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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Here we will show you some of the best winter RV (野营车) destinations in the United States.

    Casa Del Sol Resort (度假胜地)

    At the Casa Del Sol, you are sure to feel right at home. This RV destination offers showers, laundry facilities (设备), restrooms and free Wi-Fi at the RV sites. They don't stop there though, this awesome RV park offers an Olympic sized heated pool, craft rooms as well as planned year-round activities to keep you busy and active.

    Golden Village Palms RV Resort

    This RV resort in sunny southern California, is a great choice to spend your winter months! This RV park offers a big pool, outdoor barbecues, a lending library and even free coffee! On the RV hook-up sites they feature cheap Wi-Fi and landscaping services to keep the park neat and clean! A great place to park your RV for the winter!

    Riverbend Resort Cabins & RV Park

    Riverbend Resort Cabins and RV Park is the perfect place for your RV when you want a warm place to return to after a long day of hiking, biking or fishing in the cold! It offers water, sewer and electrical hookups, as well as cheap Wi-Fi. It also offers outdoor grills and picnic tables. There is easy access to hiking and biking trails from the campsite.

    Forge Adirondack

    Forge Adirondack resort offers many activities to attract you to their campgrounds for winter recreation! It offers snowmobiling which is popular with most tourists, a snowshoe track, boat rentals and even horseback riding! It has 8 different sites for heated restrooms and showers, and each site comes complete with picnic tables.

    (1) Which o£ the following is free of charge at the Casa Del Sol Resort?
    A . Restrooms. B . Wi-Fi. C . Laundry facilities. D . Showers.
    (2) Which destination offers free coffee?
    A . Casa Del Sol Resort. B . Riverbend Resort Cabins & RV Park. C . Golden Village Palms RV Resort. D . Forge Adirondack.
    (3) Which attracts most tourists at Forge Adirondack?
    A . A snowshoe track. B . Swimming. C . Snowmobiling. D . Horseback riding.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Charles Dickens was born in 1812 in England. His parents were John Dickens and Elizabeth Dickens. Charles was the second of their eight children. John Dickens was a clerk in a payroll office of the navy. John Dickens inspired the character of Mr. Micawber in David Copperfield. Elizabeth Dickens inspired the characters of Mrs. Nickleby in Nicholas Nickleby and Mrs. Micawber in David Copperfield.

    Finances were a constant concern for the family. The costs of entertaining along with the expenses of having a large family were too much for John's salary. When Charles was just four months old, the family moved to a smaller home to cut costs.

    From a very young age, Charles dreamed of becoming a gentleman. He wanted a formal education. His parents did have some limited funds put aside to send one of their children to a university. Mr. and Mrs. Dickens considered the talents and qualifications of all their children. They wanted to use the money earmarked (留出) for education where it would do the most good. It was as if they were placing all their bets on one child. Charles was not that child. His parents chose to send their daughter, Fanny, to school. She had a talent for music and was sent to an academy.

    Then came the darkest hours in the life of Charles Dickens. When he was 12, it looked like his dreams would never come true. John Dickens was arrested and sent to the Marshalsea prison for failure to pay a debt. At that time the family sent Charles to work in Warren's Blacking Warehouse. It was a shoe polish factory. He earned six shillings a week. As a side note, while employed there Dickens met Bob Fagin. Charles later used the name in Oliver Twist.

    Luckily, John Dickens came to an agreement with his creditors within months of his imprisonment. Shortly after that John Dickens ended his son's employment at the blacking factory. Charles Dickens won the disagreement and Charles was sent to Wellington House Academy instead.

    (1) Who was Charles Dickens' inspiration for the character of Mr. Micawber?
    A . His elder brother. B . His youngest brother. C . His father. D . His grandfather.
    (2) Why did the family move to a new home?
    A . John's salary couldn't cover the family's expense. B . Elizabeth Dickens changed a new job. C . John Dickens got rich overnight. D . The couple wanted their children to receive a good education.
    (3) What caused John Dickens to be arrested?
    A . Fighting with his workmate. B . Killing a person by accident. C . Abusing his children. D . Failing to pay a debt.
    (4) What is the text mainly about?
    A . The mother of Charles Dickens. B . The childhood of Charles Dickens. C . The contributions of Charles Dickens. D . The main works of Charles Dickens.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    A million species are facing extinction. A million, that is enough to make most scream. Some species are becoming extinct because of poaching (偷猎) .Even Namibia, which has a spectacular conservation record, hasn't been safe from that. Since 2015, poaching has caused the loss of 50 black rhinos (犀牛) annually in Namibia.

    Globally, there is a $ 23-billion-a-year trade in illegal wildlife products. Driven by a demand in some countries, where the rhino horn (角) is thought to be a cure for some diseases, it sells for up to $ 100,000 per kilo on the black market. This illegal trade is making some people very rich, but it isn't rural Africans. Here, poor people are convinced to trade the life of a rhino for a few hundred dollars, which may bring the possibility of years in prison. In fact, rhino horn is made mostly of keratin, the same substance as found in our fingernails and hair.

    To help slow down this reality, I took a trip to Namibia, determined to make a difference to black rhino conservation. The first stop, Mount Etjo Safari Lodge, was where I heard Nossi's story. Nossi, a black rhino, was born in Etosha National Park, a place where my parents and I spent many holidays when I was young. When Nossi was born, her mother was stressed and pushed her around. By the time the vet arrived, Nossi only had a 10% chance of survival. With massive investment of time, energy and care, Nossi survived and, last year, she gave birth to her eighth child. In a population in danger of extinction, this represents an important increase in the world's black rhino population. All of these efforts have paid off and I learned that my support matters. Your support matters too. Because together, we can save the rhino. Together, it is likely that we can change the world.

    (1) What does the first paragraph try to tell us?
    A . The problem of species extinction has been solved. B . The problem of species extinction is serious, C . Namibia has an excellent conservation record. D . It's easy to stop the extinction of species.
    (2) Why do rhino horns sell well on the black market?
    A . They are believed to cure some diseases. B . They can make people live much longer. C . They can replace some kinds of metals. D . They have made most poor Africans rich.
    (3) Why did Nossi nearly die at birth?
    A . Her mother had little milk for her. B . The weather was very terrible that day. C . There was no good medicine at that time. D . She was pushed around by her mother.
    (4) What can be the best title for the text?
    A . The urgent effort to save black rhinos B . The protection of wildlife C . A wildlife reserve in Namibia D . The story about young black rhino Nossi
  • 4. 阅读理解

    My twin sister is in therapy (治疗). The other day, she missed an important appointment for no good reason. My therapist said it was "time blindness".

    I'm living in New York, 3,000 miles away from my twin. We video chat every day, but I haven't seen her in person since Christmas.

    Time blindness is a term invented by doctors who treat people with ADHD (注意缺陷多动障碍). Psychologist Ari Tuckman says adults typically develop an awareness of time and an ability to track its passing. Some people have what he calls "harder" or "sharper" time awareness: they know when they've been out for lunch for too long, or when something hasn't been in the oven for long enough. The others have much "softer" time awareness: they can miss appointments and trains. Time blindness can greatly impact someone's life if they can't ever meet deadlines. People with ADHD are often more time-blind than others.

    Besides our own time awareness, Tuckman says, context plays a role: sleep loss, anxiety, being drunk and anything that might impact how we process the world can make us feel more time-blind. Without the usual time-marker cues we might use to divide up our days — the school bus arriving, the line at the coffee shop, or weekend nights spent at restaurants with friends — we're swimming in a sea of sameness.

    Sorrow is one of the biggest causes of time blindness, according to Tuckman. Holding onto time is a skill of your mind, like doing math, and sadness reduces its computing strength. It's why time goes faster when I talk to my twin sister, when I'm not so sad.

    Tuckman says it might be nice for more people to understand time blindness.

    (1) What do we know about the author and her sister?
    A . She is not optimistic about her sister's health. B . It has been years since they chatted in person. C . She has learned her sister's illness is less serious. D . She chats with her sister every day.
    (2) What are people having harder time awareness like according to Tuckman?
    A . They are often productive in a limited time. B . They tend to spend less time in having lunch. C . They are good at keeping track of time passing. D . They usually need stronger time management.
    (3) What does the underlined phrase "time-marker cues" in paragraph 4 refer to?
    A . Troubles we are suffering from. B . Ordinary activities in our daily life. C . Activities in our home. D . The same things we share regularly.
    (4) Which of the following can cause time blindness most easily?
    A . Sadness. B . Deep thought. C . Surprise. D . Hard-work.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Ice sheets covering three-quarters of Greenland, the world's largest island, are melting at a fast pace.  Such prediction was made from the findings of an international team of researchers, including representatives from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI).

    Climate researcher Ruth Mottram said in a DMI press release, "If global warming continues as before — what we call the high emission scenario (排放情景), then the temperature will be likely to rise by a further 4. 0 to 6. 6 degrees by the year 2100.”  And the researchers added that the polar regions are more sensitive to climate change.

     By using them they can calculate the extent (程度) that the melting of Greenland's inland ice would contribute to the global sea level, by examining the unstable relationship between the change in summer temperatures in Greenland and the ice's surface mass-balance over the last 30 years. "Our research shows that we should expect an increase of 10 to 12. 5 centimeters in global sea level by the year 2100 as a direct result of increased ice melting and loss of surface mass from the Greenland ice sheet alone," said Mottram.

    John Cappelen, senior climatologist (气候学家) at DMI and member of the research team, stressed the seriousness of the team's findings and called all people and countries to obey the Paris Agreement as a way to limit the global warming. " Otherwise we can't limit the global warming," said Cappelen.

    The Paris Agreement was agreed by the 195 member economies in Paris in 2015, with the goal of reducing global warming.

    A. It's really a pity.

    B. Something must happen to our behavior.

    C. We must do something to protect Greenland.

    D. However, some countries want to quit the agreement.

    E. Such a rise in temperature is significantly greater than we expect.

    F. Researchers used the latest global and regional climate modeling tools.

    G. By the end of this century, sea levels could rise by about 12. 5 centimeters.


  • 6. 完形填空

    It was a cold and silent night. A group of monkeys were on a tree. They were clinging (紧握) to its 1. One of the monkeys said." I wish we could find some fire. It will help us to keep2." Suddenly they 3 some fireflies (萤火虫). One of the young monkeys thought it was fire. He 4 a firefly. He put it under a dry leaf and started 5 at it. Some other monkeys also joined in his 6 .

    In the meanwhile, a sparrow came flying to its 7, which was on the same tree the monkeys were sitting on. She noticed what they were doing. The sparrow 8. She said, "Hey, silly monkeys, that is a firefly, not 9 fire. I think all of you should take 10 in a cave."

    11, the monkeys did not listen to the sparrow. They 12 to blow at the poor firefly. After a long time, the monkeys became very 13. Now they 14 that what the sparrow had said was correct. They 15 the firefly and moved to a nearby cave.

    While 16 is one of the most defining qualities of a good student, there's always something new to be 17 every day! The monkeys in the story were persistent (执着的) but their hard work didn't 18 because they refused to listen, at least 19. Always listen to your elders, they know better and you are 20 to learn a lot from them.

    A . branches B . fruits C . flowers D . roots
    A . calm B . cold C . warm D . silent
    A . shot B . saw C . brought D . fetched
    A . threw B . caught C . fought D . found
    A . staring B . spreading C . looking D . blowing
    A . leaves B . trees C . groups D . efforts
    A . kid B . job C . nest D . flock
    A . laughed B . sang C . shouted D . doubted
    A . serious B . big C . real D . true
    A . charge B . action C . advantage D . shelter
    A . Besides B . However C . Meanwhile D . Somehow
    A . continued B . managed C . intended D . agreed
    A . excited B . angry C . ill D . tired
    A . guessed B . realized C . wondered D . supported
    A . turned away B . blew out C . set free D . called in
    A . convenience B . resistance C . insistence D . curiosity
    A . learned B . left C . controlled D . forgot
    A . pay off B . turn off C . put off D . give off
    A . quickly B . originally C . finally D . slowly
    A . unwilling B . ready C . pleased D . supposed


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Tene Konate takes pride in telling relatives about her job driving a 72-ton truck at the Hounde gold mine in western Burkina Faso. She is one of 111 women at the mine (teach) for jobs like moving rocks, or (drive) heavy vehicles which are more traditionally done by men in West Africa. They remain firmly in the minority, however, with women making up just 11 percent of workforce at Hounde which is run by Canada's Endeavour Mining. Konate had struggled to provide for her two young daughters. This (eventual) led her to the mining industry and she acknowledged the mine (change) everything in her life since she worked at Hounde. Konate now lives in a large house in Hounde and can pay for her daughters' schooling. In the beginning, the mother (train) on how to operate trucks wheels are so large that drivers must climb a ladder (梯子) to get into the cabin. Konate said that the work was tiring she liked it very much. She encourages those around her (forget) gender and judge colleagues by the qualitytheir work. "As I always say to my operators, as soon as you cross that gate, we are no longer women. We have become men, because we do the same job."


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





    Communication is common and importance in daily life. Most of we live with others in society and no one can live with it. Some people claim that they don't know how to speak to others. At the first, I think you should find a topic in what both o£ you are interested. Then, pay attention to your manners, expression and your body language. You should make others feel comfortable, and then they are willing talk to you. Last but not least, being a good listener. Listening to others show your respect. When they are listening to, they want to talk. Anyway, before you talk, listen to others first.


  • 9. 最近你校英文报进行了一次“你心中最崇拜哪类人”的调查,结果显示,钟南山、袁隆平等科学家成为大多数学生最崇拜的人。请你用英语就此写篇报道,内容包括:




