
修改时间:2022-01-18 浏览次数:46 类型:二轮复习 编辑

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  • 1. It is believed that taking the panda-themed tourist train to Zunmyi is _________ enjoyable experience.
    A . the B . an C . a D . /
  • 2. She is _____________ famous singer in China and has many fans.
    A . the B . a C . an
  • 3. Taking High School Entrance Examination one month later than usual will be _______ unforgettable event for us.
    A . a B . an C . the
  • 4. — Do you know how to spell        word “expensive” in English?

    — Yes. It begins with        "e".

    A . the; a B . the; an C . a; an D . the; the
  • 5. China is        Asian country, while France is        European country.
    A . an; a B . a; an C . an; an D . a; a
  • 6. — Look, who's __________ woman in red?

    — She's my new English teacher with ________eight-year-old daughter.

    A . the, a; B . a,an; C . the, an
  • 7. Bruce likes playing ___________ soccer. so his father bought him ___________ soccer ball.
    A . a; an B . the; a C . /; the D . /; a
  • 8. I want to be____ English teacher because English is ____useful language.
    A . a; a B . an; a C . a; an D . an; an
  • 9. Laura is       11-year-old girl. She is good at playing      guitar.
    A . /; a B . an; / C . an; the D . a; an
  • 10. —Jack, you missed __________"U" in __________word "usually".

    —Sorry, Sir.

    A . a; the B . an; the C . a; a D . the; the
  • 11. Beijing is ____capital of China, it has ____long history.
    A . the; an B . a; n C . The; a D . The; /
  • 12. —Mike! Our country is building the third aircraft carrier(航空母舰). Xinhua News Agency reported last month

    —What___ unusual thing! I'm proud ___it.

    A . a; of B . an; of C . the; in D . /; in
  • 13. Every morning he spends      hour doing exercise, then he goes to      work.
    A . an; \ B . a; a C . a; \
  • 14. —Jim is ______ careless boy.

    —Yeah. You're right. He always drops ____ “o” when he writes the word “dangerous”.

    A . a; the B . a; an C . the; a D . the; an
  • 15. Peter,         honest boy, bought        useful dictionary in the store yesterday.
    A . a; a B . an; an C . a; an D . an; a
  • 16. —Listen! Someone is playing _______violin.

    —Wow! ______beautiful music! I like it very much.

    A . the; What B . an; How C . a; What D . / ; How
  • 17.      boy in a black hat is my brother. He often plays     chess with my friends.
    A . A; the B . The; / C . The; a D . A; /
