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  • 1. 阅读选择

    MOA Shop Indigenous (土著的) Artist Contest

    Are you an Indigenous artist, between 15 and 25 years old, with a story to tell? Submit a design that expresses your identity, and the MOA Shop will help share it with the world. The winning artwork with your signature will be printed on a T-shirt and sold and promoted only through the MOA Shop for one year. The winner will receive both a $250 prize and copyright income from every sale.


    Any individual 15 to 25 years of age who identifies as Indigenous, Aboriginal, First Nations, Inuit or Métis.

    Rules + Guidelines

    •Artwork may be from the artist's pre-existing work or made for this contest.

    •Artwork may use a maximum of two colours and must be easily visible.

    •Artwork must fit on the front of the T-shirt.

    •Artwork must be submitted with file extension .ai, .eps, .pdf, fxg, or .svg.

    •Entries from artists who have submitted in previous years are welcomed.

    Submission checklist

    •Artwork submission(s)

    •Completed entry form found here.

    •Artist biography (about 250 words)


    Artists hold full copyright of any submitted entries. The winning artwork will be licensed by the MOA Slop for one year and the artist is free to license or sell their winning artwork. A large percentage of money from the sale of T-shirts goes towards MOA's public programs.

    Time and contact

    The submission deadline has been extended to March 31st, 2021 and the winner is announced by June 2021. We look forward to receiving your artwork! Please send all submissions and any questions to shoptshirt@ moa. ubc. ca.

    (1) What will the winner get?
    A . A T-shirt with his artwork on. B . The signature of the Indigenous artist. C . The right to immediately sell his work. D . An award and some profits from the sale.
    (2) What is required about the artwork?
    A . It must be received before June 2021. B . It must be printed on the back of the T-shirt. C . It must be included at least two visible colours. D . It must be submitted with the artist's self-introduction.
    (3) Where will the profit from the sale mostly go?
    A . To the owner of MOA B . To the winner of the contest. C . To the shop's public programs. D . To the promotion of the artworks.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    One summer during high school, my mom volunteered me to help Grandpa research our family tree. Great, I thought, imagining hours spent pawing through dusty, rotting boxes and listening to boring stories about people I didn't know. "You'll be surprised," my mom promised, "Family histories can be very interesting."

    In truth, Grandpa didn't want to limit my work to just research, hoping to also preserve our family memories. He'd discovered a computer program that helps digitally scan old pictures and letters to preserve their contents before they crumble from old age. Grandpa wanted me to help him connect the scanner and set up the computer program. Ile could type documents and send emails, but had never used a scanner.

    Soon after, I became fascinated with my relatives' lives. I asked Grandpa to tell the story behind every picture and letter we scanned. The stories, which turned out not to be boring at all, helped me not only understand but also relate to my relatives. I became so hungry for more information that Grandpa needed additional props to keep me satisfied. He showed me a chest filled with random stuff, all covered in dust.

    Perusing through their belongings, I felt I was opening a window into the world of my relatives, a world long since gone. Grandpa showed me a bundle of letters he had sent to Grandma from the front lines of World War II and I could almost smell the gunpowder. I turned the pages of my great-grandmother's recipe book and could picture her cooking in her kitchen. All of the people who had been merely names to me now had faces to match.

    Later, Grandpa admitted, "I probably could have done this project myself. I just wanted someone to share it with." I can't thank him enough for sharing the experience and making me appreciate the family members who have made me the person I am. I will cherish family memories and hope that someday will be able to pass them down to my own grandchildren.

    (1) Which of the following can best describe the author's first impression of research?
    A . Delightful. B . Tiresome. C . Surprising. D . Interesting
    (2) What does the underlined word "crumble" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
    A . Come to life. B . Tear apart. C . Fall to pieces. D . Break through.
    (3) Why did Grandpa give the author a chest?
    A . To show him a bundle of letters. B . To keep him away from boredom. C . To give him something to sort out. D . To fulfill his desire to know more.
    (4) What can we learn about Grandpa from the passage?
    A . He used to serve in the army. B . He knew nothing about computer. C . He buried the letters under gunpowder. D . He loved sharing what he had with others.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    With advanced communication technologics making the iconic British red telephone boxes expendable (可抛弃的), a US firm is all set to bring them back to use. Call boxes would be changed into mini-offices for workers on-the-go and will offer free coffee to subscribers (认购者).

    Bar Works Inc's chief executive Jonathan Black, a Briton living in New York, said that his company will renew telephone boxes with fully functional printers, scanners, 25-inch screens and Wi-Fi. Bar Works specializes in offering bar-themed work stations in prime locations, charging customers with a monthly subscription in return for free access to the business and office supplies. The company plans to operate in a similar manner, offering British customers with monthly memberships to "Pod Works" for £19.99 ($29).

    The company will refit telephone boxes in five major British cities and has already rented and changed 15 old call boxes in London and Edinburgh. As expected, they are coming into use by the public in the coming months. "Given the prime location, above all else, of the telephone boxes, the launch is expected to gain at least 10, 000 members by the end of 2021. It's an alternative to, say, Starbucks but obviously it provides you with total privacy. " said Black.

    Thanks to mobile phones, the red telephone boxes have been effectively made expendable. According to a report by the Daily Mail, retired telephone boxes, especially those damaged deliberately, are sent to a "telephone box graveyard" of sorts, where they take great pains to restore to their former glory before being sold to collectors across the globe. Such is the demand for properly restored telephone boxes, that it is not uncommon for them to be sold for amounts as high as £10, 000.

    Despite its setback, in a recent survey, the British red telephone box, which was originally designed in 1920, was voted the greatest British design of all time.

    (1) What will the red telephone boxes be used for?
    A . Mini-offices. B . Mini coffee boxes. C . Bar-themed call boxes. D . Leisure rooms for workers.
    (2) What do you know about the renewed telephone boxes?
    A . They will be put into use next year. B . They offer as much privacy as Starbucks. C . They will be equipped with office supplies. D . They have been rented in five major British cities.
    (3) What is Black's attitude towards the launch?
    A . Doubtful. B . Confident. C . Cautious. D . Uncertain.
    (4) What's the purpose of writing about the telephone boxes in this passage?
    A . To arouse concern for them. B . To introduce their new role. C . To expand a larger market. D . To advertise their launch.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Growing up in a city has a lifelong negative impact on a person's ability to navigate, according to a vast global survey.

    In a new study, scientists led by Antonine Coutrot at Nantes University in France and Hugo Spiers at University College London describe how they used a dataset (数据集) gathered from 4 millions players of a computer game called "Sea Hero Quest", which tests way-finding skills by asking players to memorise a map showing the location of checkpoints and then measuring how well players can steer a boat to find them.

    Dr. Spiers found that the strongest indicator of a high score was a player's age——older people performed relatively poorly. But the benefit of rural living was strong enough to offset (抵消) some of that, Data from American players showed that a 70-year-old who grew up in the countryside had the navigational abilities of an average 60-year-old across the dataset.

    "The gap between the navigation skills of rural and city people was largest in America, and the researchers think they know why. They found that countries dominated by simple layouts of grid-based (网格式的) cities dragged down navigation skills more than growing up in a city based around more complicated networks of streets, such as Prague.

    Dr. Spiers says that the brain's navigational abilities probably weaken in the city environment because they are not being used as much. Although cities may appear more complicated, they also feature more clues to help residents find their way, such as numbered streets. As many city-dwellers on a visit to the countryside can prove, one field tends to look much the same as another, so there are fewer external (外部的) landmarks to help guide the way.

    While people who live in cities should not be alarmed, the study does raise some interesting ideas for urban planners: keep their city designs not so simple perhaps. And for everyone else, it might be an idea to turn off Google Maps.

    (1) Why did the researchers use the dataset from a computer game?
    A . To study the players' memory. B . To measure how well people control boats. C . To improve the players' skill to find way out. D . To see what influences people's way-finding skills.
    (2) What does the underlined word "that" in paragraph 3 refer to?
    A . Strong indicator. B . Poor performance. C . Old age. D . High score.
    (3) What weakens the brain's navigational abilities according to Dr. Spiers?
    A . Lack of practice. B . Few external landmarks. C . Living in the countryside. D . Complicated city environment.
    (4) What is the best title of the passage?
    A . Ways to Improve Navigational Skills B . Reasons to Design Complicated Cities C . Urban Living Weakens Navigational Skills D . Turn off Google Maps while Exploring City


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    American football, not to be confused with the football called soccer, is the American national sport.  Games between universities are great social occasions. More than 100, 000 people crowd into the huge stadiums. During a recent college final in the Rose Bowl at Pasadena, California, there were severe earthquake tremors (地震), but nobody noticed.

     Players try to carry the ball over the opponents' line, and then to earn more points by kicking the ball between the upright goal posts above the bar. That is the likeness between the two games.

    American football has a reputation for being a violent and dangerous game.  The players throw themselves at each other fiercely, but today they wear the uniforms and helmets to protect themselves from serious injuries. By comparison, the rugby player has only a thin jersey and a pair of shorts to protect him from his opponents' boots and tackling.

    The Americans are addicted to crazes. Jogging is an example of this. The Americans now have another craze, a game which most other countries call "football", but which they call soccer.  It is being run by big business and TV advertisers, who are doing everything they can to sell it to the public. They are employing famous fashion designers to design novel uniforms for the players. They have introduced a musical background to the games and there is a big screen in the stadium which explains to spectators what is happening.

    A. This reputation is not really deserved.

    B. The method of scoring in American football is the same as in rugby.

    C. It is spreading like wildfire through all the States and gaining popular.

    D. They have also changed some of the rules to make the game more exciting.

    E. People around the world don't play American football except the Canadians.

    F. Famous coaches and players from Europe and South America are interested in it.

    G. It developed from the British game of rugby and it excites tremendous enthusiasm.


  • 6. 完形填空

    How do you kill your time when you go to work? Most of us stare at our cell phones, 1 to make eye contact with others. We just chat or play games online. Or maybe we're using the time between 2 to do our makeup, catch up on emails, or read a few chapters of a book. However, Dina Alfasi takes a very different 3.

    Each day she has to travel hours on buses or trains to get to her engineering job at a hospital in Israel. Rather than look at her cell phone in silence, she uses one very special way to have 4 with strangers. It is portraits of the people she meets on public 5 every day that she is taking. The photographs 6 the tiny moments in the everyday lives of strangers. Some people lean their head against the window and go to sleep, some stare into space and have a 7, and others sit quietly to read their documents or books.

    Fascinated by people she 8 every day, Dina Alfasi has been photographing unaware 9 for the past few years. It started 10 as a way to pass time during her daily commute (上下班), but it eventually became a 11 part of her artwork and life. Her award-winning photography has been 12 worldwide.

    Dina told My Modern Met, "What 13 me very much are the little moments that happen every day. My work is to tell stories through a single portrait, and it 14 that all you need is just to look around and find those magic 15. "

    A . unwilling B . ready C . unlikely D . sensitive
    A . meals B . classes C . stops D . meetings
    A . approach B . seat C . phone D . book
    A . appointments B . connection C . fun D . words
    A . network B . platform C . exhibition D . transport
    A . celebrate B . catch C . remind D . contain
    A . daydream B . exploration C . analysis D . journey
    A . introduces B . visits C . attracts D . encounters
    A . relatives B . passengers C . colleagues D . tourists
    A . absolutely B . apparently C . generally D . simply
    A . temporary B . typical C . significant D . complex
    A . accepted B . purchased C . copied D . exhibited
    A . bores B . inspires C . puzzles D . troubles
    A . proves B . predicts C . describes D . informs
    A . photographs B . stories C . moments D . memories


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.

    China is known for its brilliant civilization that (continue)since the ancient times despite the many ups and downs in its history. It is (wide)accepted that one of the reasons has been the Chinese writing system.

    Several thousand years ago written Chinese was only symbols (carve)on animal bones or shells. During the Shang Dynasty, these symbols became a well-developed writing system in a (vary)of forms. This, however, changed in Qin Dynasty. Emperor Qin Shihuang united the seven major states into one unified country  the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. That writing system was  great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.

    Written Chinese also serves as a vital way (connect)China's present with its past. People in modern times can learn about the ancient Chinese by reading their classic works or (appreciate)Chinese calligraphy.

    Today, with China playing  greater role in global affairs, the Chinese writing system has established (it)as a window through which more and more international students can access China's culture and history.


  • 8. 假定你是育才中学高三学生李华,你校学生会决定举办主题为“节约粮食,从我做起”的英文演讲比赛. 请你写一篇参赛演讲稿,内容包括:





    Dear friends,


  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的字数应为150左右.

    When I was a child growing up in the Netherlands, I often begged my mother to tell me this story about an experience her family had at the end of World War Ⅱ.

    During the terrible last winter of the German occupation, food was rare in the Netherlands. People were so hungry that they began to eat small animals and many things not normally considered edible (可食用的) , including tulip bulbs (郁金香球茎) , which could be cooked like potatoes.

    For centuries my mother's family had owned a highly successful tulip business, which provided jobs for many in our village. But the war shut their business down, and during the winter of hunger, my grandfather, Albert, donated all his tulip bulbs to feed the hungriest villagers. For years, Albert had been trying to grow a black tulip. By careful selection, he was very close. So he guarded these few bulbs seriously to prevent people from stealing them for food.

    One day, it was announced that the war was over. But there was much destruction and the Dutch people still faced dangers. My grandfather looked at his pale, thin children and realized that the hunger could continue for a long time, so he made his decision. He seized a shovel (铁铲) and went into the garden. There he found my mother, Vivian, who was just seven years old, looking nervous. Over her shoulder, Albert saw a band of Germans coming toward them down the street. He whispered to Vivian to run inside the house and began digging for his bulbs. But it was too late. Someone had already stolen them. Angry and desperate, he ran toward the street screaming, "They have stolen my tulip bulbs!" Vivian, watching from the doorway, cried out and ran to stop him. Before she could reach her father, a German soldier raised his gun and shot him.




    Fortunately, Albert survived his wounds and recovered slowly.


    It took some time for Albert to rebuild his business, starting with those few bulbs.
