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  • 1. 完形填空

        I had introduced myself to others by saying, “Hi, I am J's mother” or “A's mom” rather than my own name. Another mother 1 asked me, “And do you have a(n)2?”

        My friend 3 me a few days before. I kept on talking for five minutes about my 4 When I 5 she asked, “So, is there anything going on with 6?”

        At first, I didn't understand 7she was asking me that. Hadn't I just told her what was going on with me? But then I realized that 8 I said had actually been about myself. It was all about my kids. I love being a mom. The kids were my world.9 it was my kids' world, and I just lived in it and 10it didn't fall apart.

        The phone call with my friend made me 11 that I needed to start thinking about who else I am 12 being a mother. I realized that to be a good 13 I also had to be my own person-not just someone who only 14 to take care of other people.

        I joined a club and started doing some volunteer work. I took a writing class online. I am now a regular 15to several magazines and write a monthly blog. I don't make a lot of money by writing, but I feel more 16 as a person. I am 17 and growing, and that makes me more 18 and a better mother.

    Now when I 19 myself, I say, “Hi, my name is Randi,” and it feels 20 to be me.

    A . actually B . eventually C . gradually D . generally
    A . identification B . name C . family D . job
    A . visited B . blamed C . recognized D . called
    A . complaint B . career C . children D . responsibility
    A . accelerated B . choked C . yawned D . finished
    A . them B . you C . me D . us
    A . how B . why C . if D . when
    A . nothing B . something C . all D . anything
    A . On the contrary B . What's more C . Or rather D . After all
    A . made sure B . found out C . tried out D . held back
    A . imagine B . appreciate C . realize D . suspect
    A . on account of B . in addition to C . in term of D . by means of
    A . friend B . employee C . mother D . wife
    A . appeared B . used C . grew D . existed
    A . contributor B . inspector C . surveyor D . accountant
    A . contradictory B . disturbed C . compromised D . fulfilled
    A . sacrificing B . struggling C . scolding D . learning
    A . merciful B . delighted C . pitiful D . objective
    A . enjoy B . ease C . introduce D . betray
    A . fantastic B . desperate C . ambitious D . awkward


  • 2. 阅读理解

    Dog parks on Long Island

        For dog lovers, parking dogs sometimes might be a problem. From entertainment facilities to park tips, we've collected everything you need to know before you take your pet for an afternoon of outdoor fun.

        ⒈Amagansett, Napeague State Park

    Amagansett, Napeague State Park, Route 27. Dogs are allowed on a leash(狗链)in this undeveloped park, which includes trails, wooded areas and roads. Access to the beach. No water source or public bathrooms.

        ⒉East Meadow, Eisenhower Park

    East Meadow, Eisenhower Park, Salisbury Park Drive and Stewart Avenue, East Meadow. In addition to dhaded seating, each run has a water source. Permits are free, but required.

        ⒊Calverton, Isaac Park

    Calverton, Isaac Park, on the Grumman Site, within Veteran's Memorial Park. Separated by large and small dogs, this half-acre plot has shade trees, seating and access to the beach. Bring your own water' leashed dog can be walked on some trails; Town of Riverhead residents only.

        ⒋Broolhaven, Robinson Duck Farm Dog Park

    Broolhaven, Robinson Duck Farm Dog Park, 2903 Montauk Hwy. This 3-acre park has areas for large and small dogs, but no water source. Large-dog area includes a training course. $18 yearly pass for village residents.

        ⒌Massapequa, Clocks Boulevard Park

    Massapequa, Clocks Boulevard Park, off Louden Avenue and Sunrise Highway. At larger than 1 acre, this dog park has lots of room to run and wooded areas for shade. Open dawn to dusk. Water sources are available in both the large- and small-dog areas. It has enough parking and seating. Open to Town of Oyster Bay residents.

    (1) In which parks are water sources available?
    A . Isaac Park and Eisenhower Park. B . Napeague State Park and Isaac Park. C . Eisenhower Park and Clocks Boulevard Park. D . Robinson Duck Farm Dog Park and Clocks Boulevard Park.
    (2) What is required if you are visiting Isaac Park?
    A . Buying a permit. B . Spending $18 every year. C . Keeping public bathrooms clean. D . The identity as a resident of Town Of Riverhead.
    (3) What's special about Robinson Duck Farm Dog Park?
    A . Dogs can be trained there. B . It has large room for dogs. C . Dogs can get shade there. D . It is free for village residents.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        For the last eight years, Jo Meade rode her bike each Sunday on a 16-mile round trip to her job washing dishes. It took more than an hour each way. Other days of the week she would spend two hours on three buses from her apartment to get to the other work, for a four-hour round trip.

        That was the “before” part of her life. The “after” part of her life was started by the community Police Officer Trevor Arnold, who delivered a used car to her with the help of a car dealer and other donors.

        Arnold, who spotted Meade, red and sweaty, riding her bike in the worst heat this summer, decided he would get her a car. He intended to quietly buy her a used car out of his own pocket so he turned to his friend Kody Slaght, a car salesman to ask about a car priced $1,000. That wasn't enough for a reliable ride, Slaght said, but the dealership said they would find a good car for her at a good price. Soon others were donating. Slaght and Arnold wouldn't say how much the car cost, but the value is about 4,000.

        Arnold said he was motivated by Meade's work ethic(职业道德)to help. “I see a lot of hardworking people nut that's when they are at work. Can you imagine spending four hours of your day getting to and from work?” he said.

        Meade's boss said she was awesome and really reliable when she worked and she got along with others. “She's willing to rise the three buses to get in here on her day off if we need her too.”

        Meade said she was planning to buy a car, “but I haven't been able to afford it,” she said. “Trevor, he is a very good guy. I did not expect this.”

    (1) What can we learn about Jo Meade's work?
    A . It's free but low-paid. B . It's not worth her devotion. C . It's competitive and high-paid. D . It's time-consuming on the road.
    (2) Why did Slaght disagree to Arnold's buying a car priced $1,000?
    A . The car was too expensive for Meade. B . The car was beyond Arnold's affordability. C . The car had been donated to another person. D . The car was not in good condition of driving.
    (3) What inspired Arnold to buy a car for Meade?
    A . His sympathy for Meade. B . His duty as a policeman.. C . Her commitment to work. D . Her desire for a better life..
    (4) What's Meade's feeling for the donated c ar?
    A . Normal. B . Surprised. C . Embarrassed. D . Disappointed.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        China's Singles Day, which falls on Nov. 11 every year, has far surpassed its U. S. counterparts of Black Friday and Cyber Monday—combined Last year, Americans spent a record $ 12.8 billion online between Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday. It's impressive until you compare it to the $ 17.6 billion in sales made by Chinese consumers in a single 24-hour period during 2016's Singles Day.

        Singles Day is known as “Bare Sticks Day” or “Bare Branches Day” in Chinese-because the date “11/11” looks like bare branches and “one” is the loneliest number. Singles Day began in the early 1990s in the dorm rooms of Nanjing University when a group of single friends were sorry about the lack of significant others and decided to mark the day by organizing activities as a group of singles and reducing their loneliness by buying themselves a gift.

        Then in 2009, sensing a break between the sales period of China's National Day on Oct. 1 and Chinese New Year in late January or early February, Alibaba's Jack Ma saw an opening: sell to comfort lonely hearts.

        The first year did only $7.5 million in sales, but just 8 years later, shoppers spent $ 25.3 billion, or 168.2 billion yuan, this year—a 40 percent jump from last year's $ 17.6 billion. For comparison, Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the U. S. only netted $ 6.79 billion in 2016. Amazon doesn't release sales figures for July's Prime Day, but it's pretty safe to believe the not-quite-national-holiday doesn't come close to $ 25 billion.

        “More than $ 25 billion in one day is not just a sales figure,” Alibaba Group CEO Daniel Zhang said in a statement. “It represents the desire for quality consumption of the Chinese consumer, and it reflects how merchants and consumers alike have now fully accepted the combination of online and offline sales.”

    (1) What does the underlined word “others” refer to in Paragraph 2?
    A . Roommates. B . Good friends. C . Boyfriends or girlfriends. D . Relatives.
    (2) What is the original purpose of China's Singles Day?
    A . To promote the online sale of goods. B . To reduce loneliness of singles in China. C . To create a holiday for all Chinese youth. D . To find boyfriends or girlfriends for singles.
    (3) China's Singles Day became consumers' day in       .
    A . the early 1990s B . 2016 C . 2017 D . 2009
    (4) Which of the following words can describe Daniel Zhang's attitude to online sales?
    A . Optimistic. B . Indifferent. C . Worried. D . Confused.
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Almost all researches in sleep explain that nightmares are a reaction to negative experiences that happen during waking hours. However, some of them believe that nightmares do have some real benefits. One 2017 study, for example, found that frequent nightmare sufferers rated themselves as more empathetic (共鸣的). They also displayed more of a tendency to unconsciously mirror other people through things like yawning. People who have constant nightmares also tend to think further outside the box on psychoanalysis tasks. Some other researches have found support for the idea that nightmares might be linked to creativity.

        People seeking cure for nightmares were not necessarily more fearful or anxious, but rather had a general sensitivity to all emotional experience. Sensitivity is the driving force behind intense dreams. Heightened sensitivity to threats or fear during the day results in had dreams and nightmares, whereas heightened passion or excitement may result in more intense positive dream. And both these forms of dreams may feed back into waking life, perhaps increasing suffering after nightmares, or promoting social bonds and empathy after positive dreams.

        The effects go further still. This sensitivity overflows over into perceptions and thoughts: people who have a lot of nightmares experience a dreamlike quality to their waking thoughts. And this kind of thinking seems to give them a creative edge. For instance, studies show that such people tend to have greater creative talent and artistic express. And people who often have nightmares also tend to have more positive dreams than the average person.

        The evidence points towards the idea that, rather than disturbing normal activity, people who are unfortunate in having a lot of nightmares also have a dreaming life that is at least as creative, positive and vivid as it can be distressing and terrifying. What's more, this imaginative richness is unlikely to be limited to sleep, but also is filled with waking thought and daydreams. Even after people wake up and shake off the nightmare, in other words, a mark of it stays behind, possessing them throughout the day.

    (1) What do most sleep researchers think of nightmares?
    A . They have no advantages at all. B . They make people more empathetic. C . They can promote humans' creativity. D . They are a reflection of waking behaviour.
    (2) How can nightmare sufferers probably stop nightmares in theory according to the text?
    A . Try to reduce sensitivity to threats or fear. B . Be more fearful or anxious to nightmares. C . Avoid excitement as much as possible. D . Promote social bonds and empathy.
    (3) What does the underlined word “perception” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A . Awareness. B . Content. C . Intelligence. D . Determination.
    (4) What can be the best title for the text?
    A . The Solution of Nightmares B . The Benefits of Nightmares C . The Empathy of Nightmares D . The Tendency of Nightmares


  • 6. 任务型阅读

        Moving to a foreign country is an amazing, life-changing experience. There are some practical decisions that need to be made.For me, choosing to live with a French with a French family was the best choice I made, and here is why.

         When you're in a new environment with people you don't know who are speaking a language you're still not fluent in, you might feel lost, tired and homesick—I know I did.They showed me which buses to take to get to work, cooked dinner for me so we could eat together, and took me with them on trips to the beach, the theatre and even a bullfight. These were great opportunities to experience French culture and build relationships. They helped me feel more comfortable and welcome.

        Living with French people has improved my language skills. Being constantly exposed to real French conversation has allowed me to learn new phrases, widen my vocabulary and even improve my accent. My host family are happy to answer my questions and correct me when I say things wrong.

        The experience of living abroad is one that you will remember forever. Perhaps the friendships, like the memories, will also last.You might return for their birthdays, weddings, holidays, and much more. I hope to remain in contact with my host family long after I leave France because when I was away from my friends and loves ones, they welcomed me and made me part of their family.

    A. One such decision is choosing where to live.

    B. You can stay in your own space and privacy.

    C. Your host family might become your life-long friends.

    D. It makes me a better and more confident French speaker.

    E. However, my host family was wonderful and welcoming.

    F. A family can help you settle in, stopping you from feeling lonely.

    G. It's an opportunity to meet new people, a different culture and another language.


  • 7. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        I got on my bike to take photographs of the nature. It was my school project what had to be finished today. I woke up much earlier than usual and left my house. It was still darker outside. When I arrived the lake, it was just at daybreak. The sky was pink but the sun was rising over the water. I sat on a rock next to the lake and watched the fish swimming in the water, listened to the birds singing in the wood nearby. Sudden, I realized I have forgotten my camera on the bike. I returned to get them. Now, I could take pictures.


  • 8. 语法填空

        The last full moon of 2017 is going to appear a little bigger and brighter than most.

        Dec. 3 will bring a supermoon, (mean) a full moon that happens at perigee—the same time that the moon is closest to the earth.this particular occasion, the moon will appear 7 percent larger and 16 percent brighter than usual. Not only will this be the only full supermoon of 2017,it's also going to kick off a series of three full supermoons in a row. The full moons on Jan. 2 and Jan. 31 will be super (one) and even they'll be blue super moons,means the second full moon in a single month.

        While some moonwatchers might be getting excited, some people think the hype(炒作)around supermoons isn't all it  (regard) as being. A scientist slammed(抨击)the term last year as something made up  (complete) and a waste of everyone's time. He acknowledged that supermoons would appear bigger and brighter, but that actually an amateur  (observe) wouldn't notice the difference. Another scientist  (make) a similar  (argue) back in 2012.

        If the supermoon makes you want to go out and appreciate the sky's beauty, we say “Go for it.”


  • 9. 假定你是李华。近期有报道指出中国正在变成一个“一次性社会(The throw-away society)”,即什么东西都用完即扔的社会。请你就此用英文给报社编辑写封信,内容包括:

    1). 自己的看法;

    2). 举例陈述理由;

    3). 提出建议。


    1). 词数100左右;

    2). 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
