
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:150 类型:中考模拟 编辑

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  • 1. One afternoon I picked up________ handbag on my way home. There was ________ "s" on the corner of ________handbag.
    A . a; an; the B . a; a; the C . an; an; the
  • 2. There are________ children in the room. The ________one from the left is my brother.
    A . four;four B . fourth;fourth C . four;fourth
  • 3. The three boys are all good at drawing, but Liu Liu is ________ of the three.
    A . more talented B . much more talented C . the most talented
  • 4. —David, your French is so good. ________have you been in Paris?

    —Since I was a seven-year-old boy.

    A . How soon B . How long C . How often
  • 5. —Where's Mike? Lucy is looking for him everywhere.

    —I'm not sure. He ________ in the teachers'office.

    A . may be B . should be C . must be
  • 6. It's necessary for us to learn how to ask for help ________. Nobody will help you if you are rude.
    A . quietly B . politely C . quickly
  • 7. —You ________New York City before, right?

    —No. I have always been too busy. But I will go there as soon as I________ my work.

    A . went to; finished B . visit; am going to finish C . have been to; finish
  • 8. China's government has already done something useful to stop COVID—19(新型冠状病毒肺炎)____________.
    A . spreading B . spread C . to spread
  • 9. Paper             first             about 2,000 years ago in China.
    A . was, created B . is, created C . has, created
  • 10. —I wonder                           .

    —By working together and taking strong epidemic prevention (防疫) measures.

    A . what we can do B . when the disease will be stopped C . how to fight against the disease


  • 11. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Wild animals are important to us. They 1 together with us on the earth. The earth without 2 is like the blue sky without clouds, and we3will not live on without them. So we should see them as family members. But some people 4 don't know the importance of protecting them. They kill wild animals for 5and other things. Every day many wild animals are killed. So lots of them have died out. We can't see6any more. Today wild animals are becoming fewer and7. If people don't protect them, they will die out. If this8, there will be no animals left on the earth.

    9, many children have begun to know the importance of protecting wild animals. They ask10to stop killing them. They also teach persons about the importance of protecting them. So far, many countries11some laws to12people from killing and eating wild animals. Protecting wild animals is the13of each of us. We should try our best to do that, 14 protecting them is protecting15. Let's take action now.

    A . play B . come C . live
    A . animals B . plants C . people
    A . as well as B . always C . also
    A . real B . very much C . still
    A . water B . food C . fruit
    A . it B . they C . them
    A . less B . fewest C . fewer
    A . goes on B . comes on C . moves on
    A . Lucky B . Luckily C . Unlucky
    A . the other B . another C . others
    A . have made B . had made C . make
    A . let B . allow C . keep
    A . rule B . life C . duty
    A . because B . though C . so
    A . myself B . ourselves C . yourselves


  • 12. 阅读短文,从原文每一行找出一处错误划线并改正,不加词,不删词。

    例如:I stopped talk when the teacher came in.    talk –talking

        As Mother's Day was geting close, many children

    were thinking about what gift to buy for they mothers,

    and so are Tony and Jane. Tony asked his father

    for one hundred yuan and go to buy a pair of

    glove. He hoped his mother would feel happy

    But differently thinking from Tony, Jane decided to do anything meaningful instead of buying

    a usually gift. In the end, she painted a nice

    picture by heart and wrote the following words in it

    I LOVE YOU, MOM! Her mother was really moving when she

    received it. I agree with Jane, but I think I'd do the same as her next Mother's Day.


  • 13. 根据对话内容,从A到F选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,每个选项只使用一次,选项中有一项为多余项。

    A. How long will I have to wait?

    B. Where are you now?

    C. This is Scott Smith.

    D. How will you come?

    E. What's happening?

    F. Stay with her and don't move her.

    A: Hello! This is 911. Who is that speaking?

    B:Help! Help! Please help me!

    A: Yes, sir.

    B: My wife is seriously ill. She's having a heart problem.

    A: Now relax, sir.

    B: I'm on Lincoln Highway, about 15 miles from Washington Tunnel

    A: OK. I'll send an ambulance (救护车) as soon as possible.


    A: For about ten minutes.

    B: All right. What should I do while waiting?


    B: OK. Thank you and please hurry.

  • 14. 结合本题所设置的情景,在每个空白处填入适当的内容完成下列对话。

    A: Jeff, let's take a walk around the lake tomorrow, OK?

    B: Sounds like fun. ?

    A: It'll be sunny. Jeff, ?

    B: Yes, Dad. I finished my homework a few minutes ago.

    A: But what are you doing now?

    B: . I just want to relax myself.

    A: Is that also your homework?

    B: Not really. But the video is well worth watching. It's about the Novel Coronavirus. ?

    A: Yes, I've just heard something about it. Anyway, it may be a little bit hard for you to understand.

    B: A little bit hard? You must be joking. In the video, the conversation between the host and the expert makes the topic clear.

    A: It does? Can I watch it with you?

    B: . Let's learn more about the 2019-nCoV pneumonia and follow their safety suggestions.


  • 15. 阅读下面文字,从A到F选项中为每个段落选出一个最合适的标题。

    Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge. If you remember the following information, your life will be safer.

    . You should think it over by yourself when you meet trouble. If you don't know how to deal with it, you may ask for help from your teachers or classmates. They're willing to give you a hand.

    . Swimming is a useful skill. You'd better master it. If you cannot swim, don't get into the water. Cry for help if you drop in the water.

    . Don't play with matches or candles, because it may cause fire. If your house catches fire and you have to run away, move on your hands and knees with your head 30—60 centimeters above the floor.

    . Be careful on the road all the time. If you are hit by a car, remember the number of the car. And then call the police or your parents away.

    . You must lock the door inside and close the window when you are at home on your own. You should put the mobile phone near you. Never open the door if you hear someone knocking at the door because your parents have the keys and they know your phone number.

    A. If you fall into the water

    B. If you are in a traffic accident

    C. When there is a fire

    D. When you stay at home by yourself

    E. When you meet trouble at school

    F. When you are ill


  • 16. 根据文章内容,判断句子正误。

    Listening in class is a skill, which means you have to practice it. Just as you would have to practice basketball to be a better player, you also have to practice listening. How to listen in class?

    One of the things you need to do is to make sure that your mind doesn't wander (神游). It's easy to start thinking about other things, especially when you 're not interested in the subject. So make yourself pay attention to what the teacher is saying.

    Next, listen to the main ideas. If you want to catch every little piece of information, you'll be exhausted (疲惫的). It's too much work and it's impossible to do. You'll also need to look at the teacher. Not only does this show respect to the teacher, but it also helps prevent your mind from wandering. There are too many distractions (使人分心的事) when you have class. It might be a friend who is trying to pass you a note. Or it could just be someone talking to his deskmate; it can even be some birds outside the classroom windows, or a group of kids who are talking loudly as they pass by the door of your classroom.

    Finally, you need to take notes because you will not remember everything the teacher says in class. So you have to have a notebook to write down key points so that you can study them after class. Taking notes also makes you focus on listening. Listening isn't always easy, but if you follow these simple steps, you'll be much more successful in your classes.

    (1) In order to avoid wandering in class, you should do what you are really interested in.
    (2) To tell the teacher that you have questions, you need to look at the teacher.
    (3) You should try your best to get all the information in class.
    (4) Taking notes can help you remember things you forgot in class.
    (5) The passage mainly talks about some suggestions on how to listen effectively(有效地)in class.
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Helen Sports Center

    Want to keep fit? Come to Helen Sports Center.

    Price: ¥ 20 each time, 10% off for one month, 15% for one year.

    Time: 10:00a.m.—10:30p.m.


    Xinglong Supermarket

    Welcome to the biggest shopping center in our city

    20% off for every on July 1

    Time: 8: 00 a.m.—10: 00 p. m. (weekend: 10: 30 p. m.)

    Address: 31 Bayi Road


    Sunshine Restaurant Buffet (自助餐)

    More than 200 delicious foods and drinks are waiting for you!

    Price: ¥ 60each (every 3 persons, one for free);  10% off between July 1 and July 3)

    Address: 10 Gongyuan Road


    (1) You can go to Helen Sports Center to________.
    A . read books B . drive a car C . keep fit
    (2) You can go to buy things at Xinglong Suupermarket at ________on Monday
    A . 7:00a.m. B . 10:00a.m. C . 10:30p.m.
    (3) Xinglong Supermarket is at________.
    A . 10 Gongyuan Road B . 29 Hedong Road C . 31 Bayi Road
    (4) If you want to book a table for the buffet, you can call________.
    A . 3807—593 B . 3817—378 C . 3980—451
    (5) Xiao Qi together with five of his friends will have a buffet dinner on July 2. They should pay ________.
    A . ¥ 360 B . ¥ 240 C . ¥ 216


  • 18. 阅读短文,根据首字母或所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章语义通顺。

    How did we help to save our earth this week? Let me tell you.

    First, my family tried to save electricity. We never left the lights on when (leave) the room. We turned off the TV when nobody was watching it. Mum only used cold water in the washing machine.

    Second, we started recycling this week. We tried to write onsides of our paper, not Just on one side. We also divided our rubbish into different bags for bottles, paper and food. Mum  (keep) the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again rubbish bags.

    Third, my family started to save water. We stopped taking long baths and had short showers. We washed the toilet with used water. Mum and Dad used(little) water to do the washing. My sister and I didn't leave the water running when we brushed our(tooth).

    At last, Mum and Dad began to save gas. Mum used to(drive)us to school, but now my sister and I started riding bikes to school. It's hard workgood exercise! This week Dad and a few of the people in his company also started to go to work in one car andthe cost.

    These are great ways to help protect our environment.


  • 19. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    Every morning, Johnson woke up early and took an old bag to the subway station. He would take the subway to Central London. There he would collect scrap (废品).He did this every single day.

    He had collected scrap for 20 years. His house was dirty, and a bad smell came out of the house. The neighbors could not stand the smell anymore, so they called the police officers to deal with the problem. The officers opened the door and cleared the house. They found some money in his house. The police soon knew that Johnson was not a truly poor man because he could live a normal life with the money. They decided to try to stop him collecting scrap.

    In the evening, the police found Johnson near his house. One of the officers told him that there was no need for him to collect scrap anymore, but he said nothing. The next morning he woke up as usual and continued collecting scrap.

    A couple of days later, the police knew that Johnson had to send much money to his old parents. They were badly ill for many years in a small village. Although they could get relief (救济金) from the government, Johnson refused. He believed he could make money by his own hands. After knowing the truth, the officers announced the fact to the neighbors. All of them understood and admired Johnson.

    Johnson had no great plans or dreams all his life. He won praise from others because he kept independence in his mind. The earlier people learn to be independent, the more meaningful life they will get.

    (1) What did Johnson take to the subway station every morning?
    (2) How long had Johnson collected scrap?
    (3) Who called the police officers?
    (4) When did the police find Johnson?
    (5) Why could Johnson win praise from others?
  • 20. 阅读短文,根据题目要求完成下列任务。

    Do you check your mobile phone often? Do you feel anxious if your mobile phone is not with you? When there is no Wi— Fi or signal for your mobile phone, will you get nervous? If you say yes, then you've got(B)addiction to mobile phones.

    Nowadays, we can see the scene everywhere in the life: in subways, restaurants, roads, people are watching their mobile phones. From family party to dating with a friend, people couldn't stop checking their twitter, WeChat, facebook on the mobile phones and snubbing (忽视) the persons in front completely. Phubbing (低头族) influences not only the young people, but also the old and even the kids.

    "Phubbing" is a new word which comes from the words "phone and " snub". It describes the habit of snubbing some one in favor of a mobile phone. (A) 因为玩手机,更多的人变得沉默。They do nothing but bow to play mobile phones. They spend too much time on the phones. And(C) they don't have time to communicate with persons in real life.

    If we keep playing with phones when we are with our friends or family, we will spend less time talking to them. In fact, they need and deserve to be cared for.

    Let us put down the mobile phones and enjoy the nature, the food, the books and all the beautiful things and persons around us.

    (1) 把(A)处划线句子翻译成英语。
    (2) 根据上下文,猜测文中(B)处划线单词 addiction的中文意思。
    (3) 找出(C)处划线单词they所指代的内容。
    (4) 根据首字母,在文章中找出一个与英语释义相匹配的单词。

    c : to exchange information or conversation with other people, using words, signs, writing etc.

    (5) 请从文中找出与 It takes them too much time to use the phones.意思相近的句子。


  • 21. 初中三年生活即将结束。回想三年来老师对你的辛勤培育和亲切的关怀,你一定有很多话对老师说。请你以韩梅的名义为老师设计一张贺卡,表达对老师的感激之情。要求:词数30~50词。

    To Mrs. Zhang

    From: Han Mei

  • 22. 2020年我国发生了严重的新冠肺炎传染疫情。一个健康的身体是每一个人工作和学习的根本保证,我们如何才能保持健康的体魄,抵御传染呢?请你根据提示写一篇80—100词左右的英语短文。





    How to keep healthy

    It's important for us to be healthy in our life …
