
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:92 类型:期中考试 编辑

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  • 1. This is_______ usual thing. Don't worry about it
    A . an B . a C . / D . the
  • 2. His _______ made him very sad.
    A . father's dead B . father's die C . died of father D . father's death
  • 3. _____his surprise, she climbed up the high mountain in the end. He told me the news ____surprise.
    A . At; of B . To; in C . In; in D . On; of
  • 4. —How does your father go to work every day?

    —He used to _____a bus but now he is used to______.

    A . take; walk B . taking, walking C . taking, walk D . walk, walking
  • 5. ________over the difficulties on the way to success, you need to study all the time and develop many kinds of skills.
    A . Get B . Got C . To get D . Getting
  • 6. I was waiting for the bus_____ it began to rain heavily so I have to go home for an umbrella.
    A . when B . while C . as soon as D . although
  • 7. She did not do any housework and ____did I last week. So what a mess in the house!
    A . either B . neither C . both D . another
  • 8. —How hard you are working, Helen!

    —I must. _____I am, ______I will be.

    A . The more hard-working; the luckier B . The hard-working; the lucky C . More hard-working; luckier D . The more hard-working; the more lucky
  • 9. —Your coat looks very nice. Couls you tell me____?

    —In Kaiyuan Shopping Mall.

    A . where to buy B . where do you buy it C . where do you buy D . where to buy it
  • 10. —I have a pain in my back.


    —You'd better see a doctor.

    A . I'm sorry to hear that. B . Nothing serious. C . It doesn't matter. D . Don't say that.


  • 11. 完形填空

        Showing your feeling is important. It is a mistake not to talk to anyone 1 you're feeling sad, worried or nervous. If you keep bad feelings inside, it can even make you 2 . But if you talk with 3 , like your mom or dad, you'll usually begin to feel 4 than before. Because you're not all alone with your problems or worries. 5 , it doesn't mean your problems and worries will 6 magically(神奇地).

        At least someone understands your problem and he or she can help you find ways to 7 your problems.

        Your mom and dad always want to know if you have worries. They love you and they want to know what's happening in 8 life. But if you don't want to talk with them, what other things could you do? Find a trustworthy (可信任的) teacher at school or a friend around you. Open your heart and they will try their best 9 you. Then you'll feel as 10 as before.

    A . what B . when C . how D . why
    A . sick B . active C . strong D . happy
    A . nobody B . somebody C . everybody D . anybody
    A . bad B . better C . well D . good
    A . So B . Also C . Then D . However
    A . go away B . come back C . go off D . come true
    A . get on B . t rust C . worry about D . deal with
    A . his B . their C . your D . her
    A . helping B . to help C . help D . helped
    A . happy B . sadly C . happily D . sad


  • 12. 阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。

        Doctors without Borders is an international medical volunteer organization founded by doctors and reporters in France in 1971.The idea of this organization is to offer medical help to people in need. It sends doctors to poor countries, war regions (ME), and disaster (疾病) areas to provide medical aid. It provides helps to all the people, no matter what their races (种族),religion (宗教)or political believes (政治信仰)are. In 1999, Doctors Without Borders won the Nobel peace prize. If you are a doctor, and you want to work overseas (海外) to help patients to live a better life, you are welcome to join us. Although you don't make money as you think, you can get other great things in return. You   will learn how to work under serious pressure because it's not an easy job. You can also practice your medical experience. You can also improve your language skills because we may speak at least two languages when we are working. The most exciting of all, you can discover your skills and be a better you. If you are interested in us and want to be a part of Doctors Without Borders, you can go to https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org to tell us. You will have a great chance of changing your life and making your dream come true. If your are a man of great mind, you should do it.

    (1) Doctors Without Borders is an international volunteer organization in medical help .
    (2) Doctors Without Borders only help the people from poor countries.
    (3) You can get a lot of money in return if you work for Doctors Without Borders.
    (4) Working for Doctors Without Borders will make you under pressure.
    (5) Students can join Doctors Without Borders to study language skills.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Do you know the late leader of China, Deng Xiaoping? He was called the"chief architect of China's reform and opening-up (中国改革开放的总设计师)". August 22 is the 110 anniversary of his birth. President Xi Jinping held an important meeting for the event on August 20, 2014 in Beijing. Other senior leaders Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli also attended the meeting.

        Deng was born in 1904 in Sichuan Province. His father was a middle-level landowner (地主). His mother died early in Deng's life. He has three brothers and three sisters. Deng's first wife, Zhuo Lin, married him in 1939 in Yan'an. They had five children: three daughters and two sons.

        Deng was sent to private primary school at the age of five. In the summer of 1919, Deng Xiaoping graduated finished his school life in Chongqing. Then he went to France in the 1920s. His father strongly supported him, the night before going to France, Deng's father took his son aside and asked him what he hoped to learn there. Deng said the words he had learned from his teachers:" To learn knowledge and truth from the West in order to save China." He joined the Communist Party of China (中国共产党) in 1924. Then he joined the army to save China. He died on February 19, 1997.

    (1) When was Deng Xiaoping born?
    A . On August 20, 2014. B . On August 22, 1904. C . On August 22, 1924. D . On February 19, 1997.
    (2) Deng went to school ___________.
    A . to join the army to save China B . to learn knowledge and truth from the West to save China C . to learn from his teachers and save China D . to join the Communist Party of China
    (3) Which of the following is TRUE?
    A . Deng Xiaoping has three sons. B . Deng's father was poor at that time. C . Zhuo Lin was Deng's daughter. D . Deng finished school in 1919.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        Mr. and Mrs. Taylor live outside London. They run a big farm and they are always busy working on it. Their son, Peter, studied at a middle school. The young man studied hard and did well in his lessons. It made them happy.

        Last month Peter finished middle school and passed the entrance examination (升学考试) Mrs. Taylor was very happy and told everyone about it.

        Yesterday morning Mrs. Taylor went to the supermarket to do some shopping for her son. On the bus she called one of her friends, telling how clever and samrt her son was. She spoke very loudly. All the people in the bus began to listen to her.

        "Which university (大学) will your son study in?" a woman next to her asked.

        "In the most famous university in our country!" Mrs. Turner said happily.

        "The most famous university?"

        "Oxford University (牛津)."

        Most of the passengers (乘客) looked at her carefully. Some of them said to her, "Congratulations!"

        The woman said, "I'm sure he'll know Fred Smith."

        "Who's Fred Smith?"

        "He's my son."

        "Does he study in the university, too?"

        "No, "said the woman. "He is the most famous teacher there."

    (1) Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were happy because _____.
    A . their son did well in his lessons B . they have a big farm C . they have a good harvest D . their son studied at a middle school
    (2) Mrs. Taylor wanted everyone to know _____.
    A . her son finished middle school B . her son was handsome C . her son was going to study in a university D . her son was very friendly to others
    (3) Mrs. Turner spoke so loudly in the bus that _____.
    A . her friend could hear her B . all the people could hear her C . she hoped to make all the people happy D . she hoped they would say congratulations to her
    (4) Which of the following is true? _____.
    A . The woman wasn't interested in Mrs. Turner's words B . Mrs. Taylor knew nothing about the famous university C . The woman wanted to stop Mrs. Turner from showing off (炫耀) D . The woman next to Mrs. Taylor wanted to show off her son, too
  • 15. 阅读理解

        "I was having a really bad day and saw a large group of kids around another group. I was expecting the worst so I went over. Then I found they were all trying to make me happy by picking flowers for me." —Errin Anderson

        "One student I worked particularly closely with wrote a goodbye card to me that said, 'You make me proud of myself.' I still take it out and read it when I'm feeling down." —Jennifer Graham, via Facebook

        "On my birthday last year, my second-grade students were acting out of control. so I said, ‘How can you be so mean to me on my birthday?!' After school, on my way home, I saw my quietest student standing there with his mom. He had asked her to take him to the store so he could get me a birthday present. It was a pair of lovely earrings that looked like rulers. It made my whole day better, and I wear them often for the rest of the year." —Katie Ann

        "My dad had been a teacher for over 30 years when he passed away three years ago. On the day of his funeral (葬礼), the room was packed with students (most of them crying). Even to this day I often heard students saying he was a great man and a great teacher. —Carla Robinson

        "I taught in Japan as a teaching assistant (助教) and the job was really interesting but the hours were long, so I drank Coke to keep me going. My students found that I usually had a can of cola on my desk, so for my going-away present they bought a big bottle of coke and wrote lovely messages with their names in Japanese and English on it." —Eli Sullivan

    (1) What did Katie's student buy for her?
    A . A pair of rulers. B . A pair of earrings. C . Some flowers. D . A bottle of coke.
    (2) What do Carla and Errin have in common (共同点)?
    A . They are both teachers. B . They take good care of the kids. C . They get present from students. D . They are moved by the students.
    (3) Which is the best title (标题) of the passage?
    A . Teachers will never get old B . I will remember the bottle of voke C . I love my job as a teacher D . Students love their teachers.

四、完成句子:根据所给汉语意思 ,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共10小题,计10分)

五、短文填空,每空一词 (共10题,计10分)

  • 26. 短文填空,每空一词

    at, hit,find,  but,  grow , they,  come,  strong,  what,  tree

        Once upon a time, there were four seeds who were good friends. They traveled by wind and to a forest. They hid (藏) themselves in the ground, and hoped that they would be able to grow into big .

        But when the first seed began to grow, they that it wasn't such an easy job. There lived a group of monkeys, and the smallest monkeys loved to throw bananas any plant that started to grow. They threw so many bananas at the first seed that she was almost cut into two. When she told the other seeds happened, they thought that it would be better to wait until the monkeys went away.

        They all agreed with that, except the first seed. She thought she must try it. When she tried, she was by bananas. The other seeds asked her to stop, she had made up her mind to become a tree. She tried again and again. Every time she was hit by bananas, she would try harder. The scars (伤疤) left by the bananas helped her grow than the other seeds. Later, she could withstand (忍受) the hit of bananas. She so well that monkeys couldn't hurt her badly.

        At last, she grew into the biggest tree in the forest. The other seeds still hide (隐藏)in the ground, hoping the monkeys would go away soon.


  • 27. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。

        KFC recently stopped a TV ad in the U.K. that shows people licking (舔) their fingers because more than 100 people complained about it during the coronavirus outbreak (新冠疫情爆发).The ad is called "The Piano" and the idea is to show the chicken in KFC is "Finger-licking good." In the video, hundreds of people are licking their fingers (not only their own but also someone else's) in public placed while eating KFC's chicken.

        According to the TV station, 163 people complained to the UK's Advertising Standards Authority (英国广告标准局) about the ad. Two weeks ago, people were asked to wash their hands often and avoid public gatherings (避免公众集会) because of the coronavirus outbreak. They say the ad is giving the wrong idea of understanding the coronavirus outbreak because it encouraged behavior that could spread the virus (散播病毒).

        On the other hand, KFC made a statement to say that it would stop the ad but it hopes to bring it back at a later date The speaker of KFC said it was not the right time to show this ad, so they decided to stop it now, but the ad is really creative and great, they really want to bring it back at a later date.

    (1) —What are the people doing in the ad ?

    —They are while eating KFC's chicken.

    (2) —How did people see this ad?

    —They saw this ad.

    (3) —What would KFC do with this ad?

    —KFC would now but hopes to bring it back.

    (4) —Why does KFC want to bring back this ad?

    —Because they think this ad is .

    (5) —What do people think of this ad?

    —This ad gives of understanding the coronavirus outbreak.


  • 28. 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。

    A: .

    B: I was flying a kite.


    B: By the river. A lot of children were flying kites there, too.

    A: It was windy yesterday, wasn't it?

    B: It was good weather for flying a kite.


    B: Mary and Peter. They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did.

    A: Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?


    ⒈Who helped you to mend the kite?

    ⒉What were you doing yesterday afternoon?

    ⒊Who did you fly kites with?

    ⒋Yes, but the wind wasn't strong.

    ⒌Were you very busy yesterday?

    ⒍Where did you fly the kite?

    ⒎Yes, we did. We played there for about three hours.

  • 29. 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。

    A: Hi, Good morning. How are you, Cindy?

    B: Hi, Dave. Good morning.

    A: You don't look well. ?

    B: I think I ate too much yesterday, I went to an all-you-can-eat-meal. Now I have a stomachache.


    B: The stomachache started at 3:00 AM. I couldn't sleep well at all..

    A: ?

    B: No, I didn't. I don't have time for hospital. And the hospital is a little far.

    A: You should take good care of yourself. .

    B: You are so kind. Do you really want to go to the hospital with me?

    A: Of course. I can ask my father to drive the car for us.

    B: .

    A: You're welcome. We are friends.


  • 30. 假如你是Jack,你所在的学校有一些学生是志愿者,你也是其中的一员。下周,报社的记者将会去你校采访,了解一些你的情况。请根据下列提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文为大家介绍你的志愿者工作。请适当发挥。(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)




    the city library

    How often


    Things you do


    How you feel


    提示词:meaningful; count (数);work out; lead; reply; borrow; lend

        Hello, I am Jack! I am a volunteer.


        a lot./Thank you.
