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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What does Bill often do on Friday night?
    A . Visit his parents. B . Go to the movies. C . Walk along Broadway.
    (2) Who watches musical plays most often?
    A . Sarah. B . Bill's parents. C . Bill.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where are the speakers?
    A . In the man's office. B . Over the phone. C . In the woman's office.
    (2) What does the man expect Mrs. Brenda to do?
    A . Attend a meeting. B . Send him an email. C . Read a document.
    (3) What relation is the woman to Mrs. Brenda?
    A . Her client. B . Her sister. C . Her secretary.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Why does the woman want to have the TV set repaired?
    A . For the unclear picture. B . For its bad sound. C . For some spots on the screen.
    (2) What do we know about the woman?
    A . She doesn't watch TV very much. B . TV always brings trouble to her. C . She likes watching TV very much.
    (3) What can we know from the conversation?
    A . The woman wants to sell her TV set to the man. B . The man recommends another brand. C . The man hasn't fixed that TV.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Why does the woman call the man?
    A . To invite him to play golf. B . To send him a message. C . To do business with him.
    (2) When will the speakers meet on Saturday?
    A . At 11:00a.m. B . At 11:30a.m. C . At 1:00p.m.
    (3) What do we know about the woman?
    A . She works for a magazine company. B . She met the man at a meeting. C . She has known the man for a very long time.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who is Edgar Olson?
    A . A singer. B . A movie director. C . An opera conductor.
    (2) Where should white tickets be collected?
    A . From the opera's website. B . From the seating assistants. C . From the customer service desk.
    (3) What color is a free ticket to a future performance?
    A . White. B . Brown. C . Blue.
    (4) How will people be contacted for the make-up performance?
    A . By email. B . By phone. C . By notice.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    The popularity of niche (小众的) sports has increased, thanks in large part to pop culture interest. From the traditional Japanese martial arts to ancient Greek combat sports. Here are some trendy options you won't want to miss.


    This Japanese martial art is gaining popularity in China, partly because of Japanese sports manga (日本漫画) series such as One Piece (海贼王) . In many major cities, it's not uncommon to see young athletes carrying the bamboo swords used for Kendo.

    Kendo is a form of swordsmanship (剑术) that requires concentration, discipline and constant repetition, but the benefit goes beyond physical fitness. According to the South China Morning Post, practicing kendo can effectively relieve stress and relax one's mind.


    Some of the greatest English-language writers, like Ernest Hemingway, Jack London and TS Eliot, were hardcore boxers. After reading their portrayals of tough boxers, some readers have been inspired to pick up their own pair of boxing gloves and enter the ring.

    Boxing is more than just a workout. Sure, it can give you a lean and strong body. But according to boxing expert Hollywood Hino, it's a kind of addiction as well. Boxing gives you "the challenge of learning technique, as well as the general empowering feeling of hitting something", he told Yahoo Sports.


    The James Bond blockbuster Casino Royale (2006) introduced parkour to the mainstream, with an intense action scene that shows Bond using skills to go through an urban landscape. That's parkour in a nutshell: the art of moving quickly and creatively through unconventional obstacle courses. Parkour gives young people a way to improve themselves, both physically and psychologically.

    (1) Which of the following is the benefit of practicing kendo?
    A . Popularity. B . Concentration C . Easiness. D . Constant repetition.
    (2) Some readers would pick up their boxing gloves after reading Hemingway's works because__________.
    A . Hemingway was a hardcore boxer. B . boxing could give them a lean and strong body. C . boxing gave them the challenge of learning technique. D . they were encouraged by the spirits of tough boxers created by Hemingway
    (3) If you want to move quickly and go through obstacle courses in a city, you may choose__________.
    A . ancient Greek combat sports B . parkour C . boxing D . kendo
  • 12. 阅读理解

    After about two weeks of intense negotiations in Paris, delegates from around the world reached an international agreement on Dec. 12 to address climate change. For the first time in history, 195 countries have promised to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to increase these reductions over time.

    The agreement goes beyond requiring developed countries like the US to take actions to cut down emissions. It's a universal agreement requiring some form of action from every country, rich or poor.

    The agreement sets the date for an emissions peak "as soon as possible". It would also limit warming worldwide to less than 2℃ above the levels in the 1800s. According to scientific studies 2℃ is the point at which climate change will bring destructive consequences to the planet, including rising sea levels, severe droughts, increased flooding, destructive storms, and widespread food and water shortages.

    The deal also urges wealthy countries to set a non- binding goal of providing more than $100 billion (650 billion yuan) per year in public and private financing by 2020 for poorer countries to help them invest in clean energy and combat the impact of climate change.

    The Paris deal asks countries to make voluntary promises based on an analysis of each country's economy, politics and technology. However, the deal also includes a series of legally binding (有约束力的) requirements. It requires countries to reconvene every five years, starting in 2020, with updated plans that would cut their further emissions. Countries will also be legally required to reconvene every five years starting in 2023 to publicly report on their progress.

    The Paris deal alone won't solve global warming. Its effectiveness will depend on whether each country enacts (立法) their promise. But the deal "could be viewed as a signal to global financial and energy markets, triggering a fundamental shift away from investment in coal, oil and gas as primary energy sources like wind, solar and nuclear power", according to The New York Times.

    (1) Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    A . The agreement requires only developed countries to take actions to cut down emissions. B . The agreement would limit warming worldwide to 2℃ less than the levels in the 1800s. C . The agreement requires some form of action from all the countries in the world D . The constant global warming will do great harm to the planet.
    (2) The 195 countries have to___________.
    A . do something to fight against the influence of climate change B . invest more in coal, oil and gas as primary energy sources C . provide more than $100 billion per year in public and private financing D . report on their progress of reducing their emissions every 5 years in Paris
    (3) What does the underlined word "reconvene" in paragraph 5 mean?
    A . Meet B . Report. C . Promise D . Return.
    (4) You may read this article from___________.
    A . a science magazine B . a newspaper C . a school text D . an economic lecture
  • 13. 阅读理解

    The World Health Organization (WHO) declared on Dec 29 that Guinea was Ebola—free, which means the Ebola outbreak has officially ended in West Africa.

    "The fatal disease broke out in Guinea in December 2013, and then spread to neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia," salon. com writer Ben Norton wrote. "A handful of Ebola cases were subsequently reported in Nigeria, Mali, the US and some European countries, yet were all contained.

    The WHO declared the end of the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone in November, just after Liberia was declared Ebola - free in September. However, Liberia has had new cases since the declaration, reported the BBC.

    The disease killed more than 2,500 people in Guinea, and a further 9,000 in Liberia and Sierra Leone. It is the largest Ebola epidemic (流行病) in history, according to the WHO.

    Children were especially vulnerable (脆弱的) to the disease. During the outbreak, more than 22,000 kids lost one or both parents in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, according to UNICEF. In Guinea alone, 6,220 children lost a parent or both, and 519 more were killed.

    A salon. com article says when a few cases of Ebola were found in the US, the media went hysterical (歇斯底里的) , But since the disease was contained in the West Africa in 2014, Western governments and media outlets have devoted little attention to it.

    "This reaction", says the article, has "led critics and activists to accuse the Western media of prejudice and racism. When white people were threatened by the disease, there was more concern and interest. When they were no longer threatened, there was silence."

    (1) The Ebola outbreak has officially ended in West Africa because__________ has no Ebola.
    A . Guinea B . Sierra Leone C . Liberia D . Nigeria
    (2) How many kids lost one or both parents in Liberia and Sierra Leone?
    A . 6,220 B . 9,000 C . 22,000 D . 15,780
    (3) What's the author's attitude towards western media's reaction to Ebola in West Africa?
    A . Critical B . Neutral C . Supportive D . Unclear
    (4) With the declaration that West Africa is Ebola—free, the WHO may call on nations to_________.
    A . fight against prejudice and racism. B . stop ignoring the survivors. C . care for the children who have lost their parents. D . look for a cure for Ebola
  • 14. 阅读理解

    When Du Yongbo, 23, entered Beijing Jiaotong University graduate school, he could see a difference between himself and his local peers in terms of their consumption capacities and life attitudes. However, he was lucky compared to other newcomers from small towns. The difference could have been more obvious if he had not spent his undergraduate years doing extra learning.

    Growing up in Baoding, Hebei. Du was enrolled in a little-known institution in Hebei after high school.

    "Knowing that I would be stuck in this place for the next four years, I felt like I was chained down," he said.

    Determined to change his situation, Du made use of everything he could find on campus, starting with the technology lab. Here he got to know talented members of the senior class and joined them in their innovative experiments and technology competitions. Du learned a lot more than he could ever have by sitting in class.

    But Du didn't just hide away in the lab all day long. He kept himself busy by working with all kinds of student societies, such as the Speech and Eloquence(雄辩)Association and the Drama Club.

    "I used to be a little self-isolating, but student club experiences gave me new hobbies and the ability to manage tough people and issues," he said.

    Internet was a great helper too. Du once planned to study user interface design at a training center. But he was taken aback upon hearing the training fee—70,000 yuan. Fortunately, a friend instructed him to buy a similar course on Taobao for a much lower price. That was when Du learned about the abundance of resources online. He was eager to know more, studying online educational resources and listening to podcasts(播客).

    Now that he has made his way to Beijing, Du says that all his efforts have paid off and that he has gotten the chance to stretch his legs on a bigger platform.

    (1) Du felt different from his local peers when entering a graduate school because____________.
    A . he entered Beijing Jiaotong University graduate school B . he had spent his undergraduate years doing extra learning C . he was lucky compared to other newcomers D . he came from a smaller town than Beijing
    (2) When Du was admitted to an institution in Hebei, he felt____________.
    A . excited B . depressed C . self-isolating D . confused
    (3) Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    A . Du was determined to change his situation to make use of everything he could find. B . Du learned a lot more by sitting in class after he was enrolled in an institution. C . Du took part in some student societies to develop his abilities on campus. D . Du's friend instructed him to study user interface design at a training center.
    (4) What can be the best title for the passage?
    A . Doing is better than saying B . Experience is the mother of wisdom C . Nothing is impossible to a willing heart D . Every man has his price


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    Some people make you feel comfortable when they are around. You spend an hour with them and feel as if you have known them half your life. These people have something in commonIf you follow them, they will help you put people at their ease, and make friends with them quickly.

    Ask questions. Good talkers always ask questions.One famous businesswoman says, "At business lunches, I always ask people what they did that morning. It's a common question, but it will get things going." From there you can move on to other matters — sometimes to real persona questions. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go.

    Once good talkers have asked questions, they listen to the answer. Your question should have a point and can help to tell what sort of person you are talking to. And to find out, you should have to listen carefully.

    Real listening at least means some things. If someone sticks to one topic, you can take it as a fact that he is really interested in it.If the voice sounds dull, then it's time for you to change the subject.

    Finally, good talkers know well how to deal with the occasion of parting. If you're saying goodbye, you may give him a firm handshake and say, "I've really enjoyed meeting you."Let them know how you feel, and they may walk away feeling as if they've known you half their life.

    A. Listen attentively.

    B. Listen with a smile.

    C. It's polite to say something nice when parting

    D. Here are several skills that good talkers have.

    E. Real listening involves words as well as tones of voice.

    F. If you want to see that person again, don't keep it a secret

    G. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he is, will answer a question.


  • 16. 完形填空

    Face Adversity (逆境) with a Smile

    I often cycle from my house to the town centre. And I used to1about a big hill on the route. When my friend Steven heard, he replied, "You are2. You should be glad of the3exercise that the hill provides.

    My 4 to the hill now has changed. When I5it, I will tell myself: This hill will exercise my heart and lung. It will help me to lose weight and get6. It will mean that I can live7. This hill is my friend. Finally, I have a smile of8as I reach the top of the hill.

    Problems are there to be9and overcome. We can't achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to10a university degree. She wrote, "Character can't be11in ease and quiet. Only through 12of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision13, ambition inspired and success achieved.

    One of the main14of success in life is our attitude towards adversity. At times we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. Though we can't choose the15, we can choose our attitude towards it.

    16, don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do this or that. That's nonsense.17your mind and have a18at everything. Go to school, and join in all the games you can. Go19you want to. But never, never let them20you that things are too difficult or impossible.

    A . comment B . confuse C . complain D . observe
    A . cool B . fortunate C . careful D . fantastic
    A . extra B . proper C . abundant D . necessary
    A . access B . affection C . attitude D . preference
    A . arrive B . get C . pick D . approach
    A . fit B . tired C . excited D . delighted
    A . harder B . longer C . happier D . easier
    A . devotion B . caution C . satisfaction D . contribution
    A . put aside B . put away C . settled down D . faced with
    A . gain B . accept C . admire D . accomplish
    A . founded B . developed C . produced D . constructed
    A . pressures B . stresses C . experiences D . difficulties
    A . taken B . cleared C . recorded D . kept
    A . factors B . conflicts C . sources D . conditions
    A . goal B . course C . failure D . adversity
    A . However B . Otherwise C . Besides D . Therefore
    A . Make up B . Cheer up C . Open up D . Put up
    A . break B . go C . look D . rest
    A . everywhere B . nowhere C . somewhere D . anywhere
    A . advise B . request C . persuade D . attempt


  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    On the northern tip of New Zealand's South Island, there is a long bar of sand(call) Farewell Spit. The area is famous, but for a(desire) reason. It's a hotspot of whale stranding(搁浅).Whales strand(they) on beaches. Are these coastlines the whales' graveyards?

    In February, 2015, 200 pilot whales became stuck on the shore. It was the biggest stranding in the area in over a decade, according to local conversation team.(rescue) spent hours trying to refloat them, but 100 died. Without the support of water, the weight of their bodies(break) their muscles.

    The(remain) whales were watered and kept as comfortable as possible by volunteers equipped with buckets and spades. Sixty were eventually refloated, but soon stranded again. Members of the Public helped to refloat themsecond time and now the whales(believe) to be back at sea.

    Beaches like Farewell Spit are perhaps the most placeswhales can die. To all purposes, it seems as if the whales have killed themselves by swimming too closethe shore. So are beaches places in which whales go to die—or are there other graveyards that we don't know about? It's a mystery that has been around since ancient times.


  • 18. 下面短文中有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。




    A foreign student graduated with honor from a fine university in Germany. He expected to find the good job and have a bright future. But in his disappointment, he wasn't even giving the chance for an interview! The third time he was refused, he phoned the company to ask how. "We don't employ dishonest people in Germany." is the answer. What was wrong? Shortly before he arrived in Germany, he found easy to steal ride. So he often rode without a ticket and was caught up three times. Now he had to pay a highly price for his own behavior. We should all keep in minds: Honesty is the best policy.


  • 19. 假定你是李华,你们学校英语报社征文,题目是“我理想的高中生活”,请根据下列要点用英语写一篇征文。要点如下:

    1)学习情况; 2)班级氛围; 3)课外活动。



    I often imagine what my life will be like in my dream high school.
