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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Shakespeare City Walk

        This 90-minute leisurely walking tour does not go to the Globe Theatre (because everyone already knows it), but instead uncovers less known monuments and locations in the City of London with connections to Shakespeare's life, his friends, his loves and his works.

        The Shakespeare City Walk takes place on Fridays at 11 am. at Temple tube station.

        Address: Temple tube station, London

        Telephone: 44(0)790-574-6733

        Camera Trails

        Learn how to take better photos as you explore London with a professional photographer on a Camera Trails tour. Walk around Brick Lane and Spitalfields on the Urban East tour, or take photos of Elizabeth Tower and St. Paul's Cathedral on the South Bank tour.

        Address: Trafalgar Square, London

        Telephone: 44(0)798-957-9336

        The Celebrity Planet

        See celebrity (名人) homes, famous film locations, music landmarks and places linked to pop history on a Celebrity Planet tour. Find out about stars in Notting Hill, Mayfair, Primrose Hill or Chelsea, or try a Harry Potter, James Bond or Beatles tour.

        Address: 40 Porchester Square, London

        Telephone: 44(0)20-7193-8770

        Email: info@thecelebrityplanet.com

        Sandemans New London Tours

        Sandemans New London Tours offer a completely free tour of Royal London, including the Changing of the Guard. There's also an Old City of London Tour, and a Grim Reapers of London Tour. Our expert guides are all graduates of the world's leading universities, including Yale, Cambridge and Oxford. As guides work for tips, you are guaranteed the best tour of London. Our walking tours are healthy and environmentally friendly, so you won't contribute to the pollution problem of London's cars and buses.

        Email: info@neweuropetours.com

    (1) What is TRUE of the Shakespeare City Walk?
    A . It takes place five days a week. B . It consists of not so many famous destinations. C . It lasts about half a day. D . It includes a visit to a famous theatre.
    (2) If you want to take some wonderful photos of Elizabeth Tower, you may ________.
    A . receive some professional training B . go to Temple tube station C . join the South Bank tour D . join the Urban East tour
    (3) Sam is a movie fan.  He will probably ________.
    A . call 44(0)798-957-9336 B . call 44(0)790-574-6733 C . go to 40 Porchester Square D . email info @neweuropetours. com
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Inventor, physicist, surveyor, astronomer, biologist, artist… Robert Hooke was all these and more. Some say he was the greatest experimental scientist of the 17th century. In the course of his work, he cooperated with famous men of science like Isaac Newton, and the great architect Christopher Wren.

        Hooke's early education began at home, under the guidance of his father. He entered Westminster School at the age of 13, and from there went to Oxford, where he came in contact with some of the best scientists in England. Hooke impressed them with his skills at designing experiments and inventing instruments. In 1662, at the age of 28, he was named Curator of Experiments at the newly formed Royal Society of London — meaning that he was responsible for demonstrating (展示) new experiments at the society's weekly meeting. Hooke accepted the job, even though he knew that the society had no money to pay him!

        Watching living things through a microscope was one of his favourite pastimes. He invented a compound microscope for this purpose. One day while observing a cork (软木塞) under a microscope, he saw honeycomb-like structures. There were cells — the smallest units of life. In fact, it was Hooke who invented the term "cell" as the box-like cells of the cork reminded him of the cells of a monastery (修道院).

        Another achievement of Hooke's was his book Micrographia, which introduced the enormous potential of the microscope. It contains fascinating drawings of the thing he saw under the microscope. The book also includes, among other things, ideas on gravity, light and combustion (燃烧) that may have helped scientists like Newton when they were developing their own theories on these phenomena.

        Hooke made a valuable contribution to astronomy too. A crater (火山口) on the moon is named after him in honour of his services to this branch of science.

    (1) Which is the possible reason why Hooke accepted the job as Curator of Experiments?
    A . He liked designing experiments. B . His family needed his support. C . He wanted to please the famous scientists in England. D . His parents couldn't afford his education.
    (2) What does the underlined word "pastimes" in paragraph three mean?
    A . Jobs B . Experiments C . Hobbies D . Structures
    (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
    A . Hooke went to Oxford in 1645. B . Hooke was well paid in the Royal Society of London. C . Hooke made a contribution to medicine. D . Hooke's book Micrographia may have helped Newton.
    (4) The last paragraph is to prove that ________.
    A . Hooke was the greatest experimental scientist of the 17th century B . Hooke was good at making discoveries C . Hooke's contributions were not limited to one field D . Hooke was one of the greatest astronomers
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Chinese painting, also known as the traditional national painting, one of the traditional paintings with a long history, has its unique and independent system. Using brushes, ink, and Chinese pigments (天然颜料), a painting is drawn on a special kind of paper (Xuan paper) or silk. The traditional subjects are figures, landscapes, flowers and birds.

        In comparison with Western painting, Chinese painting has its own artistic characteristics. After a careful study of the object, a painter can discover the rules of its structure, and then produce it by the mind's eye. It is not merely a simple copy, but it combines the object with the artistic concept of the producer, turning a natural image into an "artistic image". The object can show the artist's feelings and personality to achieve the effect of "being alike not only in spirit, but also in appearance". Not all the objects are to be drawn on the paper, and much space is left for the imagination. The use of lines is important in Chinese painting. Clear, swift, sharp and changeable lines are combined with the push, point and press of the brush and ink to show the quality of the object and variations of tone (色调). Ancient Chinese artists listed 18 different ways of drawing lines with the brush in figure painting. Different ways of creating lines are used when painting a landscape, flowers and birds, clouds, and bamboos.

        Traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy are different branches of art stemming (起源) from the same origin. They use the same kind of tools and all the lines used in painting are variations of the points and lines of calligraphy. Though they are different artistic forms, they are closely linked in terms of their expression of thoughts and feelings. They influence each other to create another artistic feature.

    (1) Which of the following words can describe the common subjects of traditional Chinese painting?
    A . Valuable. B . Independent. C . Special. D . Natural.
    (2) The writer believes that a traditional Chinese painter's picture ________.
    A . reflects social problems of his times B . describes mainly a natural image C . expresses his thoughts D . tells a true story
    (3) It can be inferred that a traditional Chinese painter spent much time ________.
    A . traveling B . learning to draw lines C . reading D . studying calligraphy before drawing
    (4) What do painting and calligraphy have in common?
    A . Using the similar techniques. B . Starting from the same period. C . Belonging to the same artistic form. D . Covering the same themes.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        More and more cities across the world are experimenting with driverless vehicles on public streets. Two of the latest to conduct testing are Paris, France and Las Vegas, Nevada. The cities have used self-driving electric buses to carry passengers on short rides to try out the technology and see how humans react to it.

        In Paris, two buses have been transporting passengers across a bridge between two of the city's busiest rail stations. The vehicles, built by French company EasyMile, travel in a special safety lane created for the project. The fully electric buses can carry up to 10 people. The testing in Paris is expected to last three months. If things go well, officials plan to launch more driverless bus lines later this year.

        Jean-louis Missika, deputy mayor of Paris, told reporters at a recent launch event that driveless vehicles represent a "revolution" happening in many cities around the world. He said self-driving technology is set to "change our city environment and public space in an astonishing fashion over the next 20 years".

        Transportation officials say they are planning to use the bus to connect neighborhoods to rail stations around Paris. They will also help ease traffic crowding and reduce severe pollution in the city.

        In Las Vegas, the city recently launched the first driverless shuttle bus in the United States. The 12-passenger bus from French company Navya has no steering wheel or brake pedals. It uses cameras and sensors to avoid other vehicles and people while making its way down city streets. The electric vehicles can reach a top speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

        The bus operated for a two-week period along one of the busiest entertainment areas in Las Vegas. Rides during the shuttle experiment were free. "The ride was smooth. It's clean and quiet and the seats are comfortable," said Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman after taking a ride.

    (1) What is the text mainly about?
    A . More cities are using driveless vehicles. B . Driveless electric buses are tested in some cities. C . Some cities are trying out a new technology. D . The driveless buses will reduce severe pollution.
    (2) What can we learn from the second paragraph?
    A . The bridge connects the Paris' busiest bus stations. B . A special safety lane was built to test the self-driving buses. C . The fully electric buses can hold over 10 people. D . More driverless bus lines have been set up.
    (3) What does the driverless shuttle bus use to avoid other vehicles and people?
    A . Steering wheel. B . Brake pedals. C . Alarm. D . Cameras and sensors.
    (4) In which column of a newspaper can we read this passage?
    A . Technology. B . Entertainment. C . Culture. D . Education.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Dreams come true through actions, and the best action is to set and achieve goals. Realizing your goals is important. As you realize your goals, you will find relief from many problems that seem to trouble you. With the following of plans and actions come achievements, success, and accomplishments.

        Self-realization is an understanding of your direction in life. If you understand your direction, you will see what you must do to achieve your goals. This action of achievement makes you feel satisfied and complete. Even if only for a few hours, it still feels good.

        If a person doesn't have goals, he often feels a lack of purposes, wondering what the purpose of life is. The real meaning of life is growth. When something is growing, it is alive. For us humans we stop physically growing around the age of 21, so after that milestone we can only continue to grow mentally, spiritually, and psychologically. Having a purpose in life provides principles, ideas, motivation and a reason to live. If you have a purpose, you will feel competent and confident. This takes you to your goals since you focus on your objective in life.

        For instance, a short-term goal is to walk around the block without stopping, then to run around the block without stopping, and then to increase the distance every time a goal is reached until the final goal of running a marathon is accomplished. If you start by trying to run the marathon, you will fail, but by starting with smaller goals, you will succeed.

    A. Goals are an essential part of life.

    B. When you reach a goal, you get realization.

    C. The realization of self will bring you satisfaction.

    D. But first you must set a goal, and then plans and actions will follow.

    E. As for the long-term goals, they are what will determine your life.

    F. To keep growing we must have a purpose, whether we invent one or discover one.

    G. The most important way to realize your goals is to set up short-term goals that work toward long-term goals.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Although I had raised my daughter to be fearless, I often became quite fearful when in unfamiliar conditions. I had always been a country girl and knew1about living in cities. However, she moved to Boston after graduation.

        Then came the day of her frightening2. "Come visit me without Dad." For weeks she begged, and I offered3, but she would not give up. Finally, I4and flew to my daughter's new home. This was an act of great love on my part5I not only was afraid of cities, I also was afraid of flying.

        My daughter, knowing my6, met me at the airport and sheltered me during the visit. We spent time together exploring sights that I hadn't7before. And then the day came when she said, "I have8this morning, so you9to take the subway this afternoon and meet me at a coffee shop near the school." My eyes grew10. Had she forgotten that I have no sense of11? What if I got lost…

        "Mom, you can do this," she said12, in the same tone I had used when she was a little girl. "I'll13you a map," she added. Placing a detailed drawing in my hand, she14to class. I finally decided that I would accept her15. At midday, I drew a deep breath,16her apartment and caught the subway.

        Holding her map in my hand, I17our meeting place. She was18, and when she finally appeared. I stood up and called out, "I did it!" Her19facial expression changed into obvious relief. It was then that I20what I had achieved. "I knew that you could," she said.

    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . warning B . request C . comment D . debate
    A . excuses B . solutions C . time D . money
    A . broke down B . showed up C . gave in D . passed by
    A . because B . if C . until D . unless
    A . losses B . diseases C . fears D . regrets
    A . confirmed B . experienced C . remembered D . delighted
    A . class B . opportunity C . tea D . peace
    A . approve B . pretend C . assist D . need
    A . heavy B . icy C . wide D . bright
    A . humour B . direction C . movement D . freedom
    A . weakly B . strangely C . encouragingly D . painfully
    A . draw B . buy C . lend D . mail
    A . came back B . ran away C . looked forward D . hurried off
    A . assistance B . challenge C . apology D . explanation
    A . described B . painted C . searched D . left
    A . found B . missed C . selected D . varied
    A . hurt B . young C . late D . strong
    A . cautious B . puzzled C . curious D . worried
    A . decided B . realized C . demanded D . predicted


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        People all over the world seem to be (interest) in the UK's royal family. Most fans know all their names and faces and who's next in line to the throne (王位). So famous are they that they don't even have to use their last name. But what do they (actual) do? They don't need money as they (support) by UK taxpayers and have a large family fortune, but they do still have to work. Most of Queen Elizabeth's time is taken up with are called "royal engagements (活动)". These engagements include (host) heads of states, diplomatic trips to other countries, parties at palaces as well as opening Parliament when a new government is formed and giving out (nation) awards. Queen Elizabeth's engagements add up several hundred a year, more than Prince Harry, William and Kate's all together. In fact the royal family has to carry out average of 2,000 engagements, entertain 70,000 guests and answer 100,000 letters every year. Obviously one woman can't do all of that and that's where the rest of the royal family step in (help). Apart from this, some members of the royal family have done jobs like other people. The most famous royal who did one of these jobs is William, Duke of Cambridge, worked as an ambulance helicopter pilot.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        I used to think visiting museums was bored. One day, I was taking to an art museum that there were a group of other kids. "Not having fun?" the guide whispered, watch my face. I sighed but followed the group. "Since the parents are gone, let's found something special!" the guide said. We saw a painting of people in a cafe and the guide asked why was wrong with them. I found out that table legs was all missing. The guide praised me and then said, "Our brains play tricks us, making us ignore small changes, and the painter just made a good use of it." From then on, I started to love museums.


  • 9. 假设你是某中学的学生李华,你的外国笔友 Leslie最近参加了一次学校电视主持人的面试,但是没有通过,心情不好。请你给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:







    Dear Leslie,


    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua
