
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:370 类型:期末考试 编辑

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  • 36. 听短文,回答问题。
    (1) Where is Julia from?
    A . China. B . Scotland. C . America. 
    (2) How does she go to work?
    A . She goes by bus. B . She walks to school. C . She goes by car.
    (3) What are Julia's hobbies?
    A . Singing and drawing. B . Singing and swimming. C . Singing and dancing.
    (4) When does she often go to the sports club?
    A . On Monday. B . On weekends. C . On Tuesday.
    (5) Who is she going to play ping pong with tomorrow?
    A . With her friends. B . With her family. C . With her students.


  • 37. 判断画线部分发音是否相同。

    hobby     comic

    by       angry

    farm       warm

    deep     feel

    breath     health

    wear     hear


  • 38. 阅读下列内容,选择与题目相符的图片。

    A.   B.   C.   

    D.   E.

    (1) Lee likes football. He often plays football after work.
    (2) Don't park the car here when you see the sign.
    (3) Wang Lin doesn't live with his grandparents. He often visits them on weekends.
    (4) We Chinese usually have a big dinner and eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival.
    (5) Natasha is from Korea(韩国). Now she is in Beijing. She likes doing Chinese kung fu.


  • 39. 阅读并选择正确选项补全对话。

    A. What's your favourite book?

    B. Do you like reading?

    C. He is so brave and clever.

    D. I want to be a writer like him.

    E. Where are you going?

    Bill and Amy are talking about reading books.

    Amy: Hello, Bill.

    Bill: I'm going to the library.

    Amy: Great. Me, too.

    Bill: Yes, I do. I like reading Chinese novels(小说).


    Bill: I like The Journey to the West best.

    Amy: Oh, it's my favourite, too. Which character(角色) do you like best?

    Bill: I like the Monkey King best.

    Amy: Right. I really admire(崇拜) the writer Wu Chengen. He is so creative(创新的).

    Bill: Yes, he is great.

    Amy: Cool! Come on! Work hard!


  • 40. 阅读表格中的信息,判断正误。


    TV Programme(节目)


    Cook with Mrs White


    Animal World


    Cartoon City


    Sister Nancy's Story Time


    Sports World


    Music Club


    Nerws and Weather

    (1) Mrs White can cook food very well.
    (2) People can watch a programme about animals in the morning.
    (3) Sports World begins at 17:00.
    (4) If you'd like to listen to music, please come to Cartoon City at 18:30.
    (5) We will know the weather when we watch News and Weather.
  • 41. 阅读短文,选出正确的答案。

        What will you do when you receive(收到) a gift? My friend Susan gives me a nice box of gift on my birthday. It looks nice, but I put it on my desk as soon as (一........ 就……) I receive it Then Susan asks me, "Why don't you open it and have a look?" I feel surprised (惊讶) when I hear this. "In China, it's not polite to open the gift when people receive it," I say." Oh, don't mind it. In the UK, we open the gift as soon as we receive it. Now you are in England. When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Says Susan. Then I open it.

    It's a new story book. I love it. We have a good time on my birthday.

    (1) Where is the writer?
    A . In China. B . In England. C . In Rome.
    (2) What does Susan give the writer as a gift?
    A . A story book. B . A nice dress. C . A comic book.
    (3) Does the writer love the gift?
    A . No, she doesn't. B . Yes, she does. C . Sorry, I don't know.
    (4) What does "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." mean in Chinese?
    A . 跟着罗马人做。 B . 去罗马办事。 C . 入乡随俗。
    (5) From the passage(短文), we know ______________
    A . it is Susan's birthday B . the writer opens the gift at once(立刻) C . there are different customs(风俗) in China and England


  • 42. 阅读下列句子,选用方框内的单词或其适当形式,填在横线上。每词限用一次。

    tomorrow   worried   puzzle   pilot   live   read

    (1) Does he in Shanghai?
    (2) Are you going to the science museum ?
    (3) My sister likes doing word .
    (4) He is not good at English, so his mum is .
    (5) He is a and he often flies to the USA.
    (6) is my cousin's hobby.
  • 43. 阅读下面短文,根据所给汉语意思及文章内容,写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    Dear Mum,

        I have a good time in America. Here I have a new friend. Her name is Judy. Judy is 13 years old. She likes (远足). She has a dream that one day she will be a (科学家). So every day she (学习) very hard. Judy has a happy family. Her father is a (教练). He teaches children to swim. Judy's mother is a (工厂) worker. She goes to work by (地铁). She often works in the (晚上). Now I live with the family. They are all very friendly to me. We are going to the (电影院) next week. How excited! I can't wait.




  • 44. 亲爱的同学们,愉快的寒假就要到来了,你做好旅行计划了吗?请根据下面给出的问题,以"My Plan for the Winter Holiday"为题,用英语写一写你的旅行计划。


    ⒈Where will you go for the winter holiday?

    ⒉Who will you go with?

    ⒊How will you go there?

    ⒋How long will you stay there?

    ⒌What will you do there?


    参考词汇: the West Lake西湖; the Great Wall长城; the Palace Museum故宫博物馆

    My Plan for the Winter Holiday

        The winter holiday is coming. I am going to ……
