message, and the story message. He says, “The central thing to remember about public speaking or presentation is that it's a very complex communicative activity. For non-native speakers it's a really scary activity. So to make that more simplistic and easy for them, the approach that I've taken is to simplify and break it down. First if we look at presentation, what's going on? There are basically three messages that the presenter is giving the audience at the same time. There's what I call the physical message, namely body language. It's the way that my body, as a speaker, is talking to the audience. Then there's also the visual message. The visual messages are the slides that we now make and show the audience. The third message is the story message, which is the content of our presentation. The story message is the verbal message, what we say to the audience. The story message also includes how we organize our ideas to present to the audience.”

    He says the simple approach to breaking down the parts of public speaking has proved itself. He says learners improve quickly and do a good presentation after a few days of study.


    All over the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners. Other children may have manners that are not like yours. There are all kinds of manners.

    Many years ago, children who had good manners were seen and not heard. They kept quiet if grown-ups were talking. Today, well-mannered children have more freedom.

    Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places. Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia. Some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud “burp(打嗝)” after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a loud burp, you are told to say “Excuse me, please.” In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat. What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Suppose you visit a friend in Arabia. You should walk behind the other tents until you come to his tent. If you pass in front of the other tents, you will be asked into each one. The people will ask you to eat with them. And it is bad manners if you say no.

    Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.


    There is an English saying that says, "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie." It means not bringing up an old problem. Researchers in Hungary have found another reason to let dogs keep on sleeping. It seems the animals are learning while they sleep.

    The Hungarian researchers placed tools on the dogs' heads to know about electrical activity in the brain. The brain activity, called sleep spindles(梭状波), takes place in human begins, and has been connected with learning. The researchers hope to understand how the dogs' ability to learn and remember changes as they get older. The study may help them understand how human brains change as we age.

    The researchers found differences between male and female dogs. Iotchey, a researcher, says the females appeared much better at learning new things. Female dogs have about twice as many spindles per minute as male dogs, they also happen to be the better learners, and they memorize the task much better. But it was harder for all the older dogs to remember things, especially when several things were happening at the same time.

    DoraSzabo also studies sleep spindles. Szabo is a neuroscientist in a university in Budapest. She says the older dogs have fewer spindles and are easily cheated. "If you first hide the reward into one bowl, then in another and in another, they get lost after a while. So their performance is going down, and they are getting poor in solving new problems."

    Researchers hope the study will not only help understanding of learning ability and memory changes in dogs, but also the aging of humans. Senior Researcher EnikoKubinyi adds that the aging dogs suffer from the same problems as humans who are aging. “Among very old dogs, up to two thirds of them show signs of dementia(痴呆), and this dementia is really very similar to that of humans, so we could use dog as a natural model of human aging."


    In the ongoing battle between Tiger Moms, French Mamas, and everyone else who wants to know what is the best way to raise their kids, a new study adds evidence that the extreme Tiger-style may do more harm than good. Authoritarian parents are more likely to end up with disrespectful children with violent behaviors, the study found, compared to parents who listen to their kids with the goal of gaining trust.

    It was the first study to look at how parenting styles affect the way teens view their parents and, in turn, how they behave. The study considered three general styles of parenting. Authoritative parents are demanding and controlling while also being warm and sensitive to their children's needs. Authoritarian parents, on the contrary, are demanding and controlling without the appearance of caring, attachment and receptiveness. They take a "my way or the highway" approach to their kids. Permissive parents, the third group, have warm and receptive qualities, but they set few boundaries and carry out few rules.

    Using data on early 600 kids from an ongoing study of middle school and high school students in New Hampshire, researchers from the University of New Hampshire were able to find "my way or the highway" parenting with more violent behaviors like robbery, drug-taking, and attacking someone else with the intention of hurting or killing. Firm but loving parenting, on the other hand, led to fewer lawbreakers. Permissive parenting, surprisingly, didn't seem to make much of a difference either.

    To explain the link between parenting style and behavior in kids, the researchers suggested that what matters most is how reasonable kids think their parents' power is. This sense comes when kids trust that their parents are making the best decisions for them and believe that they need to do what their parents say even if they don't always like how their parents are treating them. When kids respect the power of their parents, the researchers reported in the journal of Adolescence, their behavior is better. Previous research has also linked firm but caring parenting with kids who have more self-control and independence.

    "When children consider their parents to be the reliable figure, they trust the parents and feel that they have a duty to do what their parents tell them to do," said lead researcher Pick Trinkner. "This is very important as the parent doesn't have to rely on a system of rewards and punishments to control behavior and the child is more likely to follow the rules when the parent is not physically present."


    News anchors(主播) must have been reluctant to read out the following news: Xin Xiaomeng began working as the world's first female artificial(人工的) intelligence news anchor at Xinhua News Agency on Sunday, three months after a male robot joined the profession.

    Unlike previous news robots though, Xin does not read news like a cold machine; she reads it almost like a human being. The muscles on her face stretch and relax — and her reactions change as she continues reading. That's why many news anchors were worried: Will AI replace us in the near future?

    To find the answer, we have to analyze the technologies that support Xin at her job. Three key technologies are used to support Xin. First, samples of human voices are collected and synthesized (合成). This is followed by the collection and synthesis of human muscle movement samples. And third the voices and movements are married in a way that when the AI news anchor reads, the micro- electric motors behind her face move to make her expressions seem more human.

    Yet we need a thorough knowledge of deep learning technology to make a robot imitate a person's voice. The developer needs to collect tens of thousands of pieces of pronunciations, input them into the machine and match them with the text for the AI to learn and read. The process for imitating facial movements is similar. The developer has to analyze the movements of the 53 muscles in the human face, make a model set from the collected data for the AI news anchor to learn, and imitate the movements of facial muscles via programs

    Both the technologies used to make Xin's performance impressive are mature. The real difficulty lies in the third — the technology to match the pronunciations with facial movements so that Xin's expressions vary according to the content of the news report. In fact, Xin's expressions don't always change according to the content. As a result, her expressions look anything but human. Actually, AI is still no match for human qualities.

