
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:226 类型:期末考试 编辑

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  • 26. 听短文,判断正误。
    (1) In China, families often get together and have big dinners on Spring Festival.
    (2) Children often get lucky money(红包) on Spring Festival.
    (3) Li Ming's father is going to buy some new clothes for the family.
    (4) Li Ming's mother is going to Hangzhou by bus.
    (5) Li Ming is going to clean his room.


  • 27. 听短文,选词填空。有一项多余。

    singing  car  doing word puzzles  happy  playing football  plane

        Hello! I'm Tom. I have a family. My father is a teacher in a school. He goes to work by . He works very hard. He likes driving and . My mother is a businesswoman. She often goes to other countries by . She likes . She also likes running. I am a student. I like listening to music.





  • 43. 阅读下列每小段文字,选择对应的图片。

    A.  B.  C.  D.  E.

    (1) — My mother likes using computers, and she can type very quickly.

    — Is she a teacher?

    — No, she's a secretary.

    (2) — Nick, it's hot today. Let's go swimming this afternoon.

    — Great! But how can we go there?

    — We can go by taxi.

    (3) — I feel so tired all day. What should I do?

    — You should do more exercise.

    (4) — I'm hungry. Let's go to the Italian restaurant.

    — Yum! I like pizza!

    (5) — Spring Festival is coming! I will send a postcard to my pen pal.

    — Good idea! Let's go to the post office.


  • 44. 根据上下文,补全对话,有一项为多余项。

    A. What are you going to do?

    B. I'm going by plane.

    C. What does your uncle do?

    D. Where are you going?

    E. Does he live in Beijing?

    F. You should wear warm clothes.

    Amy: Hi, Coco! What are you going to do in your winter holiday?

    Coco: I'm going to visit my uncle.


    Coco: No, he lives in Australia.

    Amy: How are you going?


    Amy: Cool! It's summer there.

    Coco: I'm going to swim and eat ice cream.

    What about you?

    Amy: I'm going to the Great Wall with my parents.

    Coco: Oh, it's cold in Beijing.

    Amy: Thank you. Have a good time.


  • 45. 请根据以下布告栏完成相应的任务。


    Go swimming together!

    What do you do on Saturday afternoon? I like swimming. I'm going to swim in the swimming pool. Are you going swimming with me?

    Call Jack: 9388 5455

    Waiting for you!

    There is a New Year party at 6:00 pm on Thursday. Can you sing and dance? You'll have a great time here!

    Email: sally@ 163.com


    Do you like pizza? Do you want to make pizza? See you in the dining hall on Saturday morning.

    Email: jim@ 126.com

    (1) If you like swimming, you can call ________________.
    A . Jack B . Sally C . Jim
    (2) When is the New Year party?
    A . Tuesday. B . Wednesday. C . Thursday.
    (3) What's the best title(标题) for the third notice?
    A . Time for dinner B . Pizza time C . Dining hall
    (4) 连词成句。Lily很想参加披萨社团,如果她过来应聘,你能根据提供的单词排列出对话内容吗?

    hobbies are what your (?)

    making like I pizza (.)

    going we when are meet to (?)

    Saturday to on going we are meet morning (.)


  • 46. 阅读短文,完成任务。

        I have a pen pal. Her name is Lisa. She lives in Munich. Her father is a doctor. He usually goes to work by car. He likes helping sick people. Her mother is an English teacher. She likes climbing mountains. Lisa has two brothers. They're twins. They go to school on foot every day. Her brothers like playing football, but Lisa likes drawing pictures. This winter holiday, they are going to China. Lisa is going to visit me. We are going to have dinner together. I'm so happy!

    (1) There are four people in Lisa's family.
    (2) Lisa's father is an English teacher. He likes helping sick people.
    (3) Lisa's brothers are students and they like playing football.
    (4) Lisa will visit me this winter holiday.
    (5) 假设Sam是你的笔友,请仿照以上短文写一写,必须包含图片所有信息。





        I have a pen pal. His name is Sam. He is a student. He likes swimming. His father is a policeman.
