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  • 26. 听录音,排序:

    A I love my mum. And you know what?

    B She could be a star, or a big boss.

    C My mum is a good cook. She always cooks delicious food.

    D She can sing like an angel.

    E She makes me laugh. She's a supermom!

六、 听录音,从括号里选出合适单词或短语写在横线上。

  • 27. 听录音,从括号里选出合适单词或短语写在横线上。
    (1) The man is Bob's (dad\ uncle).
    (2) The man is a (businessman\ police officer).
    (3) He likes (reading books\ cleaning the room).
    (4) He also likes studying (English\ French).
    (5) Bob's mum likes (going hiking\ singing).



  • 34. 看图,根据图片提示写出单词,补全短文。

    Today is Saturday. I'm going to have a busy weekend. I'm going to v my grandparents this morning. I'm going to the s this afternoon. Then, I'm going to the c with my parents this evening. We are going to see an interesting f . Tomorrow I'm going to buy a c book. Next week, I'm going to t a trip. I can't wait! I am so excited.



  • 41. 选出合适的句子补全对话。

    A. I want to buy a dictionary, too.

    B. How many postcards do you want?

    C. Do you have any postcards?

    D. An English dictionary, please.

    E. Can I help you?

    Shopkeeper: Welcome to our bookstore.

    Sam: Yes. I want to buy a postcard.

    Shopkeeper: Sure.

    Sam: Three. Thank you.

    Shopkeeper: Here you are. Anything else?


    Shopkeeper: A Chinese dictionary or an English dictionary?


    Shopkeeper: OK. Here you are.


  • 42. 阅读短文,选择合适的选项。


    John: Mike, it's snowing outside.

    Mike: That's great, John!

    John: But the cold weather makes me feel sad.

    Mike: Why? Look at the snow. It's so beautiful!

    John: I guess so, but…

    Mike: It makes me feel so happy.


    Robin: Are you OK, Yifan?

    Wu Binbin: No, I feel ill.

    Robin: Oh dear! Do you have a fever(发烧)?

    Wu Binbin: Yeah.

    Robin: Hmm. You should see a doctor.


    Chen Jie: Oliver, what's wrong?

    Oliver: I'm so angry.

    Chen Jie: You should count to ten. Why are you angry?

    Oliver: I lost my favourite sunglasses.

    Chen Jie: No, they are on your head.

    Oliver: Oh, yes. Haha!


    Pedro: Ah-choo!

    Pedro's mom: Are you OK, Pedro? Pedro: Yes, I'm fine.

    Pedro's mom: Wear warm clothes. It's cold outside.

    Pedro: I will. Thanks.

    (1) Who likes the cold weather?
    A . Mike. B . John.
    (2) What should Wu Binbin do?
    A . Count to ten. B . See a doctor.
    (3) Where are Oliver's sunglasses?
    A . On Oliver's head. B . In Oliver's bag.
    (4) What will Pedro do?
    A . He'll wear warm clothes. B . He'll take off the clothes.
  • 43. 阅读对话,选出正确的选项。

    Man: Excuse me, where is the gym?

    Woman: Let me see. It's next to the Fuxing Primary School.

    Man: How can I get there? Woman: It's very far. You can take the No.9 bus, and get off at Renmin Road. Then go straight, turn right at the second crossing. The gym is on your left.

    Man: OK. But where is the bus stop?

    Woman: It's over there. Look! The bus is coming! Man: Oh, I see. Thanks.

    Woman: You're welcome.

    (1) Does the man want to go to the Fuxing Primary School?
    A . Yes, he does. B . No, he doesn't.
    (2) Is the gym far?
    A . Yes, it is. B . No, it isn't.
    (3) How can the man get to the gym?
    A . He can go by subway Line 9. B . He can take the No.9 bus.
    (4) Where is the gym?
    A . B .
  • 44. 读短文,根据短文内容判断正误。


    On Saturdays and Sundays, most people are busy shopping for their homes. Some of them go to the stores. Some go to the markets. But in big cities, most shoppers (购物者) enjoy shopping in the shopping malls. A mall is a group of shops. There you can buy almost (几乎) everything you need, such as clothes, food and many other things. Shopping malls provide (提供) parking for your cars. Usually, the mall is under one roof (屋檐) so that shoppers do not get cold or wet from rain, wind or snow.

    After shopping, you may get tired. You can sit on the chairs for a rest. If you get hungry, you can go into the restaurants in the malls to have a meal. Now more and more people like to go there shopping.

    (1) Most people are busy shopping for their homes on weekends.
    (2) You can't park your car in shopping malls.
    (3) In rainy days, shoppers will get wet in shopping malls
    (4) If you are hungry, you can have a meal in shopping malls.


  • 45. 假如你是张伟,请阅读你的笔友Martin的来信,给他回信,介绍你自己,说说你 的爱好,记得回答Martin提出的问题。不少于5句话,或不少于50个词。

    Dear Zhang Wei,

    My name is Martin. I live in Sydney, Australia. I'm 12 years old. I'm a sunny boy, and I have many hobbies.

    I like singing, dancing and making friends. I often go hiking on the weekend. I like Chinese food very much. What are your hobbies?

    Can you tell me? Can you cook Chinese food? I want to study Chinese. Can you teach me? Write to me, please.



    Dear Martin,


    Yours, Zhang Wei
