
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:101 类型:期中考试 编辑

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  • 1. 用书写体规范地抄写下列单词和句子。

    playground    lunch    windy    go home    teachers' office

    What's the weather like in New York?



  • 12. 图文配对

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    (1) Time for music class.
    (2) We can swim outside.
    (3) Let's play football.
    (4) It's rainy in London.
    (5) Do you have a library?


  • 13. 根据图示,用方框中的单词完成句子。

    A. art room  B. English class   C. windy   D. go home   E. hot

    (1) It's 5 p.m. It's time to .

    (2) The  is next to the teachers' office.

    (3) It's  in Nanning.

    (4) We have an  at 10:00.

    (5) Today is .


  • 14. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Hello, I'm Mike. This is my school. It's so big. The school buildings(教学楼)are tall. The teachers' office is on the first floor. My classroom is next to the teachers' office. The computer room and the library are on the second floor. The art room is next to the library. I like the playground very much. We can play football there.

    (1) This is        school.
    A . Amy's B . Tom C . Mike's
    (2) Where is the teachers' office?
    A . It's on the first floor. B . It's on the second floor. C . One floor.
    (3) The computer room is on       .
    A . the first floor B . the second floor C . the third floor
    (4) The art room is        the library.
    A . next to B . in C . on
    (5) Mike likes playing       .
    A . ping-pong B . football C . basketball
