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  • 16. 完形填空

        Tick, tick, tick! Good 1, Jim! It's 6:30 now. You must get up. Do you know me? I'm your 2 friend. My name is Clock. Look at me. I haven't got feet, 3 I can walk with my hands. I haven't got a mouth, but I 4 speak to you. Now please listen to 5. Today is Monday. You have many things to do. Lessons 6 at 8:00. You have four classes in the morning. At 3:40 in the afternoon you go to watch a basketball match 7 Peter. You come back 8 at 5:40 and have dinner at 6:00. You 9TV at 7:00. And you go to bed at 9:30. Now please 10 and have breakfast, or you will be late(迟到).

    A . morning B . afternoon C . evening D . hello
    A . thin B . high C . new D . small
    A . and B . but C . or D . as
    A . can't B . have C . can D . has
    A . me B . her C . him D . his
    A . start B . go C . get D . come
    A . to B . with C . and D . so
    A . home B . to home C . homes D . school
    A . watch B . read C . see D . look
    A . go to school B . go to bed C . get up D . go home


  • 17. 阅读理解

        Hello, my name is Peter. I study at a secondary school in England. School days usually start at 9 am in England. So I usually go to school at 8:45 am. School is over at 3:30 pm. So I have much time to go to different clubs(俱乐部).

        I am good at all my lessons. My favourite lesson is cooking. All my teachers are very friendly and helpful. I never(从不) go home for lunch, l have lunch at school with my classmates. After lunch, we often go to the school field. Sometimes we play hall games. Sometimes we just sit under the trees, reading or talking. Sometimes we also go to the Computer Centre 1o listen to music or send emails to our friends.

        I like my school and have a good time at school every day.

    (1) School days in England start at _______.
    A . 8:45 am B . 9:00 am C . 3:30 pm D . 8:30 am
    (2) Peter's teachers are all very _______.
    A . beautiful B . busy C . nice D . friendly and helpful
    (3) Peter _______ goes home for lunch.
    A . usually B . often C . never D . sometimes
    (4) After lunch, the students can _______.
    A . listen to music B . write emails C . play ball games D . A, B and C
    (5) Which of the following is NOT right?
    A . School is over at 3:30 pm. B . Peter does different things after lunch. C . Peter has no time to go to clubs every day. D . Peter has a good time at school.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        There is an elephant and a monkey. They're friends. But one day they want to know who is stronger(更强壮的). A rabbit says. The one who can get apples from the tree across the river is stronger. The monkey says, "I can't swim." The elephant says. "I can swim. Please sit on my back. So they go across the river. The apple tree is very high. The elephant can't reach the apples on the tree. The monkey climbs up the tree and gels many apples. Then they know they should help each other.

    (1) The elephant and the monkey want to know _______.
    A . who is smarter B . who is higher C . who can swim D . who is stronger
    (2) _______ can't swim.
    A . The elephant B . The monkey C . Big animals D . Short animals
    (3) _______ can't reach the apples.
    A . The elephant B . The monkey C . Big animals D . Short animals
    (4) At last the monkey goes across the river with the help of _______.
    A . the elephant B . another monkey C . a rabbit D . a boat
    (5) From the story we know that we should _______.
    A . climb up the tree B . swim C . cross the river D . help each other
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Lisa: I'm a history teacher. I often use my computer to do my work. It's very helpful (有用的). Sometimes I watch movies on it.

    Daniel: I have a computer at home. But I don't use it too often. It's bad for my eyes. I only check my emails on it. My brother often plays games on it.

    Jenny: I love my computer. I like shopping on the Internet. And every Friday night I use my computer to talk with my friends.

    Thomas: I only use the computer in the computer room in our school. I go there after school every day. I usually search for information and do my homework.

    (1) Lisa often uses her computer to _____.
    A . do her work B . play games C . watch movies D . do some shopping
    (2) _____ often plays computer games.
    A . Daniel B . Daniel's brother C . Daniel's sister D . Daniel's father
    (3) Jenny talks with her friends on the computer _____.
    A . every Sunday night B . every Thursday night C . every Saturday night D . every Friday night
    (4) Thomas uses the computer _____.
    A . at home B . at his friend's home C . at the school D . at the school library
    (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
    A . Lisa is a maths teacher. B . Jenny is the manager of a shop. C . Thomas uses the computer to shop. D . Daniel thinks using the computer too often is bad for his eyes.


  • 20. 从方框中选出合适的句子,填在对话空缺处,使对话内容完整、连贯。

    A. What do I do next?

    B. The printer is over there.

    C. What can I do for you?

    D. How do I save it?

    E. How do I write it on the computer?

    A: Can I ask you some questions, daddy?

    B: Sure.

    A: I want to do my homework on the computer.  

    B: First, open the WORD.


    B: Open a new document and do your homework in it.


    B: Click "save" and "OK". Finally, you can print it.

    A: Do I need to use the printer to print it?

    B: Yes, you do.  Can you see it?

    A: Yes, I can. Don't worry. I know how to use it.




  • 31. 假如你是Jack,请根据以下提示,以“My computer”为题目写一篇不少于50词的短文,向大家描述你的电脑。





    参考词汇:useful 有用的;

    My computer
