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  • 1. 完形填空

        Susan was a shy but clever girt. She1 thick glasses, which were often made fun of by her classmates. The   2 thing was that Lewis had started calling her “Four Eyes”, and the nickname had become very 3. Now everyone knew her as “Suzy Four Eyes”.

        One day, the class went to visit some famous caves. When walking to the caves, Lewis put his right4in a hole and slipped(滑倒). While5 , he caught Susan, who was walking next to him, and they both fell into the hole.

    They 6 in a dark cave. There was only a ray of light coming from the cave roof. Susan and Lewis shouted for help,7 no one came. Sitting together in the cold, dark cave, they 8 a long night.

        The next morning, they still hadn't been9. Lewis continued shouting for help,10 to look for a way out. But nothing was found.

        Hours later, Susan noticed that the light was 11into the hole in a straight line. Quickly, she gathered some leaves.12her glasses as a magnifying glass(放大镜), she focused the 13onto the leaves until a little flame came out. Lewis watched all this with 14and excitement.

        15the light from fire, they began to explore the cave.
        16, they found a way out and Lewis gave Susan his sincere thanks. Now he17 having named Susan “Four Eyes”,18after seeing that it was her glasses that had 19them both. Lewis told everyone20had happened and said, “I couldn't have been with a better friend than Laser Light Suzy!”And from that day there was no longer any Four Eyes at their school, but Laser(激光)Light Suzy instead.

    A . made B . sold C . wore D . took
    A . best B . least C . most D . worst
    A . funny B . popular C . interesting D . successful
    A . foot B . hand C . fingers D . arm
    A . walking B . jumping C . falling D . catching
    A . stopped B . landed C . left D . moved
    A . since B . because C . but D . so
    A . shared B . passed C . entered D . missed
    A . found B . reached C . followed D . solved
    A . failing B . managing C . trying D . preferring
    A . growing B . building C . recovering D . shining
    A . Turning B . Knowing C . Putting D . Using
    A . eye B . hole C . light D . fire
    A . surprise B . sadness C . patience D . anger
    A . For B . With C . From D . Or
    A . Strangely B . Suddenly C . Luckily D . Usually
    A . enjoyed B . remembered C . forgot D . regretted
    A . generally B . especially C . gradually D . normally
    A . escaped B . organized C . saved D . kept
    A . what B . it C . that D . which


  • 2. 阅读理解

        Here are some of the smartest animals in the world.


        Pigs are actually very smart animals. Pigs are one of the cleanest if they are given a choice. If you provide them with enough space, they will make sure they separate their dining area from their living space. Studies have also shown that they can actually be good at video games. To get food, they will follow other pigs and then steal it from right under their noses. The victimized(受害的)pigs will then come out wiser from this. They will change their behavior next time to prevent other pigs from stealing from them.


        They are smart and creative, with the highest IQ among all birds. Crows have been known to throw nuts and shells on a road so that cars will drive over and open them. They also have the ability to make knives to cut leaves and grass.


        They have extremely large brains, even bigger than humans'. They bury(埋葬)their dead families and friends properly, the only other animal to do this besides humans. They also know which leaves are medicinal and will eat specific plants depending on the sickness they are feeling. They also have the ability to recognize themselves in the mirror.

    Bottlenose Dolphins

        They actually have the ability to watch television on the their own because of their ability to process acoustic and visual(视觉和听觉)information at the same time. They can also recognize themselves in the mirror, which they use to inspect their own bodies. Their comprehension skills are very high. Studies have shown that they even have the ability to choose the “I don't know” option during difficult tests.

    (1) What will pigs do if their food is stolen?
    A . They will fight with other pigs B . They will steal it back C . They will hide their food somewhere D . They will avoid being followed next time
    (2) Which animal can use a tool to make its food edible(可吃的)?
    A . The pig B . The crow C . The elephant D . The bottlenose dolphin
    (3) What is the only thing that elephants can do besides human beings?
    A . They can play video games B . They can eat medicinal leaves C . They can bury their dead friends well D . They can clean themselves
    (4) What can bottlenose dolphins do when they meet a difficult question in a test?
    A . Show that they don't know B . Seek help from others C . Think for a long time D . Look themselves in the mirror
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Winslow Homer was a famous American painter. Since Art History class in college, I had always admired his works and I was lucky to see a large exhibition of his works when I was in my early 30s. It was at this event that I bought a print of his painting. “Snap the Whip.” I had it framed and until I retired from teaching it always hung in my classroom

        I thought it truly captured(捕捉) the freedom and fun of childhood. In the painting, a group of young boys are playing a game arm in arm on grass ground in front of a farm house. They are jumping and laughing wildly with great joy. One of the boys is falling down to the ground. They are not even wearing shoes!

        During my last year of teaching, there was a young woman in her first year of teaching right next door to me and we got to be good friends. She had been an art student before taking up education. Her eyes were drawn immediately to this print when she entered my room. So on my last day of teaching, after the students had left, I took the painting off the wall and walked next door and gave it to her.

        She was really surprised, but very pleased to have it. I was pleased that she liked it and all the students she would have would treasure(珍爱) it as much as I had. We found the perfect place for it on one of her walls and hung it together. Thank you for bring back this wonderful memory for me.

    (1) What is the topic of the painting?
    A . Homeless children. B . The nature of children. C . Hard-working farmers. D . The pleasure of working.
    (2) Why did the author give away his favorite picture to the woman?
    A . She was his student B . She was very fond of it C . She needed it in her teaching D . She would pass it to his students
    (3) How did the author feel after seeing the painting hanging in the woman's room?
    A . Doubtful B . Painful C . Grateful D . Tired
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Rainy days don't have to get you down, a happiness expert has reported.

        Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics, said that people only feel miserable in bad weather because they think about it too much. Studies have shown that people who live in warm, sunny climates are no happier than those in chilly, wet climates, he says. So the British talking about the weather may be making us gloomier(沮丧的) than the weather itself.

        He said: “A study was done that measured the happiness levels of people in California compared to the North West. “They expected that people in California would be happier because it is more sunny, but they found that levels of happiness were exactly the same. If it is sunny every day you get used to it and the sunshine doesn't make you any happier. Most of the time the weather doesn't influence our well-being at all. But when we think about it, and think that it does, that's when we get miserable.”

        In his new book, Happiness By Design, Dolan argues that we can think ourselves happy by taking our attention away from what makes us sad.

        “Most of our anxieties come from what might be,” he argues. “If you want to be happier, pay attention to the things that make you feel good.”

        He also claimed that a problem shared was not always a problem halved(减半). He believed that humans are actually very good at being able to get over tragedy(悲剧) and loss.

        Professor Dolan also admitted for the first time that he had a stammer(口吃), which had made his early life miserable. He added it only got better when he learned not to pay attention to his speech problem.

        “Things are never as bad as you imagine them being,” he said.

    (1) What has the research found?
    A . British people don't like to chat about the weather B . Cold days make people feel less happy C . People are more likely to be happy when the sun is shining D . Rainy days have no influence on people's mood
    (2) What does the underlined word “miserable” in the second paragraph mean?
    A . Good. B . Unhappy. C . Cheerful. D . Confident.
    (3) What is Dolan's suggestion for being happy?
    A . Don't think too much about yourself. B . Avoid comparing yourself to others. C . Don't focus on what makes you sad. D . Avoid doing many miserable things.
    (4) What do we know about Professor Dolan from the text?
    A . Once he couldn't speak fluently B . Once he didn't want to share his problems with others C . He has the ability to get over bad things D . He has written many books about happiness
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Dogs are likely to have complex emotions such as jealousy(嫉妒)and pride, according to a new scientific research.

        Dogs feel very jealous when they find that they are unfairly treated. And they do not like seeing their owners being kind to other creatures, especially other dogs. They often react negatively(消极地)when their owners bring home new pets, the research found. “Dogs show a strong aversion to unfair treatment,” Dr. Friederike Range of the Vienna University said.

        At first, people believed most animals lack(缺少)the “sense of self” , which is needed to experience so-called secondary emotions such as jealousy, embarrassment or guilt. These emotions are more complex than feelings such as anger or joy.

        Besides dogs research, another research includes cows, horse, cats and sheep, and all the results have shown that animals are far more self-aware than we thought.

        Dr Paul Morris, a psychologist at the University of Portsmouth who studies animal emotions, told The Sunday Times, “We are learning that dogs, horses, and perhaps many other species are far more emotionally complex than we ever realized. They can suffer simple forms of many emotions we once thought only primates (灵长类) could experience. ”

        In research among dog owners, Dr Morris found almost all of them reported jealous behavior by their pets. The dog often tried to keep their owner away from a new lover in the early days of a relationship.

        Behavioral experts suggest that owners should keep a close relationship with the dog as usual when a new pet or child comes along in order to prevent jealous activity from the dog such as interruptions with barking.

    (1) What is the new discovery about the relationship between dogs and human?
    A . Dogs usually have more emotions than humans B . Dogs are often treated unfairly by humans C . Humans are angry about their dogs' negative reactions D . Dogs feel unhappy when their owners show kindness to other creatures
    (2) What does the underlined word “aversion” in the second paragraph mean?
    A . Internet B . Dislike C . Concern D . Fear
    (3) What does the “the sense of self” in the third paragraph probably mean?
    A . It is a complex feeling that belongs to humans B . It is a kind of ability to feel other people's emotions C . It is a necessary awareness to feel some complex emotions D . It is a kind of emotion which is based on anger or joy
    (4) Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the fourth and fifth paragraphs?
    A . The research includes four kinds of animals B . Animals are more self-aware than humans C . Dogs experience more emotions than primates D . Animals are emotionally complex


  • 6. 任务型阅读

        How do I know if my older computer is worth repairing? There are several things to consider.

        How old is your computer?

        So if your computer is older than that, then it may not have suitable hardware to make repairing worthwhile.

        How much are new computers nowadays?

        Now brand name Windows 9 or Windows 10 desktop computers with 8GB Ram, 1TB harddrive and DVD are $500 or less.You can find new computers for less, but they may not have a satisfying lifespan of 3-5 years or more.

        If you have a computer that you find it hard to get replacement parts, the costs can be high. With that being said, replacing a power supply, video board, cooling fan, or Ram memory chip can be fixed at a fair price

        How long will the repair take?

        You should also consider the time! If the computer is used in your business, the cost downtime(停工期)may be a bigger factor than repair cost.Many big computer stores have to send your laptop out for repair which can take 2-3 weeks. For business or home, one consideration might be to buy a new computer and repair the old computer if possible.

    A. Where can I buy a new computer?

    B. Many business replace computer every 3-5years.

    C. Desktop computer repairs will usually be faster laptop repairs.

    D. How much is the repair cost?

    E. New brand name laptops with the same features(特征)are $600 or less.

    F. Is my old broken computer worth repairing or fixing?

    G. If you are a do-it-yourself enthusiast, you can cut the cost of labor!


  • 7. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        I worked as the home health nurses in the very poor city in Florida. I was often very kindly to my patients, especially the elderly. One Christmas Day as I was cooking Christmas dinner to my family, I thought of some elderly people. They were my patients who always alone at home. So I decide to make more and deliver hot meals to them. I saw my two sons play in the house happily, and I made them stop. And I asked him to help me pack and deliver these meals. As we took the food into their poor houses with no heat, they were very moving and we saw tears of joy in their eyes. My sons learned of something priceless.


  • 8. 语法填空

        Last weekend we celebrated Jacob turning ninehis friends with an art party. Instead of hosting it at our house, we(decide )to try something new to celebrate it. It cost US $50,00 to rent a small restaurant. I worked with a store manager. And I bought(balloon) and a few other things from him.

        On the day of the party, the tables in the restaurant(cover) and waiters and waitresses were ready to get to work when we arrived. We started with helping the children paint their own canvases(油画)then create their own T-shirts. I should have advised parents (take)some old clothes, (unlucky)we did not. When one child got paint all over(him), I felt bad about that.

        Overall, Jacob hadwonderful time. We were able to do the art parity for minimal cost. The smile on his face at the end of the day was allmattered to me.


  • 9. 假设你是李华,你的加拿大笔友John应你的邀请,将于今年寒假来上海拜访你。请你写信欢迎他的到来, 并告诉他你的一些安排。要点如下:






    Dear John,


    Li Hua
