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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A . Give some materials to new workers. B . Fix a copy machine quickly. C . Hire some new workers.
    (2) What will the man do next?
    A . Call a repair shop. B . Conduct a job interview. C . Get in touch with a printing company.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who is the woman probably talking to?
    A . The house owner. B . A repairman. C . A painter.
    (2) What will the woman do if her problem isn't solved?
    A . Send a large bill to the man. B . Find someone to fix the wall. C . Fix the electricity wires herself.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the main topic of the conversation?
    A . Putting shoes on dogs. B . Buying toys for dogs. C . Making videos for dogs.
    (2) What does the man think about the dog in the video?
    A . It looks silly. B . It looks poor. C . It looks lovely.
    (3) Where will the man go this afternoon?
    A . To a park. B . To a store. C . To an animal shelter.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What state did the woman drive from?
    A . Minnesota. B . Montana. C . California.
    (2) What does the man ask the woman to do?
    A . Check in. B . Meet her group. C . Give a speech.
    (3) Who does the woman most probably want to see?
    A . Captain Jones. B . General Richards. C . General Thompson.
    (4) How does the woman probably feel in the end?
    A . Excited. B . Stressed. C . Disappointed.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where did the idea of maker culture come from?
    A . The DIY lovers. B . Young people. C . Old people.
    (2) What is an important reason for people to make things?
    A . They can get new skills. B . They produce something useful. C . They can create new technology.
    (3) Where do people learn to make things?
    A . In school. B . From the robots. C . On the Internet.
    (4) Why did people have trouble joining the movement in the past?
    A . It wasn't common. B . It was expensive. C . It was difficult.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Best Diabetes Diets

    U.S. News has ranked four leading diets based on input from a panel of health experts. Browse our diet profiles by narrowing down your results until you find the ones that are right for you.

    The Flexitarian Diet

     in Best Diabetes Diets

    The Flexitarian Diet, which emphasizes fruits, veggies, whole grains and plant-based protein, is a smart and healthy choice. One panelist noted that this diet is "a nice approach that could work for the whole family." READ MORE →







    Mediterranean Diet

    in Best Diabetes Diets

    With its emphasis on fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fish and other healthy fare, the Mediterranean diet is extremely sensible. READ MORE →







    DASH Diet

    in Best Diabetes Diets

    DASH fights high blood pressure and was praised for its nutritional completeness, safety, ability to prevent or control diabetes, and role in supporting heart health. READ MORE →







    Mayo Clinic Diet

     in Best Diabetes Diets

    The Mayo Clinic Diet aims to make healthy eating a lifelong habit, and earned praise for its nutrition and safety. READ MORE →


    3. 8/5


    3. 3/5


    4. 4/5

    (1) If you got diabetes and wanted to lose weight, which food would meet your needs?
    A . Mayo Clinic Diet B . Dash Diet C . Mediterranean Diet D . The Flexitarian Diet
    (2) Where is the text probably taken from?
    A . Novel B . Magazine C . Website D . Newspaper
    (3) What can be mentioned by the author in this text?
    A . Dash Diet can benefit your heart health. B . All diabetic diets can fight high blood pressure. C . All the diabetic diets emphasize their complete nutrition. D . The Mayo Clinic Diet has developed a lifelong healthy eating habit.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Most of us get our earliest life lessons from fairy tales, like "True love can overcome anything", and "Even a frog can turn into a prince". However, at a certain age, we start to learn new things about life, particularly that love doesn't always win, and that a frog is just a frog. But somehow, our love for fairy tales never dies. Just look at animated films like The Lion King and Frozen, which have millions of fans, young and old.

    "Fairy tales stay here because they are the stories of our lives in the simplest form," wrote US author Laura Packer on the National Storytelling Network website. "They are stories of love and loss, desire and death, riches and ruin." Fairy tales are all about reality. But if children only see just one side of reality, adults usually see the other.

    For example, in the 2014 film Maleficent, we're told the tale of Sleeping Beauty from the perspective (视角) of the evil queen. Unlike the children's version of the story, we see that the queen wasn't born evil. Instead, she suffers great losses growing up, leading to the creation of her "evil" side.

    It looks as if fairy tales aren't just stories our parents read us at bedtime. They may usually start with "Once upon a time…", but as we grow older, we learn that every story doesn't always need a "Happily ever after" to be a good one.

    (1) Why do young children like fairy tales?
    A . Because it is their parents that tell them. B . Because tales involve love and wonder. C . Because children are affected by them. D . Because tales will become life lessons.
    (2) What can we infer from Paragraph2?
    A . Fairy tales just tell us the wonderful side of the reality. B . The tales about love and loss can attract more children. C . Fairy tales exist forever because of their simplest style. D . Different from kids, adults read tales from other angles.
    (3) What's the purpose of the example in Paragraph 3 mentioned by the author?
    A . To remind that parents should tell the fairy tales from the perspective of children. B . To support the idea that adults are likely to associate the fairy tales with the reality. C . To tell us the danger of the fairy tales if they are told from the perspective of adults. D . To correct the impression that the queen is evil.
    (4) What's the author's attitude toward such fairy tales?
    A . Objective B . Critical C . Disagreeable D . Indifferent
  • 13. 阅读理解

    When Earth was just a tiny young thing,it birthed many new continents - then it swallowed them all up, leaving just a few traces behind, a new study shows.

    These first continents had a special skill for living fast and dying young, but in doing so, they paved the way for solid continents that eventually led to the emergence of plate tectonics (版块运动), the new study suggests.

    For hundreds of millions of years, the current continents have been more or less stable. But very little is known about the continents that existed early on in Earth's history.

    To learn more about that early history, the researchers used computers to model the interactions of rock and magma (岩浆) in the Earth's crust (地壳) and below. The modeling showed that the earliest continents, known as the Hadean (4.6 to 4.0 billion years ago), were weak and likely to destruction. Modern continents have a comprehensive high tensile strength, meaning it's hard to tear them apart by stretching.

    By the time the Archean (4.0 billion to 2.5 billion years ago) began ending the Hadean, the crust which had first formed was almost entirely replaced by the seeds of the modern continents.

    In a sense, the researchers found, those lost Hadean continents made the later, more stable continents possible.

    The emergence of continents at the close of the Hadean also contributed fertilizer that would later help seed life on Earth, the researchers wrote. Bits of them broke off and entered the atmosphere and oceans, providing necessary nutrients for the life forms that soon emerged.

    (1) Compared with the modern continents, the Hadean was________.
    A . younger B . firmer C . weaker D . bigger
    (2) What is true about the Hadean according to the researchers?
    A . It existed 4.0 million years ago. B . It disappeared before the Archean began. C . It helped make more stable continents. D . It provided all the necessary nutrients.
    (3) How does the author support his ideas?
    A . By listing researchers' findings. B . By giving a lot of examples. C . By making comparisons. D . By listing a lot of numbers.
    (4) Where can we probably read the passage?
    A . A science fiction. B . A science magazine. C . A travel brochure. D . An encyclopedia.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    "Tennis-I'm saying goodbye." With these words, Russian tennis superstar Maria Sharapova, 32, has announced her retirement.

    "How do you leave behind the only life you've ever known?" she asked herself. Several reasons played a role in Sharapova leaving the tennis court for good. Over the last couple of years, she's dealt with an injury in her right shoulder and inflammation(炎症) in her forearms that may have prevented her from returning to top form. In more recent news, the death of her longtime friend, US basketball legend Kobe Bryant, also played a factor in her decision to retire.

    "As I think you've seen throughout my career, my perseverance has been my greatest tool, my greatest strength," Sharapova said in an interview. "But I've started feeling that it was becoming a weakness, because the stubbornness was keeping me going for wrong reasons."

    Sharapova rose to stardom(明星身份) at age 17 when she won Wimbledon in 2004. She won a total of five Grand Slam singles titles. She also earned the Fed Cup title in Russia in 2008 and an Olympic silver medal in singles in 2012, among many other accomplishments.

    For 16 straight years from 2004, Sharapova was the world's highest-earning female athlete, according to Forbes. Off the court, she made millions of dollars from companies such as Evian and Nike, as well as starting her own candy company. "Tennis showed me the world-and it showed me what I was made of," Sharapova wrote on Facebook on Feb 26. "It's how I tested myself and how I measured my growth. And so in whatever I might choose for my next chapter, my next mountain, I'II still be pushing. I'll still be climbing. I'll still be growing."

    (1) Which of the following is NOT the reason for Sharapova's retirement?
    A . Her age. B . Her personality. C . Her former injuries. D . Her friend's death.
    (2) What can we infer from the underlined part in Paragraph 3?
    A . She was so stubborn as to fail to make use of her greatest tool. B . She didn't want to make wrong decisions despite perseverance. C . She was aware that her best personality had become an obstacle. D . She knew stubbornness can't be a good approach to success.
    (3) Which of the following is WRONG?
    A . The success in Wimbledon let her become a star. B . She made a lot of money mainly from playing tennis. C . Besides tennis, she runs other businesses successfully. D . At age 25, she got the second place in the Olympic Games.
    (4) How does Sharapova find her life of retirement?
    A . Regretful about her retirement. B . Unable to fit into the new life. C . Enthusiastic about new challenges. D . Peaceful back to normal.


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    Do you ever have months where you struggle to keep your money under control?. One of these reasons could be that we aren't aware of our true spending habits. Here are some tips on how you can avoid overspending and keep your money in check.

    When you head out to the mall, take only the amount of cash you anticipate you'll need and leave credit cards at home. By doing this, you avoid the temptation (诱惑) of using the card for a spur(冲动) of the moment purchase, which is often the fastest way to find yourself in debt.

    Start using a budget.

     If you aren't sure about how much you take home each month and how much your expenses add up to, you'll continuously fall into the trap of buying all the things you think you can afford only to get a rude awakening at the end of the month when your bank account isn't looking too great.

    Track your spending.

    Those small things you buy on a regular basis can really add up by the end of the month. The best way to keep control of your money is to track everything you're spending it on.

    Let's not allow ourselves to fall into the trap of overspending on unnecessary things in the new year.

    A. Make a list of what to buy.

    B. We're going through enough stress as it is.

    C. Switch to cash only.

    D. Here are some other reasons why you can't set aside saving.

    E. By following this simple step, you'll also learn to respect your money more.

    F. There are many reasons why we overspend.

    G. Not having a spending plan is one of the main reasons why people can't seem to stop spending money.


  • 16. 完形填空

    When I was a young boy, our whole family lived in my Nana's old house right beside a set of railroad tracks. I can remember the whole house would 1 when the trains passed by. I often spent my summer afternoons walking down the 2. I can remember the first time I tried to 3 myself and walk on a (an) 4 rail. The steel rail was very narrow and quite 5 so I didn't have much success. First I tried holding my arms out and 6 my feet as I walked. This only led to me falling off after a few steps. I 7 to walk backwards once but quickly slipped off. It was only when I started looking 8  that I was able to walk the rails.

    Looking back on this time I now9 that it also gave me a wonderful lesson about 10. You can't go through life watching every 11 you take or choice you make. This only leads to 12 yourself and you soon go off the rails. Looking behind you is even 13. Only when you look ahead can you really 14 forward and see the life you want to lead. Then you will walk on with a light 15.

    A . collapse B . shake C . break D . burn
    A . tracks B . road C . train D . farm
    A . entertain B . test C . balance D . help
    A . dirty B . old C . black D . single
    A . long B . hard C . slippery D . safe
    A . watching B . swinging C . raising D . dragging
    A . prepared B . started C . offered D . decided
    A . up B . ahead C . down D . aside
    A . realize B . suggest C . comment D . declare
    A . studying B . living C . travelling D . playing
    A . action B . chance C . step D . risk
    A . helping B . supporting C . believing D . doubting
    A . worse B . better C . easier D . messier
    A . look B . put C . move D . bend
    A . atmosphere B . heart C . tone D . task


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Diabetes is a medical condition in which the human body does not produce enough insulin (胰岛素), a (chemistry) that controls how we use glucose. Glucose (葡萄糖) is a kind of sugar  (use)by the body to provide energy for cells. Our cells need insulin to use glucose. As insulin is also needed to control the level of glucose in the body, a patient may at times have too much or too little glucose in his or her blood.  situations can cause other health problems.

    Diabetes can be passed down through family generations or (cause) by an illness or being overweight. People who have this disease may feel thirsty and (tire) all the time. They may also  (loss) weight and have to go to the toilet very often. People with diabetes may also have heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes, all of  are often caused by the disease. While diabetes cannot be cured, some treatments can be very(effect). Diabetics can take insulin shots to make up for the insulin their bodies do not produce. A strict diet and proper exercise can also help. People with diabetes should try to eat less high-energy food rice, bread, potatoes should be limited, and sweets like chocolates should be avoided. Diabetics should also quit smoking and drinking. In addition, diabetics should talk to their doctors first to see what exercise is suitable for their condition and (watch) their glucose levels when they exercise.


  • 18. 假定你是李华,上周六你校在学校广场举办了为贫困山区学生筹款的“阳光义卖(sunshine charity sale)”活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:





    1)词数80左右   2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


  • 19. 阅读下面的材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数为150左右。

    It was my first university day of new term, which I had been looking forward to in the summer vacation. Mother decided Dad should accompany me though I thought I could manage it myself. Everything here appeared a little fresh to me; yet I still had a butterfly in my stomach. The letter of admission said my dormitory was Room 512 on the fifth floor.

    I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two bigger more. By the time I set foot onto the fifth floor, I got entirely burnt out and at the same time had a feeling of loneliness. Worse still, Dad missed a step and fell on his back, sending my new suitcases rolling down the stairs. "Damn it! (见鬼!)" he screamed, his face turning red. I knew storm was on the way. Whenever Dad's face turns red, look out.

    How could I ever get him to finish unloading the car without screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, whom I would have to spend the rest of the year with? At that point, doors along the narrow passage were opening and strange faces peering out (探出) with curiosity, as Dad walked with difficulty close behind. I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a bad start.

    "Wish to find the room quickly!" I prayed as I walked with my head bent. "Get him into a chair and calmed down." But then again, would there be a chair in my dormitory? Or would it be a purely empty room? I didn't know what was in store for me.




    Finally I arrived at Room 512.


    And there on a well-made bed sat a girl, my new roommate.
