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一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) What do we know about the bike?
    A . It is a second-hand bike. B . The man is going to buy it. C . It costs more than a new one.
    (2) What does the man think of the bike?
    A . It is more than cheap. B . Its price is dissatisfying. C . It is of low quality.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) What is the woman doing?
    A . She is preparing for a test. B . She is doing an interview. C . She is filling a form.
    (2) Why does the woman go to America?
    A . To have further education. B . To make a fortune. C . To become a master.
    (3) What is the woman's plan after graduation?
    A . To hunt for a job in America. B . To start business in another country. C . To have a career in hometown.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) Who is the woman?
    A . The man's friend. B . A house agent C . A university student.
    (2) How many bedrooms does the man need?
    A . 2. B . 3. C . 4
    (3) What's the man's attitude to the second house?
    A . Dissatisfied. B . Interested C . Doubtful
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) What does the woman ask the man to do first?
    A . Peel the vegetables. B . Chop the vegetables. C . Fry the vegetables.
    (2) How does the think of the woman's chopping?
    A . Amazing. B . Frightening. C . Terrible.
    (3) Why is it the woman who prepares the sauce?
    A . The man is not available. B . The making process is too complex. C . She is skilled at making it.
    (4) What can we infer from the conversation?
    A . Their guests prefer spicy food. B . The woman is a professional chef. C . They are cooking to entertain guests.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) How many students surveyed preferred to study in US last year?
    A . 37%. B . 42%. C . 43%.
    (2) Which is the fourth preferred country to study in?
    A . Australia. B . Canada. C . Japan.
    (3) Why do more students turn to UK for study?
    A . Tense Sino-US relations and UK's advantages. B . The closing of the US Post Study Work Visa. C . The outstanding education quality in UK.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Since I was five years old, I have been living a life with learning disabilities. Now this is not something I am ashamed of. No, not at all. It's a part of me. It's made me who I am.

    However, that doesn't mean it has been easy. I tolerated some pretty harsh bullying in school, mostly in junior high. It did great damage to my self-respect, let me tell you. All kinds of professionals made claims that I would not amount to much. They said I would never be able to live independently. I was a lost cause. When I graduated from high school and decided to enter the workforce, I received quite the wake-up call about how society felt about people with my condition. I enrolled in a local job program for the disabled. The head of the program announced his belief that I would always live below the poverty line. "Amy will always be on welfare".

    So after several years of frustration, I decided to give up the job search and become self-employed. For the past 13 years, I have been running my own dog-sitting business. Ifs just me and I work mostly around my neighborhood but the pay is good and the work is regular. This work has allowed me to pursue a writing career. I write regularly for several websites nationally and internationally with a focus on inspiration.

    Two years ago, I self-published an autobiography titled "I Am Not Stupid" which is available through Amazon. My main goal as a writer Is not fame nor wealth. I want to use this gift that God has given me to make the world a better place.

    With all that I have gone through over the years, I have decided not to live bitter. It hasn't been an easy journey, I'm not going to lie. I just want to get up even after being knocked down and keep fighting.

    (1) What do we know about the author?
    A . She was born with learning disabilities. B . She was respected by her school mates. C . She has accepted who she is now. D . She is living below the poverty line.
    (2) Why did the author decide to become self-employed?
    A . This job freed her from poverty. B . She liked to be independent. C . Other jobs made her defeated. D . She had no better way for a living.
    (3) What message is delivered in the passage?
    A . Ifs uneasy not to live bitter. B . A writing career suits the disabled. C . Hardships bring people wealth. D . He who never gives up will make it.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    "I get so frustrated. I end up hitting the desk. " "I feel very unwell and I am really scared. " These are how students feel about one of the basic but important subjects being learnt in school-mathematics. These also reflect a phenomenon where children as young as six may feel fear, anger and despair as a result of "mathematics anxiety", a condition which can cause physical symptoms and behavior problems in class, according to a study.

    Researchers from the center for neuroscience in education at Cambridge University worked with 2,700 primary and secondary students in the UK and Italy—including detailed one-to-one interviews —to explore maths anxiety and its causes.

    Researchers say maths anxiety should be treated as a "real concern" because of the damage it does to a child's learning. Pupils in both primary and secondary school can find themselves locked in a cycle of despair, suffering from anxiety which harms their maths performance, which in turn leads to increased anxiety.

    The children interviewed provided vivid descriptions of their fears about maths. One primary school student described his reaction during a math lesson. "Because my table's in the corner I kind of tried not to be in the lesson."

    Researchers found there was a general sense that maths was hard compared with other subjects, which led to a loss of confidence. Yet the study points out that most children with high levels of maths anxiety are also high achievers in the subject.

    It was also found that key triggers for anxiety included poor marks, test pressures, tease from fellow pupils and a confusing mix of teaching methods. National State tests taken in the final year of primary school were another cause of anxiety for some, while the transition to secondary school was challenging for others.

    (1) What can we learn about maths anxiety?
    A . It is a typical condition of primary students. B . It is the root of students' strange daily behaviors. C . It does damage to students' math performance. D . Only teenagers can suffer a lot from it in class.
    (2) What does the underlined word mean in the last paragraph?
    A . Problems. B . Reasons. C . Phenomena D . Consequences.
    (3) What will be possibly talked about next?
    A . How students respond to maths learning. B . What makes maths learning difficult. C . Why students suffer from mathes anxiety. D . How to deal with the maths frustration.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    (CNN) — No matter how you like your hot dogs prepared, with mustard (芥末酱), ketchup or chili, we can all agree on one thing — hot dogs have become part of American culture. And this year, more than ever, hot dogs are red hot; in March zksq, the data firm IRI reported that sales were up by as much as 127% , and that was well before grilling season started. But while hot dogs may feel “all-American,” they're something else.

    Also known as the frankfurter (法兰克福熏肠), this specific style of cased sausage was originally thought to be from the town of Frankfurt-am-Main in Germany, but hot dog historians argue that sausage culture, native to Eastern Europe and, particularly Germany, has no specific town of origin.

    “A good number of the early Germans came from the Palatines, which is a general area surrounding the actual city of Frankfurt, explains Dr. Bruce Kraig at Roosevelt University in Chicago. Frankfurt, Kraig said, refers to the region of origin, though the actual food does not necessarily come from Frankfurt itself.

    The traditional German hot dog, when it arrived in the United States, was a mixture of both pork and beef; the all-beef hot dog, as we now know, takes its roots from Jewish-American butchers, who, due to Jewish restrictions in food choice, chose not to use pork in their meat mixture.

    Brought over by German immigrants in the mid-1800s, hot dogs began their path into the American time spirit in New York City. Hot dog carts (手推车), where they were a natural fit for the sandwich-loving New Yorkers, who already preferred to eat on the go, were easy to spot on the street. "Germans have sausage culture, so they eat sausage from butcher shops," Kraig said. "The moment they appeared with the first German immigrants, Americans became crazy with the German idea of sausage eating on the street.""

    (1) What can we learn about American hot dogs?
    A . They are gaining more popularity. B . They are red hot in all seasons. C . They are cooked in American way. D . They had their origin in America.
    (2) Why are hot dogs known as frankfurter?
    A . People think they originated in Frankfurt. B . All-beef hot dogs have a German tradition. C . They are consumed much more in Germany. D . Sausage culture is deeply rooted in Europe.
    (3) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
    A . Hot dogs are traditional German food. B . Hot dogs arrived in America in the 1800s. C . Germans eat hot dogs from butcher shops. D . Hot dogs have become part of American life.
    (4) Which can serve as the best title of the passage?
    A . Hot dogs — all American. B . What is behind hot dogs? C . Americans love hot dogs. D . What are hot dogs made of?


  • 14. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Is it difficult for you to fall asleep at night, and almost impossible to get up in the morning? Oversleeping is often caused by a lack of sleep or a restless nighttime routine. Luckily, we can do something with oversleeping.

    Hitting the snooze (打盹) button on the alarm in the morning for five more minutes sleep can be a lot of people's choice. However, when you hit snooze, your brain goes even deeper into your sleep cycle. By the time you hit "snooze" several more times, and finally wake up, you will feel even more tired than if you got up with your alarm. So, if possible, instead of having your alarm close to your bed, put your alarm clock somewhere that forces you to get out of bed. Besides, make morning routine positive.  Treat the morning like a positive experience and look forward to your day.

    Adjust sleep habits

    Do a relaxing activity before bed.  Then, keep your bedroom dark. Put up heavy curtains or shades to block the light from windows. You can also use a sleep mask to cover your eyes to help you sleep.

    Talk to your doctor

    When everything is tried but in vain, then speak to your doctor about problems with oversleeping. Your doctor may get you tested for sleep disorders.  You may also need to let him know if you are having chronic (慢性的)issues with sleep. It is a serious issue. You should tell him if you suffer from headaches or back pain.

    A. Change morning routine

    B. Adjust your daily arrangements

    C. Stretch, get up, and let the morning light in

    D. It can lead to many oversleeping symptoms

    E. You may try sleeping pills to get yourselves calm when necessary

    F. You need to describe your specific symptoms or sleeping problems

    G. This could be a warm bath, a good book, or a quiet conversation with your partner


  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Shortly after two officers were killed in the line of duty recently, this little young black man came knocking on my patrol (巡逻) car window with his mother by his side.

    Maybe he saw that something was 1 heavily on my mind at the time or maybe he looked at Police Officers as people to 2 I will never know. I 3 my window and smiled and said, "What's up, little man?" I will never forget the biggest 4 he had and him 5 on his toes in excitement asking. "Can I take a picture with you?"

    I 6, "With me?" He again said, "Can I take a picture with you?" I was 7. This little man had just 8 my world from a moment of sadness to a moment of happiness.

    I told him, "I would be honored, and I'll do one 9 I'll let you wear my patrol sunglasses and we can both be 10 for a moment." I picked him up, and he wasn't 11 afraid. The young African American boy was not afraid of the Police 12 he doesn't look at us with  13 or disappointment. Because he is too 14 to see hate, racism, or that some police can be bad and 15 their badge (徽章).

    Touched, his mother was 16 while taking pictures for both of us. Not because of what a 17 officer I was, but I would like to think because of the bravery and 18 that her son was showing 19 how many conflicts there were between ordinary black people and the police.

    Today, a little man showed sympathy to me after the tragic day we 20 two of my dearest

    A . weighing B . circling C . hitting D . happening
    A . catch up with B . look up to C . break away from D . get on with
    A . broke down B . put down C . turned down D . rolled down
    A . suffering B . concern C . trouble D . smile
    A . sitting B . sliding C . jumping D . moving
    A . cried B . responded C . questioned D . shouted
    A . delighted B . confused C . shocked D . annoyed
    A . changed B . troubled C . escaped D . carried
    A . easier B . farther C . better D . prettier
    A . friends B . victims C . killers D . officers
    A . simply B . even C . still D . hardly
    A . if B . because C . until D . so
    A . anger B . generosity C . affection D . respect
    A . selfless B . young C . smart D . kind
    A . use B . play C . dishonor D . defend
    A . weeping B . nodding C . trembling D . laughing
    A . violent B . bad C . nice D . strict
    A . sadness B . preference C . emotion D . love
    A . apart from B . ahead of C . regardless of D . rather than
    A . connected B . murdered C . remembered D . lost


  • 16. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    My freshman football coach in high school was the greatest teacher I ever had.

    We were practicing  (catch) the football. He threw me a pass and I dropped it. He started yelling at me. I went back in line embarrassed. My friend was up next. Coach threw  (he) the football. He dropped it, too. Coach said nothing.  (annoy), I murmured under my breath, "Why didn't he get  (yell) at?" "What was that? TAKE OFF! TAKE OFF!!!" He didn't say where to take off to, and I wasn't going to ask. So, like Forest Gump, I just kept running until practice was over.

    After practice he came and talked to me. "Stephen, the reason  I yelled at you but not  other guy is that I have more  (expect) out of you. If I yell at you, then it's because I expect more out of you and know you can get  (good). It's when we stop yelling at you when you mess up that you should begin to worry. Because if that day comes, it means we  (give) up on you."

    WOW. That single sentence by a football coach taught me more about life in one sentence  any other teacher o class ever had.


  • 17. 假定你是李华,你的朋友Adam最近很苦恼,因为不善于表达,与同学交流出现诸多问题。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括:





  • 18. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    Once there was a slave named Androcles, who was so badly treated by his master that he resolved to run away from him. He therefore secretly left his master's house and hid himself in a forest, some miles distant from the city.

    After wandering about for some time, he came to a large cave, and overcome by hunger and tiredness, he lay down in it, and soon fell fast asleep.

    He was suddenly awakened by the roar of a wild beast; a great lion stood right at the mouth of the cave. There was no way he could escape!

    Androcles expected nothing else than to be at once torn to pieces, but to his great surprise, the lion came gently towards him, without showing any signs of anger. It gave forth a low and mournful (悲哀的) sound, as if it were begging for his assistance. As the lion approached him, he noticed that one of its feet was swollen.

    He then went up to the lion, took hold of the wounded paw (爪子), and examined it as a surgeon would examine a patient. He was not long in finding out the cause of the swelling; for he saw in the ball of the foot a very large thorn (刺). The slave pulled out the thorn, and pressed out of the wound a quantity of matter, which gave the lion immediate relief.

    Then, the lion began to show his gratitude by every means in his power. He jumped about like a playful spaniel (西班牙猎犬), wagged his great tail, and licked the hands and feet of his physician. From that moment Androcles became his guest; the lion always shared his prey.

    The slave continued to live like this for several months. At length, wandering carelessly through the woods, he was seized by a company of soldiers who were sent by the master to search for him.






    Paragraph 1:

    He was sentenced to be torn by a lion in the public arena (竞技场).

    Paragraph 2:

    However, the lion didn't act as most had imagined.
