
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Guide to Stockholm University Library

    Our library offers different types of studying places and provides a good studying environment.


    The library is divided into different zones. The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for silent reading, and places where you can sit and work with your own computer. The reading places consist mostly of tables and chairs. The ground floor is the zone where you can talk. Here you can find sofas and armchairs for group work.


    You can use your own computer to connect to the wi-fi specially prepared for notebook computers, you can also use library computers, which contain the most commonly used applications, such as Microsoft Office. They are situated in the area known as the Experimental Field on the ground floor.

    Group-study places

    If you want to discuss freely without disturbing others, you can book a study room or sit at a table on the ground floor. Some study rooms are for 2-3 people and others can hold up to 6-8 people. All rooms are marked on the library maps.

    There are 40 group-study rooms that must be booked via the website. To book, you need an active University account and a valid University card. You can use a room three hours per day, nine hours at most per week.

    Storage of Study Material

    The library has lockers for students to store course literature. When you have obtained at least 40 credits(学分), you may rent a locker and pay 400 SEK for a year's rental period.

    Rules to be Followed

    Mobile phone conversations are not permitted anywhere in the library. Keep your phone on silent as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls.

    Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library, but you are allowed to have drinks and sweets with you.

(1)、The library's upper floor is mainly for students to ______.
A、read in a quiet place B、have group discussions C、take comfortable seats D、get their computers fixed
(2)、Library computers on the ground floor ______.
A、help students with their field experiments B、contain software essential for schoolwork C、are for those who want to access the wi-fi D、are mostly used for filling out application forms
(3)、What condition should be met to book a group-study room?
A、A group must consist of 8 people. B、Three-hour use per day is the minimum. C、One should first register at the university. D、Applications must mark the room on the map.

The First Hello

    The man from the telephone department got off the bus, and made his way to the tea stall, wiping the sweat off his head, face, then slipping his handkerchief under his shirt to wipe his neck and back. It was a year ago that the phone line had been installed, six months later men from the public works department had come to put up the phone booth—a neat box-like structure, with a glass window, and wooden ledges, yellow in colour. And days after that, a painter had taken an entire day to colour in broad, black brushstrokes, the words: STD Booth, local and STD allowed.

    No one could tell that the last word had been misspelled. Besides, he had taken the entire day. After he had a cup of tea, he left, waving cheerfully. And now months later, someone else was here again.

    Everyone watched the man as he sat on the bench. No one said a word, and soon the sound of him slurping his tea filled the hot afternoon. A few leaves fell, heavy in the heat, and sometimes a car passed, on its way to the main city farther away.

    When the man had finished, he tried to pay but the tea shop owner who sat behind his steaming kettle and the washed upturned cups, waved him away.

    “You are our guest here.”

    So the man took his handkerchief out again and wiped his face.

    They crowded around him as he shut himself up in the phone booth. When the children pressed their nose against the glass, he shooed them away, as he took out a shiny black soon changed to an excited yell as they saw him dial a number, pressing a finger into the ringed dialer of the phone and letting it go all the way in a half-circle. A while later, they hear him say into the mouthpiece, “Hello.”

    “Hello,”the children around the booth took up the cry, the teashop owner broke into a smile and the men waiting for a bus smiled and said hello to each other. The sadhu(印度的僧人)who sat under the banyan tree nodded wisely. As the sound carried, more hellos were heard. The women winnowing grain giggled as they tried the word tentatively, the shepherds feeding their flocks called out to their sheep, laughing as they used the word.

    “It's a big occasion, ”said the headman, in an awed(敬畏的) voice.

    “It is.” agreed those around him. The telephone man emerged and handed over a small chit of paper to the headman. “This is the telephone number.”

    The headman looked at it respectfully as if it were a mantra(符咒). The others around him read out the numbers slowly, digit-by-digit.

    The telephone man was now too tired to notice the cheering around him. He knew he had to wait long before the bus to take him back arrived. As he sipped his second cup of tea, he remembered something else.

    “Oh, you can't start using the phone now. The minister will come next month and inaugurate it. ”

    No one said a word. No one was surprise. They had waited so long; a month more did not really matter.


Dear Daisy,

    Phew! I'm so glad the day is over. I'm really tired, but my first day at school went well.

    First of all, we met outside the school building. I was very nervous because my primary school only had 300 pupils but in the middle school there are about 1300. What a difference! The older pupils are really big. I felt so small waiting there in front of the school.

    The head teacher came out and told us to go into the school hall. Then he called our names out to tell us which class we were in. My class teacher is called Mrs. Black. She took us to our classroom. It's on the 5th floor. We aren't allowed to use the lift! I couldn't believe it.

    We spent all morning with Mrs. Black looking at our timetables. Everyone in the school had a different timetable. I'm worried that I'll forget my timetable and go to the wrong room.

    Lunchtime was OK. I had salad, fish and fruit, which was quite good, and then I went to play football with some of the other boys. They were all friendly and I don't think it will take me long to make friends.

    After lunch we started lessons. I had maths and then history, where we started to learn about ancient Greece. That looked interesting. 1 have to do some homework tonight to find out how the ancient Greek people lived, so I'm going to do an Internet search and look it up in the library.

    So far so good. I am quite looking forward to tomorrow, even though I've got science. I hate science!




    Many doors close for those who have ever been in prison for a crime. It can be difficult for former prisoners to reenter society. A number of training programs are aimed at reopening doors for these men and women.

    "Together We Bake" teaches cooking and marketing skills to women who have spent time in prison so they can start new lives. It is a 10-week program which teaches women how to bake and sell cookies. Two friends, Tricia Sabatini and Stephanie Wright, created the program.

    "I have a background in social work and she is an amazing baker," Ms. Wright explains. "We discovered that for this population of women, returning from prison into the community, there aren't a lot of resources for them. So we thought we could combine our passions (激情) and develop this job as a training program. "Stephanie Wright says they started the program earlier this year." We had two classes so far that have graduated. This is our third class. We have eight women currently in this class. We've 16 women graduated in the first two classes."

    Terry Garred is one of the graduates. She says the program helped her turn her life around. Next she hopes to complete her high school studies. She is also working for "Together We Bake" to help other women follow the path she took.

    The program includes classes in which the women talk about their experiences and learn communication and job skills. Thirty-six-year-old Jamie White had spent three years in jail, which made her a little puzzled about her future life back into society. But she found those meeting were very helpful. She learned how to open up, and was just trying to better herself. She gained new skills. She sells baked goods at local markets every weekend now.


    You probably know the basics of how comparatives(比较级) and superlatives(最高级) work in the English language. When comparing something, you often add an "-er" to the end of the comparative adjective. The general rule is that one-syllable(音节) words get the suffix(后缀), and polysyllabic words get "more" or "most." That is, unless the two-syllable word ends in a "y"; if that's the case, you will add the suffixes and change the "y" to an "i".

    But what about the word "fun"? This simple adjective only has one syllable, so you'd think you'd add suffixes on it to create superlatives. But if you were to say "I think Magic Kingdom is a funner park than Epcot." or "Disney World was the funnest vacation ever!" you might get some strange looks. It doesn't sound quite right. But…why? "Fun" is one syllable, so why do we choose "more fun" as the comparative—especially considering that the similar word "funny," which has more syllables than "fun," uses the suffixes with no problem?

    Well, the problem comes from the fact that the word "fun" was not originally an adjective. Until the early 19th century, it was mostly just a noun, and it gained its meaning as "amusement" in the 18th century. But as early as the 1800s, people began using it as an adjective, the way we'd describe "a fun time" or "a fun place" today.

    Basically, language is still developing. Grammarians have mostly come around to the use of "fun" as an adjective (though some dictionaries still call it informal). There was (and remains) an agreement of "Fine, you can use ‘fun' as an adjective…but, like, it's not really one, so it can't follow the rules of real adjectives." So they also agree that the answer to "is funner a word?" is yes. If you want to consider "fun," as an adjective, then "funner" is indeed a word, as is "funnest". But this doesn't mean that "more fun" and "most fun" are incorrect, though; in fact, in formal writing, you'll probably still want to use those instead of "funner" and "funnest."

    The English language is chock-full of uncertain grammar rules; there's no need to insist that a word breaks the common rules of language just because we didn't used to use it in a way we do now.



    Welcome to Harvard University Housing and thank you for choosing to live with us. To help you make a smooth transition please read the information below on panning your arrival.


    Dogs living with you in your pet-friendly apartment must be vaccinated(接种疫苗) for rabies and licensed with the City of Cambridge every year.

    International Students

    Consider unlocking your phone prior to leaving your home county. This will enable you to use a SIM card from a company such as campus SIMS or US Mobile in your phone after you arrive. Those SIM cards may be available at the Property Management Office.


    If you plan on bringing a moving van or truck it will not fit under the overpasses(天桥) on Soldiers Field Road and Memorial Drive. Plan your route in advance to avoid a risky and costly problem.

    Parking arrangements for trucks and vans must be made in advance as well. Visit your property page for information about parking your car.

    Furniture and Lighting

    Most HUH units have no furniture-the unit is empty except for a stove and a refrigerator. You need to bring, buy, or rent a bed, other furniture, and household items. In many HUH units, rooms do not have overhead lights, so you also may need table or floor lamps.

    If you want to stock up on groceries and some household items as soon as you arrive, please find information about "Grocery Shopping" by clicking the drop-down menu.


Here are four books recommended by one of the most respected editors from Reader's Digest. If you have time to dip yourselves into the books, they can surely offer much food for thought.

Face It

Debbie Harry


Picture this: it's the late 1970s and the punk music scene is starting to take hold. The band releases the album ParallelLines, which becomes the greatest hit. Everyone wants to attend her concert and some teenage girls even dream to be her. Now 75, Harry bares all about herself in Face It, starting from her childhood. Part shocking, this book is as humorous, moving and vigorous as its subject.


Henning Beck


If there is no obvious connection among what we see, the brain will substitute in the rest of the information without you even noticing, Beck says in the chapter Memory. In this "user's guide for your brain", he argues that mistakes are the keys to success. He combines science with brain-boosting advice and real-life stories to take the reader on a fascinating adventure through human memory.

You're Not Listening

Kate Murphy


When was the last time you listened to someone? Really listened without thinking about what you wanted to say next? And when was the last time someone really listened to you? Compared with talking, listening isn't considered so important, argues journalist Kate Murphy, but she insists it is actually the more powerful position in communication. Her insights could transform your conversations, your relationships and your life.

The Right-Brain Work Out

Russel Howcroft with Alex Wadelton


In 1968,1600 five-year-olds were given a creativity test. They were retested at ages 10 and 15 and their scores were compared against adults. While 98 per cent of five-year-olds were assessed in the "highly creative" range (genius level), only two per cent of adults could be considered "highly creative". In The Right-Brain Work Out, the authors promise to re-train your brain to be more creative, using 70 questions to challenge you.

