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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Game Camp Nation

        This summer, use your children's love for video games to fuel their future. Our groups are kept small, and our staff encourage peer(同龄人)interaction that helps make friends easily. At Game Camp Nation, campers aged 7-17 can learn computer program, design video games, program special effects and create 3D characters.

        Camp Invention -Stewart Elementary School

        It is an exciting, week-long summer adventure with lessons about science, technology, engineering and innovation(创新). Children work together to seek solutions to real-world, and increase the scientific knowledge base of participants. The program gives children hands-on, innovative fun, while presenting them with challenges and cooperation through innovation.

        PGA Junior Golf Camp at Country Club

        The week-long summer camps provide an excellent opportunity for the youth to learn golf. It combines learning and fun together to improve their technical skills, develop strong golf course management through both on-course play and off-course games. Overnight camps for advanced players are held at nationally-praised facilities and provide opportunities for serious game improvement.

        IncrediFix in New Jersey

        This summer programs are all about the fun and excitement of making movies! Children will work in age appropriate groups and go through all of the steps that Hollywood producers go. Students brainstorm, storyboard, and work together in all programs. In stop-motion animation (定格动画)programs, students create characters, backgrounds, film and record voice-overs. In live-action programs, students direct, work as a film crew and learn film-making techniques.

    (1) Which is the best choice for a senior student interested in programming?
    A . Game Camp Nation. B . Camp Invention. C . PGA Junior Golf Camp. D . IncrediFix.
    (2) What can we learn about PGA Junior Golf Camp?
    A . It mainly admits advanced players. B . It often organizes golf competitions nationwide. C . Its participants should have a basic knowledge of golf. D . Its participants will learn golf skills in a fun environment.
    (3) To make a cartoon movie, the campers of IncrediFix are supposed to       .
    A . make up roles and stories B . learn many acting techniques C . meet up with Hollywood producers D . Its participants will learn golf skills in a fun environment.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        What was life like in Whitby when the town was not a tourist attraction but a working fishing port?

        First and foremost, it was community life. You were part of group that knew and cared about you, as you did about your neighbors. People tended to live in one house for the whole of their life, often continuing with a married son or daughter taking on the household responsibilities and caring for their ageing parents. There was a friendliness and a sharing of one's joys and troubles with other people. Loneliness was hardly possible. A widowed man might find his washing quietly done for him, or maybe some kind of baking left on his doorstep. A newly confined(分娩)mother would have few worries about the care of her other children as they would be left with a neighbor. And in due course she would repay the kindness with a similar service.

        Perhaps the hardest part was the water supply. In the old days there was a pump in a near yard. Much later, piped water was led to a shared tap in each yard where one filled the daily buckets. It was often their children's job to get the water in before going to school.

        In Whitby, middle-class people lived alongside those who were very poor indeed. But despite the extreme poverty, Whitby people were very good at making the best of things and did not air their poverty publicly. Dignity was important and most people tried to keep some "Sunday best" clothes.

        Romantic as the artists may have found it, Whitby undoubtedly had its problems. Access to the upper floors was often by way of wooden steps and galleries outside. Roofs leaked, floors rotted, plaster(石膏)fell off. People would joke about how well their houses were ventilated(通风的).

        Perhaps the state of the upkeep(维修)of the houses left much to be desired, but that was the landlord's responsibility, not the people who actually lived in them. But for their part they did their best, cleaning the floor every week. Not only that, they also cleaned the yard steps from top to bottom.

    (1) What did life in Whitby's community use to be like?
    A . People moved out to live elsewhere when they got married. B . People lived in harmony with their neighbors. C . A windowed man would find it hard to manage his life. D . Children were usually brought up by their grandparents.
    (2) What can we conclude from the text about people from Whitby?
    A . They felt quite comfortable about their poverty. B . The middle class and the poor were often in conflict. C . They showed respect for each other though they were poor. D . They cared about their public image even if they were poor.
    (3) What was the main problem that most of Whitby people had?
    A . They lived in very poor conditions. B . They found it hard to get water from a pump. C . They didn't know how to keep their houses ventilated. D . They were not active enough to increase their income.
    (4) Which words can be used to describe Whitby people in the old days?
    A . Romantic and artistic. B . Caring and optimistic. C . Friendly and open-minded. D . Cautious and intelligent.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        On June 8, 1936, five X-36 planes took off from Maine to England. The group was part of a campaign launched to support allied(同盟的)aircraft numbers in Europe to fight the German Nazis. Nearly 700 aircraft successfully went through this secret flying route, "Snowball Route", stopping to refuel in secret airbases located in Greenland. However, the five X-36 aircraft met with a severe storm that misdirected the crew and forced them to burn precious fuel. The aircraft were forced to crash land on the ice cap of the Arctic and all were buried under ice later.

        70 years later eight engineers seeking the remains of the X-36 aircraft discovered an object in the shape of a plane buried within the ice cap. They used radar to look into the ice. To confirm the object located by the radar was an X-36 plane, they used a thermal probe(热探针)to cut a hole through the ice to a depth of 350 feet. Upon bringing it back, they found something red covering the probe that later proved to be a kind of liquid used in this type of aircraft.

        Plans are underway to free the lost X-36 from the ice and, if possible, rebuild it so it can once again take flight. It may be the second time that an X-36 has been reborn from the ice. In 1995, the resting place of an X-36 was found by members of the Greenland Expedition Team. They then cut a cave around it. Over the course of several months, the plane was dissembled. Although it took a long time to finish the job, it was much easier to handle the separated parts. Thus, the aircraft was eventually brought back to the surface. Then much repair work made the X-36 fly again.

        The resting site of the newly discovered X-36 plane presents another opportunity to bring back a piece of history. Thanks to the great funding support from the governments of the US, Greenland and the UK, it's a project that could begin next summer.

    (1) Why did the' five X-36 planes take off on June 8,1936?
    A . To explore the ice cap of the Arctic. B . To attack the German Nazis unexpectedly. C . To strengthen the allied air force in Europe. D . To protect the secret airbases near the Arctic.
    (2) How did the eight engineers confirm the object's identity?
    A . By observing its shape B . By analyzing its location. C . By taking advantage of the radar. D . By checking the material obtained.
    (3) What does the underlined word "dissembled" in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A . Identified. B . Repaired. C . Taken apart. D . Pulled out.
    (4) What can we learn about the X-36 plane discovered by the eight engineers?
    A . It is of great value to the world. B . It was reborn from the thick ice. C . It will have been freed from the ice by next summer. D . It would cost a large sum of money to repair it.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        I enjoyed English, biology, and chemistry at school, but which one should I choose to study at university? I did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China.

        By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women's diseases. She lived from 1901 to 1983. It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career, travelling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles. One of them caught my eyes. It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. She gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sickness. Why did she write that? Who were the women that Lin Qiaozhi thought needed this advice? I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside. Perhaps if they had an emergency they could not reach a doctor.

        Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. That was a generation when girls' education was always placed second to boys'. Was she so much cleverer than anyone else? Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as he. gentle nature that got her into medical school. What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients. There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a day's work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.

        By now I could not wait to find out more about her. I discovered that Lin Qiaozhi had devoted hen whole life to her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own. Instead, she made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered. By this time I was very excited. Why not study at a medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work? It was still not too late for me to improve my studies, prepare for the university entrance examinations, and …

    (1) When did the author read the article about Lin Qiaozhi?
    A . At work. B . At university. C . While surfing the Internet. D . While writing an essay.
    (2) For what purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book about how to look after babies?
    A . To assist the women in the countryside with an emergency B . To warn the women in the countryside of death rate. C . To help the women in the countryside get pregnant. D . To help the women in the countryside deliver a baby.
    (3) What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?
    A . Girls' education can't be emphasized too much compared with boys'. B . Girls' education wasn't attached importance to compared with boys'. C . Boys didn't always receive better education than girls. D . Boys always received no better education than girls.
    (4) What's the best title for the passage?
    A . Lin Qiaozhi's Contribution to Medicine B . My Experience in Further Education C . Why Not Follow Lin Qiaozhi D . How to Become a Doctor


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        There is nothing worse than living next door to an awful neighbor. My family and I have experienced it twice. Each time our neighbors have been significantly different from each other, yet equally horrible.

        Our first neighbors were fine at first. . Their 19-year-old son who was still living at home created a band. Every night at 10:00 pm, we would start hearing the bass and the drums playing.

        Since we recently purchased land and built a house, we have a new set of neighbors. As one of our easements(附属建筑物)is throughout land to get to theirs, they seem to think they own the easement land even though we bought it. .

        You can see these neighbor problems may make lives a little more difficult. To deal with these problems, you can try following tips.

        Talk in person

        . When you and your neighbor have to look at each other in the eye, you'll be more likely to have a civil conversation.

        Arguments in writing

        If you and your neighbor agree on an issue, make sure you get that agreement in writing. Documents that are recorded are much more difficult to dispute.


        Usually it's not a good idea to call the police on your neighbors unless your safety is at risk. If you have exhausted all the other options such as talking in person, then you can turn to the authorities.

        , perhaps you should take a look at yourself as a neighbor. Sometimes the problem doesn't lie in the person beside you, but in yourself.

    A. Involve authorities

    B. If you have bad neighbors constantly

    C. When you' re in trouble with neighbors

    D. It wasn't until about a year later that things began to go downhill

    E. Calling on the phone makes it a lot easier to get into a screaming argument

    F. They were friendly and introduced themselves to us one day when we were outside

    G. They plant trees where they like and tell us what we can and cannot put on our own land


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        On the Inspection Day one year, we were told an officer of education was coming to see how our school was 1. As usual, our teachers asked us to be 2. The top rankers were 3 seated, with some of them on the back benches. After all, there was every 4 of the inspector watching the class from the back and talking to them!

        5 all this, no inspector came. At the end of the day, Mrs Sushila Tragi, our Hindi (印度语)teacher told us the inspector had come and quietly 6 the class from the back door. He had also left an unfavorable 7! We were very shocked and disappointed. Would we now be punished for having 8 our teachers? There were no answers from Mrs Tragi. Instead, she wrote the Hindi word "dukh" on the 9. And then she did something I have never seen a teacher do in my 10 school life. She 11 to us.

        "I'm sorry for having taught you something wrong. I 12 the dots between the letters 'du' and 'kh'. The 13 told me this in the staffroom. I hope you will not make this 14 in future." she said.

        That admission had a(n)15 effect on me. If our teacher can say sorry to us when she is wrong, why can't I? The incident helped me 16 my two common 17 -ego(自负)and dishonesty.

        Recently I went to 18 Mrs Tragi and told her how her 19, decades-long apology had transformed me for 20."It's tough being a teacher. But every once in a while, when an old student comes along and tells me that I did something right, it makes up for everything else." she said.

    A . located B . founded C . run D . distributed
    A . dismissed B . mature C . prepared D . considerate
    A . mercifully B . stably C . unconsciously D . strategically
    A . moment B . possibility C . time D . place
    A . Despite B . Ahead of C . On behalf of D . Besides
    A . attended B . given C . heard D . observed
    A . mark B . footprint C . order D . remark
    A . resisted B . failed C . cheated D . threatened
    A . notebook B . textbook C . blackboard D . desk
    A . entire B . foreign C . native D . local
    A . yelled B . apologized C . explained D . sacrificed
    A . added to B . missed out C . kept off D . looked down on
    A . headmaster B . owner C . inspector D . educator
    A . mistake B . comment C . fortune D . difference
    A . significant B . instant C . slight D . contrary
    A . answer for B . call on C . hand over D . break away from
    A . advantages B . strengths C . vices D . options
    A . appoint B . question C . contradict D . meet
    A . permanent B . small C . arbitrary D . negative
    A . good B . nothing C . all D . it


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        A friendly animal waves his paw at visitors just before his enclosure(围墙)at a Spanish zoo. The bear entertains passers-by at Madrid Zoo with  (it) antics(滑稽的动作).

        Fictional bears are often friendly beasts. However, their real life counterparts(对应物)tend to have worse reputations, which is why photographer Andrey Slepnev, 31, could  (bare) believe his eyes when one of the  (creature) started waving at him. The bear  (entertain) him at Madrid Zoo by sitting at the edge of his enclosure and  (wave) excitedly at him and other visitors. The friendly animal wandered to the front of his enclosure in full view of zoo guests and lifting his  (power) paw in a decidedly wave-like motion.

        Mr Stepnev said, "The bear seemed extremely happy -the more people waved at him, longer he waved for. After several minutes of waving on his own, other bears started following the example set  the friendly beast."

        "I'd only seen this kind of behavior before in a circus, so perhaps that's  he used to do. Apparently they wave to zookeepers when they want feeding, so they try to get food from guests too."

        "The bears  (know) to wave at zookeepers when they are hungry, and this bear was likely to look for a snack. The bear was enjoying the attention from passers-by," Mr Stepnev added.


  • 8. 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        My friends and I went outing last week. Never had we stay in such a disappointed place. We stayed in Margret Hotel. At night, some fly flew into our room while we were sleeping. But when we turned the workers for help, they turned a deaf ear to me. In addition, when we had a bath, the water was always cold. Although we tried out again and again, but it didn't work. As the result, I caught a cold. So I wrote a letter to the local paper or hopefully I could get a reply as soon as possibly. It is high time the hotel does something to improve it.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的伯父退休后想从国外回到中国的老家定居,请你给他写封邮件介绍你的老家近几年的变化。要点如下:




    Dear Uncle,


    Li Hua
