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  • 1. 阅读理解

    New York Pass — Attraction Guide & Planner

    Do you ever worry that you've missed something when you travel? With The New York Pass app, you won't miss a thing. Discover New York's famous attractions and lesser-known sights at the touch of a button. Access, travel guides and maps make exploration effortless. And savings on the gate price and beyond means more money to spend on experiencing the city.

    Choose from 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 or 10 day pass to suit your travel plans. Already bought your pass? Simply sync (同步) your pass to the app and scan at your first attraction to activate (激活).

    Enjoy free entry to over 100 top New York attractions. In the app you'll find inspiring information to help make the choice easier.

    What to enjoy on the app

    Itineraries (行程)

    Get inspiration from our tailored itineraries or build your own to help you make the most of the city. There's something for everyone, including New York in a Day, Museum Mile or even something unique.

    Special Offers

    See the world-famous New York Knicks play, enjoy Broadway shows and save with store and dining discounts.

    Interactive Map

    Explore New York effortlessly. Use the interactive map to locate the attractions near you.

    Sync your pass. Plan your trip. Enjoy stress-free sightseeing and save as you see.

    Download for free today.

    (1) What should you do to activate the app?
    A . Visit over 100 top New York attractions. B . Discover attractions at the touch of a button. C . Plan stress-free sightseeing from a tour guide. D . Sync your pass and scan at your first attraction.
    (2) Which of the following is the benefit of using the app?
    A . Purchasing a one-week pass. B . Building a route suited to you. C . Enjoying discounts on any item. D . Missing some lesser-known sights.
    (3) Who is the text mainly intended for?
    A . Fans of plays or shows. B . Tourists to New York. C . Lovers of new technology. D . Tour guides in New York.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When you are choosing a major in the future, will you place a higher value on its future career or on its personal interest to you? Zhong Fangrong, a left-behind girl from Hunan province who scored 676 points in total on this year's college entrance exam, preferred the latter as she applied to study archaeology at Peking University.

    However, there was a heated debate concerning whether she had made a wise decision. Some netizens argued that she wouldn't have a promising future unless she chose a more popular major—for instance, finance, engineering, business, etc. —instead of archaeology. What's more, considering the financial burden on her family, she had better think twice before making her final decision.

    The girl later responded that she had been inspired to pursue archeology by Fan Jinshi, president of Dunhuang Academy, and that she had developed a passion for history and cultural relics. She also added that she cared little about fame and fortune.

    Zhong has increased my confidence because of her attitude towards life. Firstly, she knows clearly what she is really interested in and is determined to devote herself to it. Secondly, Zhong has been able to stick to her pursuit despite the criticism from society.

    Zhong's pursuit reminds me of a lady who walks on a country road and lives in poetry—Li Ziqi. They both try their best to be who they want to be, which is rare and admirable nowadays.

    Just ask yourself: Do you have the courage not to follow the pattern that the majority of people repeat? Actually, applying for an unpopular major may help you to avoid fierce competition. And the pursuit of a popular major is no guarantee for a brilliant future.

    Following the example of Zhong, I will be more willing to follow my dreams in the years to come.

    (1) What made Zhong decide to major in archaeology?
    A . Her courage to take an adventure. B . Her optimistic attitude towards life. C . Her stubborn belief in popular majors. D . Her love for history and cultural relics.
    (2) Some netizens opposed Zhong's choice because they thought          
    A . she preferred finance to archaeology B . she wouldn't have a promising future C . she placed value on her future career D . she cared much about fame and fortune
    (3) What inspires the author to follow his or her dream in the future?
    A . Li Ziqi's living in poetry. B . Netizens' heated argument. C . Fan Jinshi's encouragement. D . Zhong's sticking to her pursuit.
    (4) Which of the following is the best title for the text?
    A . You Can Be Who You Want To Be B . Archaeology Is Becoming Popular C . A Left-behind Girl Scored 676 Points D . A Heated Debate Arose Among Netizens
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The European wood bison population has grown so much as to no longer be considered "Vulnerable" according to the global authority on conservation, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in their latest Red List update.

    A century ago, only 50 European bison remained on Earth, and they were mostly restricted to nature reserves.

    "The conservation successes provide living proof that the world can set, and meet, ambitious biodiversity targets," said Dr. Jane Smart, Global Director of IUCN' s Biodiversity Conservation Group in a statement.

    Eight of the 47 bison herds have special genes for long-term survival, so scientists need to move animals in and out of herds in order to make healthy genes continue. Establishing greater numbers of separate herds will also help prevent possible losses due to things like diseases or natural disasters.

    This led to the creation of a project called "Wilder Blean" where Blean Woods in Kent, England, will receive Dutch and Polish bison to create the first wild herd on the island for 6, 000 years.

    English conservationists and wildlife managers are interested in the effects bison have on the landscape. As large grass-eating animals, the constant foraging, digging and breaking they do on the forest floor have been assumed to have positive effects on the ecosystem.

    Bison kill weak or dead trees by eating their bark or rubbing against them to remove their thick winter fur. This turns the tree into food and habitat for insects, which in turn provide food for birds.

    In this way they act like forestry experts, and the Kent Wildlife Trust hopes that this significant species will maintain declining populations of plants, birds, insects, and mammals by way of their unique habits.

    (1) What has made the European wood bison grow in large numbers?
    A . Being restricted to nature reserves. B . Being updated on the latest Red List. C . Being kept under effective conservation. D . Being born with long-term survival genes.
    (2) What does the underlined word "This" in Paragraph 5 refer to?
    A . Providing living proof. B . Preventing natural disasters. C . Establishing nature reserves. D . Setting up more separate herds.
    (3) What is the attitude of Kent Wildlife Trust towards the project "Wilder Blean"?
    A . Supportive. B . Conservative. C . Skeptical. D . Objective.
    (4) What is the purpose of this text?
    A . To introduce the various actions of European wood bison. B . To highlight the importance of setting and meeting targets. C . To report the conservation successes for European wood bison. D . To praise Dr. Jane Smart for his contributions to conservation.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Cheese and red wine are basic diets over the festive period, and if you love red wine and cheese, a new study will come as music to your ears. Researchers from low a State University have revealed that drinking red wine and eating cheese can help to reduce cognitive decline.

    In the study, the researchers analyzed data from 1, 787 adults aged 46 to 77, and asked them to complete questionnaires about their food and alcohol consumption. The results showed that cheese was the most protective food against age-related cognitive problems, even into late life. Daily consumption of red wine was also shown to improve cognitive function, while weekly consumption of lamb was shown to improve long-term cognitive skills. However, over-consumption of salt was found to increase the risk of cognitive decline.

    Dr. Auriel Willette, who led the study, said: "I was pleasantly surprised that our results suggest that appropriately eating cheese and drinking red wine daily are not just good for helping us cope with our current COVID-19 pandemic, but perhaps also dealing with an increasingly complex world. Although we considered whether this was just due to what rich people eat and drink, clinical trials at random are needed to determine if making easy changes in our diet could help our brains in significant ways."

    While the reason for the link remains unclear, the researchers believe that cheese and red wine may protect some people from the effects of Alzheimer's.

    Brandon Klinedinst, an author of the study, added: "Depending on the genetic factors you carry, some individuals seem to be more protected from the effects of Alzheimer's, while others seem to be at greater risk. Perhaps the silver bullet we're looking for is improving how we eat. Knowing what that involves contributes to a better understanding of Alzheimer's and putting this disease in an opposite path."

    (1) What is the study mainly about?
    A . Basic diets over the festive period. B . Possible reasons for cognitive decline. C . Feelings of pleasant music to people's ears. D . Effects of certain diets on cognitive decline.
    (2) Which of the following increases the risk of cognitive problems?
    A . Taking in too much salt. B . Eating cheese properly. C . Drinking red wine daily. D . Consuming lamb weekly.
    (3) What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
    A . Changes in our diet help our brains in significant ways. B . The diets of wealthy people were not taken into account. C . The study results need to be proved by more clinical trials. D . COVID-19 pandemic makes our world increasingly complex.
    (4) What does the underlined phrase "silver bullet" in the last paragraph probably mean?
    A . Genetic factor. B . Easy solution. C . Special metal. D . Certain food.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    The satisfaction for continuous complainers comes from attention even if it's negative attention. This is why some complainers are never satisfied with any suggestion to address the problems that they stress. So, how do you get a constant complainer to become quiet?

    Some complainers will switch abruptly if you change the conversation in a direction that interests them. If your coworker is complaining about your boss, ask whether he met the new employee. This method is especially effective on those who are mindlessly expressing a certain feeling, and you can keep using it. Don't just try it one time.

    When a complainer tells you her latest problem, you should challenge the person to act and ask nicely what she's done to improve it. However, it may help to abruptly end a complaint.

    When you have things to do, tell the complainer that you must cut the conversation short. You don't need a real excuse such as a work deadline to stop it.Just say you need to move on so the conversation doesn't make you unhappy—especially if it's someone who's complained to you many times before.

    Otherwise, if you keep back your feelings and continue listening to repeated complaints, you may grow angry or start avoiding the person. Discuss the topic gently. Rather than pointing a finger at the other person, focus on the effect it's having on you. You're still acknowledging the other person's behavior but it's being done in terms of 'I' and 'me' rather than 'you'.

    A. Solution isn't their aim.

    B. You can simply be honest.

    C. Get them off the focus that they're currently on.

    D. They are more willing to listen to your suggestions.

    E. As a listener, you should learn to manage your negative emotions.

    F. This isn't the usual direction a conversation full of complaints takes.

    G. You had better have a heart-to-heart talk with a constant complainer.


  • 6. 完形填空

    An unexpected allergic reaction on Christmas night 2009 resulted in a stop at a Long Island Hospital for then 4-year-old Emily Meyer.

    The next morning, staff at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center in West Islip, gave the child a bag 1with board games and dolls." It 2 my mind off being sick and I'm sure it gave some 3to my parents. They were able to see my smile."

    The unexpected4motivated Emily to launch "Emily's Awesome Toy Drive" in 2010 with the help of her grandfather. Since then, her efforts have produced countless 5on the faces of sick children at Long Island hospitals.

    Emily's operation started from 6a few dozen donated gifts and delivering them to Good Samaritan Hospital over the holidays. Now it has grown into a better-planned attempt that includes a Facebook page, an Instagram account and a(n) 7to many Long Island hospitals and charitable organizations.

    8Good Samaritan, Emily's Awesome Toy Drive is also cooperating with Cohen Children's Medical Center, Stony Brook University Hospital and so on. The school system has also 9 donation boxes at some schools.

    Since age 5, Emily has helped 10thousands of donated gifts to hospitalized children. 11the donated gifts, they are given to the children on holidays, graduations, or as 12 when patients are experiencing difficult treatments.

    Children who are dealing with 13 circumstances, such as a death in the family, are given donated stuffed animals so they "have something to hug and14."

    "I enjoy this," she said." It's important for me to bring joy to the kids who 15it the most."

    A . decorated B . filled C . wrapped D . equipped
    A . discouraged B . prevented C . took D . escaped
    A . sorrow B . relief C . horror D . shock
    A . ending B . accident C . illness D . experience
    A . tears B . smiles C . wrinkles D . sweat
    A . collecting B . fetching C . acquiring D . demanding
    A . key B . service C . link D . application
    A . In spite of B . In addition to C . On account of D . Regardless of
    A . picked up B . looked up C . made up D . set up
    A . deliver B . display C . release D . reveal
    A . Instead of B . But for C . As for D . Because of
    A . awards B . rewards C . bonuses D . benefits
    A . tough B . rough C . annoying D . embarrassing
    A . split off from B . break away from C . hold on to D . catch up on
    A . treat B . count C . touch D . need


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    In a way, Savelsberg, Siskind and the other builders of LEGO-based military models are doing what LEGO has always encouraged. "Only the imagination sets the limit to what you can build, " the company's profile says.

    LEGO traces its roots back Denmark in the 1930s, when carpenter Ole Kirk Kristiansen shortened the Danish words “Leg Godt, ”  (mean) "play well" in English, to brand the wooden toys he was producing.

    It turned to plastic bricks in 1949. In 1955, Kristiansen's son Godtfred (launch) LEGO bricks as a system, accepting the idea that the more you have,  more things you can make." Our idea has been to create a toy  prepares the children for life- appealing to (they) imagination and developing the creative urge and joy of creation in every human being," he said.

    Wheels and human figures (introduce) in 1962 and 1978 respectively. And in 1989, miniature human figures with more (face) expressions than the usual slight smile also emerged.

    LEGO has planned to put smiles on the faces of children with (determine)." As a family-owned company with a long-term mission, the LEGO Group is (unique) placed to deliver a positive impact on children, society and the planet," the company's profile says.


  • 8. 你校学生会近期准备组织一次包饺子活动,请你写一则通知,内容包括:









    Students' Union


  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    We spent the whole weekend watching the ospreys as they flew around gracefully and fished in the pools, and we were very glad a week later when the Easter holidays started.

    We spent every day there, cycling out while it was still dark, making notes, doing drawings taking photographs, recording the birds' activities, and soon we realized that they were starting to make a nest.

    We decided that it would be better to keep the whole thing a secret because we knew there were lots of egg collectors who would like to have an osprey's egg in their collection, even though it was illegal. So we said nothing to the few people we met there-the occasional fisherman or walker.

    But one evening when we got back from a day watching our ospreys, my parents asked lots of questions about what we were doing.

    "Shall we tell them, Mike?" I asked.

    "Well, we'll need them to promise not to tell anyone," he answered, only half joking.

    So we told them all about it and they were very impressed.

    The holidays ended. By then the ospreys had finished building their nest at the top of one pine tree on the island in the middle of Big Pool. Of course we still went to watch them every weekend, and a couple of nights after school.

    One Saturday we were surprised to find a white van parked on the roadside near the track, and a middle-aged man looking at us. As we approached he said, "Aha, and here come our two bird experts!"

    Mike and I exchanged glances that were both puzzled and worried. "Don and Mike, I guess. I'm Mr Roberts. Well, whichever of you is Don...," here I nodded, "I have to thank your father for telling me about your splendid find. I'll just wander around and see what I can see. Pleased to meet you." Then he turned and started to walk around the lake.




    The rest of the day was very tense.


    By the time I got home that evening, I was really angry.
