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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What do the speakers intend to do?
    A . Buy a cottage. B . Rent a cottage. C . Build a cottage.
    (2) What kind of cottage does the woman want?
    A . The one near a tower. B . The one with three bedrooms. C . The one located in the center of the town.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the man's job?
    A . A teacher. B . A host. C . A tour guide.
    (2) Where does the woman live now?
    A . In Switzerland. B . In the UK. C . In France.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the woman most interested in?
    A . News. B . Sports. C . Entertainment.
    (2) What is the woman looking for now?
    A . A job. B . A good university. C . News about stars.
    (3) What does the man want the woman to do?
    A . Stay at home. B . Find a job at university. C . Receive further education.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Why does the man talk with the woman?
    A . Her dog destroys his garden. B . Her dog brings back a lot of dogs. C . Her dog keeps him from his study.
    (2) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Neighbors. B . Classmates. C . Husband and wife.
    (3) What is the woman's purpose of keeping a dog?
    A . She likes dogs. B . She wants one to watch her house. C . She wants to have a dog for company.
    (4) What does the man offer to do with the woman's dog?
    A . Bring it to his house. B . Feed it during lunch time. C . Walk it several times a day.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) When is the deadline for entries?
    A . August 31st. B . October 15th. C . November 1st.
    (2) What is the topic of this year?
    A . Cities. B . The Future. C . The World.
    (3) What will be given to all the competitors?
    A . A certificate. B . A poster. C . A photo.
    (4) What is the prize for the school winner?
    A . Lessons from an artist. B . Pictures of England. C . Books from a writer.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    The tropical islands of the Philippines have plenty of nice beaches where you can get that gold brown sun tan (口西黑), but there are only a few white sand or white coral beaches.

    Pristine in Palawan

    Palawan is the most popular destination for both tourists and locals of all ages and everybody comes for the white sand beaches. The beaches are long and wide and display the unique picture, where you can relax in a hammock (吊床) while having a fruity cocktail with the little umbrellas. What makes it striking is that you will also find plenty of dining opportunities along the beaches so that you won't starve.

    Island of Barang in Dumaguete

    This island has so many nice beaches where you will literally burn under the sun. You could practically walk around the whole island within a day on the beach alone. Once you travel from places such as Manila or Cebu, the biggest problem for those who would like to visit the Siquijor beaches and the island arises. The only way to Siquijor is via Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental, which fortunately has a domestic airport.

    Bohols Treasures in Bohol

    Bohol is not only famous for its Chocolate Hills, but it is one of the best places to go in the entire Visayas Region if you are looking for white sand beaches. While the beaches are so understated and Bohol is not crowded with tourists, the island of Bohol deserves its place.

    White Sand in Boracay

    While Palawan is something for families and people who love the peace of paradise, Boracay is the exact opposite. The appearance is still very similar with white sand beaches, but the lifestyle is all about parties. Boracay is mainly visited by young adults and students rather than families, making it distinguished from any other Philippine beach. Everything can be done in the beaches of Boracay and you can even sleep in the beaches after a night of partying.

    (1) What is special about Pristine in Palawan?
    A . It has the longest coastline. B . It is ideal for taking pictures. C . It sells local fruity cocktail. D . It offers diverse food options.
    (2) How can we get to Siquijor from Manila?
    A . By boat. B . By air C . By taxi. D . On foot.
    (3) Which of the following is favored by young people?
    A . Pristine in Palawan. B . Island of Barang in Dumaguete. C . Bohols Treasures in Bohol. D . White Sand in Boracay.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    The kids get Christmas decorations out of a well-loved cardboard box with great care. Jenny stands beside them, softly explaining each treasure. She and Bob built their collection piece by piece during each year's after — Christmas sale.

    We first met Bob and Jenny in the early days of our marriage. Someone had been returning our garbage cans to the garage each garbage day. Then one day we spotted him: an elderly man who lived across the street. I left cookies outside the garage with a thank-you note. Later that day, a typed letter had replaced the gift. It was from Bob and explained how he would come to walk the neighborhood on garbage day, returning cans for people he barely knew. Back when he had been fighting a war, his young wife, Jenny, had found herself living alone. Neighbors had taken the time to handle her garbage cans so she didn't have to...

    A few years after we had moved in, Bob died. We told Jenny how special Bob had been to us. When Jenny invited us over to look through Christmas ornaments, I realized how hard it was to part with that box, a piece of Bob.

    These days, we're piling up boxes of our own. We're planning a move. The house that seemed so huge six years ago is fully filled with furniture and books and, of course, people. We know it's time to go, and yet we can't seem to stick the For Sale sign up.

    It's not just Jenny. It's the man who lets our kids pick peaches in his front yard. It's the ladies who leave overflowing baskets for our kids on Easter. It's the officer who smiles and makes me feel a little safer when Jim's away. Thank you, I'll say. For teaching us what it means to be a neighbor.

    (1) Why did Bob handle garbage cans for his neighbors?
    A . To help those in need of financial aid. B . To repay his neighbors' unselfish help. C . To set an example for the next generation. D . To persuade the neighbors of his greatness.
    (2) How does the author feel about Bob?
    A . Wise and positive. B . Helpful and caring. C . Hardworking and brave. D . Grateful and energetic.
    (3) For what reason does the author decide to move?
    A . The house isn't big enough for the family. B . There is a better place for the family to live. C . She gets fed up with all the garbage cans. D . Her kids need a better education in the future.
    (4) What is the best title for the text?
    A . It is hard to say goodbye B . How can we leave our home? C . What it means to be a neighbor D . This is what we call harmony
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Unicycles are one-wheeled vehicles that developed from the original bicycle, the Penny Farthing, which consisted of a large front wheel and a much smaller back wheel. When this bike hit bumps(凸块) or suddenly slowed down, the back wheel came off the ground, so many riders learned to balance on just the front wheel. Thus, bicycle-makers began making vehicles with just one wheel.

    Some of the benefits of riding a unicycle include burning calories, and increasing your levels of coordination (协调), concentration and balance. Because unicycles don't have any handlebars, riders must balance, using only their abdominal (腹部的)muscles and leg muscles. This helps you build a healthier core. Long cycling sessions also increase your heart rate, which can lead to a healthier cardiovascular (心血管的) system. Riding a unicycle is an effective way to get in a low-impact workout for those with damaged knees and legs.

    Unicycling is a fun activity regardless of your ability level. Riding a unicycle is self-motivating and psychologically stimulating because you will notice improvements each time you ride. Some people find that it gives them feelings of control when they can achieve balancing and riding on just one wheel.

    Some riders use their unicycles as their primary mode of transportation for work or school. Because unicycles don't require any type of fuel, you can save money at pump. Unicycles also have only a few moving parts that might break. This means that you typically don't have to spend much money on repairs. You also won't need to spend money on storing or transporting your unicycle.

    Unicycling is a somewhat uncommon activity. Because of this, a sense of unity tends to grow among unicycle riders. Many riders travel significant distances just to go on rides and spend time with other unicyclists. Unicycling is often a family activity, and riding together can bring family members closer.

    (1) Why were one-wheel vehicles created?
    A . Because it was more beneficial for one's health. B . Because it was more likely to avoid road bumps. C . Because the front wheel only could also be used for balancing. D . Because a bicycle's back wheel wasn't fixed well.
    (2) What does the underlined word "This" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
    A . Having a handlebar. B . Stopping a unicycle. C . Increasing strength. D . Balancing a unicycle.
    (3) What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
    A . Typical features of cycling. B . Basic modes of transportation. C . Economic benefits of unicycling. D . Ways to store and transport unicycles.
    (4) The text is mainly written to.
    A . introduce benefits of unicycling B . show how unicycles are spread C . display varieties of unicycles D . advocate cycling for teenagers
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Well, to pick up where we left off last time, I believe all of you know now how plastics developed. But a piece of sad news, every year about 8 million metric tons of plastic is thrown into our oceans. That's as much as a truckload of plastic waste every minute. As you may know, plastic waste chokes and hooks turtles and seabirds. Worse still, plastic pieces are often mistaken for food by marine (海洋的)animals. Tiny pieces of plastic are even blocking the stomachs of marine creatures and fish.

    According to Plastic Oceans, packaging accounts for just over 40% of total plastic usage. Annually approximately 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide. More than 1 million bags are used every minute. 14% of all litter comes from beverage containers (plastic bottles). Sadly, a plastic bag has an average "working life" of 15 minutes. Over the last 10 years we have produced more plastic than during the whole of the last century. Plastic takes 500 years to break down. Once it enters our environment, it stays there.

    This is why it is important to stop using plastic items that we use for about 15 minutes before we dispose of it. Hopefully, we can help put an end to plastic pollution by choosing not to use single use plastic items, such as plastic bags and straws. And this July, people around the world will take a pledge(请愿)to live a plastic free life. You can either give up the top four ——straws, bottles, bags and coffee cups or you can refuse as much single use plastic as you can every day. Another way to help reduce the problem is to take part in beach clean-ups. On the first Saturday of every month Clean C, an initiative that gets volunteers to clean up our beaches, hosts beach clean-ups on beaches across Cape Town. You can find details of upcoming events on their website.

    (1) What was probably talked about last time?
    A . The history of plastics. B . The creation of plastics. C . When plastics was made. D . How plastics was created.
    (2) What can be inferred from the second paragraph?
    A . Plastic packaging is still on the rise. B . Plastic bottles are the most serious global problems. C . Plastics can break down within centuries. D . Single-used plastics contributes to ocean pollution.
    (3) The underlined phrase "dispose of" can be replaced by ________.
    A . take control of B . go in for C . get rid of D . watch out for
    (4) What is the writing purpose of the text?
    A . To appeal to factories to stop making plastics. B . To call on people to refuse plastic pollution. C . To organize activities to clean up the beaches. D . To gather volunteers to protect the marine animals.


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    Learning English, or any language, can be a challenging but rewarding experience. To make progress, you need to make a lot of effort and develop the right habits.

    ©Make a plan and set realistic goals. Planning your learning day by day and week by week can be rewarding and can make it easier to measure your progress.  For example, you might aim to learn five new linking expressions next week (realistic) rather than master academic writing (extremely unrealistic).

    © Record new vocabulary in an easy and practical way. As language lessons are often based on a particular theme, it's a good idea to organize vocabulary by topic. Experiment with different ways of recording vocabulary, including word-cards and mind maps, and see what works best for you.

    ©Be active and manage your own learning.  Be determined to use the language and grammar your teacher has presented. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, so don't let that stop you. By being active and taking control of your own learning, you'll soon start to see results.

     Go through the notes you took in a certain class and try memorizing as much as possible.

    Then, write to see how much you can recall. Repeat the process until you've memorized all the things you set at the beginning of the task.

    ©Find fun in English to watch, read and listen to. The English language is truly global and the opportunities to read or listen to it are endless.  Get into the habit of watching TV shows or movies, listening to songs and radio shows, and reading books and magazines in English.

    A. Remember where you get started.

    B. Review self-study notes regularly.

    C. This is especially true if you set realistic goals.

    D. When in class, try to participate as much as possible.

    E. However, it's crucial to make sure the topics are ones that interest you.

    F. You should also take down the different forms, uses and pronunciation of particular words.

    G. To succeed in English learning, you also need to develop a good habit of learning grammar.


  • 16. 完形填空

    I had an experience with a stranger recently that really touched me. In February, I lost my mom and I flew to my 1to tackle a few things. After a few days with my family, it was time to head back. I 2 the plane to find a young man sitting in the window seat, next to me. Somehow that day I 3 wanted that seat — I could just put on my headphones and sleep.

    I asked him shyly if we could 4 seats. Upon my request, he did it and I 5 him many times. After the plane began to taxi to the runway, the 6 began to hit. Leaving the place I grew up and knowing Mom was no longer there, I 7 . The ground grew more and more 8 outside the window and my eyes became 9 as tears welled up.

    Then I felt a tap on my elbow as I 10 them away. That same young man was 11 on me. He asked me if I was OK and I told him I lost someone I loved. Without 12, he said he was there if I needed to talk. 13, we had a three hour flight sitting in the same row.

    I told him I wasn't 14to talk, adding that his words made me feel better. Honestly, I felt 15

    Actually, I felt like I wasn't 16 on that plane. Although I never took him up on his 17 , I was touched that a 18 knew that I may need someone at that moment.

    That moment has led me to seek ways to serve and help others. They may seem 19, but they may be big to that person. 20 can be displayed in a simple but grand way.

    A . hometown B . workplace C . apartment D . airport
    A . opened B . climbed C . examined D . boarded
    A . apparently B . sincerely C . desperately D . gradually
    A . clean B . exchange C . trade D . reorganize
    A . praised B . saw C . patted D . thanked
    A . wishes B . words C . emotions D . storms
    A . broke down B . set off C . stood out D . turned up
    A . muddy B . distant C . obvious D . deserted
    A . cold B . wide C . misty D . narrow
    A . wiped B . wore C . put D . sent
    A . relying B . leaning C . counting D . checking
    A . doubt B . hesitation C . faith D . question
    A . In the end B . In short C . After all D . On average
    A . mature B . lucky C . free D . ready
    A . heard B . seen C . protected D . embarrassed
    A . alone B . careless C . trusting D . promising
    A . request B . seat C . invitation D . offer
    A . stranger B . youth C . student D . passenger
    A . comforting B . striking C . unimportant D . priceless
    A . Wisdom B . Kindness C . Generosity D . Forgiveness


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Pencils are generally graded using the 'Graphite Scale(石墨含量)' which (measure) how soft or hard the lead is. Graphite is a naturally soft substance and clay is mixed with it to make it harder, (mean) a lead with a high graphite content is known as a soft lead and pencils with a soft lead will make a dark mark when used. (contrary), a lead with less graphite and a higher clay content is known as a hard lead and will make a lighter mark.

    Soft leads are graded using the letter B' (indicate) how 'black' the mark, they make is. Numbers are then used to mark the degree of (soft). For example, a 2B lead is softer than a B lead and will produce a blacker mark.

    Hard leads are graded in the same way,  use an ' H' to show how 'hard' they are. A 2H is harder than an H and a 6H is really hard. HB (hard black) leads (consider) to be the happy medium on the graphite scale. There are no specific industry (standard) that set down how black HB leads should be, so an HB pencil made by one producer will not necessarily leave the same mark an HB pencil from a different producer.


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语 言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    I was sitting on a train to Shenzhen on the other day. During the journey the middle-aged man suddenly threw up, making those around him extreme upset. The lovely young lady (Miya) sitting near me stepped forward but started talking to him to make sure he was all right. They talked for about 10 minutes, during that time Miya showed such great cares towards that complete stranger. She calms him down and helped him come to the decision seek assistance. Admittedly, she impressed those of us sitting nearby with her good. Thank you and well done for win at being an awesome human being!


  • 19. 假如你是李华,申请去伦敦大学深造。伦敦大学来信询问你对选择专业课的学习情况。现在请你 以李华的身份回一封信。







    Dear Sir / Madam,

    I'm very delighted to have heard from you, asking about

    Thank you.

    Your sincerely,

    Li Hua
