新目标(Go for it)版2021-2022学年英语七年级下册Unit 7 单元检测卷

修改时间:2022-04-12 浏览次数:119 类型:单元试卷 编辑

选择试卷全部试题 *点击此按钮,可全选试卷全部试题,进行试卷编辑


  • 1. Where is Linda now?
    A . B . C .
  • 2. In which place is it cloudy?
    A . B . C .
  • 3. How's the weather in the boy's town?
    A . B . C .
  • 4. Who is Tony writing to?
    A . B . C .
  • 5. What does Henry usually do when it is raining?
    A . B . C .
  • 6. Who is Bob writing to?
    A . His pen friend. B . His father. C . His teacher.
  • 7. What is Tom's father doing?
    A . Playing football. B . Watching TV. C . Running by the pool.
  • 8. How's the weather today?
    A . It's sunny. B . It's rainy. C . It's cloudy.
  • 9. Where is Bill now?
    A . In the park. B . At school C . At home
  • 10. What is Sally's phone number?
    A . It's 821-2769 B . It's 812-2679. C . It'S 821-2679.
  • 11. 听短文,选择最佳答案。
    (1) What time is it now?    
    A . It's 10:00 a.m. B . It's 10:30 a.m. C . It's 11:00 a.m.
    (2) How's the weather now?
    A . It's raining B . It's snowy. C . It's windy
    (3) What is Frank's father doing?
    A . Watching TV. B . Writing to his friends. C . Cleaning the house.
    (4) What is Frank's sister doing?    
    A . Washing her clothes. B . Playing the piano. C . Doing her homework.
    (5) Where's Frank?    
    A . In the kitchen. B . In the living room. C . In his room.
  • 12. 听短文,完成下面的表格





    It's sunny, but it will be in the afternoon.


    The weather is fine and .


    It's snowy and .


    It's sunny and warm.


    It's and


  • 13. It's ________ today. I think it's going to ________.
    A . cloud; rain B . cloudy; raining C . cloudy; rain D . cloudy; rainy
  • 14. —Can you help me to lift the box? It's too heavy.


    A . No problem B . No sorry C . No worry D . No hurry
  • 15. 一 Can I take a ________________?

    一 Sure, thanks. Please tell Helen to call me back.

    A . walk B . shower C . friend D . message
  • 16. 一 Can I speak to Mrs. Dean?

    一 Sorry. She _______________ the dishes in the kitchen.

    A . washes B . to wash C . is washing D . wash
  • 17. The People's Park is a good place to have fun. I want to go there _______________ next week.
    A . either B . hard C . late D . again
  • 18. 一 How is the ________________ in Beijing now?

    — Sorry, I don't know, but when I was there. it was sunny.

    A . language B . winter C . weather D . supermarket
  • 19. Linda's uncle is a(n) ________________. He wants to find a new job in a restaurant.
    A . worker B . doctor C . artist D . cook
  • 20. ________ the heavy rain, we had to put off the meeting.
    A . Because B . Because of C . Thanks for D . Though
  • 21. It's easy ________ the problem.
    A . for him solve B . for him to solve C . of him solving D . of him to solve
  • 22. Helen is having a good time            her grandparents in the countryside.
    A . visit B . to visit C . visiting D . visits


  • 23. 补全对话

    A. Is it cloudy now?

    B. Is it raining now?

    C. How do you know?

    D. Why don't you look outside?

    E. Will you arrive this afternoon?

    F. Why don't you sleep at night?

    G. But you need to take an umbrella(伞) with you.

    A: Hello, Helen speaking.

    B: Hi, Helen. It's Jack.

    A: Yes. What's the weather like today?

    B: I don't know. I'm still in bed.


    B: Okay. It looks like rain.

    A: Why do you say that?

    B: Because the sky is grey(因为天空是灰色的).


    B: No. It's just cloudy.


    B: The street isn't wet(湿的). I think it'll rain this afternoon.


  • 24. 完形填空

        Susan is a Chinese girl. She lives in Beijing with her parents. It's eight o'clock in the morning. The1is sunny. But it's still very cold. Susan is2English in her room. She learns English for an hour every day. She wants to learn it well so she studies very3. Susan's father is reading a newspaper.4father usually reads newspapers in the morning. Where is Susan's mother? She is5breakfast for them in the kitchen. She prepares (准备) some hot milk. She thinks hot milk can make them6in winter.

        What is Susan's friend Tony doing now? Tony is not Chinese, He comes from another (另一个)7. America. It's in the evening in America now. The weather is8. It rains a lot this week. Tony is9at the table with his family. They are having dinner. Tony eats much chicken and some carrots. He also drinks some orange10

        Do you have friends from other countries? Do you know what they are doing now?

    A . room B . weather C . mountain D . vacation
    A . reading B . playing C . visiting D . calling
    A . far B . soon C . hard D . quickly
    A . His B . Her C . Our D . Their
    A . buying B . cleaning C . cooking D . washing
    A . cool B . warm C . cold D . dry
    A . country B . school C . village D . house
    A . fine B . easy C . bad D . interesting
    A . skating B . sitting C . cutting D . walking
    A . snow B . park C . message D . juice


  • 25. 阅读理解


    Summer Camp(度假营)

    Time:May 20th to August 10th

    Ages:7 —15 years

    Day Camp Price:$25

    Weekly Camp Price:$150


        Pool party

        Cooking lessons

        Story telling


        Hair Day

     Field trips(野外考察)

    And much,much more!!!

    Field Trip Places

     Weather station




    Children will need to take a swimsuit(游泳衣),sports shoes and a cup.

    Want to join us? Visit YMCA.com to register(注册)To know more about the summer camp,come to 350 S.Foster Drive,LA or call Eddrick Martin at(225)924—3606.


    (1) Who canjoin the summer camp?    
    A . Betty,16 years old. B . Mike,13 years old. C . Ben,6 years old. D . Lisa,4 years old.
    (2) If you want to stay at the summer camp for a week,you need to pay(付费)     .    
    A . $25 B . $50 C . $150 D . $175
    (3) Children at the summer camp CANNOT      .    
    A . tell stories B . listen to music C . visit a radio station D . have a party in the pool
    (4) What do the children need to take when they go to the summer camp?    
    A . A uniform. B . A notebook. C . A quilt. D . A swimsuit.
    (5) If you want to register for the summer camp,you can        
    A . go to 350 S.Foster Drive,LA B . e-mail Eddrick Martin C . call(225)924—3606 D . visit YMCA ,com
  • 26. 阅读理解。
    Dear Dad and Mom,  
        How are you in London? I'm fine in Beijing, and I like the weather here very much. It's not very hot in summer. But in winter it is usually very cold and it often snows. I like the white snow because I can use it to make snowmen. In spring it is warm but windy. I like autumn(秋天)best in Beijing. It is cool in autumn.
        I have many friends here. They are very nice. On Sundays I often go around the city by bus with them.
    (1) Where is John now?

    A . In London. B . In Beijing. C . In New York. D . In Shanghai.
    (2) Why does John like snow?

    A . Because it is white. B . Because it is beautiful. C . Because it is cold when there is snow. D . Because he can use it to make snowmen.
    (3) What's John's favorite season(季节) in Beijing?

    A . Spring. B . Summer. C . Autumn. D . Winter.
    (4) When does John often go around the city?

    A . After school. B . At work. C . On Saturdays. D . On Sundays.
    (5) What do we know from the passage?

    A . It's very hot in summer in Beijing. B . It is warm and there is no wind in spring in Beijing. C . John has lots of friends in Beijing. D . John often walks around the city.


  • 27. 下面1-5小题是人物的介绍,从A—G七个地点的介绍中为这5个人选择最合适参观的地点(有两项多余)。

    Jack likes hot weather, because he can swim at a pool or in the river. He wants to lie on the beach on the vacation.

    Lucy likes running. She doesn't like hot weather. She likes autumn. It's cool. She likes to see autumn leaves.

    Mary likes winter. She wants to skate on the ice.

    Ken likes flowers. He wants to visit a place with many flowers.

    Tina is a student. She likes rainy days. She feels relaxed in the rain.

    A. Ice Park

        You can skate on the ice. There are many young people skating here.

    B. Rainy Park

        This is a beautiful place. You can enjoy the rain in this place. It often rains, so please take a raincoat or an umbrella here.

    C. Mount Yang

        It's a mountain. If you like hiking or climbing the mountain, you can come here. You can enjoy the good views in the mountain.

    D. Fragrant Mountain

        In autumn, you can enjoy red autumn leaves in Fragrant Mountain. They are beautiful.

    E. The Great Wall

        If you come to Beijing, please visit the Great Wall first. It's the longest wall with a long history in the world.

    F. Sun Beach

        It's a beautiful beach. Many people are lying on the beach. Some are playing beach volleyball, some are swimming in the sea.

    G. Zhongshan Garden

        It's a beautiful garden in this city. There are many flowers in the garden. Many visitors come here to enjoy the beautiful flowers.

  • 28. 根据短文内容填空,每空一词。

        Do you know the weather in Henan? There are four seasons in Henan. The weather in Henan is not the same in four seasons.

        It is warm in spring. People like to climb mountains. In spring, a lot of children go out to plant (种植) some trees.

        What's the weather like in summer? Well, it is bot in summer. People like to go swimming in summer.

        It is cool in autumn. Sometimes it is windy. People like to go on a trip in autumn.

        How's the weather in winter? It is cold in winter. Sometimes it snows. People always wear warm clothes in winter. The old people don't go out because it is cold, They usually watch TV at home and keep warm.



    Things people like to do


    mountains; plant some trees




    Cool; sometimes windy

    Go on a

    Cold; sometimes snowy

    Watch TV and keep warm

  • 29. 根据短文内容回答下列问题。

        You may love to see tigers at the zoo. But what if you had to stay with one on a boat on the open sea for over 200 days? Life of  Pi(《少年派的奇幻漂流》), the movie from American Chinese director(导演), Li An, tells an amazing story.

        Pi is a boy. He lives happily with his family in a beautiful Indian town. His father has a zoo, so Pi knows a lot about animals.

        But one day, his father decides to move to Canada. He will sell all his animals there. The family begin to sail on the Pacific with all the zoo animals. But a big storm(暴风雨) hits their ship at night. Finally, Pi finds the only survivors(幸存者) are himself and a large tiger called Parker on an 8-meter boat.

        To keep himself alive, Pi has to keep feeding the tiger so that he himself does not get eaten. He tries to get on well with the tiger during a 227-day sail on the sea.

        The movie is from a Canadian writer Yann Martel's book of the same name. The book has sold 7 million copies worldwide. It discusses not only hope but also relationship(关系) between humans and nature.

        It took Li An four years to make the movie. He also used 3D for his first time. He hopes the movie will "make the people think". Life of Pi opened in Chinese theaters on November 22, 2012.

    (1) Where does Pi's father decide to move?
    (2) What happens when they sail on the Pacific at night?
    (3) Why does Pi have to keep feeding the tiger?
    (4) What does the movie discuss?
    (5) How long did it take Li An to make the movie?


  • 30. 选词填空

    mountain  walk   hard   work   cool   go   soon   fun   weather   Europe

    Dear Mike,

        How's your vacation ? Are you studying or are you having ? I'm having a great time in ! My family and I are on a vacation in the . I want to call you but my phone isn't , so I am writing to you. The is hot in your country now, isn't it? The weather here is and cloudy,just right for .

        See you .




  • 31. 假如你是你校英语广播站的记者,你们学校的游泳俱乐部组织了一次海滩游玩活动。请你根据表格中的提示,为本次活动做一次现场报道。




    学生们在游泳、放风筝(fly a kite)、玩沙子(sand)、打沙滩排球(beach volleyball)







        Now,it's 11 o'clock in the morning.We are on the beach.    
