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一、听句子, 选择与所听内容或语境相关的图片代码。(每小题1分,共5分)




  • 12. 听短文,根据其内容选出能回答下列问题的最佳答案。
    (1) Where is Tony?
    A . In Britain. B . In China. C . In Japan.
    (2) Tony wants to join the music club because _________________.
    A . he likes music B . his friend is there C . his teacher asks him to
    (3) Which subject does Tony like best?
    A . English. B . Art. C . Math.
    (4) How  many languages can Tony speak now?
    A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
    (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
    A . Tony likes Picasso very much. B . Tony wants to join the English club. C . Tony can draw pictures very well.

五、语法与情景对话(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分) 阅读下列各题, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

  • 13. Jim started to play ___________ violin when he was five.
    A . a B . an C . the D . /
  • 14. If the weather is nice, we could have a(n) ___________ in the park.
    A . picnic B . chance C . place D . idea
  • 15. —What's twenty and fifty?

    —It's ____________________.

    A . fifty B . seventy C . eighty D . ninety
  • 16. I have a few books on Chinese food. You can borrow ___________ if you want.
    A . one B . it C . much D . a little
  • 17. It's not ___________to talk with your mouth full.
    A . boring B . polite C . terrible D . sleepy
  • 18. —They've bought the sick children some toys and flowers.

    —So they have. _________nice of them!

    A . How B . What C . How a D . What a
  • 19. We left __________such a hurry that we forgot our tickets.
    A . on B . for C . to D . in
  • 20. Don't keep up with him一he runs __________ than me.
    A . much faster B . even worse C . less carefully D . more carefully
  • 21. —Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?

    —No, I'd rather ______________ at home.

    A . to eat B . eating C . eat D . ate
  • 22. We got so wet. We had _________ umbrellas __________ raincoats with us!
    A . either;or B . both;and C . neither;nor D . not only;but also
  • 23. —Your hometown is beautiful, and the air is really fresh.


    A . Thanks. I'm happy you like it B . Don't say that C . It's just so-so D . Don, t mention it
  • 24. A true friend is a person ______________ reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
    A . whom B . whose C . who D . which
  • 25. Which of the following is RIGHT?
    A . He is used to live there. B . She is listening to music at 8 o'clock last night. C . I have borrowed the book from the library for two weeks. D . Kids under 18 are not allowed to drive.
  • 26. —Could you tell me ________________?

    一The day after tomorrow.

    A . when we had the school leavers' party B . when did we have the school leavers' party C . when will we have the school leavers' party D . when we will have the school leavers' party
  • 27. _______________you practice every day, you won't make any progress.
    A . Although B . Unless C . If D . Since
  • 28. —Would you mind telling me how to start this machine?

    —_____________. It's very easy. Do it like this.

    A . Yes, of course B . No, not at all C . No, thanks D . Yes, you are right
  • 29. Tom wants you to visit him. Look at your plan on the right and complete the conversation.

    Tom: Can you come on Monday evening?


    A . Yes, sure. I'll come at 7-30. B . Sorry but I'm going to play volleyball. C . No problem. We can go to the theatre with my mom. D . Sorry but I will work late that night.
  • 30. We ___________ try our best to fight against pollution.
    A . should B . may C . mustn't D . needn't
  • 31. —I believe this is the best movie of the year.

    —Well, _____________. Anyway, the ending is OK.

    A . I don't like it actually B . that may not be a good idea C . that's a good idea D . I think you're right
  • 32. Which part is the VERB of the following sentence "Susan walks to school every day."?
    A . "Susan" B . " walks to" C . "school" D . "every day"

六、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 15 分)

  • 33. 阅读下下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。


    Molly and her friend Bella were playing on the playground. They were supposed to be 1 on the swing. Molly counted to2 while Bella was on the swing. Bella 3get off the swing.

    "Bella! I counted to 100; it's my turn! " said Molly.

    "You counted too fast; it's still my turn, " Bella said.

    Molly was 4. She wanted a turn on the swing, too! What could she do? Molly could tell the 5. However, her teacher always wanted them to try to solve the problem first. What6she try?

    She decided to try using an "I message". That means to tell7person how you're feeling, why you feel that way, and what he or she can please do to make it 8.

    "Bella, I feel sad because we were supposed to swing in turns9100 seconds. Will you please get off?" Molly asked. 10, Bella went off the swing. Molly was happy because she solved her problem all by herself!

    A . taking turns B . sitting straight C . standing up D . having a rest
    A . 50 B . 70 C . 100 D . 120
    A . does B . doesn't C . did D . didn't 
    A . happy B . excited C . upset D . tired
    A . teacher B . policeman C . keeper D . officer
    A . must B . might C . shall D . could
    A . other B . others C . any other D . the other
    A . higher B . better C . longer D . simpler
    A . in B . before C . after D . between
    A . Finally B . Unluckily C . Carefully D . Sadly

七、阅读理解(共10 小题;每小题2 分,满分 20 分)

  • 34. 阅读理解

    Poster 1     


    •Doors close 5 minutes before the exam begins.

    •Show your student ID card to examiner when you enter the room.

    •No phones, no books.

    Poster 2


    •Have your ID card ready.

    •Listen to the instructions.

    •Arrive 10 minutes before exam.


    •Mobile phones switched off and put away.

    •ID card visible on the desk.

    •No talking.

    •No food or drinks in exam room.

    Poster 3

    •Follow the examiner's instructions.

    •If you have a question, raise your hand.

    •No mobile phones, books or bags in the exam.

    •Please use a blue or black pen.

    (1) The first poster shows the instructions for a mid-term exam.
    (2) In Poster 2, one who is taking part in the exam should arrive 10 minutes before the exam.
    (3) In Poster 3, you can only use a black pen when having the exam.
    (4) Not all the posters say something about ID card.
    (5) "Mobile phones switched off and put away" means you can't have your mobile phone on the table.
  • 35. 阅读理解

    May 20, 2021

    Dear Principal,

    I think the students in our school should wear uniforms. Many schools already have them. Uniforms will help our families save money, since we would have to buy only one or two uniforms for the whole year. Uniforms could also give us more pride in our school. And best of all, if we all wore uniforms, kids wouldn't tease each other about their clothes.

    I know some students think uniforms are ugly and uncomfortable. But maybe we can pick a uniform that everyone likes. I think this is a wonderful idea for our school.


    Justin Jones

    (1) Who is this letter written by?
    A . A father. B . A mother. C . A teacher. D . A student.
    (2) Which of these is a fact about uniforms?
    A . They are uncomfortable. B . Some schools already have them. C . They are ugly. D . They aren't to expensive.
    (3) Justin wrote this letter to _____________________.
    A . ask for new clothes B . say sorry to the principle C . thank the principle D . suggest that students wear uniforms
    (4) Some students don't want to wear uniforms because they think ___________.
    A . uniforms are expensive B . school pride is silly C . the principal is mean D . uniforms can be ugly and uncomfortable
    (5) How does Justin organize his ideas?
    A . First express ideas, then list reasons, and show problems, at last give solutions. B . First show problems, then give solutions, and show problems, at last express ideas. C . First list reasons, then show problems, and express ideas, at last give solutions. D . First give solutions, then show problems, and list reasons, at last express ideas.

八、任务型完形填空(共 10 空;每空1分,满分10 分)

  • 36. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用 一次。

    ready, be, daily, for, nothing, such as, only, return, thousand, many

    The more you read, the more things you know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go. Reading is important everyone. China has of public libraries in cities, towns and even borrow books, and it costs to borrow them. In some places you may borrow as books as you want, but in others you are limited to a certain number of books for several weeks so that you can have enough time to finish all the books you've borrowed.

    The latest novels are always in great need, and non-fiction books, books on history, science and gardening, are well-loved, too.

    If the books you need are out, you may ask for them to be kept for you when they . And when the books are back and are  for you, the librarian will let you know.

    Most public libraries also have a reading-room. There are tables and desks at which you can sit and read the  newspapers and all the other important periodicals (the weeklies, the monthlies and the quarterlies). In the reference library there dictionaries, encyclopedias, books of maps and other useful books. But you can  use these books there. You cannot take them out.

九、口语交际(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分) 

  • 37. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符合逻辑(其中有两项为多余选项)。

    M: Hi, Bob. Do you like reading?

    B: Sure, Mary.

    M: I like reading too, but you need to have a rest after an hour or so.

    B:   I often read for about an hour, and then I try to think of something else to do. For example, I sometimes look out of the window to relax. But after a while, I usually decide to go on reading.

    M:  You must be careful not to hurt your eyes.

    B: OK. Thanks for your advice.


    B: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It was written by Mark Twain.

    M: So they are. It's also one of my favorite books.

    A. What a pity it is!

    B. Yes, I agree.

    C. The stories in the book are enjoyable and full of fun.

    D. Who are the main characters in the story?

    E. I spend most of my free reading.

    F. What's your favorite book

    G. It's good to read, but not all the time.

十、词汇考查(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分) 根据句意, 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

十一、根据所给汉语提示完成句子(共5小题;每空1分, 满分10分)


  • 53. 学习一门新的语言不是一件容易的事情,不过万事都有规律可循。请根据思维导图的提己的语言学习经历和经验,以"How can we become good language learners?"为题,写一篇英语短文。







    How can we become good language learners?

    What makes a good language learner? There are some things that good language learners do and some things they don't do.

    Don' t forget that it' s never too late to become a good language learner.
