
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:183 类型:期中考试 编辑

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  • 1. 选词填空

    four  do  lunch  go  Monday

    It's today, I to school at eight o'clock. At nine o'clock, I have English class. I like English a lot. I have at school. Sometimes l go home with Peter at thirty. Oh, what time is it? It's six o'clock. It's time to homework.




  • 16. 为下列句子选择正确的答语。

    ⑴When do you get up?  A. On foot.

    ⑵Does she watch TV?  B. Milk and eggs.

    ⑶What are you doing?  C. No, she doesn't.

    ⑷How do you go to school?  D. I am walking.

    ⑸What do you have for breakfast  E. At six o'clock.


  • 17. 根据短文内容判断正误。

    Ben and Jim are twin(双胞胎) brothers. They are nine. They are students. They are in the same class. Every day they go to school and come back together. Their teacher, Mrs Green, says to the students, Please write a composition(作文) "My Mother". Jim is a good boy. He writes the composition at home. But Ben plays football with his friends. The next day Mrs Green says to the class,I read your compositions today. But two of yours are just the same. Ben stands up and says, Jim and l are twins. We have the same mother.

    (1) They are twins, so they have the same parents.
    (2) They are in the same class.
    (3) They have the same mother, so their compositions should(应该) be the same.
    (4) Jim writes the composition at home.
    (5) Ben plays basketball with his friends.

