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  • 1. 先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。

    When I was 15, I said to my class that I was going to write my own books. All the students nearly fell out of their chairs,1 me. "Don't be silly. Only geniuses(天才) can become writers. And you are getting a D this term." I was deeply2 and I couldn't help crying.

    That night I wrote a short, sad poem about my 3 dreams and mailed it to the WeeklyNewspaper. To my surprise, they published(发表) it, and sent me two dollars. I was a paid writer! I 4 it to my classmates. They laughed again. "Just luck." they said. However, I had tasted success. Because my first poem 5 published.

        By the time I graduated from high school, I had collected all my published works together. But I 6 talked about my writing to my classmates again. They were 7 killers. And people must always keep on their own dreams by 8.

    Later, I wrote a book about 9 I understood and felt about my life. It 10 me nine months to finish it. I chose a publisher(出版商) and mailed my book. I wrote a note 11 it, "I wrote this book myself. I hope you will like it. Thank you."

    A month later,12 I received a letter, with an invitation for publishing the book. It became a bestseller(畅销书), and 13 into 15 languages. People ask what college I attended and what degrees(学位) I have got. The answer is none. I just write. I'm not a genius, and I'm not talented. I just write. To all those who dream of 14, I should say to you, " Yes, you 15be writers! Always keep writing!"

    A . laughing at  B . listening to  C . talking about   D . looking at
    A . reminded   B . changed  C . hurt D . hit
    A . strange B . unusual C . beautiful  D . broken
    A . showed  B . advised C . encouraged D . taught
    A . has been   B . had been  C . was  D . were
    A . always B . never   C . sometimes  D . usually
    A . time   B . dream C . thought D . money
    A . them   B . their   C . they  D . themselves
    A . what  B . why  C . where D . which
    A . caused  B . made   C . took  D . won
    A . off  B . down   C . without D . with
    A . exactly   B . finally   C . easily    D . wisely
    A . was translated   B . translated C . translating  D . translate
    A . being successful    B . being famous C . being rich D . being writers
    A . must    B . should  C . can D . have


  • 2. 阅读理解

    Spend Your Winter Holiday Wisely

    Speak Good French

    Monday and Thursday 2:30 p.m. — 3:30 p.m.

    Course Fee(费): $25 for each class

    ◎Excellent French teachers from Trinity School

    ◎Small groups: eight students each

    ◎Learn to speak bravely

    Fun With American Football

    Wednesday 2:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m.

    Course Fee: $20 for each class

    ◎Experienced coaches(教练)

    ◎Understand the rules of the game

    ◎All classes at the gym of Boston Latin School

    Easy Trip With Physics

    Friday 2:30p.m. — 4:30 p.m.

    Course Fee: $30 for each class

    ◎Teachers from Collegiate School

    ◎Improve your thinking skills

    ◎Learn to deal with your physics problems more quickly

    ◎All classes at the school building of Stuyvesant High School

    ◎All classes are half price for you if you invite one of your friends to come together with you!

    ◎For more information, call 99689764.

    (1) Dave invites Martin to take the American football class together. How much will Dave pay for each class?

    A . $10. B . $ 20. C . $30. D . $40.
    (2) Which of the following is TRUE about the physics class?

    A . It can help students do their homework. B . It can make students' thinking skills better. C . It can show students some rules of the physics class. D . It can teach students to speak in class bravely.
    (3) What can we learn from the material?

    A . All the classes last for two hours. B . You can call 99867964 for more information about the classes. C . At the French class, there are five students in each group. D . The physics class is the most expensive one.
  • 3. 阅读理解B

    I just installed(安装) the ThingsToDo app on my phone. It's so easy to use, and it is really useful when you've got lots of things to do and not much time! You just create a list and then add items(项目) to it. Once a week it sends you a list of everything you've done.


    Have you heard about SkyWatch? It's great. You just point your phone at the night sky and it tells you what the stars are. You can also type in(输入) the name of a planet and the program tells you where to look for it.


    I've just installed Tunespotter. If you hear a song you like but you don't know what it is, you can use this app. It tells you the name of the song and the singer. And if you like it, you can buy the song really easily. I've had it for a week and I've been using it a lot.


    I've been using Crazy Faces a lot recently. It's very silly, but it's fun. You just take photos of your friends and then you can change their faces. You can make them look older or younger, fatter or thinner, and you can add beards(胡须) and glasses. I've seen lots of photos where people have put baby faces on adult bodies and they make me laugh every time!


    (1) You may find the ThingsToDo app useful when you _________

    A . have nothing to do B . have a lot of things to do C . don't want to do anything D . don't know how to do certain things
    (2) What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

    A . A phone B . SkyWatch C . A planet D . The night sky
    (3) If you are a music lover, which app might you like?

    A . ThingsToDo B . SkyWatch C . Tunespotter D . Crazy Faces
    (4) What are the four children talking about?

    A . Their favorite apps. B . Their small inventions. C . Their free time activities. D . Their favorite phone games.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        My husband Jack and I went to visit a friend in hospital last week. Suddenly, Jack's mobile phone rang, it was my mother calling from my home. She asked if I had lost my phone. I checked my bag. It was gone!

    I used Jack's phone to call my number. A boy answered it. "I found your phone in the mall!" he said, excitedly. "I'm Rhys. I have been trying to find you, but because it was getting late, I decided to leave." He gave me the address of a coffee shop near his home.

        Later that evening, I went to meet him there. I was afraid to go alone, worrying he was a cheater(骗子). So Jack came along. After driving 10km, we got to the coffee shop.

    As soon as I saw him, my worries were gone. Rhys was just a young boy. "How did you tell my mum?" I asked. He explained that when he found my phone by the roadside, he started calling people in my contacts list(通讯录), starting with the letter A. He called Adam, one of my friends and Adam called my house.

        I was happy to get my phone back with all the phone numbers, messages and photos in it. I thanked Rhys and offered him some money, but he refused. He's really an honest boy.

    (1) The writer lost her mobile phone _________.

    A . yesterday B . the day before yesterday C . last week D . last month
    (2) Before lost, the mobile phone was in the _______.

    A . office B . bag C . hospital D . car
    (3) Adam is ____________.

    A . the writer's husband B . the boy's teacher C . the writer's neighbor D . the writer's friend
    (4) How did the boy find the writer?

    A . By waiting for her in the mall. B . By trying to look for her home. C . By asking the police for help. D . By calling her friends.
  • 5. 阅读理解

        If you put your history notes under your pillow (枕头) and sleep on them the night before an exam, will you do any better on the test? Most of us have hoped this might help. However, _______ can't go through the pillow into your brain. But that doesn't mean you can't learn while you sleep.  

        Scientists aren't exactly sure how it works, but they have discovered that the brain can learn things during sleeping hours.

        In one experiment(实验), researchers gave German speakers some Dutch words to learn. Then, they divided them into three groups. The researchers played Dutch words for people in Group 1 while they slept, without telling these German speakers what they were doing. The sound was low so it didn't wake them up, and only the newly introduced words were used.

        Another group listened to the same words while they were awake. The researchers found the people in Group 1 were better able to identify(确认) and translate the words later. This was true only for the words that were played while they slept. The third group listened to words while they walked. The walkers did not have the same success remembering the words as the sleeping group.

        The researchers later found that people had more slow-wave(慢波的) brain activity throughout the night. They said that more slow waves made people have better memory for the new words.

    (1) Which of the following words can be put into the blank?

    A . Ideas. B . Dreams. C . Knowledge. D . Imagination.
    (2) In the experiment, the researchers played foreign words to people in Group 1 _______.

    A . before they went to bed B . when they were sleeping C . before they went to exercise D . when they were having dinner
    (3) Which of the following is TRUE?

    A . People in Group 2 remembered the most words. B . Listening while sleeping is good for people's sleep. C . Slow-wave brain activity can help people have a good sleep. D . People in Group 3 didn't remember the words as well as those in Group 1.
    (4) What's the best title for the passage?

    A . People learn during sleeping hours B . Good sleep improves memory C . How to keep your brain active D . How to memorize words


  • 6. 下面是一篇关于健身的短文,阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给选项中选择对应的标题填入短文中,使其文理通顺。

        Having an exercise plan is important, but you should always ask your doctor for advice before starting it. You should know that over-exercising and exercising in a wrong way can hurt your body. The following advice can help you.

    A. Build up slowly.

    B. Warm up before exercising.

    C. Wear sports shoes.

    D. Cool down after exercising.

    E. Never let yourself feel thirsty.

    1)This helps to get your body ready for activities. It's especially important in the morning.

    2)Don't stop at once. Do a few light activities to avoid pains later.

    3)Take exercise every day for some time, but never try to exercise when you don't feel good. If you don't listen to your body, you will hurt yourself.

    4)Water is important to keep your normal body temperature during exercise and avoid feeling tired.

    5)They can protect your feet. With the help of the advice above, you're sure to enjoy the fun of



  • 7. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    polite    important    north    from    hero

    (1) Some students don't understand the of learning English, so they give it up.

    (2) The young man was considered as a after saving the 6-year-old kid.

    (3) No student in my class is from the part of China.

    (4) Old people should be spoken to .

    (5) Every year JiuZhaigou receives lots of visitors all over the world.


  • 8. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

        Xiao Ming felt very unhappy those days, because he (失败) in the final English exam. He made so many (错误) that he was (害怕) of meeting his English teacher and his parents. As his teacher Ms Wang was very (耐心的) and kind, she found Xiao Ming and (教) him to be more confident in (他自己). Xiao Ming  

        (意识到) his own problems and was no longer (担心) about learning English. Now he is very thankful to Ms Wang and he (将…视为) her as his own mother. He decides to study (更努力) than before and get better grades.

  • 9. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个(最多两个)适当的词或使用括号中词语的适当形式填空。

        On November 5th, 1872, the ship Mary Celeste left New York Italy. The captain (船长), his wife and daughter and seven sailors(海员) were on this ship. But something terrible happened. The captain of another ship (find) Mary Celeste floating (漂浮) in the middle of the sea on December 4th, 1872. , nobody was on the ship.

        were the captain, his family and the sailors? Why did they leave the ship? Mary Celeste was not (break). Everything was good. It seemed that the captain, his family and the sailors had (leave) the ship in a hurry. We could tell all these because there was half-eaten food on the table. The sailors also left all (they) clothing behind. The lifeboat (救生艇) was still on the ship. The captain's diary was found on the ship and the last passage (write) on November 24th.  

        What happened November 24th and December 4th. How and when did the people leave the ship? So far, nobody can answer all these (question). It is still a mystery.


  • 10. 很多年以前,私家车很贵,并没有多少人能够买得起。 随着经济(economy)快速发展,越来越多的人买得起汽车了,私家车不再仅仅属于富人。然而越来越多的私家车给人们的生活带来怎样的影响呢?请以“私家车(Private Cars)的利与弊”为题,写一篇作文。







    3)、事故频发: 由于驾驶员的粗心 …






    With the development of economy, more and more people can afford to buy the cars.
