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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Using 1900 as a starting point, here's a look at some of the most powerful and destructive hurricanes in the last 120 years in the US.

    Most powerful hurricanes

    Hurricane Camille, which landed on August 17, 1969 near Waveland, Mississippi, is the most powerful storm to strike the Gulf Coast. Camille is one of the four category(级别)-5 hurricanes ever to make a landing in the US, the others being the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane, Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and Hurricane Michael in 2018.

    According to the National Weather Service, the actual wind speed of Hurricane Camille might be around 175 mph along the coast.

    Until the arrival of Hurricane Katrina, Camille's more than 24-foot storm wave in Pass Christian, Mississippi, held the record. Katrina's storm wave along the Mississippi coast reached 30 feet.

    Costliest hurricanes

    Hurricane Katrina is not only the costliest-ever US hurricane but also the most expensive natural disaster in the country's history. Not only did it cost as many as 1,836 lives and leave millions of people homeless, but it also caused $ 160 billion in damages.

    Katrina landed near the Gulf Coast on August 29,2005 as a category-3 storm. The hurricane's record-breaking waves flooded 80% of the city.

    Deadliest hurricanes

    The category-4 Hurricane Galveston made a surprising landing along the Texas coast on September 8,1900. It caused a 16-foot storm wave and its wind speed reached 150 mph.

    A large part of the city of Galveston, Texas, was left in ruins. The number of death reached 12,000 on Galveston Island and the mainland. It remains the deadliest weather disaster in the US history as it gave the people no time to move out.

    (1) How many category-5 storms have stricken the US since 1900?
    A . 1. B . 2. C . 3. D . 4.
    (2) Which is the costliest hurricane in the US?
    A . Hurricane Camille. B . Hurricane Andrew. C . Hurricane Katrina. D . Labor Day Hurricane.
    (3) Why has Hurricane Galveston become the deadliest weather disaster in the US?
    A . It has caught the people by surprise. B . It has caused the biggest waves. C . It has had the highest wind speed. D . It has brought in the heaviest rainfall.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    In the summer of 1967, Walker was about to enter the sixth grade after having recently moved to the new town. Her mother signed Walker up for Girl Scouts(童子军)to help her get used to the place. She was paired with a girl named Laurie Luna in a four-person tent. At the camp, Walker and Lima's lives were tightly tied. As a Girl Scout, you have someone to rely on, to know where you're going, to talk over things with, and to develop a friendship. It was a wonderful time for these girls to look back on.

    After boating with Luna one afternoon, lightning hit a tree outside the girls' tent. "It happens in the mountains in summertime. Then a storm blew in and sent us all to our tents," Walker remembers. "Lightning struck and its path led through me. I was lying on the floor seriously burned and unconscious(昏迷的)."As bad luck would have it. Walker had been standing on her bed at the time. Instantly, two-thirds of Walker's body was burned.

    The other three girls in the tent screamed and ran away, but Luna quickly realized her friend was not among them. She thought Walker must be missing and went back to look for her — only to find Walker on the floor of the tent. Seeing Walker, she sped to the counselors, brought help and, in doing so, saved Walker. The counselor raced to give Walker first aid treatment, who then was rushed to the hospital by a nurse.

    "The timing of getting artificial respiration(人工呼吸)and being taken to the hospital allowed me to recover with few health problems and to continue on with my life——to be a teacher, a wife, a mother, and a part of the world," Walker says.

    (1) What can we say about Walker from the first paragraph?
    A . She was a newcomer to the town. B . She and Luna became classmates. C . Her mother disliked staying with her. D . She was the fourth girl in Girl Scouts.
    (2) What happened to Walker one afternoon?
    A . She got lost in the mountain. B . She was hit by a big lightning. C . She was late for the boating. D . She was ill because of the storm.
    (3) How was Walker saved at last?
    A . By relying on her strong will. B . By calling someone for help. C . By using her skills learned at school. D . By receiving instant treatment in time.
    (4) What can be inferred from the text?
    A . Walker had a few health problems after the treatment. B . All girls in Walker's tent did something helpful for her. C . Walker might be grateful for what Luna had done for her. D . Luna sent Walker to the hospital with a nurse at once.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Bridging the gap between simple automation(自动化)and robots that can communicate with humans naturally is a big challenge, but major progress has been made in the past few years.

    Research into social robots has shown that machines that respond to emotion(情感)can help the elderly and children, and could lead to robots becoming more widely socially acceptable.

    Milo is both a robotic teacher and a student. Developers RoboKind created Milo to help children with autism(自闭症)learn more about emotional expression and empathy (共鸣) while collecting data on their progress to target learning and treatment. Milo's friendly face makes himself kind and the children are able to read his expressions.

    Robots can also reduce stress in hospital settings. Expper Tech's Robin was designed as a robot to provide emotional support for children with medical treatment. Robin explains medical details to them, plays games and tells stories, and during treatment draws their attention away to reduce their feeling of pain.

    Expper's robot uses Artificial Inteligence (AI) to create empathy, remembering expressions and conversations to build conversation for follow-up sessions. In trials at the Wigmore Medical Pediatric Clinic in Yerevan. Armenia, the team found that Robin led to a 34% weakening in stress and improve happiness of 26% in the 120 children who interacted (互动) with him at least once.

    Today's simple systems are being trained to meet that demand. This includes ProxEmo, a little wheeled robot that can guess how you are feeling from the way you walk, and ENRICHME who helps older people to stay physically and mentally active. The problem is the fear that human jobs may be lost as robots become better at dealing with social situations.

    (1) What makes children feel Milo's kindness?
    A . Milo's appearance. B . Milo's speech. C . Milo's hospital settings. D . Milo's way of walking.
    (2) How does the author show Robin's advantage in paragraph 5?
    A . By listing numbers. B . By making comments. C . By following the time order. D . By explaining the process.
    (3) Which is the best choice for an old man who wants to be active?
    A . Milo. B . Robin. C . ProxEmo. D . ENRICHME.
    (4) What do people mainly worry about?
    A . Robots can't meet their demand. B . Some people will be out of work. C . A robot isn't widely acceptable. D . Robots can't deal with problems.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    On April 30. 2020, the world's most famous musicians met online to celebrate the tenth International Jazz Day. with the hope to revive jazz music and explore its possibility as a unifying voice across cultures.

    Despite the celebrations, though, the jazz audience continues to grow older because the music has failed to attract the younger generations. It's their job to help change that.

    Jason Moran, the Kennedy Center's artistic adviser for jazz, was one of the musicians. He hopes to widen the audience for jazz and make the music more accessible and enjoyable.

    "Jazz seems like it's not really a part of the American appetite (胃口)." Moran tells National Public Radio's reporter Neal Conan. "I hope that the younger generations understand that jazz is not black anymore. It's actually colorful, and it's actually digital.

    Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the fun side of the music has been lost. "Today, the music can't be presented the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same." says Moran.

    Last year, Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Waller's music for a dance party," I just wanted to put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music. says Moran." For me, it's just to re — contextualize. Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context. It can be adapted to (适应) different situations.

    During the interview, he asked- "In music, where does the feeling lie? Are we, as humans, gaining any insight (感悟) on how to talk about ourselves and how a Fats Waller record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts?"

    He added that most of the musicians have recognized the need and agreed to continue those dialogues for the year.

    (1) Why did the musicians meet online on April 30?
    A . To celebrate the Jazz Day. B . To show the value of jazz. C . To remember the birth of jazz. D . To protect different jazz cultures.
    (2) What does the underlined word "re — contextualize" in paragraph 6 mean?
    A . To mix jazz with other music. B . To adapt to different situations. C . To be performed by different bands. D . To play with more advanced instruments.
    (3) What does Moran think of jazz?
    A . It will disappear gradually. B . It should be black and white. C . It has to keep up with the times. D . It has become more popular.
    (4) What can be the best title for the text?
    A . The Rise and Fall of Jazz B . Goals Set for Jazz Day 2020 C . The Story of a Jazz Musician D . The New Problems With Jazz


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    There's no place like home, where we're surrounded by our favorite foods and many other comforts. Most important of all, we can keep adding favorite things to give our homes a personal touch.

    Of course, we can be easily attracted to these unique plants. They can add a natural touch to our homes.According to the Royal Horticultural Society, nearly 72% of adults in the UK have some houseplants in their homes, and a fifth of adults say they use plants in their homes to make them feel happier.

    The reason is that more and more young people are living in flats without a garden. One of those interviewed by the Royal Horticultural Society is 24-year-old Daisy Hale. She said, "Being able to beautify the small room without having to spend too much is perfect for me."

    Despite the benefits, the Royal Horticultural Society is deeply concerned that the houseplants might not be good for the environment.  These foreign plants might be very harmful to our environment. It is also worried about the plastic pots that hold the plants and the type of peat (泥炭) that the plants are grown in.

    In short, the Royal Horticultural Society encourages people to buy local(本地的)plants held in reusable pots that are filled with natural soil.

    A. Some of those popular things are houseplants.

    B. However, some of these houseplants are too expensive.

    C. Many experts are opposed to buying houseplants for homes.

    D. They have the ability to brighten up a room with acceptable costs.

    E. It has found that many of the plants bought online are shipped from overseas.

    F. It has also found that young people are driving up the sales of houseplants very fast.

    G. Then these "living" additions will be good for ourselves and for our environment.


  • 6. 完形填空

    A primary school teacher in Kentucky went above and beyond to make sure that one student was included during her class field trip. Instead of 1 a fourth-grader who uses a wheelchair to miss out, Jim Freeman, a teacher at Tully Primary School,2 to carry 10-year-old Ryan Neighbors on a specially made backpack.

    Shelly King, Neighbors' mother, says that her daughter has spina bifida (脊柱裂) and has used a wheelchair for her 3. Because of the lack of wheelchair access, previous school trips had been 4 for the young girl.

    Neighbors' family found out that this year the class would be 5 the Falls of the Ohio State Park. It would be 6 for Neighbors to go there, so the family started to plan a different 7 just for her. 8, Freeman, who teaches the class next door to Neighbors' 9, stepped in and helped carry her around the park using a 10.

    Freeman's 11 brought King to tears. "It warmed my 12 ", King said, "He's not even Ryan's teacher and he was so pure-hearted that he 13 to make sure that she was included and not 14." Neighbors' mother said.

    King took to social media (社交媒体)to 15 Freeman and the staff at Jefferson County Public Schools. So far, the post has been 16 thousands of times.

    "This is just one physical act that you can see, but we do this 17 times throughout the school day and throughout the year,” Freeman responded. "All the 18 here at Tully work harder than most people 19."

    For Neighbors, however, the generous act provided a(n) 20 that would likely stick with her for years. "Never feel like you're left alone," Neighbors said.

    A . reminding B . encouraging C . allowing D . warning
    A . volunteered B . organized C . dreamed D . happened
    A . plan B . wish C . class D . life
    A . impossible B . regular C . meaningful D . happy
    A . wandering B . knowing C . visiting D . remembering
    A . exciting B . difficult C . important D . interesting
    A . schedule B . vote C . part D . trip
    A . Gratefully B . Luckily C . Honestly D . Equally
    A . classroom B . park C . farm D . hospital
    A . blanket B . bag C . backpack D . car
    A . safety B . strength C . kindness D . health
    A . heart B . mind C . body D . mood
    A . returned B . refused C . failed D . decided
    A . dealt with B . left out C . taken over D . brought out
    A . develop B . select C . praise D . promise
    A . printed B . shared C . designed D . written
    A . comfortable B . countless C . easy D . full
    A . students B . officers C . workers D . teachers
    A . realize B . miss C . order D . protect
    A . chance B . invitation C . lesson D . system


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    A teenage girl (name) Jennifer Jones felt unwell and fainted in her morning PE lesson yesterday. After rushing to hospital, she was found  (have) dangerously low blood sugar levels. Her parents  (say) that she tried to lose weight by skipping meals. In fact, Jennifer has struggled with eating problems a long time. Because of this, she had trouble  (concentrate) in class.

    Unhealthy weight-loss  (habit) have become common among teenagers. Being thin is often seen as being beautiful.  teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly. They  (regular) skip meals and even eat weight-loss pills. These methods prove to be  (harm) to teenagers.

    Teenagers should have a healthy balanced diet to make sure they have enough nutrition. What's more, they should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay energetic and fit. Living well is  safest and most effective way to get into shape.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文.请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    My family was very poorly when I was a child. My parents lost their jobs and lived with heavy pressure. As result, I wanted to studying hard so as to have a different future. During my high school life, I spent all my time studying those difficult subject, which made me to one of the best students in our school. After graduation, I am admitted to a key university where I met a lot of interested friends. Now, I am working on a big company but I am able to afford anything I want. What's more, my parents also have found new jobs. So I believe that our dreams will come true if you try our best.


  • 9. 进入高中,英语学习的难度加大,部分同学感觉有些吃力。为此,你的班级将开展一场英语 学习经验交流会。现在,你来准备一份发言稿,分享不少于三条英语学习的方法。



    Hello, everyone!


    That's all. Thank you.
