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  • 1. 完形填空

        It was a cold autumn morning a few years ago. I was driving along the mountain roads slower than usual trying to take in all the1colors. It was so beautiful. It was a day made for2Yet, part of me still felt3and insignificant in the middle of all of this heaven-sent beauty.

        As I rounded a curve(弯曲处), I4saw an old man hurrying along the side of the road. As soon as he saw me, he raised his thumb, hoping for a5. I braked and pulled over to the side of the road. I6the door and the white haired man got in with a smile. He was hoping to7to the local post office and8have tie to catch a bus. As I drove along, we laughed and talked about what a9day it was. Then just as I 10to drop him off, he turned to me and said “Thanks son. You were heaven-sent.”

        I 11away with a smile on my face and a12in my heart. I wasn't sure 13I had been “heaven-sent” for him but he 14had been “heaven-sent” for me. He had15me that I too was an important part of God's 16and that I should enjoy taking my place in it.

        In God's eyes, none of us is small. None of us is 17  All of us are heaven-sent. We are here to help each other. We are here to18our love and our kindness. We are here to make this world a better 19more beautiful place. May you always 20your place in God's glorious creation.

    A . winter B . summer C . fall D . spring
    A . sadness B . excitement C . amazement D . happiness
    A . small B . terrible C . rough D . innocent
    A . anxiously B . suddenly C . obviously D . really
    A . notice B . stop C . ride D . welcome
    A . repaired B . locked C . knocked D . opened
    A . get across B . make it C . get it D . get over
    A . still B . always C . ever D . almost
    A . warm B . hot C . beautiful D . cool
    A . put off B . put down C . pulled down D . pulled over
    A . drove B . got C . put D . walked
    A . hope B . light C . wish D . doubt
    A . since B . if C . that D . when
    A . finally B . freely C . certainly D . distantly
    A . guaranteed B . recalled C . told D . reminded
    A . belief B . creation C . fortune D . wealth
    A . bad B . unfortunate C . unimportant D . unhealthy
    A . form B . accept C . plan D . share
    A . for B . and C . but D . or
    A . take B . protect C . save D . consider


  • 2. 阅读理解

        Family Fun in Canadian Museum of Nature

        Bring the whole family to rediscover our fully reformed museum and new galleries.

        What to See and Do

        Check out What's On for all the events, educational activities and HD movies happening during your visit. On the first floor, you can see birds, dive down into the depths at the helm(舵柄)of a submersible(潜水器)or explore a cave. Don't miss our 3D gallery play areas on the third floor when visiting with kids. By visiting here, your children will learn more about nature. Check out Our Exhibitions which presents our special exhibitions.

        Hours, Admission, Services and More

        Everything you need to plan your visit:

        Opening Hours

        Summer Hours (June1—September 4):


        9am-8pm(Thursday and Friday)

        Regular Hours: 9am-5pm(except Monday and Thursday)


        Adult: $14


        Student (13+):$12


        Tiny Tot(0-2):Free


        Paid parking is available on the Canadian Museum of Nature grounds.


        $3 per half hour

        At most $14 per day(until 4:30 am)

        Evening flat rate(统一价格):

        $5(4:30pm-4:30 am)

        Charges accumulate(evening and next day)of vehicles that are parked overnight.


        Be sure to stop at our Nature Boutique on the second floor for a vast selection of games, books and nature-related souvenirs.

        Explore Nature

        The Canadian Museum of Nature provides a lot of information, images and videos on our websites. The museum participates in several social networks. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

    (1) What does the Canadian Museum of Nature do for kids?
    A . Improve their taste in the art B . Raise their awareness of nature C . Train them to submersibles D . Inspire them to do scientific research
    (2) Where can you buy a souvenir at the Canadian Museum of Nature?
    A . On the Canadian Museum of Nature grounds B . On the first floor C . On the second floor D . On the third floor
    (3) Parents with a seven-year-old child driving to pay a whole-day visit to the museum should pay at least ______.
    A . $38 B . $40 C . $54 D . $52
    (4) What is the purpose of the last part of the text?
    A . To introduce contact details B . To advertise coming events C . To encourage donations D . To tell about the museum's reputation
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Someone had given our name and phone number to a charity, and its staff were bringing us Christmas presents.

        I made sure the house was as spotless as it could be with four children living in it, as the due time drew near, I sat on the edge of the couch. Each time I heard a car, I jumped up to see if they were here. Each time it wasn't them, I was relieved, yet disappointed.

        Finally a huge car pulled into the driveway, and four people got out. Now I was embarrassed as well as grateful, excited and nervous. I greeted them with a smile. They made several trips and soon my living room was full of boxes and bags.

        I tried to say “thank you” but my throat suddenly closed up and tears welled up in my eyes.

        I watched through the window as they drove away, wondering what they thought of me. I had always donated, but not received. We weren't always like this. My husband had been out of work, and we were struggling. I'd wanted to say this to them, but the words wouldn't come out.

        I quickly put away the gifts before the school-aged children came home. I hid them in closets and under beds as quickly as I could. On Christmas morning I felt a little guilty as our four children tore open the boxes and bags with pleasure, thinking they were from us.

        My nine-year-old son opened a game box and taped inside the lid was an envelope. I opened it and read aloud: May the joy of Christmas be with you all through the year. At the bottom of the card, written in small, neat letters was a sentence, it said: Although the sea gets rough, no storm lasts forever.

        I was suddenly ashamed of being ashamed. I finally understood.

    (1) What was the author's original attitude to being donated?
    A . Angry B . Natural C . Ashamed D . Hesitant
    (2) Why did the author put away the gifts?
    A . She would sell them for cost of living B . She wanted to give children a surprise C . She decided to return them to the charity D . She wished to donate them to the poorer
    (3) What does the underlined sentence in the last but one paragraph refer to?
    A . Pain past is pleasure B . No pains, no gains C . No man is wise at all times D . Never too old to learn
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Standing in the shower waiting for the water to het up could be a thing of the past, along with all the wasted water. Three and a half years ago, Lindy Honeychurch, a thirty-year-old Australian full-time mum living on a farm outside Launceston, didn't consider herself a very good water saver. Neither did her partner who often complained about it with good reasons. Their farm had to rely on tank water and solar power, which meant water had to be trucked in if he tank water ran out in summer.

        “I looked at where I could save because I could lead an easier life without the complaint,” she said. Modeling her idea on a car thermostat(恒温器), Lindy used her kids' magnetic(磁的)drawing board to design a device that diverts the cold water back down the hot water pipe. “The first aim when I started designing was to keep it really small and simple without having to use power. I wanted to keep it as something that everyone could use,” said Lindy.

        She got a patent for her design and took it to some engineers to have it tested out. At first, even though the engineers were amazed that she wasn't an engineer, she said she sometimes found it hard to be taken seriously. “My age was a real factor because in the plumbing(管路系统)and manufacturing industries you're dealing with people who've got a lot of experiences,” she said. But the engineers soon saw the potential of her design, which she estimated would save average families between 14,000 to 22,000 liters per year.” when you transfer that to the dollar savings on tank water that you have to buy, it can be a saving of $600 per year,” said Lindy.

        Armed with positive feedback from engineers and people using rainwater tanks, her design proved a great success. Soon she found a manufacturer early this year, and completed a state government commercial ready course to help her research, her markets and distribution channels. With an Australian Standard for her device just approved, she's about to start manufacturing and wishes to see her products on the shelves within the next few months. Once that happens, Lindy plans to return to being a full-time mum.

    (1) What does the second paragraph mainly about?
    A . Lindy's unhappy family B . Lindy's comfortable farm life C . The function of Lindy's invention D . The background to Lindy's invention
    (2) What drove Lindy to invent a water-saving device?
    A . Her dull life as a housewife B . The difficulty in getting water on her farm C . Her husbands request D . The need of increasing agricultural water
    (3) What happened when Lindy first took her design to some engineers?
    A . They did not pay much attention to it B . they believed it was a great invention C . They helped her test it out immediately D . They laughed at her because it was no use at all
    (4) What can we know from the text?
    A . Lindy didn't enjoy being a full-time housewife but liked being a working mum B . Lindy's products have been widely welcomed in the markets at home and abroad C . Lindy's design was liked by engineers and people using rainwater tanks D . Lindy had a lot of experience in the plumbing and manufacturing industries
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Eating spicy foods frequently may be tied to a slightly lower risk of an earlier death, according to a new study. However, more research is needed to confirm the link, experts say.

        The researchers found that the people in the study who ate spicy foods one or two days a week were 10 percent less likely to die during the study, compared with those who ate spicy foods less than once a week, according to the study published today(Aug. 4) in the journal The BMJ. Moreover, the people in the study who ate spicy foods three or more days a week were 14 percent less likely to die during the study, compared with those who ate spicy foods less than once a week.

        However, the study was observational, and so it is too early to tell whether there is a causal relationship between eating spicy food and lower mortality, said study author Lu Qi, an associate professor at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts. "We definitely need more data from other populations," Qi told Live Science. “The researchers don't know why exactly the consumption of spicy food may be linked to lower mortality, but previous research on cells and animals has suggested several possible mechanisms,” Qi said.

        “It is unclear whether the observed associations are the direct result of spicy food intake, or whether spicy foods are simply a marker for other beneficial but unmeasured dietary components(成分),” said Nita Forouhi, a nutritional expect. At this point, researchers don't know for sure whether eating spicy foods can have a beneficial effect on human health and mortality, Forouhi wrote. "Future research is needed to make sure whether spicy food consumption has the potential to improve health and reduce mortality directly, or if it is merely a marker of other dietary and lifestyle factors," she said.

    (1) Which section of a newspaper is the article probably taken from?
    A . Advertisement B . Business C . Science D . Education
    (2) What does the underlined word “mortality” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A . Death rate B . Living cost C . Physical suffering D . Energy requirement
    (3) What does the passage mainly tell us?
    A . Link between food and health B . Association between a certain food and health C . Connection between habits and health D . Relation between food and health
    (4) What's the writer's attitude towards eating spicy foods frequently?
    A . Negative B . Positive C . Doubtful D . Objective


  • 6. 任务型阅读

        Make the most of life experiences

        If you ask anyone what the purpose of life is, you'll likely receive wildly different responses. The answer to this question is deeply personal because different things are important to us throughout the course of our lives.

        Finding ways to make the most of our experiences is a challenge we face every day, here are some ways to make your experiences meaningful.

        Follow your dreams

        The number one way to live a life free of regret is to follow your dreams. Passion will die without actions supporting them..Every day make an effort, no matter how small, to achieve your goals. Each day is a step forward and none of it is wasted.

        Make mistakes

        Making mistakes is the surest(无疑的)path to grow as a person.and those lessons have stayed with me. failure is beneficial to us. And time allows me to see the value of even the most painful situation.


        Difficult and painful experiences shape our character but can also weigh us down. These prevent us from moving forward. So much of our progress in life relies on willpower and a healthy emotional state. If you're under stress, your body and mind both require time to recover..

        For me, life is about experiences. We all have to dream, work hard, and fail before we can achieve success. Maybe we'll discover along the way that the journey is more important than the destination.

    A. Take care of yourself.

    B. Improve your personality.

    C. Many of my strongest memories come from the times I've failed

    D. It's best to rest and slowly build back up your strength

    E. Yet one thing stays with us no matter where we go: our experiences

    F. Though we try our best to make fewer mistakes, it is impossible to avoid them.

    G. Though we can't choose the outcome of our actions, we can choose to keep pursuing.


  • 7. 语法填空

        crowd of more than 22,000 people gathered near Las Vegas' famous Mandalay Bay Hotelthe Route 91 Harvest Festival. Without(expect), from the hotel's 32nd floor, a gunman opened fire on the people below, (kill)59 people and at least 500 injured. It was the most(dead)shooting in US history. President Donald Trump describedas “an act of pure evil”. He ordered US flags to be(fly)at half-staff to honor thosedied. “In moments of tragedy and horror, America comes together as one. And it always (have),” Trump said(Politician) around the world offered their support for the United States.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Dear parents,

        The hardest time of my life is coming, and I know you are worry about my studies and my life. I can say nothing and thanks to you for the special occasion. Words failed me when I want to express my thanks to you for the care you showed me in the past few years. These days I have been studying hard and have performed to the best of my ability in the tests. I'll try your best to accomplish my assignment in the coming days.

        After the college entrance examination, I intend to helping you do some housework, that I have seldom done before. And I want to learn to cook in order to personal prepare a dinner for you both.

        My dear parents, everything is going well with me. do to relax!

        Love from,

        Your son


  • 9. 假定你是李华,半月前你从国外某网站上订购了一台笔记本电脑和一套英文小说,昨天才到货,且电脑不是你订购的型号,小说也有缺页现象。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。要点如下:




    注意:1). 词数100左右;



    Dear Sir or Madam,

        Looking forward to your reply.

                                                                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                                                                    Li Hua
