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二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项。(共15小题。每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What are the speakers talking about?
    A . Favorite sports. B . Vacation plans. C . Old friends.
    (2) Which place will the woman go to this summer?
    A . Hawaii. B . Europe. C . Egypt.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) When will the speakers go to the Chinese restaurant?
    A . On Tuesday. B . On Wednesday. C . On Thursday.
    (2) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Friends. B . Strangers. C . Mother and son.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What does the man think of the job?
    A . It is challenging. B . It is great. C . It is tiring.
    (2) What has the man written articles for?
    A . The Chicago Star. B . Discoveries. C . The prison.
    (3) How long did the man spend in prison?
    A . Seven days. B . Eight days. C . Ten days.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where do the speakers go first?
    A . The Colorado River.  B . The Grand Canyon. C . L.A.
    (2) What will the speakers do on Lake Yellowstone?
    A . Do some boating. B . Skating. C . Go fishing.
    (3) Why does the man want to go to the remote parts of the park?
    A . To look for wild animals. B . To frighten the woman. C . To hide something important.
    (4) What are the speakers?
    A . Scientists. B . Students. C . Villagers.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) When will the tourists meet at the airport?
    A . At 6: 00 am. B . At 9: 00 am. C . At 6: 00 pm.
    (2) How will the tourists go to the hotel from the airport?
    A . By train. B . By bus. C . By subway.
    (3) What place will the tourists go to the next afternoon?
    A . The Statue of Liberty. B . Tinies Square. C . The Empire State Building.
    (4) What does the speaker suggest the tourists do?
    A . Keep themselves safe. B . Remember the plan. C . Choose the restaurant by themselves.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Techie Teen Volunteers Wanted

    The primary goal of Cupertino's techie teen volunteer program at the Cupertino Senior Center is to help teens give back to the community by joining in the 50 + community(群体)to assist in developing their skills related to technology. Any teen with a strong desire to work with our 50+ population is encouraged to apply.

    Our volunteers can expect to gain the following experiences: leadership roles public speaking opportunities, interpersonal communication, and much more. While anyone between the ages of 14-18 may apply? We would like to remind all applicants that space is limited and acceptance into the program will be based on answers to extra questions, availability and interview performance.

    Requirements & Expectations

    Techie teen volunteers that are selected for the program will be expected to meet the following requirements.

    * Must be at least 14 years old by the first day of training

    * Attend all training meetings

    * Volunteer for a minimum of 2. 5-3 hours every other week for the full duration of the program (September 17〜 May 9)

    * Must create and present a 30-niinute workshop (研讨会) at the end of the session in May

    * Arrive on time for shifts (轮班) and stay for the whole duration of the scheduled shift

    Application Submission

    Applications should be addressed to Recreation Coordinator Amanda Hui at AmandaH@Cupertino. org no later than August 23. Late applications will not be accepted.

    (1) Why is the program to be held?
    A . To assist with community management. B . To promote the application of technology. C . To improve seniors, technological skills. D . To develop volunteers' leadership qualities.
    (2) What can volunteers expect of the program?
    A . It will improve their physical strength. B . It can give them chances to speak publicly. C . It might better their interview performance. D . It may increase their nursing knowledge.
    (3) What is required of the volunteers?
    A . Receiving all the training. B . Knowing how to create applications. C . Volunteering for 2. 5~3 hours every week. D . Being skilled in international communication.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Rather than continue living a comfortable urban life, this British family has sold their London home in favor of launching the world's smallest nature reserve to save a nation's coral reef system. Karolina and Barry Seath— along with their two young daughters—are preparing to move to an island in the Seychelles (非洲塞舌尔群岛) measuring just 1,300 feet long by 980 feet wide (400 by 300 meters).

    They've launched a charity and teamed up with (与.....合作) local biologists in an effort to bring the coral reefs back to life in the smallest African country, which have been almost wiped out by rising sea temperatures. Their land-based coral farm will be only the second of its kind in the world, the other being on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, to specialize in regrowing coral to restore the reefs.

    47-year-old Barry, who is a former policeman, said, “We are just a normal husband, wife and two kids, living the sort of life that most others do, but we felt the need to make a positive change for ourselves, our children, and the world we had largely taken for granted.”

    Over the course of several vacations to the Seychelles the Seaths witnessed the gradual deterioration (恶化) of the reefs. "Every time we visited, we noticed the coral was getting worse and worse," said Barry. "All the tourists say the same thing. They love the beaches but are really disappointed with the coral. "

    Barry felt it was time to make a change and show his daughters an alternative way of eco-friendly living. He then teamed up with experts at the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles in order to develop the facility. Once it is complete, it will be the first large-scale, land-based coral farm in the Indian Ocean. The eco-warriors hope to use the facility to grow around 10,000 corals per year. Barry said, "Our long-term goal is to show everyone that—with just a relatively small investment—you can have a big positive influence on the marine (海的) environment."

    (1) Why have Karolina and Barry Seath sold their house?
    A . They need to collect enough money to set up a charity. B . They will move to an island in the Seychelles to save coral. C . They think suburban life near the sea will be more comfortable. D . They want to have a sea farm to grow coral for their daughters.
    (2) What do we know about the Seaths from the text?
    A . They often take other people's deeds for granted. B . They have visited the Seychelles only once. C . There are altogether six family members. D . Barry Seath used to be a policeman.
    (3) What will Karolina and Barry Beath's coral farm be like?
    A . It will be 1,300 meters long and 980 meters wide. B . It will be the first of its kind in the Indian Ocean. C . It will focus on fighting with rising sea temperatures. D . It will be larger than the one on Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
    (4) What is Barry's long-term goal?
    A . To show everyone they can make a difference to the sea environment. B . To make sure no one is disappointed with the coral in the Seychelles. C . To try to grow around 10,000 corals per year on their coral farm. D . To show his daughters a better life of eco-friendly living.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    The running buffalo clover (a plant) used to spread across eight states, from Virginia to Arkansas. The more it was walked on by the buffalo the better it grew.

    When buffalo disappeared, the plant was gone, too. Researchers believed the plant was extinct, which had not been spotted since 1940s—until a population was found in West Virginia in 1983. Now, after decades of protection, the small plant stands to be removed from the list of species protected under the Endangered Species Act.

    Biologist Rodney Bartgis came across a patch of running buffalo clover in 1983. He was recording plants in West Virginia and was wandering around a car road in the New River Gorge when he spotted some "unique-looking" leaves, which he recognized as running buffalo clover. After the finding was confirmed, the clover was considered no longer extinct and placed on the endangered-species list in 1987.

    Part of the reason it took a while to start to find the clover in the wild is that, unlike other rare plants, this one won't grow in unspoiled areas. It likes being run over. When the clover was first discovered, US Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) forest managers were told to avoid driving in the area populated by the plant. But this made the clover there disappear. In the Fernow Forest in West Virginia, Gundy, a research forester, realized the skidders used to pull trees had helped ensure the clover's growth before anyone knew it was there. So in her work monitoring the population in Fernow, Gundy runs over the clover with a skidder. "You need to remember to agitate it," she says.

    Since 1987, researchers have found 154 populations. But it's not out of the woods yet. The clover still faces threats from invasive species. The USFWS will have a public comment period, when the clover's case for delisting will be reviewed. Even if it is delisted, biologists from the USFWS will observe populations for years closely to ensure that the species is secure.

    (1) What do we know about the running buffalo clover from the first two paragraphs?
    A . It has died out due to some human action. B . It still needs careful protection from extinction. C . It was considered extinct before its rediscovery. D . It can grow better without buffalo stepping on it.
    (2) What do we know about Rodney Bartgis from the text?
    A . He discovered the clover by accident. B . He noticed the clover in an unspoiled area. C . He hardly recognized the clover when first seeing it. D . He had searched for the clover for years before finding it.
    (3) How should we deal with the buffalo clover according to what Gundy said in paragraph 4?
    A . She advised we should keep away from it. B . She suggested we should disturb it. C . She told us to remember to water it often. D . She asked us to plant more and more buffalo clover.
    (4) What can we infer from the text?
    A . The buffalo ate up the clover in the US. B . The clover is almost free from natural enemies. C . The USFWS is cautious of the protection of the clover. D . The clover won't be removed from the protection list.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    LONDON——Global auction(拍卖) sales of Chinese art and antiques fell in 2019 to $ 5.7 billion, a 10 percent drop year-on-year, and the lowest level for the collecting category since 2010. The Global Chinese Art Auction market report, compiled by Artnet and the Chinese Association of Auctioneers, found this was clue to trade tensions between the United States and China, as well as a slowdown of GDP in China.

    The report, now in its eighth edition, noted that the value of total auction sales within the Chinese mainland declined by 10 percent in 2019 to $ 3.7 billion, the lowest total since 2010. Outside China, there was also a 9 percent drop in sales of Chinese art and antiques.

    "The combination of such slowdowns resulted in a weakening of collectors' confidence and a more cautious attitude among buyers making decisions on investing in art in 2019," said the report.

    However, despite the downturn in total sales value for Chinese art and antiques in 2019, the European market showed some positive trends emerging. Significant peaks in lots offered and lots sold in Europe, combined with a strong sell through rate (卖出率) of 61 percent in 2019.

    Europe accounted for 29 percent of all Chinese art and antique lots sold overseas in 2019 , according to the report, closing in on (接近) the North American market's share.

    The annual report also found strong performances with 20th century and contemporary Chinese art in both the Chinese mainland and overseas, boosted by a younger generation of Chinese collectors.

    The average price for the category increased in the Chinese mainland, up by 23 percent year- on-year, and overseas sales saw a nine-year high in 2019. But fine Chinese paintings and calligraphy, the largest collecting category on the Chinese mainland, did not perform as well.

    According to the report this category "continued to spiral(螺旋式的) downwards, reaching its lowest point in sales since 2013". The number of lots dropped by 10 percent year-on-year, almost half of that of 2013 and it also struggled elsewhere, with the overseas total falling to a seven-year low.

    (1) What is the third paragraph mainly about?
    A . The result of a weakening of collectors' confidence in buying art. B . The advantage of buyers' making decisions on investing in art. C . The advantage of the decline of the value of total auction sales. D . The result of the decline of the value of total auction sales.
    (2) Why does the report say "fine Chinese paintings and calligraphy did not perform as well" on the Chinese mainland?
    A . Their standards were not so high. B . Their prices were not so satisfying. C . They are the largest collecting category. D . The average price for the category rose sharply.
    (3) What does the underlined phrase "accounted for" in paragraph 5 mean?
    A . Took up. B . Took off. C . Took away. D . Took on.
    (4) Which can be the best title for the news report?
    A . A Slowdown of GDP in China in 2019 B . A Report on the Global Chinese Art Auction Market C . Trade Tensions Between the United States and China D . Global Auction Sales of Chinese Antiques and Art Fall to a 10-year Low


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are far-ranging. Studies so far have shown that laughter can help relieve pain, bring greater happiness, and even increase immunity. Unfortunately, however, many people don't get enough laughter in their lives.

    Laugh With Friends

    Going to a movie or a comedy club with friends is a great way to get more laughter in your life. The appeal of laughter may mean you'll laugh more than you otherwise would have during the show. Making time for these kinds of fun is as important as any other habit you keep in your life to support your health.

    Instead of complaining about life's difficulties, try to laugh about them. If something is so hard, realize that you could "look back on it and laugh". Think of how it will sound like a story you could tell your friends, and then see if you can laugh about it now. With this attitude, you may also find yourself being more lighthearted, giving yourself and those around you more to laugh about.

    Fake (假装)It Until You Make It

    Studies show the positive effects of smiling occur whether the smile is fake or real.

    The body can't distinguish between "fake" laughter that you just start doing on purpose and "real" laughter that comes from true humor. The physical benefits are exactly the same, and the former usually leads to the latter anyway.

    Then you'll still achieve positive effects.

    A. Find Humor in Your Life

    B. Study Laughter in the Book

    C. So smile more, and fake laughter.

    D. Faked laughter also provides the benefits mentioned above.

    E. There's no shortage of laughter opportunities from entertainment.

    F. Here are some ways in which you can get more laughter in your life.

    G. Having friends over for a party or game night is also a great idea for laughter.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Lots of children want to know what to give their mom for Mother's Day. Of course, a handsome card is always great, but it's not 1 to come up with that extra something.

    A few days before Mother's Day, my friend Ollie and I were discussing what 2 is good enough for his grandmother Abuela, who is pretty much like a 3 to him. Right then, Abuela walked inside with a tray of food.

    "Sweetie, won't you4 us for lunch? We're having sandwiches. It's my speciality. " she said to me.

    "This is delicious!" I said after taking a bite and then asked. "Speaking of 5, what's the most delicious food you've ever eaten?"

    She thought for a minute. "Well, nothing could match the special strawberry ice cream my grandmother 6 when I was a girl on certain occasions. We winked at each other, knowing that we had already found a Mother's Day 7 his grandmother would love.

    Over the next few 8 , Ollie and I asked everyone we knew if they 9 to have a nice cream machine and old fashioned one 10—but no luck. So my dad helped us 11 some recipes online, and fortunately we found a fun one that didn't require any 12machine—just a couple of empty coffee cans in different sizes.

    Mother's Day 13 arrived. We were very 14 to make the ice cream. Sitting outside, we all took 15 rolling the can while we sang the Mother's Day song for Abuela. We had to roll the can for half an hour. 16, it was so much fun; When the 17 was finally ready, Abuela was the first to try it. "Mmm! The ice cream you made is even far better than I 18!" Abuela smiled from ear to ear.

    For Mother's Day, 19 time together while we made the ice cream was just as much fun as 20 it. It is company with love that means more than gifts.

    A . hard B . comfortable C . easy D . funny
    A . gift B . lesson C . exercise D . food
    A . friend B . mom C . sister D . teacher
    A . help B . abandon C . blame D . accompany
    A . urgent B . delicious C . precious D . desperate
    A . approved B . conveyed C . made D . predicted
    A . surprise B . art C . toy D . honour
    A . years B . months C . weeks D . days
    A . attempted B . happened C . pretended D . agreed
    A . over there B . or so C . as usual D . in particular
    A . search for B . look after C . head for D . appeal to
    A . strange B . specific C . actual D . expensive
    A . obviously B . suddenly C . eventually D . oppositely
    A . shocked B . satisfied C . tired D . excited
    A . turns B . photos C . courage D . money
    A . Though B . However C . Therefore D . Besides
    A . can B . biscuit C . ice cream D . flower
    A . sell B . lack C . judge D . remember
    A . spending B . counting C . wasting D . saving
    A . holding B . eating C . playing D . handling


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    A beauty queen who was crowned (给……荣誉) Miss England in 2019 decided to return to the United Kingdom from overseas charity work (continue) her job as a doctor as COVID-19 broke out.

    Mukherjee (graduate) from the University of Nottingham just two weeks before she was crowned Miss England in August, 2019. Then she took a job break as a doctor. She said, "There were people at work know about me winning, and they made little jokes but I got my head down and got my work (do)."

    "Working in the hospital (be) tough. You didn't get the chance to think about all the fame (名誉)."

    She said that she felt it was wrong to be wearing her Miss England crown, even for charity work, while people around world were dying from COVID-19 and her workmates were working (hard) than before.

    What keeps the 24-year-old's going is the well-wishes and (warm) she's received from her social media followers. Mukherjee became Miss England (large) for her good looks. But by saving lives, perhaps she is now better known her good heart!


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Here is good news for you which a writing competition about "Chinese Dream" is organizing by the Students' Union. Everyone is welcome to take an actively part in the competition. You are required to writing a story about "Chinese Dream" within 400 word. We had already invited four of our English teachers to be the judges. Of course, your hard work will pay off. The student who wins the one prize will be given a set of famous ancient Chinese works. In a addition, your story will be filmed into a video. As for the deadline, we are expected to hand your story before December 20.


  • 19. 假定你是李华,你的英语笔友Tom因为压力太大想辍学。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:





