
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版八年级下学期英语Module 1 Units 1-2 综合检测

阅读下列短文, 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Yesterday was a memorable day for me. I went to a photo workshop and asked to edit a photo. The shop owner listened to my requirements and led me into a room. There what I saw made me kind of shocked.

    In the room stood-a middle-aged man with twisted(变形的) hands. He was holding a camera in a very professional manner.

    I told him my requirements and he replied in a very confident voice, "You just sit comfortably. I will deal with everything." It wasn't at all matching his physical looks. I thought.

    I did what he said, and within 5 to 7 minutes, he clicked my photo, retouched(修饰)it carefully, cut it into required pieces and handed it over to me.

    I was really amazed to see his perfect behavior-he was so quick and confident. I thanked him and had a nice talk with him. He said he loved his job very much. It allowed him to meet different people and of course make a living. Though he was still unmarried, he was sure he was able to find his best half.

    As a disabled person, he could have led his life depending on others. However, he chose to depend on himself and always be confident in himself. He really inspired (激励)me.

(1)、What does the underlined word "edit" in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?

A、编辑 B、破坏 C、售卖 D、购买
(2)、How did the writer feel when he saw the man?

A、Unhappy. B、Surprised. C、Relaxed. D、Disappointed.
(3)、What did the writer know about me man from their talk?

A、He would marry soon. B、He hoped for a better job. C、He made more money than before. D、He loved to meet different people.
(4)、I n the writer's eves, the man was _______.

A、shy B、good-looking C、independent D、humorous

Only a Ribbon

    In one of the London hospitals,a short time ago,there was a young doctor. He noticed one of the patients,a ten-year-old poor girl called Katie,who had a very painful illness.

    Katie lay in her bed,day after day,with nothing to help her forget her pain and cheer up. One day the doctor noticed her trying to make a doll of her finger, and speaking to it. But she was soon tired of it,and lay back into her bed.

    That afternoon,the young doctor saw a beautiful ribbon in a shop window. He thought that it might help cheer the little girl up,so he went in and bought it for her. When he handed the ribbon to the girl,she was too surprised to speak. There were tears in her eyes. This little gift made her feel rich and happy.

    The nurse later told the doctor that the girl played with the ribbon all day long. She twisted(盘绕)it round her head. She held it in her hand while she slept.

    Some weeks later,Katie's illness became worse,and it was necessary to perform a dangerous operation. When Katie was brought into the operation mom,she cried out for the young doctor. He was brought,and he held one of the girl's hands,while the other tightly held the ribbon.

    During the operation,the ribbon fell off Katie's hand. As soon as she woke up and opened her eyes,she looked at her friend and said in a low voice,“My ribbon.”The doctor gave it to her and she smiled happily.

    It was only a little gift,but it made the girl's stay in the hospital bright with beauty and love.


    Hannah walked alone in the woods and felt sad . She was nine years old but she had already seen many changes in her short life. They weren't all bad things, some were pretty wonderful. Hannah loved having her new little sister and her stepmother ,Emma, was just lovely. She had to start at another school soon, but she was always able to make friends. Even so, her secret self wished that things didn't have to change at all.

    " Why do people have to leave, families move, a little girl grows up?”These thoughts made her feel worried .

    Hannah kicked a stone on the path and it hit a huge oak tree. She walked nearer to the tree. "Am I dreaming ?” Hannah rubbed her eyes. The tree was moving! Its big branches were reaching out to her. Soon, she was encircled by branches and leaves. Then she became one with the tree. Her brown hair grew longer and longer, as it curled around the leaves. Her body grew lean and strong and it mixed with the outer covering of tree until they shared one trunk. Her arms and legs reached out finger and higher. Finally, Hannah's spirit softly settled into its new home and she became a forest goddess.

    Hannah was now part of the woodland. Seasons changed and brought wonder and warmth to her. Winter was quiet and peaceful. In the springtime, she breathed in the rich smell of the soil and enjoyed the green new life in the forest. Her favorite season was autumn. Her leaves became magnificent colors and she loved to watch them dancing in wind.

    Hannah observed how things didn't stay the same in nature's world. She saw young animals born and the spirit of old creatures pass on. Within the tree, she spent hours watching the clouds move across the sky. Sometimes it was fair, and sometimes heavy and gray .In the evening she watched the stars twinkle against the night sky. As part of the forest, Hannah came to love the changing world around her.

    Suddenly, a nut hit her head. A squirrel hid from the tree quickly. Oh , she realized herself  napping under the oak tree. What a wonderful dream! Hannah learned her cheek against the bark and gave thanks for their time together. Then she went back home, thinking and smiling.……

