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  • 1. 阅读理解

    The American holiday table is as diverse as the country itself, making the "traditional" meal something different for every family. But when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, it's hard to beat the classic golden brown delicious Butter Roasted Turkey.

    Here are the steps to make it.

    STEP 1: Melt 2 cups of butter over medium-low heat. Remove it from the heat; stir in wine. Set it aside.

    STEP 2: Wash the turkey with cold running water. Pat it dry with paper towels.

    STEP 3: Place it in a shallow roasting pan, breast-side up. Salt and pepper its inside with 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Stuff it with onion pieces. Sprinkle (撒) 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper onto the turkey.

    STEP 4: Put it in the wine and butter mixture (混合物), squeeze out a little of the liquid. Pour more wine and butter mixture over the turkey.

    STEP 5: Heat the oven to 230℃. Roast it 30 minutes. Pour more wine and butter mixture over it again.

    STEP 6: Reduce the oven temperature to 180℃. Pour more wine and butter mixture over the turkey every 30 minutes. After 3 hours, pour the remaining wine and butter mixture over the turkey.

    STEP 7: Remove the turkey from the oven. Let it stand 30 minutes before carving.


    1) The size of the turkey varies depending on the number of guests. Typically it's one pound per person or one and a half pounds per person if you want leftovers.

    2) Turkey doesn't take quite as long as people think and over-roasting leads to a tough bird and a shortage of juice.

    3) Remember to allow at least 20 minutes to let the turkey stand at room temperature after roasting and before slicing. The meat will then slice more easily!

    (1) Which of the following are used for the Butter Roasted Turkey?
    A . Salt and cheese. B . Butter and wine. C . Pepper and garlic. D . Onion and sugar.
    (2) How long should the turkey be roasted at 230℃?
    A . 30 minutes. B . 1 hour. C . 3 hours. D . 4 hours.
    (3) What would over-roasting lead to?
    A . Difficulty in slicing. B . Too much juice. C . Hard and dry meat. D . Too many leftovers.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    London-based artist Sarah Ezekiel has won international recognition for her vivid, life-filling images. But her work is more remarkable for the fact that she has a medical condition that has left her unable to move her arms.

    Ezekiel's pictures are painstakingly produced, using the movement of her eyes and specialized technology that relays those movements to a computer. The eye-tracking technology gives Ezekiel a platform for artistic expression, otherwise denied by her disease—amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS).

    Ezekiel showed no signs of the condition until 2000, when she was aged 34. Pregnant with her second child, she noticed some weakness in her left arm and that she was unable to produce each word clearly. Within months, she was diagnosed with incurable ALS.

    Ezekiel describes her first five years living with ALS as "very lonely". Today, she can neither speak nor move but says "technology has made my life worth living". She uses a system made by Tobii Dynavox, a company specializing in "Eye Gaze" devices that help people with medical conditions communicate. Its technology adopts projectors, cameras and algorithms to track the tiny movements of the user's pupils and control a cursor on a screen.

    To interview Ezekiel, CNN sent her questions and she prepared her answers letter by letter, using predictive text. The technology also lets her surf the net, shop online and use social media.

    Ezekiel, who studied art when she was younger, began painting using the Eye Gaze device in 2012. Her first artwork. Peaceful Warrior, took its title from a book by Dan Millman. "It was originally supposed to illustrate despair, but the finished result had a totally different feel," she recalls.

    "Being an artist because of technology has totally improved my general attitude towards life and opened up many other possibilities for me," says Ezekiel. I couldn't create pictures for years and it's fantastic that technology has made it possible again.

    (1) What can we know about Ezekiel's disease?
    A . It inspired her to be a devoted artist. B . It was totally cured when she was 46. C . It draws more attention to her works. D . It stops her from thinking independently.
    (2) What does Tobii Dynavox's system allow Ezekiel to do?
    A . Enjoy her basic online life. B . Move her body at her own will. C . Suffer less pain from her disease. D . Write letters to her baby by hand.
    (3) What does the underlined word "it" in the last paragraph probably refer to?
    A . Drawing pictures. B . Staying positive. C . Using technology. D . Being a special artist.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . A Platform Brings Fame B . An Artist Paints With Eyes C . Art Makes Life Meaningful D . A System Wins Much Favor
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Despite being the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest can't escape the effects of climate change. According to two new studies published in iScience and One Earth, the air pressure near Everest's top is rising, and the rate of glacier melt (冰川融化) is faster.

    Last year, Aurora Elmore, a climate scientist at the National Geographic Society, helped send 34 scientists to Mount Everest to install (安装) the highest weather stations in the world. The exploration provided valuable data for both of the new studies, each of which Elmore co-authored.

    In a study published in iScience, Elmore and a team of scientists set out to document how the atmospheric pressure on Everest has fluctuated since the 1970s. As climate change is causing the air to slowly thicken, which means more oxygen is available at higher altitudes. When temperature rises, molecules (分子) move faster. And when these molecules start to collide (碰撞) with each other, pressure increases.

    To analyze the changes in the atmosphere, lead author Tom Matthews and his team collected data using those weather stations installed in 2019. They used the climate data to build models, which suggest that if global temperatures increase by 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the maximum rate of oxygen consumption on Everest will increase by 5%.

    The other study is published in One Earth. Owen King, from the University of St Andrews in the UK? and his team studied 79 glaciers and found that between 2009 and 2018, glaciers thinned at nearly twice the rate they did in the 1960s.

    The results are concerning. Besides the 18 local communities living in the Himalayas, nearly two billion people depend on the mountain range for a source of fresh water. "Although faster melting might mean more water, it's only a good thing for a little bit of time," Elmore says. Worse still, if water melts too fast, it arrives in the form of floods, which people in the area are already experiencing.

    (1) Why did the scientists install the weather stations on Everest?
    A . To test their collected data on the mountain. B . To make it easier to predict natural disasters. C . To collect glaciological and atmospheric data. D . To leave impressive marks on their exploration.
    (2) What does the underlined word "fluctuated" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A . Changed. B . Formed. C . Improved. D . Decreased.
    (3) What is Elmore's attitude towards glacier melt?
    A . Unconcerned. B . Worried. C . Unclear. D . Supportive.
    (4) What is the text mainly about?
    A . Why temperatures on Everest vary. B . Natural disasters on Mount Everest. C . Great concerns over Mount Everest. D . How climate change affects Everest.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    This week, four COVID-19 vaccines have appeared highly effective in preventing the COVID-19 disease and will roll out to market soon.

    On November 17, Sinovac, a Chinese biotech company, published its promising results from Phase(阶段)1 and 2 trials in the medical journal The Lancet. The data shows that the vaccine, Corona Vac, has produced a very quick and strong immune response and did not cause any severe side effects among the 700 people tested. Sinovac has already started the Phase 3 tests in UAE, Brazil, Indonesia and Bangladesh since July 3. Initial Phase 3 data is likely to be available within the next month. (Update: the Phase 3 tests in UAE have shown that Corona Vac is 86% effective and UAE has officially approved it for nationwide use.)

    One day earlier, Moderna reported that its vaccine is 94% effective and strongly protects against serious COVID-19 illness. On November 18, Pfizer announced that its vaccine is 95% effective. Britain's Oxford-AstraZeneca group said on November 23 that its vaccine is up to 70% effective.

    However, Corona Vac may have a series of potential advantages over the mRNA vaccines produced by Moderna and Pfizer and Oxford-AstraZeneca group's DNA vaccines, since there hasn't been any mRNA or DNA vaccines approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before, while Corona Vac is based on a tried-and-true method that uses weakened or dead COVIE-19.

    Another big advantage for Corona Vac is the storage temperature as it can be stored between 2℃ and 8℃ for up to three years, while the mRNA vaccines have to be kept between -20℃ and -70℃. It would make their storage and distribution really challenging, especially in the developing countries.

    Although we are seeing lights by the end of the tunnel, it's important to remember that an effective vaccine is not enough to end the crisis quickly, because it will take months to produce enough vaccines and distribute them. Therefore, measures like social distancing, washing hands and wearing face masks will remain essential to control the spread of COVID-19.

    (1) Which country has agreed to use CoronaVac for all the people?
    A . UAE. B . Brazil. C . Indonesia. D . Bangladesh.
    (2) How does Sinovac differ from Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccines?
    A . It is much more effective. B . It is a kind of mRNA vaccine. C . It is based on a more mature method. D . It has to be stored in extremely low temperature.
    (3) What is the purpose of the last part of the text?
    A . To warn the risk of the new vaccines. B . To remind people not to let down their guard. C . To show the difficulty in distributing the vaccines. D . To tell people how to prevent the spread of COVTD-19.
    (4) What is the text mainly about?
    A . The differences of the various vaccines. B . The potential advantages of CoronaVac. C . The disadvantages of the mRNA and DNA vaccines. D . The Phase 1 trial results of four COVID-19 vaccines.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    If you only had one minute, or even just 20 seconds, to establish a good relationship with someone you've never met before, how would you do it? Here are three A's that you may find helpful.


    Getting along with others requires an awareness of three things-the environment, time, and the person you are meeting. . The setting (e.g., a church versus a gym) decides how you communicate and even what you should wear. Time is also important. Do you have hours, minutes, or just seconds? The less you have, the more you need to think about what you will say and how you will say it.

    While an awareness of the setting and time is important, so is our awareness of others. Our immediate assessment of others, their mood and emotional state, contributes to getting along. Approaching someone when they are stressed may not be the best thing to do. .


    Since ancient times, the wise have said, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." This is especially true in foreign countries. . Change how you do things, how you dress, how you greet, how you talk, so that you will fit in. Don't resist and don't insist that you have things your way, or that you know better. It is, once more, not about you. It is about two things-the setting and fitting in with others. Respect the beliefs, norms, customs, and practices of those you wish to engage. Mirror those around you. It's the secret that wise men have used since ancient times.  .


    . Smiling works to a point, but you must make welcoming eye contact. Your body language should say, "I am friendly and approachable."

    A. It is no different today

    B. You need to respond with a smile

    C. And it also applies in the other settings

    D. An awareness of the environment gives you a head start

    E. Instead, waiting just a half-hour can make all the difference

    F. If you want to be liked or fit in, you must be both accessible and friendly

    G. But we can't expect others to do for us what we should be doing for ourselves


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It's never too late to make your dreams come true. After more than half a 1 since his last class at the University of Cincinnati, Paul Blom, 94, 2 received an associate's degree (副学士学位).

    The World War II ex-soldier first enrolled (注册) at the 3 in 1946, after 4 in the Navy for three years. "I came down to UC 5 I was going to go to school, but, you know, it was 6, it was almost August, and there wasn't room for me," Blom told WCPO-TV. However, Blom enrolled in UC's evening college program where he took night7 for nine years. But as he became too 8 with the family business, he decided to stop 9 .

    He said, "I think I only lacked maybe two 10 for some reason or another. I just didn't ever go back and 11 all the courses."

    Back in May 2020, Blom's daughter, Paula Baxter, 12 UC to see if her father could receive a(n) 13 degree and the university found that it could 14 him much more.

    After 15 that Blom received more than enough credits to get a 16 for an associated degree through a regional college within the University of Cincinnati, university officials were able to issue him the associate's degree he had17 in full all those years ago.

    "It's very18 to see a part of the Greatest Generation receive his degree," said an official of the university. "It just goes to 19 that you're never too old to see your 20 come true."

    A . month B . year C . century D . decade
    A . eventually B . easily C . hardly D . strangely
    A . army B . university C . hospital D . yard
    A . serving B . helping C . arguing D . studying
    A . hearing B . forgetting C . explaining D . thinking
    A . late B . crowded C . old D . lucky
    A . activities B . clubs C . jobs D . classes
    A . bored B . familiar C . busy D . content
    A . teaching B . attending C . joining D . applying
    A . grades B . tests C . courses D . books
    A . require B . research C . discuss D . finish
    A . reached out to B . came back to C . turned to D . responded to
    A . senior B . free C . glorious D . honorary
    A . distribute B . reward C . offer D . donate
    A . agreeing B . discovering C . acknowledging D . receiving
    A . qualification B . diploma C . certification D . belief
    A . earned B . bought C . sent D . passed
    A . accidental B . natural C . disappointing D . inspirational
    A . announce B . inform C . show D . remind
    A . tasks B . dreams C . promises D . plans


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当 单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Bright and colorful Beijing Opera faces appear on a computer screen, A teacher asks the students, "Shall we go to see Beijing Opera?" This is the scene of  online Chinese class in India's Mumbai. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, online Chinese learning on a  (various) of platforms is gaining popularity locally.

    Eighteen year-old Drashti Gala from Mumbai is one of many online Chinese  (learner) and even has a Chinese name Tang Dashi. Actually, all three sisters in her family  (begin) learning Chinese after their father offered the suggestion. Within a short space of time, she has  (successful) passed HSK3 (Level 3 of the International Chinese Proficiency Test) and is now preparing for the higher-level exams. At first, some students were hesitant as they were not used to (study) online, but now they realize that online learning means they can save time  would have been spent on traveling. Drashti has also tried to improve her Chinese by translating some ancient Chinese poems into Hindi (印地语).

    Most Chinese training institutions in Mumbai have been moved online due to the lockdown. Some people  charge said, "Compared to traditional classroom teaching, our online courses are more convenient and easier  (conduct), and the cost of renting classrooms  (save) too. So online learning is popular."


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。


    删除:把多余 词用斜线(\)划掉。




    I have a pet cat, which name is Lucky. She has white hair and two big eyes. She is cute and can do a few trick, which are funny and usually make me very surprising.

    Every day when I come home, Lucky always runs towards me happily to welcomed me. When I feel down, but she never leaves me alone. She is my considerate and faith companion.

    Now we had been living together for over two years. As time goes by, a relationship between Lucky and me becomes close than before. Therefore, I think of her an important member in my family and I really enjoy her company.


  • 9. 你校英语校报正在征文,主题是“我的一项业余爱好”。请你写一篇文章参赛,内容包括:





    One of My Hobbies
