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  • 1. 阅读理解

    New Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aids Only $229!

    The new eco-friendly HearClearTM HCR3 Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aids which combine advanced technology with a low price are now available to you for an unbelievable price! This quality digital hearing aid has the same key elements that all high end digital hearing aids share, but is also rechargeable. Unlike other hearing aids, the digital signal processor adjusts to enlarge important speech sounds as well as cutting out unwanted noise.

    Most importantly, the new HearClearTM HCR3 hearing aids work as part of the cost of name-brand hearing aids, and you don't have to keep changing the batteries! You will also love the comfortable, light-weight, open-fit design.

    You can spend thousands for an expensive hearing aid or you can spend just $249 for a hearing aid that is great for most hearing loses (only $229 each when you buy a pair). We are so sure you will love our product, that we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee-Risk Free if you are not satisfied for any reason.

    Functions & Characteristics:

    □ Digital sound processing chip provides clear sound and makes speech easier to understand without whistling

    □ Never replace batteries again! Full charge gives 16 Hrs of use!

    □ Easy on/off button

    □ Automatic noise reduction and feedback canceler

    □ Helps mot moderate to significant hearing losses (call us if you need more power)

    Money Saving Offer!

    Call 1-888-200-1008 to get coupons (购物优惠券). Coupons and prices are valid for a limited time only!

    (1) How much should you pay to buy a pair of HCR3?
    A . $229. B . $249. C . $458. D . $478.
    (2) Which of the following descriptions of HCR3 hearing aid is wrong?
    A . It can reduce noise automatically. B . It has little in common with previous hearing aids. C . It makes speech understood more easily with no whistling. D . It's rechargeable and can work for 16 hours if fully charged.
    (3) Where is the text probably from?
    A . A magazine. B . A business report. C . A textbook. D . A guidebook.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    With severe mental challenges and amblyopia (弱视), Xu Haofang's idea of the world was limited to her home. Apart from her parents, interacting with others often proved to be a painful experience.

    But Xu's reality was changed when she started receiving help from the Zhang Xinya Rehabilitation (康复) Center in Shanghai. "She used to be totally dependent on us and barely spoke. Now, she has learned how to write in Chinese, how to wash the dishes and how to do the laundry herself," says Yan Ping, Xu's mother.

    Founded in 2012 by Zhang Xinya, the center since its establishment has helped dozens of individuals like Xu with 21 of them eventually securing a job. Besides those having challenges, the center also provides assistance to those who are visually or hearing impaired (受损的). "We can unearth their potential and teach them the ability to take care of themselves," says the 73-year-old, "By doing this, I also hope that their parents can be hopeful of their children's future."

    Zhang Xinya herself is also a mother to a girl with mental challenges. To help her daughter build meaningful connections with society, Zhang took her to a government-funded center to learn physical exercises that would improve her motor sills Zhang later decided to volunteer at the center, which eventually inspired her to open her own rehabilitation facility (场所).

    The center provides various classes conducted by professional teachers and psychological counselors and everyday skills are included in the syllabus (教学大纲). More than 400 lawyers, public health professionals and doctors have been invited to the station to give lectures. These individuals with special needs also receive heath checks at Zhang's center.

    "Many of the individuals could not take care of themselves when they first came, but now they can hold chopstick or spoon and eat by themselves. Some used to remain silent all the time but they can now sing and dance," says Zhang. "Seeing them make progress is what makes this all worthwhile. This is what drives me to keep going."

    (1) What's the challenge in her life before Xu Haofang went to the center?
    A . Her unemployment. B . The pressure from the society. C . Her disability and dependence. D . Lack of trust in others.
    (2) Which word can explain the underlined word "unearth" in paragraph 3?
    A . discover B . remove C . change D . admire
    (3) What inspires Zhang Xinya to set up the rehabilitation center?
    A . Her desire to see the disabled make progress in daily work. B . Her experience as a volunteer in a government-funded center. C . The encouragement she got from parents of those with special needs. D . Her intention to help her daughter build meaningful connections with society.
    (4) According to the passage, we can conclude that _________.
    A . the center mainly helps those who have mental challenges B . all of the classes in the center are given by professional teachers C . the center will secure jobs for the individuals with special needs D . many individuals in the center have made progress in many aspects
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Do you continue to be healthy in social isolation (隔离)? NASA is looking for people to spend 8 months locked in a Russian lab for a new experiment.

    When humans go to the moon and travel to Mars, they will need to be prepared for long-term space travel and even longer stays on these far-off destinations. Currently, NASA's Artemis program aims to land humans on the moon for the first time since NASA's Apollo 17 mission landed in 1972.

    While the moon is the main goal of NASA's Artemis program, the agency's larger goal is to send people to Mars. But long term space travel and habitation (居住) won't be easy. Such missions will present both physical and mental challenges as astronauts work to not only survive, but perform important scientific research in uniquely difficult environments.

    In the upcoming NASA-Russia experiment, a group of people will live in a closed facility at Russia's Institute for Biomedical Problems, which is in Moscow. This habitat facility was used in 2011 for a notable series of Russian mock (模拟的) Mars missions known as Mars500. During these missions, groups of people spent 520 and 105 days on two separate missions in the facility.

    The facility, according to the statement, will have "environmental factors similar to those astronauts are expected to experience on future missions to Mars". The group of people will spend 8 months living together in isolation and working on scientific research.

    By living and working in this Mars-like environment, participants in this study will help NASA researchers understand the psychological and physiological (生理的) effects of isolation. These missions help researchers not only perform relevant science experiments but also see how people might get on under strange conditions for long periods of time.

    So, if you're finding that living in social isolation works for you, you might be particularly well-suited for living in a Mars-like environment and this could be for you. But first, you have to qualify. NASA is looking for "highly motivated" Americans between the age of 30-55, who must speak both Russian and English fluently and have a Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor o[ Medicine, or military officer training. Applicants with other related experience may also be considered. Those who are chosen to be a part of this group will be paid for their work.

    (1) Which of the following succeeded in landing humans on the moon?
    A . Apollo 17 mission. B . Artemis program. C . Mars500. D . Institute for Biomedical Problems.
    (2) What do we know about the new NASA Russia experiment?
    A . It will send people to live on Mars for 8 months.

    B . It needs experienced Americans without an age limit. C . It will be carried out in a Mars-like environment in NASA. D . It makes preparations for NASA'S human spaceflight program.
    (3) Why does the author mention "Mars500" in the text?
    A . To show the progress in space technology. B . To explain why the facility has been chosen. C . To indicate the new experiment will be successful. D . To describe the life of astronauts in the mock Mars missions.
    (4) Which can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . Want to Have A Trip to Mars? Come! B . Aretmis—NASA'S Latest Program C . Competent in Isolation? NASA Wants You! D . NASA's Human Space Travel Program
  • 4. 阅读理解

    The genetics of human eye color is much more complex than previously thought. according to a new study published recently.

    An international team of researchers led by King's College London and Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam have identified 50 new genes for eye color in the largest genetic study of its kind to date. The study, published in Science Advances, involved the genetic analysis of almost 195,000 people across Europe and Asia.

    These findings will help to improve the understanding of eye diseases such as pigmentary glaucoma and ocular albinism, where eye pigment (色素) levels play a role. In addition, the team found that eye color in Asians with different shades of brown is genetically similar to eye color in Europeans ranging from dark brown to light blue.

    This study builds on previous research in which scientists had identified a dozen genes linked to eye color, believing there to be many more. Previously, scientists thought that variation in eye color was controlled by one or two genes only, with brown eyes dominant (显性的) over blue eyes.

    Co-senior author Dr Pirro Hysi, King's College London, said: "The findings are exciting because they bring us to a step closer to understanding the genes that cause one of the most striking features of the human faces, which has mystified (使困感) generations throughout our history. This will improve our understanding of many diseases that we know are associated with specific pigmentation levels."

    Co-senior author Dr Manfred Kayser, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, said: "This study delivers the genetic knowledge needed to improve eye colour prediction from DNA as already applied in anthropological (人类学的) and forensic (法医的) studies, but with limited accuracy for the non-brown and non-blue eye colours."

    (1) What does Paragraph 3 talk about?
    A . The result and significance of the new study. B . The key role eye pigment plays in eye discases. C . The detailed progress of the newly-published study. D . The difference in eye colors of Asians and Europeans.
    (2) What's Dr. Pirro Hysi's attitude towards the new findings?
    A . Critical. B . Disappointed. C . Skeptical. D . Supportive.
    (3) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    A . Scientists used to believe that eye color depended on a variety of genes. B . Dr. Manfred Kayser identifies that the study can be applied to all eye colors. C . Published in Science Advances, the study analyzed about 195,000 people globally. D . The research which identified 50 new genes for eye color is the biggest of its kind so far.
    (4) What's the main idea of the passage?
    A . Eye pigment levels are inked most eye diseases. B . A new study found eye colors may be inked with many genes. C . International scientists conduced a genetic analysis of eye colors and diseases. D . Studies showed eye colors of Asians were different from those of Europeans.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Self-confidence is connected with almost every aspect of a happy and fulfilling life.

    If you have been lacking in confidence, you're probably familiar with over thinking But by being confident, you will be able to break the cycle of over-thinking,

    If you have ever learned a language, mastered a skill, reached a fitness goal, or otherwise overcome setbacks to get to where you wanted to be, you're well on your way.

    You might be thinking, "Well, sure, I was proud of my ‘A' in Calculus back in high school, but what does that have to do with anything now?" Looking back on your life, you'll possibly find that every accomplishment takes efforts.

    As your confidence grows, you'll find yourself more driven to improve your abilities. But with self-assurance, those thoughts will no longer be paralyzing (令人麻痹的). Instead, you'll be able to smile and act anyway, feeling energized by your progress in achieving goals which mean something to you.

    A. "What-if" thoughts will still arise: "What if I fail?"

    B. The more confident you are, the more faith you will have in yourself.

    C. It is related to anxiety and worry, which can make us cut off from the world.

    D. Building self-confidence requires you to keep a positive attitude towards your life.

    E. Building confidence means taking small steps that leave a lasting sense of accomplishment.

    F. A person with self-confidence generally likes themselves and thinks positively about the future.

    G. If you could overcome difficulties then, you can do it in other areas of your life where you feel self- doubt.


  • 6. 完形填空

    Ida Nelson was in her sister's sauna (桑拿浴室), relaxing. Then she heard the long low sound of a small airplane 1 the nearby airport.

    It was 11:30 at night in the 2 of Igiugig, population 70, and, as she told the New York Times, "Any time a plane flies over that 3, you know something is 4."

    Nelson and her sister leaped out of the sauna, ran to the window, and 5 the problem: The airport's runway lights were 6.

    Nelson 7 on some clothes, jumped into her car and 8 it to the airport, where she found a local pilot trying to turn on the lights by hand.

    "9, if you push the button 10 or 15 times, the lights will just light up," Nelson said. Not this time. Meanwhile, she and the pilot learned of the plane's 10 task: It was there to transport a seriously ill local girl to the nearest 11, 280 miles away in Anchorage.

    Nelson had a 12. Driving her car to the end of the runway, she 13 her headlights (车头灯) on the road for the plane to follow. Great idea, but it wasn't 14. More light was needed, so a neighbor called nearly every home in the village — 32 of them.

    Within 20 minutes, 20 15 arrived at the airport. Following directions from the plane pilot, the cars 16 up on one side of the runway.

    The plane made its final 17 and, guided by the headlights, landed safely. The young patient was loaded onto the aircraft, and the plane 18 took off again.

    In a world filled with uncertainty, the little 19 positive activism was a big deal. Not so much for Nelson. As she told CNN, in Igiugig, coming together "is kind of a 20 deal."

    A . passing B . circling C . leaving D . attacking
    A . village B . city C . county D . state
    A . early B . high C . late D . fast
    A . missing B . special C . complete D . wrong
    A . saw B . avoided C . solved D . caused
    A . above B . away C . on D . out
    A . threw B . commented C . tried D . decided
    A . hired B . floored C . stole D . backed
    A . Obviously B . Unexpectedly C . Fortunately D . Usually
    A . dangerous B . difficult C . urgent D . secret
    A . hospital B . school C . company D . building
    A . rest B . plan C . cold D . walk
    A . hid B . shone C . studied D . cleaned
    A . funny B . bad C . enough D . safe
    A . planes B . trains C . policemen D . vehicles
    A . speeded B . blew C . lined D . burned
    A . exit B . approach C . trip D . flight
    A . gradually B . surprisingly C . immediately D . clumsily
    A . community's B . patient's C . pilot's D . plane's
    A . rare B . big C . uncertain D . normal


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Tourist destinations in Europe are confident the strong growth of China's winter sports industry will benefit their economies.

    They believe that the nation's (rise) interest in such sports, fueled by staging the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, (be) especially significant for the recovery of international winter tourism.

    Ice and snow sports in China are expected to attract 230 million visits by participants in the 2020-21 winter season, according to the China Tourism Academy.

    A recent report  (release) by the academy said the country's total investment in the sector (领域) was more than 900 billion yuan over the past three years, including a total of 610 billion yuan for 2018 and 2019.

    Emanuel Lehner-Telic, Asia regional manager at the Australian National Tourist Office, said: "Those figures show the eagerness (become) one of the world's leading winter sports (nation). The speed which China's winter sports industry has developed is unprecedented (前所未有的)."

    The Chinese capital (select) to host the 2022 Winter Olympics after beating Almaty —  largest city in Kazakhstan — by four votes in 2015. Since then, winter sports (develop) has been fast-tracked in China.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及个单 词的增加、删除或修改。






    Ready to leave, Charlotte was loading her bags or boxes into the taxi. Before she hit the road, her parents gave her a warmly hug. Even though she felt really sad about going away for college, she held back her tear and promised to take good care of herself. Then, off he went.

    Several months pass and final exams were coming. Charlotte had so much studying to do that she felt a plenty of pressure. Then, she thought of her parents back home, that she hadn't seen for months. She got really homesick and could hardly control the urge to leave home right away.

    Weeks late, the exams finally came to an end and Charlotte went straight home for the holiday. When she was finally with her family, she held them tightly and was happy to be spent the Lunar New Year with them.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的英国好友Tom将要来中国留学,现在开始学习汉语。他最近收看了一台中文综艺节目《成语天下》,对成语产生了兴趣,感到既有趣又困惑,特用电邮向你询问。请你给他回电邮,以守株待兔为例来向他说明如何理解成语的内涵,内容包括:







    参考词汇:成语chengyu/ four character idioms株/树桩stump

    Dear Tom,

    How are you!



    Li Hua
