
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:171 类型:期末考试 编辑

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  • 3. 听句子,选择与每小题的时间相匹配的活动。

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.




  • 9. 听短文,判断下列句子的正误。
    (1) Tomorrow is Saturday.
    (2) Li Yan will play table tennis on Saturday.
    (3) Peter will play computer games on Sunday.
    (4) Peter will watch TV with Li Yan.
    (5) Peter will have lunch with his grandma.


  • 10. 听短文,填入所缺单词。

    My name is Lucy. I'm a . I'm years old. I'm from England. I'm a good . My favourite subjects are and Music. I like , too.


七、单项选择。(10 分)


  • 28. 选择与每段对话意思相符的图片或表格

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    (1) A: Do you like drama?

    B: Yes, l like it best.

    (2) A: What will you do this weekend?

    B: I'll go to see my grandpa and grandma.

    (3) A: How many lessons do you have in the morning?

    B: We have four.

    (4) A: What subject do you like best?

    B: I like science best.

    (5) A: What do you usually do on weekends?

    B: I usually go to the theme park.


  • 29. 补全对话

    A. Hello, John.

    B. How are you?

    C. What do you do on it?

    D. I'm going to my school.

    E. It's big and nice.

    A: Nice to meet you.

    B: Hello, Mr. Black. Nice to meet you, too.

    A: Fine, thanks. Where are you going?


    A: Oh, good. It's near(在……附近) your home.

    B: Right. We have a big playground(操场).

    A: Cool!

    B: We do some sports on it.


  • 30. 阅读理解

    It's lunchtime of Sunday. Mingming and his brother come to a buffet(自助餐). Mingming likes hamburgers and beef. He takes(拿,取)two beef hamburgers and some milk. He likes milk very much. Apples are his favourite fruit. He takes a small apple and a kiwi fruit. He likes his lunch and eats all the food. What about his brother Yueyue? Let's have a look. He takes three hamburgers, two hot dogs, three pink peaches, four yellow pears and some pork. And he takes some juice, Coke and milk, too. Soon(很快)he is full. He can't eat all the food.

    (1) Mingming has two pork hamburgers.
    (2) Yueyue likes milk, Coke and juice.
    (3) What's Mingming's favourite fruit?
    A . Apples. B . Kiwi fruit. C . An apple and a kiwi fruit.
    (4) How many hamburgers does Yueyue take?
    A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.
    (5) Can Yueyue eat all the food?
    A . Certainly. B . No. C . Yes, and he's full.


  • 31. 根据首字母及图片提示填空,完成短文

    S  is out in two days. We would like to take a trip. We would like to go to the z   and the f  . We want to see pandas, t  , b  , h  and c . We will bring(带着)some water, some b  , some sausages and some c . We can go there by bus. We will meet here at e o'clock. Do you want to go with us?
