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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where are the speakers?
    A . On the bus. B . In the shop. C . On the Great Wall.
    (2) How long will the trip take?
    A . Around 12 minutes. B . About 40 minutes. C . 10 minutes or so.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Waitress and customer. B . Husband and wife. C . Friends.
    (2) What did the man first eat?
    A . Fried chicken. B . French fries. C . Ice cream.
    (3) What does the man think of the French fries?
    A . Hot. B . Tasty. C . Popular.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) When does the man plan to check out?
    A . In seven days. B . In two days. C . In eight days.
    (2) What kind of room does the man choose?
    A . A room with a double bed. B . A room with twin beds. C . A room with a bar.
    (3) Where is the restaurant?
    A . On the top floor. B . On the eighth floor. C . On the second floor.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where is the Royal Hotel?
    A . Opposite the post office. B . Near the first crossing. C . At the first traffic light.
    (2) What does the man think of uphill walk?
    A . It's demanding. B . It's interesting. C . It's easy.
    (3) How will the woman probably go to the Royal Hotel?
    A . On foot. B . By bus. C . By taxi.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) What was the earliest form of the blues?
    A . Folk songs. B . Work songs. C . Holiday songs.
    (2) What does the name blues come from?
    A . Happiness and harvest. B . Anger and sadness. C . Loneliness and sorrow.
    (3) What can we know about Bessie Smith?
    A . She made 150 recordings in her life. B . She disliked giving live performances. C . She died at the age of 43.
    (4) What caused Bessie's death?
    A . A car accident. B . A gunshot wound. C . A serious illness.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    The Department for International Trade (DIT) is a UK Government department working with businesses based in the United Kingdom to ensure their success in international markets. Here are some events to be held by DIT.

    International Business Festival Future Transport

    What could new technology in travel mean for business? Hear the latest from the Government's centres for autonomous vehicles and listen to the successful cases. The event will also predict near-future developments in transport and make a surprisingly strong business argument for more traditional ways of getting from A to B.

    LOCATION: National Exhibition Center, West Midlands B401NT, United Kingdom

    PRICING: 80 pounds for a festival pass and 40 pounds for a day pass. FESTll provides a 20 percent discount until the end of April.

    TEL: 0121-7804141

    International E-Commerce Workshop

    This workshop will enable you to develop your digital skills, raise your global brand presence, and allow you to test new markets with minimal investment. You will learn how to develop a strategy in online routes to market, identify multi-channel and B2B online opportunities.

    LOCATION: East Midlands Business Ltd, Unit 5 Merus Court, United Kingdom

    PRICING: Free

    TEL: 0658-1714889

    International Business FestivalUrbanisation (城市化) & Cities

    Examine the considerable leadership and governance challenges that must be overcome if cities are to fulfil their potential as engines for growth. Find opportunities in a changing world and meet future partners, buyers, investors and develop relationships.

    LOCATION: Exhibition Centre Liverpool, Kings Dock, L3 4BX, United Kingdom

    PRICING: 105 pounds for a festival pass and 50 pounds for a day pass. FEST11 provides a 20 percent discount until the end of April.

    TEL: 0289-6032899

    Please call at 0789-1056888 if you are having any problems registering for the site.

    (1) Which number should you call if you have some questions about future transport event?
    A . 0658-1714889. B . 0789-1056888. C . 0121-7804141. D . 0289-6032899.
    (2) Where should the participants go to join in the International E-Commerce Workshop?
    A . Exhibition Centre Liverpool. B . East Midlands Business Ltd. C . Kings Dock, L3 4BX. D . West Midlands B401NT.
    (3) How much will you pay at least for a day pass of the International Business Festival?
    A . 105 pounds. B . 21 pounds. C . 10 pounds. D . 40 pounds.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months (=lose 1 hour), and back again in the fall (=regain 1 hour), in order to make better use of natural daylight. So "spring forward, fall back" is one of the little sayings used to remember which way to set your watch.

    In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, which standardized the length of DST, which begins on the second Sunday of March each year and ends on the first Sunday of November. In 2021, Daylight Saving starts at 2 a.m. on March 14 and it will end at 2 a.m. on November 7. In other words, sunrise and sunset will be about one hour later on March 14 than the day before, meaning there will be more light in the evening.

    Benjamin Franklin is often credited with first proposing daylight saving in his 1784 essay, An Economical Project. The idea wasn't seriously considered, however, until more than a century later when William Willetts, a British builder, fiercely recommended it. The current DST format was proposed in New Zealand by entomologist (昆虫学家) George Hudson. In 1895, he recommended a two-hour time change because he wanted to have more daylight after work to go hunting for bugs in the summer.

    Some studies show that DST could lead to fewer road accidents and injuries by supplying more daylight during the hours when more people use the roads. It is also used to reduce the amount of energy needed for lighting during the evening hours. However, other studies claim that people's health might suffer due to DST changes.

    Nearly every state in the U.S. observes DST, according to the Department of Transportation. However, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and most of Arizona do not.

    (1) Why is DST observed?
    A . To save money. B . To save time. C . To take advantage of natural daylight. D . To reduce traffic injuries.
    (2) According to the current DST format, what will the clocks read at 3 a.m. on June 1st 2021?
    A . 4 a.m. B . 3 a.m. C . 2 a.m. D . 1 a.m.
    (3) Who proposed the current DST format?
    A . Benjamin Franklin. B . A British builder. C . William Willetts. D . A New Zealand entomologist.
    (4) What is the purpose of the text?
    A . To show the rules of Daylight Saving Time.

    B . To introduce Daylight Saving Time in the USA.

    C . To stress the importance of Daylight Saving Time. D . To inform readers of the influence of Daylight Saving Time.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    If you were to throw, say a banana peel out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that it's part of a fruit — right? Actually, no. A banana peel can take up to two years to biodegrade, and with a third of motorists admitting to littering while driving, that's a whole lot of thrown-away banana peels, or much worse. An orange peel and a cigarette butt have a similar biodegrading term to that of a banana, but tin or aluminum cans last up to 100 years; and plastic bottles last forever, as do glass bottles, Styrofoam cups and plastic bags.

    Despite the fact that longer-lasting materials will serve to damage the environment and its animals for longer, we can't only measure the severity of a certain type of rubbish by its lifetime. For example, despite having a fairly short biodegrading span, more than 120 tons of cigarette-related litter is thrown away in the UK every day. Similarly, our regular littering here and there has caused the UK's rat population to increase by 60 million. This suddenly isn't so mysterious when you consider that since the 1960s our annual littering has increased by an astonishing 500 percent.

    It's not a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers shelve out £500 million in order to keep our streets clean, and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to £1 billion. So, it's not surprising that if caught fly-tipping you could face a £20,000 fine or even jail time and, if you disposed of something dangerous, the court could give you five years to serve.

    To take back our beautiful countryside and cities we need to do more than simply not leaving rubbish where it ought not to be. We need a pride makeover. We need to truly care more about the world around us.

    (1) Which of the following have the longest biodegrading term?
    A . Cigarette butts. B . Glass bottles. C . Orange peels. D . Aluminum cans.
    (2) What does the underlined word "severity" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
    A . Seriousness. B . Effect. C . Variety. D . Quantity.
    (3) How is Paragraph 3 developed?
    A . By providing statistics. B . By drawing comparison. C . By making a summary. D . By explaining a concept.
    (4) Where is the text most likely from?
    A . A research paper. B . A medical journal. C . A science magazine. D . A financial newspaper.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Bikes are the most common means of transportation in our daily life, but have you ever noticed that a man's bike is quite different from a woman's bike? The traditional difference between a man's bike and a woman's bike is the top tube design. A man's bike would have a top tube going straight from the top of the head tube to the top of the seat tube, while a woman's bike would have a top tube that connected to the seat tube somewhere lower down. This was originally to make it possible to ride a bike while wearing a skirt without exposing any morally offending body parts while mounting the bike. A consequence of this is that traditional women's frames are weaker than men's, which is why performance-oriented bikes all look the same regardless of the gender of the rider.

    If you're looking for a performance-based difference, then women often have shorter upper bodies and arms than men, so some manufacturers adapt to that by building frames with shorter top tubes. Others merely think a "cute" paint scheme (组合) on the smaller sizes of their standard frames will be called a woman's bike. Do note that the difference from one person to another can easily be bigger than the differences between the man's bike and the woman's bike standard. There are also a few other ways of fitting a bike to the rider. For example, handlebars can be replaced for some adjustments of riding position.

    While it's nice to have a well-fitting bike, for an ordinary rider it's not as important for a MTB (山地车) as it is for a road bike. On a MTB the rider spends more time out of the saddle (鞍). While riding a road bike the rider spends more time on the saddle, so the position has to fit better. And if it's just for wandering around the block, then most riders would prefer a "woman's" bike. They will usually provide a more upright riding position, which is more comfortable for casual riding.

    (1) What is the traditional difference between a man's bike and a woman's bike?
    A . The design of paint. B .  The design of saddle. C . The design of top tube. D . The design of handlebars.
    (2) Why does a woman's bike have a lower-down top tube?
    A . To improve its safety. B . To decrease its weight. C . To make it more comfortable to ride. D . To avoid exposing some of the riders' body parts.
    (3) Why do most riders prefer a "woman's" bike?
    A . A woman's bike is much cheaper. B . A woman's bike is easier to control. C . A woman's bike is more fashionable. D . A woman's bike is more comfortable.
    (4) Which can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . The Safer, The Better B . How to Choose Your Own Bike C . Differences Between Man's Bikes And Woman's Bikes D . Let's Protect The Environment by Riding Bikes Every Day


  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    There is nothing worse than sitting for an exam and your mind going completely blank. Don't worry because everything will eventually come back to you if you keep calm. Remaining calm is the most important thing at this time, because the more you panic the harder it will be for you to recover.

    The fact that your mind has gone blank indicates that you are suffering under pressure so the first step towards recovery is to stop worrying about the exam. Think of things other than the exam. Think about a joke, a TV programme or a friend.

    When you've calmed down you will be in a position to start getting your brain working again. The first thing to do is to read through the question again. If you've already answered some of it, you can read through your answer. Then read through any other questions you've attempted.

    Think back to similar questions you've seen during your revision. Think of the books you read and try to picture your course notes and your revision notes in your mind. This can help focus your mind on the relevant parts of your revision.

    You will notice that the basic technique for getting unstuck is to think of your revision and not of the question you are actually trying to attempt. In effect, you are trying to get into your memory via the back door. Normally this technique effectively gets you to spark the relevant memory areas with the hope that you will suddenly come across something relevant to the current problem.

    A. Usually you can solve the problem smoothly.

    B. That will get the question straight in your mind again.

    C. Try also to picture any model answers you've seen before.

    D. The first thing you should do is to relax and breathe deeply.

    E. Relax and take your mind somewhere for the possible answers.

    F. It doesn't matter what it is so long as you take your mind off the current problems.

    G. You may be halfway through a question or you might not have even started writing.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Life can take any turn at any time or movement. It is 1. One truth about life is that we can't spend it alone to live the 2.

    On March 16, 2020, my left leg was injured. The doctor 3 it a serious injury, and I would be 4 for three months. As a full-time social worker, I hardly had time to visit my home. However, my broken leg 5 all my work, which was bad and also good, giving me an opportunity to spend time with myself and my 6.

    I was 7. How would I spend three months in bed at home? Early in my injury and before my operation, there were so many ups and downs in my confidence. So many times, negative thoughts 8 me.

    I felt very depressed but each time I got 9 from my family and friends. I decided to change my 10 according to the situation. It was not so simple or easy. I began to practice thinking 11 in silence, read books, and talk with friends. I even planted various plants to help me heal. It was 12 to water them.

    Eventually, I am fully 13, feeling relaxed. At the time of struggle and 14 situations, we feel the need of someone who can spend time with us. Their kind 15 gives us so much strength and support. They just meet in our heart and family, and just need our love and friendship.

    A . foreseeable B . unpredictable C . manageable D . respectable
    A . time B . journey C . tour D . target
    A . expected B . ignored C . declared D . shared
    A . in bed B . at hospital C . at school D . at work
    A . urged B . improved C . guaranteed D . stopped
    A . family B . class C . relatives D . colleagues
    A . touched B . upset C . surprised D . promised
    A . bothered B . appealed C . delighted D . embarrassed
    A . blame B . recognition C . support D . criticism
    A . trick B . lesson C . confidence D . lifestyle
    A . temporarily B . deeply C . apparently D . secretly
    A . convincing B . tiring C . thrilling D . relaxing
    A . failed B . hesitated C . recovered D . accepted
    A . natural B . concrete C . tough D . generous
    A . presence B . relief C . laughter D . tolerance


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    In the northeast of China, a dense forest grows in the low mountains, (know) as the Xiaoxing'an Mountains. People call it the hometown of the red pine tree. Its pine nuts are edible and can (use) to make oil. Its wood is light, soft, and delicate. However, its economic value is far less its ecological value. Wild (animal) such as black bears and squirrels like to store (they) pine nuts in different places as they prepare the winter. But they have poor memory and often forgot they have put these nuts. Those forgotten pine nuts sprout (发芽) in spring, (help) the red pine trees expand their territory. In addition to the red pine trees, there (be) many different kinds of trees in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains. Every autumn, these trees display the (beauty) colors of nature.


  • 18. 假定你是李华,在高三毕业之际,想邀请外教Amy来参加你们班的毕业典礼。请你代表全班同学给她写一封邮件,内容包括:







    Dear Amy,


    Yours sincerely

    Li Hua

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    "Why she let out my secret? why she did that to me?" I vividly remembered that day when I was confused at the knowing looks which everyone gave me. That terrible experience was imprinted (铭刻) on my mind. I couldn't forgive the person with whom I had shared my secret. She lost all my trust and friendship.

    Five years back, Sally was a new addition in our class. I don't know what but there was something sticky about her that attracted me towards her. She was the most friendly person I knew. We started as classmates but after a few months we were like best friends. We did homework together and dreamed of going to the same university one day. We hung out and went to the movies on weekends. That was a sweet time.

    Nevertheless, I couldn't expect such an enormous betrayal from her. I didn't know what made me tell Sally about my personal life. I felt much regret to myself. She exaggerated (夸大) the matter, added her own spices to it and made it the hottest topic in school. It was like someone had stabbed a knife in my back. After she revealed my secret, everyone at school started laughing at me and gazing at me wherever I passed. I was like a pond in which someone had thrown a stone and it had been spilled up. It was the most embarrassing time I had gone through. Soon afterwards, I left school and shifted to another one, because I thought no one had the right to laugh at me. Sally called me many times but I didn't answer. My heart was broken because the person whom I trusted most cheated me.

    I made efforts to remove the scar from my heart. I started a new life, leaving all the bad memories behind, because they made me a person who often thought about the past experiences. Five years later, with the life going on, I made new friends and seldom thought about the past.




    But one day I met Anna in the market, my former classmate, who told me shocking news.


    I immediately called Sally in order to explain the misunderstanding.
