
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Coolest Hotels in the World

    Artau Aragon Towers

    The Ariau Amazon Towers hotel lets you sleep in a tree house. Eight towers make up this hotel that offers over 300 rooms. If you really want to get into the spirit, book the Tarzan Suite which is large enough for a big family. You'll be thirty feet up in the air and can travel between the towers through their wooden walkways.

    Prices: starting at $300 one night for each person for a regular room and going all the way up to $3000 for the Tarzan Suite.

    For more information, visit the website: http://Hwww.ariautowers.com

    The Ice Hotel

    Every winter in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden, a special kind of hotel called the Ice Hotel is built. Each year, world-famous artists are invited to design and produce works of art from the ice, many of which can be found in the rooms. You'll have your choice between hot or cold rooms but you will be well advised to stay at least one night in a cold room for a true experience.

    Prices: starting at $318 one night for each person for either a cold room or a warm one. For more information, visit the website: http:Hwww.icehotel.com.

Propeller Island

    Propeller Island City Lodge is a very special hotel that was designed by a German artist. Each room provides you with the possibility of living in a work of art. Every single piece of furniture in the thirty rooms of the hotel has been hand-made and each room is completely different. You'll be able to choose a room based on your own personal tastes.

    Prices: starting at just $91 a night, and an additional (另外) person for only 20 extra dollars.

    For more information, visit the website: http://www.propeller-island.com.

    For information about other cool hotels. In the world, visit the website: http://www.bahamabeachclub.com.

(1)、What is special about the Ariau Amazon Towers hotel?

A、You can sleep in the tree house. B、You can choose any of the towers. C、It is designed for big families. D、Every room has a walkway.
(2)、Which website should you visit if you want to find out whether there exists a hotel under the sea?

A、http://www.icehotel.com. B、http://www.ariantowers.com. C、http://www.propeller is land.com. D、httlp://www.bahamabeachclub.com.
(3)、Which hotel would invite artists to come to work every year?

A、Propeller Bland City Lodge. B、Arian Amazon Towers. C、The Ice Hotel. D、Bahama Beach Club.

    94% of 3-and 4-year-olds have been spanked(打屁股) at least once during the past year, according to one study.

    74% of mothers believe spanking is acceptable for kids ages 1 to 3, says another study.

    61% of parents take spanking as a "regular form of punishment" for young children, according to a different study.

    Sometimes children do not do what their parents tell them to do. When this happens, a parent tries to help the child to do the right thing. When this does not work, the parent usually punishes the child.

    There are many things that a parent can do. One thing that people have done is to spank the child. When a parent spanks a child, they will use their hand or a hard object to strike them on their bottom. This is meant to show the child that they have done something wrong.

    One parent remembers being spanked when he was a child. His parents used a wooden spoon. When he spanked his own children with his hand, he saw that he put a red mark on his child's leg. He never did that again.

    One problem with spanking is that it teaches the child to hit someone when they do not like what the other person is doing. Another problem with spanking is that the parent is usually angry and can hit the child too hard. Sometimes parents will use spanking for everything and not try other ways to get the child to do the right thing.

    Many parents are not sure of what to do instead of spanking. Some people think that their religion tells them that spanking is okay. Some think that the law lets them do it. The courts say that parents have the right to teach their children how to behave.

    Other things should be tried before a parent decides to spank a child. Telling the child exactly what is wanted from them can be one thing. Giving a child more than one choice is another thing that can be tried. Getting down to the child's level and taking a more child-friendly approach can help as well.

Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    We offer a full range of services to make your IKEA experience more complete.

    Old Kitchen Removing Service

    Are you going to buy a brand-new kitchen in IKEA? So how to do with your old kitchen at home? Don't worry! IKEA is now providing professional dismantling and removing service for old kitchen to you. By this service you can have your new kitchen at home easily. (For service detail and charge please go to the staff of kitchen department.)

    Transport Service

    Need a way to get your new home-furnishings home? You can rent a transport or hire us to deliver it for you. Just talk to our Customer Service Department for details.

    Return Policy

    As long as the items are undamaged, unassembled and unused, you could return them in their original package within 60 days (IKEA FAMILY member within 180 days) together with your original receipt.

    Sorry, we cannot accept exchange or return of food, plants, liquid bathing products, AS-IS products, customized products, kitchen electrical appliance and all products that have already been cut, sewed or painted. "The exchange and return policy above applies only to the products purchased from IKEA stores in mainland China."

    IKEA Restaurant/Café

    The restaurant/cafe serves both classic Swedish dishes and local favorites, and is one of the most popular areas of the whole IKEA store. Shopping at IKEA is fun and offers great value, but can also be hard work, so stop by and treat yourself to a refreshing drink and a bite to eat.

The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    Important facts about ELIQUIS® (apixaban)

    This is a summary of important information that you need to know about ELIQUIS. Keep this document in a safe place, so you can refer to it before and during your treatment.

    Look out for the following signs as you read:

Do not stop taking ELIQUIS without talking to the doctor who prescribed (开处方) it to you.

    Talk to your healthcare team before any medical procedures. ELIQUIS may need to be stopped before surgery, or a medical or dental procedure. Your doctor will tell you when you should stop taking ELIQUIS and when you may start taking it again. If you have to stop taking ELIQUIS, your doctor may prescribe another medicine to help prevent a blood clot from forming.

    What is the possible serious side effect of ELIQUIS?

    ELIQUIS can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. This is because ELIQUIS is a blood thinner medicine that reduces blood clotting. While taking ELIQUIS, you may hurt more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop.

    Call your doctor or get medical help right away if you have any symptoms of bleeding when taking ELIQUIS.

    Who should not take ELIQUIS?

    ELIQUIS is not for patients who:

    Have artificial heart valves (瓣膜). Currently have certain types of abnormal bleeding. Have had a serious allergic (过敏的) reaction to ELIQUIS.

    What should I discuss with my healthcare team before starting ELIQUIS?

    Talk to your healthcare team about the following:

    Liver problems any other medical conditions if you have ever had bleeding problems.

    Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant or breastfeed. You and your doctor should decide whether you will take ELIQUIS or breastfeed. You should not do both.

    Tell your healthcare team about all of the medicines you are taking.


    When I was about 5 years old, I experienced my very first random act of kindness. I was sitting at the roadside one evening, crying alone for some reason when suddenly, a boy came up to me and gave me a plastic rose, I remember the moment when I took the rose from his hand; I was smiling from ear to ear, whispering "I want to be like him" to myself as I watched him walking away.

    From then on, I made it as my life mission to do random acts of kindness whenever I can. I was very determined to make other people smile. That was the only reason why I joined my school's Red Crescent Society and became a volunteer. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks in the same way as I did. Whenever I do something nice to others, people around me will start to judge my actions. Often I will just keep quiet and ignore what they say, but every once in a while, they do drive me up the wall.

    These people like to complain about how humans nowadays are lacking of humanities and compassion. However, when they actually see somebody doing a good deed in front of them, they start to question and criticize that person's honesty. Perhaps it is the increasing crime rate and the never-ending rat race that caused them to be so suspicious to nice strangers. In other words, people nowadays have lost sight of the real meaning of kindness and just let it go unnoticed. That is why I think random acts of kindness are really important. These selfless acts are not only capable of bringing joy to the receivers but also to the givers. Because of this, I want to help spread the idea of these random acts to the whole world. I want to show the people how the little things they give could make a big difference in someone else's life.

