
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:286 类型:期中考试 编辑

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  • 1. The boy becomes ______, he can't be able to see everything.
    A . blind B . deaf C . alone D . nervous
  • 2. —Julia, you look unhappy.________?

    —I lost my English book yesterday.

    A . Can you help me B . What should I do C . What's wrong with you D . Could I use your book
  • 3. He didn't do his homework, ______ he watched TV all day.
    A . still B . either C . instead D . also
  • 4. —I called you yesterday afternoon,but there was no answer.

    —Oh, I ________ my bike in the garden.

    A . fixed up B . was fixing up C . fix up D . is going to fix up
  • 5. The young man ______ his own seat to the old man on the bus.
    A . borrowed B . explained C . offered D . showed
  • 6. I want to save some money ______ I can buy my favorite toy bear.
    A . although B . until C . but D . so that
  • 7. If we have team ______, we are sure to win the competition.
    A . decision B . stress C . sign D . spirit
  • 8. You shouldn't ______ your hope. Everything will be better.
    A . get up B . fix up C . give up D . go off
  • 9. — ______ volunteer our time to help disabled people?

    — Good idea.

    A . Why not B . Why don't C . How about D . Do you want
  • 10. — Could you please go to the supermarket with me?

    —______. I also want to buy some school things.

    A . You are right B . With pleasure C . I'm afraid not D . Sorry, I'm too busy


  • 11. 完形填空

        Tom and Steve were twin brothers.Tom loved to play basketball. But Steve loved to read books. One day Tom was playing basketball1he fell and broke his leg. When they took him to the hospital, the doctor said he wouldn't be able to play for six months. Steve went2him and brought him books on basketball. At first Tom wasn't going to read them. Then he began to read them and 3 that there were ways he could play basketball better. He began to think that books weren't4.When Tom's leg started getting better, Steve would help him by going for walks with him. 5Tom's doctor said he could start playing basketball again. Then Tom showed Steve how to toss(投)for baskets. Steve found that he enjoyed it.

        Then Tom was ready to6the basketball games. Steve went to watch the games and enjoyed himself. They then7 practiced basketball and read books together. So you can see, when8 happens, something good may also happen. Steve showed Tom about books and Tom showed Steve about basketball. So you can also9 showing others something that you like to do and they can show you something that they like to do. 10 you can find new things to do.

    A . until B . when C . after D . where
    A . on seeing B . to call C . to visit D . to look
    A . saw B . looked C . read D . found
    A . good B . bad C . better D . worse
    A . But B . However C . Finally D . So
    A . take B . win C . lose D . join in
    A . always B . never C . seldom D . much
    A . anything good B . something nice C . something bad D . anything wrong
    A . try B . practice C . enjoy D . like
    A . On the way B . By the way C . In a way D . In this way


  • 12. 阅读理解

        A man came home from work late, tired, to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.

        "Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?"

        "If you must know, I make $20 an hour."

        "Oh," the little boy answered, with his head down. He thought for a moment, looked up and said, "Daddy, could you lend me $10?"

        The father was angry, "If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other things, then go straight to your room and think about why you are being so selfish (自私的)!"

        The little boy quietly went to his room and closed the door. After about an hour or so, the father calmed (平静) down, and started to think, "Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didn't really ask for money very often." So he went to the little boy's room.

        "Sorry! Maybe I was too hard on you just now." said the man, "Here's $10."

        "Oh, thank you, Daddy!" he said happily. Then, the boy took out some coins. When the father found that the boy already had money, he got angry again.

        "Why do you want more money since you already have some?" the father shouted angrily.

        "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do." the little boy said, "Daddy, I have $20 now. Could I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."

    (1) How much money did the boy's father make an hour?
    A . $10. B . $20. C . $30. D . $40.
    (2) How did the father feel when his son borrowed money from him?
    A . Angry. B . Happy. C . Excited. D . Nervous.
    (3) Why didn't the father give his son any money at first?
    A . The boy always borrowed money from him.  B . He did not have enough money at that moment. C . He thought the boy would buy something of no use. D . He thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himself.
    (4) What did the boy want to buy with the money?
    A . A new book for himself. B . A nice present for his father. C . A toy for his own birthday. D . An hour of his father's time.
    (5) From the passage, we can infer (推断) that the boy's father ______.
    A . didn't love his son at all B . spent little time with his son C . often played with his son D . often came back home early
  • 13. 阅读理解

    These days more and more middle school students are smoking (吸烟). They don't listen to their teachers, parents or classmates and they smoke anywhere they can't be seen—on the way to school, in the dormitory (宿舍), or even in the washroom. And most of them think smoking is very cool looking. But I want to tell you my story and you'll see that it is wrong to smoke at our age. My friends at school smoked and they asked me to have a try. So I started smoking when I was a fourteen-year-old boy and after a month I couldn't stop. But two years later I felt what smoking was doing harm to me. I couldn't run far, I coughed every morning, and I got very weak. So I wanted to stop smoking. It wasn't easy, but now I have stopped it, and I feel better.

        If you smoke, you will get ill more easily, and perhaps you can't grow taller, because there is something bad in cigarettes (香烟) and also you may get some bad behaviors and habits such as stealing (偷盗) and telling lies (谎言).

        So you can see smoking is a bad habit. If you smoke, try to stop. Though it isn't easy, you must do it as soon as possible.

    (1) According to the passage, school students may not smoke______.
    A . in the classroom B . in the dormitory C . in the washroom D . on the way to school
    (2) The writer felt smoking was bad when he was ______ years old.
    A . thirteen B . fourteen C . fifteen D . sixteen
    (3) The writer stopped smoking not because ______.
    A . he got very sick B . he couldn't run far C . he coughed every morning D . he had no money to buy cigarettes
    (4) The underlined (画线的) word "behaviors" means ______.
    A . 疾病 B . 行为 C . 工具 D . 观点
    (5) The writer mainly wants to tell us that ______.
    A . stop smoking is not easy B . why school students like smoking C . school students should stop smoking D . his own story about how to stop smoking
  • 14. 阅读理解

        One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. He didn't wait until school was over, and hurried home to his grandfather. He told him his story angrily. "He is really bad," the boy said, "and I hate him." The grandfather said, "Let me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I, too, sometimes hated others for what they did…"

        As the boy listened carefully, the grandfather went on, "There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is good and kind. He gets on well with everything around him. But the other is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can't think carefully because he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control me." The boy looked into his grandfather's eyes and asked, "Which tiger always controls you, Grandfather?" The old man said slowly and seriously, "The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now."

    (1) The boy went to his grandfather ____.
    A . before he went to school B . when he went to school C . after school was over D . after he had a fight
    (2) The good tiger ____ everything around him.
    A . doesn't like B . gets along well with C . isn't interested in D . wants to eat
    (3) The bad tiger fights with everyone all the time ____.
    A . because others wants to kill him B . because he wants to eat others C . for no reason D . because others aren't friendly to him
    (4) The good tiger can control the grandfather because ____.
    A . the good tiger is much stronger B . the good tiger can't get along well with others C . the grandfather treats the tiger very well D . the grandfather hates the bad tiger
    (5) The writer wants to tell us ____ in the passage.
    A . how to feed tigers well B . how to control our feelings C . how to get along with others D . how to fight with others


  • 15. 语法填空

        It was in a playground. Eight (child) were standing on the starting line to take part in a running race.


        All eight girls started running they heard the sound. After a minute,one of the small girls fell down. Because the pain(痛), she started to cry. When the other seven girls heard, they stopped running (quick).Then they stood for a while to see what happened. They decided (run) back to the place where the girl fell down. One of them kissed the girl and told (she) to be strong. They said," We will be together you." Then, seven girls helped the fallen girl stand up and looked after her carefully. The eight girls joined hands together, walked together and (get) to the winning line. People were moved. Clapping(掌声) of (hundred) of people came out. Though they lost the race,they were all best runners!

        All these special girls are strong and brave. What did they teach this world?Teamwork! Friendship! Love!


  • 16. 今天早上李华觉得肚子痛,妈妈带他去了医院,怎么回事呢?请根据下面的要点提示,写一篇80词左右的短文,对李华的病因和医生的建议进行介绍,可适当发挥.开头已给出,不计入总词数。

    Time: this morning

    Reasons: unboiled water (生水);junk food…

    Doctor's advice: never drink dirty or unboiled water; wash hands often; eat less junk food…

        This morning, Li Hua had a stomachache.
