
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    All hope was not lost. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue the workers. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. . To the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from the coal mines there. . Fresh water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.

    The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, . , or fight the government. We chose to attack the laws. We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed, .

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

     “Let's Talk”:The Free Advice Project

A few weeks ago, I took a walk around Washington Square Park. I met all the usual people:street performers, the Pigeon Guy, a group of guitarists singing in harmony. But off to the side, sitting on a bench was a woman doing something vastly different—giving free advice.

    A week or two later, I set up an interview with her and we discussed her project at length.

    Lisa Podell, 32, started the Free Advice Project this past May. It began as an experiment;she sat in Washington Square Park for a day with a sign that read “Free Advice” as a simple way to reach out to people. Podell was astonished at the strong response.

    Podell admits that she was doubtful at first, but now she describes the project as mutually (相互地) beneficial. People learn from her—but she also learns from them. She says that the majority of those who come to her are dealing with some pretty heavy issues, and they expect her not only to listen, but also provide real answers.

    Having worked as a full time teacher and now as an adolescent advisor, Podell believes that talking things out is an important in the decision-making process.

    Sometimes, people walk around all day, keeping their problems in their own head and thinking about them in the same way. Podell simply strives to provide people with perspective.

    I asked if there is a future plan for the Free Advice Project. Podell said she would like to promote it to each public space in New York, which would be carried out by various volunteers across the city.

    It was truly inspiring to meet someone with such a big heart, especially in New York—where it is sometimes very hard to find anybody to listen.(303 words)

请认真阅读下面有关我国 “全民阅读”的相关文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

    BEIJING, March 15 (Xinhua) — Premier Li Keqiang on Sunday called on the Chinese people to read more and promised that the policy of encouraging reading will again be part of next year's government work report.

    “Reading is what I enjoy the most in my spare time. It makes me feel wealthy, and it has been the most rewarding experience in my life,” he told reporters after the conclusion of the annual legislative (立法的) session.

    It is worrisome, however, that the average per capita (人均) amount of reading in China is only one-tenth of that of some other countries in the world, Li said.

    “I hope that our people could foster a love of reading, and our people's amount of reading could rise. It is a very important symbol of further cultural and social progress.”

    Reading can not only unlock potential for innovation, but also enhance civic morality, he said, adding that encouraging reading will be part of next year's government work report again after featuring it for two consecutive (连续的) years.

    This year's government work report, which Li delivered to national lawmakers on March 5, said China will “ensure that more outstanding works of literature and art are created for the people to enjoy, and encourage a love of reading in all people to build a nation of avid readers.”




⑴从个人和国家两个层面谈谈推广 “全民阅读”的意义;

⑵你对推广 “全民阅读”的建议(至少两条)。








    It's a question every social­media user faces after taking a great photo: Should I post this? Or is it going to come back to worry me? The questions get doubly complex when they involve children. A parent on average will post almost 1, 000 photos of a child online before the child turns five, according to a recent survey. Are parents putting kids at risk by oversharing on social media?

    Here are the selections of the views.

    Lauren Apfel(US)

    The big reason to share is to build a community. I live, for example, thousands of miles from my family. In this atmosphere of modern parenthood, we all struggle to make it through the day, and the Internet has become a source of support. In the early years of mothering twins, one of the things that brought me the most happiness was posting pictures of them on Facebook. Sharing those photos and engaging with an online community was a lifeline.


    I don't post pictures of my kids online because I don't like when friends of mine post photos of me online. It feels way too public and exhibitionist to me. So I treat my kids the way I want to be treated. That is probably what the parents who are comfortable with online photos think, too, when they decide to put the photos out there.







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    As bike-sharing booms in China, a guideline was released by the government to promote a new form of the sharing economy - this time involving vehicles.

    Car-sharing, which provides an alternative for people to travel in cities, will be the new innovation in a service model. The released guideline focuses on legal status, insurance and regular maintenance of cars before they join sharing services. It encourages the development of car-sharing, which is expected to reduce the liking to individually buy vehicles and ease traffic congestion amid a surge in recent years of private-car ownership.

    “However, there is a long way to before the purpose of the guideline comes true,” said Xia Xueluan, a professor of sociology. “First, a car costs at least 100.000 yuan, almost 500 times that for a shared bicycle. Besides, shared cars also take the same spaces as other private cars, so parking will be another problem.”

    “Meanwhile, traditional car rental companies are competing with the emerging car-sharing business. It's estimated the charges will be almost the same for both forms of cars rentals,” Xia said. “How to survive fierce competition will remain a challenge for car-sharing providers,” he added.












    As a teacher, my daily routine includes driving to a new school almost every day so I'm usually unable to predict the day's events, good or bad!

    On one particular day, I was teaching in a very difficult class. Some of the schoolboys didn't finish their homework on time and that really annoyed me. I was managing behavior all morning and by lunch time, I knew I needed coffee to even consider surviving the afternoon. So on my lunch time, I drove to a nearby plaza to get a cup of coffee. There I had a wonderful time and forgot the unpleasant experience in the morning. Upon returning to the car, I realized I had locked my keys and my phone inside! I had about 15 minutes to get back to the school which was a good 4-or-5-minute drive away. I considered rushing back, but it was winter, and I thought a dirty fall on ice would only make the situation much worse.

    So I ran into a Mcdonaldns which was in the same plaza and asked the man at the counter to call me a cab. The man happened to be the manager of the restaurant. I briefly explained my situation to him, and I could tell by the look in his eyes, that he empathized(同情). He hurried to the back to use the phone while I paced in the restaurant. I had less than 10 minutes to get back to my school at this point.

    The manager returned, only to tell me that the cab company had put him on hold and then the line got disconnected, and that he was now on hold again, but had not yet been able to request the cab yet My expression, I am sure, began to resemble (像)some combination of hopelessness and fear.





Paragraph 1:

    Without a thought, the manager grabbed his coat and offered to drive me to the school

Paragraph 2:

    The manager's calm behavior and kind nature made me think

