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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Glamping, or "glamourous camping", lets you combine the luxury of a fancy hotel stay with the close-to-nature air of a camping holiday. Here's a list of some of the most famous glamping spots in the UK for you to choose from!

    Glamping 1:

    Cadland pop-up rooms, Hampshire

    This collection of bell tents aims to bring a Hamptons hotel air to the south coast this summer. A few steps away from an undisturbed beach on the Solent, there will also be a bar and restaurant; deliveries can also be made to your tent.

    From ₤499 for three nights, thepopuphotel. com

    Glamping 2:

    Camp Katur, Yorkshire

    Enjoy a spot of stargazing in the North Yorkshire countryside. Glamping here caters for all tastes and family sizes, some sleeping up to 18 people. From May, Katur should have an outdoor pub and restaurant up and running.

    From ₤220 for two nights, campkatur. com

    Glamping 3:

    Roarsome Adventures, Cornwall

    Two transformed American school buses will be taking up residence on Mesmear Farm in Cornwall or the summer. The farm has animals to feed and eggs to collect.

    From ₤300 for three nights, dinoskiwear. com/adventures

    Glamping 4:

    Ten Acres Vineyard, Devon

    This one, on a south-facing slope with Dartmoor in the distance, was first planted in 2008. A cellar-door shop means you won't go thirsty—it sells its own apple juice, wine and camping accessories.

    From ₤550 for two nights, tenacres. Vineyard camping. co. uk

    (1) What is special about Cadland pop-up rooms, Hampshire?
    A . You can have takeout food in your tent. B . You can make deliveries to a restaurant. C . Glamping here has the largest capacity of family size. D . Glamping here enables you to breathe close-to-nature air.
    (2) Which Glamping is the cheapest per night?
    A . Glamping 1. B . Glamping 2. C . Glamping 3. D . Glamping 4.
    (3) What can we learn about Ten Acres Vineyard, Devon?
    A . We can watch hens laying eggs. B . Enough drinks can satisfy your thirst. C . We can eat in an outdoor pub and restaurant. D . Two school buses will transport you to glamping.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    I was so worried about handing my little boy over during his first week of school, but you made it easier. You smiled at him like a mother would at her own child. You showed warmth and your hugs were always on offer. After a day in class with you, Charlie would come home singing. Whenever I hear Do Your Ears Hang Low or see him stretching to the sky when singing about the days of the week, I will think of you. I didn't tell you at the time, but I loved your morning song so much that I implemented it in my own class (I'm a teacher, too).

    When you saw I was troubled, you hugged me with your smile and I knew everything would be OK. You made parents feel as cared for as our children. In the short time I knew you; you taught me about the type of teacher I desire to be. You never seemed disturbed by the mountain of paperwork or impossible work-life balance that comes with the role. Instead, you appeared to embrace every minute.

    I can't understand why you've been taken from us. Telling Charlie was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I'm not sure he fully understands, but he told me he loved you and has been asking whether your" robot powers" will work in heaven.

    A friend once told me white feathers are angels telling us that loved ones in heaven are well. On the first day collecting the children without you,a white feather floated through the sleet (雨夹雪). Watching the younger ones bounce and gigle as they tried to catch it was beautiful.

    I wish I had told you all of this when you were with us. I hope that you knew how you brought happiness to everyone you met and how loved you were. Goodbye, Dear Friend.

    (1) What does the underlined word "implemented" in Paragraph l probably mean?
    A . Looked back on. B . Looked forward to. C . Thought highly of. D . Made use of.
    (2) What can we learn from the passage about parents?
    A . They need to sing songs before children. B . They need to feel the affection as well. C . They find it hard to handle their kids. D . They find it necessary to hug the teachers.
    (3) The writer mentioned "white feather" in Paragraph 4 mainly to ______.
    A . inform us of the loved one's death B . remind us it's time for a snowball fight C . tell us the teacher stays in our mind after death D . warn us of the falling snow when collecting children
    (4) What's the writer's main purpose in writing this article?
    A . To make a remark on Charlie's teacher. B . To say goodbye to her fellow teacher. C . To take pity on her fellow teacher. D . To recall and show respect for Charlie's teacher.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Physical activity is important in preventing cardiovascular(心血管的) disease in young people so long as they don't undertake very intense activity on days when air pollution levels are high, according to a recently released study.

    Until now, little has been known about the relationships between the health benefits of physical activity taking place outdoors and the potentially harmful effects of air pollution. Previous research by the authors of the current study had investigated the question in middle-aged people at a single point in time, but this is the first time that it has been investigated in young adults aged between 20—30 years over a period of several years. In addition, the researchers wanted to see what happens when people increase or decrease their physical activity over time.

    At each health check-up, the participants completed a questionnaire asking about their physical activity in the past seven days and this information was changed into units of metabolic equivalent task(MET, 代谢当量任务) minutes per week(MET-mins/week). The participants were divided into four groups: 0, 1—499, 500—999 and 1000 or more MET-mins/week. People are recommended to do 500—999 MET-mins/week and this can be achieved by; for example, running, cycling or hiking for 15—30 minutes five times a week, or brisk walking, doubles tennis or slow cycling for 30—60 minutes five times a week.

    The researchers used data to calculate annual average levels of air pollution, in particular the levels of small particulate matter that are less than or equal to 10 or 2. 5 microns in diameter, known a PM10 and PM25.

    Overall, the results show that physical activity is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease among young adults. However, when air pollution levels are high, exercising beyond the recommended amount may offset or even reverse the beneficial effects. The study cannot show that air pollution causes the increased cardiovascular risk, only that it is associated with it.

    (1) What can we know from Paragraph 2?
    A . Outdoor physical activity harms our health. B . Exercising isn't advised on serious air pollution days. C . A first in-depth survey has been done on young adults. D . Middle-aged people have been the ideal research target.
    (2) How do the results come out?
    A . By doing research on young adults. B . By collecting PM10 and PM2. 5 data. C . By making experiments on middle-aged people. D . By studying a questionnaire on physical activity.
    (3) What do we know about the result?
    A . Air pollution leads to cardiovascular disease. B . Cardiovascular disease relates to air pollution. C . More physical exercise benefits young people. D . Young adults seldom develop cardiovascular disease.
    (4) What would be the best title for the passage?
    A . Physical activity & air pollution: when to do more or less physical activity. B . Physical activity & health benefit: how to prevent cardiovascular disease C . Physical activity & air pollution: what to do with high air pollution levels D . Physical activity & health benefit: how to maximize the health benefits of exercising
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Using your face to unlock your phone is a pretty genius security. plan. But like any advanced technology, thieves and hackers are always up to the challenge, whether that's unlocking your phone with your face while you sleep or using a photo from social media to do the am.

    Like every other human biometric identification system(生物标识系统)before it, such as fingerprints and retina scans, there are still significant. security bugs in some of the most advanced identity verification (证实) technology. Brigham Young University electrical and computer engineering Professor D. J. Lee has decided there is a better and more secure way to use your face for restricted access.

    It's called Concurrent Two-Factor Identity Verification (C2FIV) and it requires both one's facial identity and a specific facial motion to gain access. To set it up, a user faces a camera and records a short 1-2 second video of either a unique facial motion or a lip movement from reading a secret phrase. The video is then input into the device, which obtains facial features and the features of the facial motion, storing them for later ID verification.

    To get technical, C2FIV relies on an integrated neural network framework to learn facial features and actions at the same time. Using this integrated neural network framework, the user's facial features and movements are embedded (嵌入) and stored on a server or in an embedded device and when they later attempt to gain access, the computer compares the newly generated embedding to the stored one. That user's ID is verified if the new and stored embeddings match at a certain level.

    Lee said C2FIV has broader application, including accessing restricted areas at a workplace, online banking, ATM use, safe deposit box access or even hotel room entry or keyless access to your vehicle. "How great would it be to know that even if you lost your car key, no one can steal your vehicle because they don't know your secret facial action?"

    (1) How do today's hackers unlock your phone?
    A . By challenging you to make faces. B . By making genius security plans. C . By taking your fingerprints. D . By stealing your photos from social media.
    (2) What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A . How C2FIV differs. B . How C2FIV works. C . Why C2FTV is convenient. D . Where C2FIV is applied.
    (3) What is the foundation to guarantee that C2FIVgets technical?
    A . Learning facial features and actions at once. B . Being equipped with an embedded device. C . Matching the new and stored embeddings. D . Using an integrated neural network framework.
    (4) What does Professor D. J. Lee think of C2FTV?
    A . It has limited application areas. B . It can improve work efficiency. C . It has a bright application future. D . It can ensure the motion of vehicles.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    If you're looking to maximize the amount of fat burned in your next workout, think about having a coffee half an hour before you get started.

    Researchers found that 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight can raise the rate of fat burning during aerobic exercise. The coffee dose was shown to increase maximal fat oxidation rate (MFO,脂肪氧化率) by an average of 10. 7percent in the morning and 29 percent in the afternoon.

    The recommendation to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning to increase fat oxidation is common.  It is still unknown whether this increase is due to exercising in the morning or due to going without food for a longer period of time.

    Caffeine is often associated with improved athletic performance, though the science behind this link isn't as comprehensive as it could be. In later cycling tests after the caffeine had been given, the fat-burning capability of the body was measured, showing the impact that caffeine had made on MFO. Maximum oxygen uptake was also raised, as was the intensity of exercise.

    The results of the study showed that acute caffeine intake 30 minutes before performing an aerobic exercise test increased MFO during exercise regardless of the time of day.  Overall, these results suggest that a combination of acute caffeine intake and exercise at moderate intensity in the afternoon provides the best scenario(方案) for individuals seeking to increase whole-body fat oxidation during aerobic exercise.

    A. It is based on results gathered from 15 male volunteers.

    B. However, this recommendation may lack a scientific basis.

    C. Evidence is mounting that morning exercise is good for your health。

    D. A new study suggests it can make a significant difference to fat burning.

    E. They are clear enough to suggest that there is some kind of association there.

    F. Researchers have found that if cyclists take more caffeine, they will ride much faster.

    G. Researchers were keen to look in detail at the relationship between caffeine and exercise.


  • 6. 完形填空

    What are the foods that you can only taste in memories? Your mother's biscuits? The pies you made as a child? And what are the recipes that help you1your memories?

    This morning, for the first time in over a year, I made Dutch Babies, a kind of pancake. I'm a poor cook who's always 2to pull anything out of the oven that isn't burnt. But3, I get lucky.

    Making Dutch Babies brings to my mind some of the 4memories of my life. I've made Dutch Babies many times for sleepovers and5. They were always a hit, 6 I burned them.

    After my kids grew up, I didn't cook much for years, except for holidays or other7occasions. When we had a family8, I'd make Dutch Babies for breakfast.

    I can't recall the last time I made Dutch Babies, before today. I know it was9a year, before life was10for COVID-19, and we stopped having guests.

    So why did I make them this11for only my husband and me? It's been a(n)    12year for all of us, filled with things we couldn't do. I was13to celebrate being alive.

    Good food can feed a hungry crowd. But if it's made with love and 14. it can fill a(n)15with the hope of better days to come. So, add your own memories.

    A . shape B . refresh C . expand D . share
    A . amazed B . disturbed C . embarrassed D . disappointed
    A . rarely B . occasionally C . generally ' D . frequently
    A . fantastic B . regretful C . sorrowful D . vague
    A . acquaintances B . colleagues C . guests D . students
    A . as if B . in case C . in that D . even if
    A . various B . special C . informal D . casual
    A . reunion B . problem C . quarrel D . discussion
    A . less than B . rather than C . more than D . other than
    A . broken down B . put down C . pulled down D . shut down
    A . evening B . morning C . afternoon D . moment
    A . hard B . easy C . busy D . normal
    A . persuaded B . likely C . eager D . encouraged
    A . freedom B . gifts C . desire D . memories
    A . belly B . soul C . stomach D . brain


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或者括号内单词的正确形式。

    Chinese vaccines (疫苗) were initially dismissed in Western and other media, partly because of a view that they were inferiorthe vaccines produced by Moderna or AstraZeneca. much evidence has been accumulating for a while that the vaccines from China work well, too. The United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and some other countries have approved the Sinopharm vaccine from China. By the end of last month, 1.8 million people in the UAE (receive) it

    The development of Chinese vaccine within a short span of time after the sudden outbreak of COVID-19(show) the Chinese system has performed quickly according to the expectations of the international community. The development is a message for the international community China is marching ahead of time and the expectations of Chinese partner countries are on the rise.

    China's efforts(strengthen) the global fight against the pandemic have narrowed the space for a small group of rich countries to buy most of the vaccines. (back) by the World Health Organization, China promised to provide tens of millions doses of COVID-19 vaccines for low and middle income countries this year.

    (personal), I would take the domestically (国内地) produced vaccines. I really think the China-produced vaccines are safe. (live) through this global pandemic fight, I have come to a better understanding of China's (responsibility) attitude in the public health sector.


  • 8. 假如你是李华,上周末你参加了学生会组织的社会实践活动,参观周恩来纪念馆,缅怀“人民的好总理”。请你给你的美国朋友 Charles 写信介绍这次活动,内容包括:




    注意:1)写作词数应为 80 左右;


    参考词汇:周总理 Premier Zhou 周恩来纪念馆 Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall

    Dear Charles,



    Li Hua


  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I looked at my father's sugar-crusted hands, his shocked eyes, and I knew that I was breaking his heart. It was the worst time to say anything, to just blurt it out like this while we were cooking and preparing the house for guests—especially because my father was busy doing the one thing that I was about to tell them that I would never do. But I couldn't hold it in any longer, and I needed to say something now, otherwise I would just be delaying the inevitable and probably have an anxiety-caused breakdown in the meantime.

    We were standing in the kitchen while my family was scattered around the living room tidying up, pretending not to listen and clearly listening: Soft footsteps approached, and my mother was now with us in the kitchen. "What is this, Beta?" she said. She was shocked; I was ashamed.

    "I'm sorry," I said miserably. "But I can't do it. I'm not good at cooking. Everything I touch comes out wrong,and tastes terrible. Even the simple ladoos I try to make fall apart.

    "You have to practice, Beta, my father exploded. "You don't practice enough! All you do is sit in your room, and write in that journal…"

    "I want to be a writer." I cried out what had been reverberating in my mind for the last three years.

    My parents were astonished. "The sweet store is your duty, Beta. Your duty to your family. We're counting on you because you are our daughter." my father spoke as though this was all that needed to be said.

    My heart sank.

    My father gave me a hard look. "When your grandfather comes over for dinner," he warned, "don't say a word to him."

    "He's still recovering from his surgery," my mother added severely.

    My father turned back to shaping the ladoos. "We'll discuss this later," he said abruptly, and the conversation was over.

    When the rest of the family came over that evening, I found myself sitting next to my grandfather. Everyone laughed and joked except me. When there was a period of quietness in the conversation, my grandfather said, "Beta, come with me to the kitchen."

    注意:1)续写词数应为 150左右;


    Once we reached the kitchen, he asked me what's wrong.


    But my grandfather stopped him with a look, and gently laid a hand on my arm.
